Erskine Academy first trimester honor roll

Grade 12

High Honors: Emmett Appel, Emily Bailey, Bryana Barrett, Noah Bechard, Geneva Beckim, Rylan Bennett, Octavia Berto, Jayda Bickford, Kaleb Bishop, Lauryn Black, Brooke Blais, Olivia Brann, Lauren Cowing, Kaden Crawford, Lillian Crommett, Gabrielle Daggett, Trinity DeGreenia, Aydan Desjardins, Aidan Durgin, John Edwards, Ryan Farnsworth, Josiah Fitzgerald, Hailey Garate, Ellie Giampetruzzi, Kaylene Glidden, Brandon Hanscom, Serena Hotham, Kailynn Houle, Alivia Jackson, Ava Kelso, Sophia Knapp, Jack Lucier, Owen Lucier, Eleanor Maranda, Jade McCollett, Abigail McDonough, Shannon McDonough, Madison McNeff, Addison Mort, Thomas Mullens, Makayla Oxley, Noah Pelletier, Elsa Redmond, Justin Reed, Lillian Rispoli, Laney Robitaille, Carlee Sanborn, Joslyn Sandoval, Aislynn Savage, Achiva Seigars, Jordyn Smith, Zoey Smith, Larissa Steeves, Katherine Swift, and Clara Waldrop.

Honors: Daphney Allen, Ava Anderson, Carter Brockway, Paige Clark, Madison Cochran, Dylan Cooley, Andra Cowing, Brady Desmond, Lucas Farrington, Wesley Fulton, Addison Gagne, Keeley Gagnon, Abbi Guptill, Jonathan Gutierrez, Landen Hayden, Montana Johnson, Rachel Johnson, Rion Kesel, Bodi Laflamme, Chase Larrabee, Shelby Lincoln, D’andre Marable, Lilas Moles, Elijah Moore, Colin Oliphant, Gavyn Paradis, Ava Picard, Victoria Rancourt, Carter Rau, Nathan Robinson, Kyle Scott, Emily Sprague, and Parker Studholme

Grade 11

High Honors: Connor Alcott, Emily Almeida, Addyson Briggs, London Castle, Nathan Choate, William Choate, Drew Clark, Timothy Clavette, Madeline Clement-Cargill, Claire Davis, Sylvia Davis, Joshua Denis, Audryanna DeRaps, Lauren Dufour, William Ellsey Jr., Jacob Faucher, Ethan Frost, Madison Gagnon, Stephen Gould, Kolby Griatzky, Madison Griffiths, Aiden Hamlin, Evan Heron, Mia Hersom, Halle Jones, Kasen Kelley, Talula Kimball, Timothy Kiralis, Kayle Lappin, Jacob Lavallee, Ava Lemelin, Jaden Mizera, Jack Murray, Elijah Nelson, Bayley Nickles, Jordyn Parise, Ruby Pearson, Jacoby Peaslee, Abigail Peil, Elijah Pelkey, Isabelle Pelotte, Emily Piecewicz, Taisen Pilotte, Hannah Polley, Logan Poulin, Desirae Proctor, Owen Robichaud, Brynna Rodrigue, Kameron Rossignol, Jackie Sasse, Autumn Sawyer, Edward Schmidt, Benjamin Severy, Kathryn Shaw, Madelynn Spencer, Abigail Studholme, Leah Targett, Donovan Thompson, Kammie Thompson, Addison Turner, and Finnegan Vinci.

Honors: Savannah Baker, Gavin Bartlett, Anders Bassett, Lucas Berto, Julia Booth, Brock Bowden, Addyson Burns, Benjamin Carle, Lillian Clark, Lucas Crosby, Mason Decker, Charles DeSchamp, Riley Dixon, Solomon Fortier, Willow Haschalk, Cadence Homstead, Easton Houghton, Aidan Huff, Jacob Hunter, Alexus Jackson, Natthaya Khositanont, Savannah Knight, Bernhard Kotter, Nathaniel Levesque, Kloie Magoon, Brayden McLean, Paige McNeff, Parker Minzy, Tucker Nessmith, Phoebe Padgett, Jackson Pelotte, Chase Pierce, Joeseph Pilsbury, Allianna Porter, Alexander Reitchel, Leahna Rocque, Eva Simmons, Nichala Small, Blake Smith, Benjamin Sullivan, Phoebe Taylor, Kamryn Turner, Charles Uleau, Oryanna Winchenbach, Ella Winn, Addison Witham, Brody Worth, and Maddilyn York.

