Lake Association Annual Meetings 2023

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2023 Lake Association Annual Meetings

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6 p.m.
Fish and Game Club on Route 3

Saturday, July 29
China Primary School
8-10:30 a.m.
Office notice and agenda will be published in The Town Line later in June and July.

9 a.m.
Vassalboro Community School
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EVENTS: Senior Seminar to be held in Vassalboro

Building Two of the Olde Mill on Main Street in Vassalboro. (photo by Sandy Isaac)

A Senior Seminar, hosted by Gateway Retirement Solutions, will be held at The Mill, 934 Main St., in North Vassalboro, on Wednesday, June 21, from 9:30 a.m. to noon.

The seminar will cover Medicare parts A, B, C, and D, prescription coverage and how to compare different plans. What to do with a 401k upon retirement, and what are better options.

Speakers will be Jessica Cole, Medicare broker, life insurance broker and CoverMe broker; David Godfrey, financial advisor, and Brian Arsenault, property and casualty broker.

Outdoor Eucharistic processions planned for Sunday

St. Mary’s Catholic Church

In honor of the Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) on Sunday, June 11, parishes around Maine are planning outdoor Eucharistic processions and other special events to celebrate the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, recalling the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. The feast is often marked by Eucharistic processions, during which the Blessed Sacrament is carried in a monstrance through the church and into the streets. Many also spend time in Eucharistic adoration on the solemnity.

An outdoor Mass will be held at the Grotto, at St. John the Baptist Church, at 26 Monument Street, on Sunday, June 11, at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome but you are asked to bring your own chair. In case of rain, the Mass will be celebrated inside the church. All are also invited to join Corpus Christi Parish in praying a novena on June 2-10. You can either pray on your own or join the Fraternity of Secular Franciscans via Zoom each night at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit the Feast of Corpus Christi section on the diocesan website at

Annual law enforcement service honored 88 fallen Maine officers

Law enforcement officials from around the state marched to the memorial on State St., in Augusta. (photo by Mark Huard, Central Maine Photography)

by Mark Huard

Kennebec County Sheriff Ken Mason salutes the fallen officers. (photo by Mark Huard, Central Maine Photography)

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023 the Maine Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Service took place on State Street, in Augusta, just outside of the states capitol building.

The street in front of the memorial was shut down for the ceremony as columns of officers from various agencies around the state marched from Capitol Park, then stood in formation facing the memorial.

Several speakers acknowledged the fact that this year, no new names were added to the memorial which currently holds the names of 88 members of law enforcement that have lost their lives protecting others. The names of all 88 Maine’s fallen officers were read. A wreath was placed on the memorial as bagpipes played Amazing Grace, and the bugle played Taps.

“Young and old, veteran and rookie. These men sacrificed their own lives to protect life and property in the state of Maine,” said Gov. Janet Mills, during the annual Maine Law enforcement Officers Memorial.

The crowd which attended the ceremony. (photo by Mark Huard, Central Maine Photography)

Oakland Police Chief Michael Tracy salutes the fallen officers. (photo by Mark Huard, Central Maine Photography)

(photo by Mark Huard, Central Maine Photography)

EVENTS: No parade in China; One in Albion

China to hold moment of prayer

On Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, there will be a parade in Albion, beginning at 9 a.m., from the Besse Building.
There will be no parade in China, however, there will be a moment of prayer, at 10 a.m., at the China Baptist Church, on Causeway St.

Winslow scouts prepare for Memorial Day

From front to back, left, Alex Parsons, of Benton, Simon Giroux, Freddie Pullen, Lorelei Pullen, and Elliot Giroux, all of Winslow. The Cubs of Pack #445 joined scouts from Troop #433 in advance of Memorial Day to remember those veterans who had served and have since passed on. The scout near the headstone is Wyatt Collins, of Fairfield, who is a member of Troop #433, in Winslow. (photo courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

EVENTS: Spectrum Generations invites public to participate in 21st annual Golf Fore a Cause Tournament

Spectrum Generations, Central Maine’s Area Agency on Aging, invites the public to participate in the 21st Annual Golf Fore a Cause tournament at The Meadows Golf Club, in Litchfield, on Friday, June 9, 2023. This fun event will take place at 495 Huntington Hill Rd., where check-in starts at 8 a.m. and tee off is at 9 a.m.

