Have you requested your LakeSmart visit yet?

From left to right, Elaine Philbrook, Bunny Caldwell, Ginger Davis, Marie Michaud and Margo Green. (Contributed photo)
The LakeSmart program is one of the most effective lake protections programs available today! The China Lakes Alliance hosts this program in the China community. Did you know that there are already 68 lakes in Maine actively participating in this lake protection program?
China’s LakeSmart volunteers have been visiting lake front property owners since 2009. Trained LakeSmart volunteers visit homeowners in a joint effort to protect China Lake from the effects of storm water runoff. During a LakeSmart visit, volunteers will walk the property with the homeowner and provide suggestions to make the property more lake friendly. If the homeowner is interested in getting some of the suggestions completed, they can offer assistance through the Youth Conservation Corp. The YCC is hosted by the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA).
Last year, 22 visits were completed at various locations around the lake.
Currently, trained volunteers are Margo Greene, Bunny Caldwell, Ginger Davis, Elaine Philbrook and Marie Michaud.
Nineteen remediations were completed last summer around China Lake by the Youth Conservation Corps. Reducing the phosphorous from entering the lake helps to keep our lake a healthy lake.
In 2019, they plan to start a new position. They are calling it a China Lake Fire Road Ambassador. This position will help find homeowners who would like to have a LakeSmart visit on their road. If you are interested in being one, contact the LakeSmart group. It will involve getting a LakeSmart informational pamphlet out to your road neighbors and asking if they would be interested in a LakeSmart visit. Not too time consuming but very important for this program’s continuation and success.
Also new for 2019; Elaine Philbrook will join Marie Michaud as a China LakeSmart Coordinator.
Contact the group for your LakeSmart visit or to be a road ambassador at ChinaLakeSmart@gmail.com or by calling Marie Michaud at 207-242-2040.