Grade 10

High Honors: William Adamson IV, Isaac Audette, Olivia Austin, Ashton Bailey, Jeremiah Bailey, Linnea Bassett, Luke Blair, Jackson Blake, Silas Bolitho, Madeline Boynton, Cassidy Brann, Delaney Brown, Liam Burgess, Olivia Childs, Hunter Christiansen, Botond Csaszi, Jilian Desjardins, Ryley Desmond, Robin Dmitrieff, Logan Dow, Isabella Farrington, Gianna Figucia, Audrey Fortin, Aina Garcia Cardona, Adalyn Glidden, Bailey Goforth, Cody Grondin, Madison Harris, Eva Hayden, Lilly Hutchinson, Reid Jackson, Johanna Jacobs, Ivy Johns, Callianne Jordan, Sawyer Livingstone, Jasai Marable, Annie Miragliuolo, Alexis Mitton, Jacoby Mort, Molly Oxley, Caylee Putek, Gabriel Ratcliff, Sovie Rau, Tayden Richards, Lailah Sher, Bryson Stratton, Gabriel Studholme, Sabrina Studholme, Kaleb Tolentino, Carter Ulmer, Tyler Waldrop, and Eryn Young.

Honors: Ariana Armstrong, Delia Bailey, Benjamin Beale, Lucas Beale, Hailey Boone, Seth Bridgforth, Logan Chechowitz, Khloe Clark, Owen Couture, Slayde Crocker, Connor Crommett, Bradley Cushman, Landen DeCosta, Kiley Doughty, Kelsie Dunn, Delaney Dupuis, Gavin Fanjoy, Danica Ferris, Madison Field, Annabelle Fortier, Nicholas Gould, Kaylee Grierson, Addison Hall, Camden Hinds, Spencer Hughes, Evan James, Peyton Kibbin, Chantz Klaft, Maverick Knapp, Mason Lagasse, Bryson Lanphier, Matthew Lincoln, Jack Malcolm, Kate McGlew, Gaven Miller, Kienna-May Morse, Emi Munn, Lauryn Northrup, Madeline Oxley, Layla Peaslee, Bryson Pettengill, Teagan Pilsbury, Noah Pooler, Dylan Proctor, Samuel Richardson, Colton Ryan, Lucas Short, Ian Smith, Hellena Swift, Malaya Tagalicud, Braeden Temple, and Isabella Winchenbach.

Grade 9

High Honors: Joshua Bailey, Hunter Baird, Madeline Berry, Ella Beyea, Dominic Brann, Nicholas Carle, Ryan Carle, Lily Chamberlain, Jack Coutts, Ryleigh French, Jasmine Garey, Shelby Gidney, Kolby Glidden, Rachel Grant, Naomi Harwath, Christina Haskell, Bristol Jewett, Colbie Littlefield, Dylan Maguire, Stella Martinelli, Lainey McFarland, Ava Miragliuolo, Annabella Morris, Grant Munsey, Lexi Pettengill, Angelina Puiia, Jakobe Sandoval, Parker Smith, Khloe Soucy, Maxine Spencer, Ethan Studholme, Reid Sutter, Benjamin Theberge, Audrey Tibbetts, Hannah Tobey, Kayleigh Trask, Kallie Turner, Kinsey Ulmer, Sorrel Vinci, Mackenzie Waldron, and Leah Watson.

Honors: Clifton Adams IV, Landon Alexander, Torren Ambrose, Dawson Baker, Brooke Borja, Mackenzie Bowden, Aiden Brann, Jackson Bryant, Kenneth Cobb, Daegan Creamer, Dylan Dodge, Heleana-Marie Doyon, Taylor Gagnon, Tyler Gagnon, Riley Gould, Myla Gower, Amiah Graves, Bruce Grosjean, Griffin Hayden, Baylee Jackson, Josephine Kelly, Gabriella Lathrop, Marlin Lawrence, Dorothy Leeman, Bella Lefferts, Madison Levesque, Mason Marable, Mason Mattingly, Alexander Mayo, Orin McCaw, Ayla McCurdy, Max McKenlogue, Annaleysha McNeil, Grace Oxley, Paige Perry, Carter Peterson, Nolan Pierce, Reed Pilsbury, Brandon Piper, Camryn Prosper, Kenzie Pyska, George Roderick, Thomas Roe, Jacob Rogers, Jacob Shanholtzer, Jaylynn St. Amand, Leigha Sullivan, Eli Vallieres, and Reid Willett.