The cost to participate begins at $125 per golfer, $500 per foursome and $600 for a foursome/hole sponsorship combo (a $100 sponsorship savings). There are several sponsorship opportunities to choose from and ways to participate.

This popular scramble includes 18 holes of golf with cart, a delicious BBQ lunch served at the turn, on-course contests including the Air Cannon with Leaderboard of Boston, longest and straightest drive, closest to the pin and more! Scoring enhancement packages and raffle tickets will be available for purchase. There are many post event awards for teams and individual golfers.

All proceeds raised support Spectrum Generations in its mission to promote and advance the well-being and independence of older and disabled adults, with the support of their care partners, to live in their community of choice. For over 50 years, the organization has been a leading provider of information and advice, referrals, programs and activities for older and disabled adults – including social dining and Meals on Wheels. To register your team, provide a sponsorship or learn more, please visit:

EVENTS: All Saints ten mile yard sale

On May 19 and 20, the annual 10-mile yard sale winds its way from Skowhegan to Cornville. At All Saints Episcopal Church on, 169 Malbons Mills Road, Skowhegan, you will find free activities, big bargins and, of course, food.

All Saints has many vendors to check out. From baby items to household items and jewelry. Under the tent you will find free make and take fairy garden demonstrations with Billie Sherman at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., on Saturday. The Climate Change Lobby will help anyone with Efficiency Maine information on heat pumps, new windows and insulation. Geeze Louise, That’s a Wrap, has her hand cut fries, muffins, coffee and wraps. All Saints Grill will have breakfast sandwiches and hot dogs.

All profit from the yard sale will help facilitate All Saints Contemplation Garden that will be open to the public. Call 207-431-2118 for vending spaces.

EVENTS: Hospice volunteers to offer weekend retreat for families

Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area has announced they will be hosting Camp Ray of Hope, a statewide weekend retreat for Maine individuals and families who have experienced the death of a significant person in their lives. The retreat will be held June 16-18, at Pilgrim Lodge, in West Gardiner.

Attendees are given opportunities to connect with other people from throughout the state who have experienced a significant loss. Adults, teens, and children will spend time in respective peer group settings and participate in workshops that encourage healthy outlets and self-care.

There will be opportunities to canoe or kayak, swim, participate in arts and crafts, and spend time in nature in a beautiful peaceful location. Childcare is available for children under three years of age.

Cost is $60 per person or $180 for a family of three or more. If cost is a barrier, please contact Kayla Coffin at 873-3615 ext.19 or For questions or to request a brochure and registration form, contact Jillian Roy at 873-3615 ext.11 or email

EVENTS: National Poppy Day is May 26, 2023

May 26, 2023 is National Poppy Day. Members of American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit #39, Madison, will be distributing bright red poppies in exchange for a donation throughout the month of May. The Flanders Fields poppy has become an internationally known and recognized symbol of the lives sacrificed in war and the hope that none died in vain. The American Legion Family called upon Congress to proclaim the Friday before Memorial Day as National Poppy Day, which was officially designated as such in 2017.

Honor our fallen warriors and contribute to the continuing needs of our veterans on National Poppy Day, May 27, 2022

“Wearing the poppy on National Poppy Day and throughout Memorial Day weekend is one small way to honor and remember our fallen warriors who willingly served our nation and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom,” said American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Unit #39 President Karen Lytle “We must never forget.”

The poppy also honors hospitalized and disabled veterans who handcraft many of the red, crepe paper flowers. Making the poppies provides a financial and therapeutic benefit to the veterans, as well as a benefit to thousands of other veterans.

When The American Legion Family adopted the poppy as its memorial flower in the early 1920s, the blood-red icon became an enduring symbol of honor for the sacrifices of our veterans from the battlefields of France in World War I to today’s global war on terror. The American Legion Auxiliary raises about $4 million each year distributing poppies throughout the nation, with 100 percent of the funds raised going directly to help veterans, military, and their families.

The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) is a community of volunteers serving veterans, military, and their families. Our members also support the mission of The American Legion in improving the quality of life for our nation’s veterans. The more than 600,000 ALA members across the country volunteer millions of hours annually and raise millions of dollars in service to veterans, military, and their families. Founded in 1919, the ALA is one of the oldest patriotic membership organizations in the U.S.A. To learn more and to volunteer, join, and donate, visit or if you like to join a local unit, contact Robin Turek, President, American Legion Auxiliary, Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, PO Box 325, Madison, ME 04950.