SOLON & BEYOND: News from various groups and organizations
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Seems as though all I do lately is apologize about something . Have received some recent news and didn’t get it in in time because of my computer acting up again – and thanks to Peter, he has solved the problem once again, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
The following one was sent to me by Susan Lahti; Here is the information for the East Madison Historical Association Yard and Bake Sale, at 1108 East Madison Rd., Madison, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., each day. We love seeing folks from the area checking us out! It sounds like a great sale and this is some of the items that will be for sale: Furniture, books, pies, bread, baked goods, jams, jellies, tools, glassware, clothes, small appliances, toys, games, HP printer and cartridge – like new, and much more.
Received the following bit of news from Mary Ann Frear. Just wanted to let you know the Community United Church, in North Anson, will not be holding their usual community suppers this summer. However, we are planning a chicken barbecue later.
Always enjoy your articles in The Town Line! Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Mary Frear. ( My heart felt thanks go out to you Mary, for all that information, and your remarks about enjoying this column; That means a lot. )
The following letter was sent to me by Linda Rogers French:
Dear Alumni And friends,
We have decided to wait one more year before having the reunion. With only half of the people vaccinated it seems the safe thing to do. Also the school is not open to the public yet and we don’t know when it will be. We will still be giving out the scholarships because of the generous donations of the alumni. If anyone wants addresses to get in contact with their classmates and meet in smaller groups I can provide those. You would have to provide your own meeting place and agenda.
Deaths reported were Berl Grover, class of 1960 – 1/20/20, Ronald “Bunny” Giguere, class of 1962 – 7/10/20, Lewis Cahill, class of 1961 – 8//27/20, Albert Starbird, class of 1941 – 1/2/21, Alice Davis Heald, class of 1940 – 1/6/21, Terry Cahill, class of 1966 – 2/25/21/, DouglasHayden, class of 1958 – 3/28/21, Betty Lou Tolman Smith, class of 1956 – 4/13/21. Also Kevin Marcel Morin – 7/13/20, Michael Giguere – 1/25/21, and Viola Tolman Hayden – 3/17/22.
Donations to the Scholarship Fund would be greatly appreciated and can be sent to our treasurer: Jo Rancourt Holden, 66 Parkman Hill Road, Skowhegan, Maine 04976. We received over $1,000 in donation last year. Thank you all. Please make checks payable to Solon Alumni Assn. Thank you all and we will see you next year. God bless.
Sincerely, Linda Rogers French, Sec.
There is some Solon School news that I didn’t have space for last week….New Garden At Solon Elementary School: We hope you have noticed the new raised beds garden on the front lawn of the school. These beds were built by Mrs. Campbell’s husband so we could install a garden dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Pat Miller, who passed away in February. Mrs. Miller taught at Solon Elementary School for 38 years until 2008, and continued to substitute and volunteer at our school until this fall when she took ill.
Besides Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, we also want to thank Don Mayo for helping to build the beds and Kathy Tingley for donating flowers for the garden. And we couldn’t have a garden that is growing well and looking beautiful without the green thumb and tender care of our custodian Dan Haes.
On June 2, Solon Elementary School held its annual Field Day for the Pre-K – fifth grade students. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time! Each class of students rotated between stations to play games and do activities such as tie-dying, sack races, beach ball spoon race, chalk drawing, corn hole, wheelbarrow races, water musical chairs, and red light/green light. Our cook Cindy Lawrence prepared a barbecue lunch for us with help from Mrs. Hines and Chad Hebert. Students were able to sit outside on the grass to enjoy lunch. We thank Ms. Rich and Mrs McFadyen for their work planning and organizing Field Day for us.
And now for Percy’s memoir about Friendships : Great minds think alike; There’s no doctor like a true friend. Perfect friends who were once perfect strangers. Friendship – the older it grows, the stronger it is. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friend: those who’ve heard the worst about us, yet refuse to believe it. I’d give you the shirt off my back! Even the best of friends must part. Forever a friend without an end.