SMALL SPACE GARDENING: Be a weather watching gardener

by Melinda Myers

Each gardening season seems to offer new growing challenges. Our gardens are exposed to more drastic and variable weather with changing weather patterns. Floods, droughts, wind, temperature extremes, and unseasonable weather episodes can have immediate and long-term impacts on our plants.

Monitoring and noting these occurrences will help you diagnose immediate and future plant and garden problems. It also reminds us to adjust plant maintenance when these stressors occur and watch for potential insect, disease, and plant decline that may appear in the future.

Create your own weather station with a rain gauge, snow gauge, and high-low thermometer. These gauges monitor the conditions in your backyard as opposed to those reported for nearby locations. Having information from your yard allows you to make any needed adjustments to watering and care to help your plants thrive.

Record significant weather extremes that can negatively impact plant health and longevity. Check with local nature centers, botanical gardens, and extension services for gardening calendars. Many include information on significant weather events in your area. You can then add your observations for future reference. Refer to this information as needed in the future to help diagnose plant problems that may result from these extremes.

Large trees and other established plantings are often overlooked when weather extremes occur. Extended dry periods, temperature extremes, and flooding can stress and weaken these plants making them more susceptible to insect pests, diseases, and decline in the coming years.

Always select plants suited to the growing conditions and start watching for those that appear to be more tolerant of extremes. Visit local public gardens and consult with your University Extension specialists and other plant experts when selecting new plants for your gardens.

Adapt your landscape maintenance and design to reduce the negative impact of flooding, drought, and temperature extremes. Protect plant roots from temperature extremes with a layer of organic mulch. Incorporate organic matter into the soil to improve drainage and increase the water-holding ability of fast-draining soils. Cover the soil with plants and mulch to help protect the soil from compaction and erosion during heavy downpours. Healthy soil is the key to growing plants that are better able to tolerate environmental stresses.

Manage water that falls on your property. Check with your local municipality for any restrictions or support for these efforts. Create rain gardens to capture, clean and direct rainfall to groundwater to help manage water where it falls. These also support pollinators and provide added beauty to your landscape. Enlist the help of rain barrels, if permitted, to capture rainwater to use on ornamental plantings and containers when needed.

Take this interest one step further and volunteer to be part of a network of volunteer weather watchers. The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) is a non-profit community-based network of volunteers that provides daily measurements of rain, hail, and snow that fall in their backyards.

The goal of the Network is to provide more localized weather information to scientists, researchers, resource managers, decision makers and more. The data is used for natural resource, educational and research applications.

Weather watching is a great project for the family or classroom. It helps boost gardening success while increasing our awareness and knowledge of what’s happening around us.

Melinda Myers has written over 20 gardening books, including Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, Revised Edition, and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Myers’ website is

SCORES & OUTDOORS: The adorable Rock Dove

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

One of the educational things I do for myself every day is read the comics in the daily newspaper. It kind of sets the tone for the rest of the day for me. I have my favorites: Peanuts, Hi and Lois, Beetle Bailey, Garfield, etc. I even like to read Mark Trail just to see what kind of adventure he sets out on, and invariably, brings to a successful and happy ending.

The one that caught my eye was a certain theme that Doonesberry was presenting. It seemed this certain person declared himself a “birder” and was on a quest to find a certain warbler to add to the list of birds he had witnessed.

That got me thinking. Claiming myself to be an amateur birder, I wondered how many varieties of birds I have seen in my life time. So, I set out to make a list.

Once I got to about 73, I decided I was wasting too much time on this. So, the thought came to me that maybe I should single out one that was intriguing to me.

Having seen birds as small as a ruby-throated hummingbird, and as large as a Great Blue heron, it was difficult to see which one in between would get my attention. Then it dawned on me.

These particular birds are mostly envisioned as pests, vagrants, scavengers and dirty inhabitants of parking lots, churches, parks, and just about everywhere else you can go in the world, leaving behind messes and clear indications of their presence, if you know what I mean. What is more intriguing than the common Rock Dove.

More commonly known as pigeons, rock doves vie with the domestic chicken for status as the world’s most familiar birds. They are not indigenous to the western hemisphere. They were introduced into North America from Europe long ago and are conspicuous in cities and villages throughout much of the world.

There are few visible differences between males and females, and the species is generally monogamous.

Feral pigeons have become established in cities around the world. The species is so abundant, that an estimated population of 17 to 28 million feral and wild birds exist in Europe alone.

With only its flying abilities to protect it from predators, rock pigeons are a favorite almost around the world for a wide range of raptors. I remember several years ago when I kept seeing pigeon body parts strewn all over my yard. One day, when I just happened to be looking out the window, I noticed a large flock of pigeons cleaning up on the ground under my bird feeders. Like a lightning strike, I saw a broad winged hawk dive head first into the pile, and came out with his next meal. To protect the pigeons, I temporarily suspended the feeders until the hawk found a new place for his hunting grounds. That poor pigeon didn’t stand a chance.

Pigeons, though, get a bad rap. They have been falsely associated with the spread of human diseases. Contact with pigeon droppings poses a minor risk of contracting diseases, and exposure to both droppings and feathers can produce bird fancier’s lung. Pigeons are not a major concern in the spread of West Nile virus. Though they can contract it, they do not appear to be able to transmit it.

Pigeons, in fact, have been associated with humans for several thousand years. Believed to have been the first domesticated birds, they were raised for meat as far back as the time of the ancient Egyptians.

Because of their powers of flight and their remarkable homing ability, pigeons have played important roles in history. A domestic pigeon taken from its home loft and released many miles away will almost invariably return. And if a message is tied to the bird’s leg, the result is a kind of air mail – a fact that humans learned to exploit many centuries ago. When Julius Caesar marched against Gaul, the news of his victories was carried back to Rome by a network of carrier pigeons. Other pigeons carried messages for Alexander the Great and for Hannibal. In modern times opposing armies in both World War I and World War II made use of thousands of carrier pigeons, also known as war pigeons. Curiously, many pigeons have received bravery awards and medals for their services in saving hundreds of human lives. A total of 32 pigeons received medallions or medals for their gallant and brave actions during World War II. And today, pigeons are still bred for their homing ability.

The next time I see a disgusting-looking pigeon on the ground, I may stand at attention, salute, and thank it for the many contributions their collective ancestors made for the human race.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Name the eight NFL teams that have the initials of their host city on their helmets.

Kansas City, Green Bay, Chicago, New York Giants, San Francisco, Tennessee, Miami (small M on the helmet worn by the dolphin), Baltimore, Washington.

THE BEST VIEW: Character flaws

by Norma Best Boucher

Report card 1952, Kindergarten—Norma has a vivid imagination. Mrs. W.

“How’s school going, Norma?”

“Daddy, it’s only baby grade, and we only go in the morning.”

“I know, but kindergarten is a big deal. What do you do in school?

“We read a big book on a chair about Dick and Jane. We color. We sing. We put our heads on the tables when the teacher reads us a story. We have “Show and Tell,” and we roll in the dirt and swear.”

“You roll in the dirt and swear?”

“I don’t. I swing on the swings and go on the teeter totter, but the boys roll in the dirt and swear.”

“How do you know they swear?”

“The teacher said that they said bad words, and saying bad words is swearing.”

“I understand.”

“Daddy, why do boys roll in the dirt and swear?”

“Well, Norma, boys just do that. I guess it’s a character flaw.”

“What’s a character flaw?”

“A character flaw is something you do that you can’t help doing.”

“Does Sissy have a character flaw?”


“Does Mama have a character flaw?”

“Definitely no.”

“Do you have a character flaw?”

“I guess I do.”

“What’s your character flaw?”

“I smoke cigarettes and I drink beer.”

“Don’t feel bad, Daddy. I have character flaws, too.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do. I drink beer and I swear.”

“You do not drink beer.”

“Yes. I do. I drink root beer, AND Mama gives it to me.”

“Norma, that’s not real beer,”

“Then why do they call it beer?”

“They just do, but it isn’t real beer. It’s soda”

“I swear.”

“I don’t believe that. Tell me how you swear.”

“Yesterday I called Sissy a “Brat.” Mama said that “Brat” is a bad word.”

“Your mother is right. You should not call your sister a “Brat.”

“Then I told Sissy that she was a brat and that I knew it and she knew it, but I’m not supposed to call her a brat, so I called her a “Stinkeroo.”

“What did your mother say about that?”

“Mama said that was a bad word, too.”

“Okay, Norma, I can see that we might have a teeny weeny flaw here. Not to worry. The question is ‘What are you going to do about it?'”


“Promise not to tell Mama?”

“I promise.”

“I’m thinking up a new name.”

U.S. Attorney’s Office, AARP Maine, and Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention Launch Elder Fraud Program

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Maine has announced an innovative new elder fraud awareness program that will utilize the inherent relationships of pharmacists and their customers to reach older Mainers. The Maine Rx Elder Fraud Program is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Attorney’s Office, AARP Maine, and the Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention.

“Pharmacists are consistently ranked among the most trusted health care providers, and with approximately nine out of 10 people over age 65 having at least one regular prescription, pharmacists will be a key partner in our efforts to inform this population,” said U.S. Attorney Darcie N. McElwee. “That trust and regular contact makes pharmacies an ideal conduit to reach older Mainers, as well as their family members or caregivers.”

The program, which is designed to educate Mainers on common signs of scams and how to report elder fraud, will begin at Hannaford Supermarkets’ 60 in-store pharmacies across Maine. Informational brochures will be attached to prescription bags for distribution to Hannaford pharmacy customers.

“We recognize older individuals, as well as their caretakers, make up a large portion of our customer base, and that we are uniquely positioned to help reach this audience directly through our pharmacy services as a trusted source for health and safety information,” said Sara Lane, Manager of Pharmacy Clinical Services, Hannaford Supermarkets. “We are always looking for opportunities to make a positive impact in the communities we serve and by making this information available to our pharmacy customers in all corners of our state, our goal is to help reduce the number of elder fraud incidents in Maine.”

Elder fraud is a growing problem across the nation. Last year, more than 101,000 Americans aged 60-plus were defrauded out of $3.4 billion through an ever-growing variety of scams. According to the FBI, that number included 397 Mainers who filed fraud complaints last year for losses totaling more than $7.1 million, and many others go unreported. While some scams can have negligible losses, recent sophisticated scams have robbed victims of their life savings.

“There are so many different types of scams in circulation, it can be difficult to recognize them all. Add in technology, and it becomes even more difficult,” said Jane Margesson, Communications Director for AARP Maine. “Increasingly, the scams are more sophisticated and with multiple layers, even multiple scammers playing different roles. As the schemes have become more complex, the potential losses have increased as well. Those losses can be especially devastating for victims nearing or in retirement. Some of the stories we hear are absolutely heartbreaking.”

“The actual losses are likely considerably higher than reported,” said Andrew McCormack, Assistant U.S. Attorney and Elder Justice Coordinator for the District of Maine. “For a variety of reasons, older individuals are often hesitant to report when they’ve been scammed. While it is normal to feel embarrassed when you’ve been tricked, it is important to remember that the criminals who take advantage of people are absolute pros at what they do. Older Americans are not the only victims – people of all ages and backgrounds fall prey to scams every day – but after a lifetime of saving and perhaps not being online as often and therefore as current on recent scams, they are a common, and frankly favorite, target for some of the most insidious types of fraud.”

“We are grateful to all the organizations that have worked together to make this program possible. Our collective aim is to reduce the number of people in Maine who are victimized by these cruel schemes,” said U.S. Attorney McElwee. “Sadly, there are always going to be criminals who try to take advantage and steal your hard-earned money. Recognizing red flags can help prevent you, or someone you love, from becoming a victim.”

For information about the Maine Rx Elder Fraud Program, email or call the U.S. Attorney’s Office at 207-780-3257.

OBITUARIES for Thursday, January 16, 2025


OAKLAND – Thomas J. Morin, 75, passed away on Christmas morning, Wednesday, December 25, 2024. Tom, otherwise known as “Tommy Mo,” was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Lionel and Florence Morin, on August 19, 1949.

He later moved to Maine and grew up on Whipple Street with five brothers and two sisters. As an Eagle Scout, Tom always came prepared for any situation….and he got into plenty of them over the years! He graduated from Winslow High School where he achieved excellence in wrestling at state level. He went on to attend Thomas College, in Waterville, and played a vital role on their inaugural men’s soccer team. During his college years he started dating Kathryn Gurney who quickly became the love of his life. Soon after college, they were married and brought two daughters into this world.

Tom successfully ran Midstate Motors, in Waterville, for over four decades guided by the mottos “never judge a book by it’s cover” and “let’s seal the deal.” His honesty, integrity, and hard-working spirit earned him the highest level of respect throughout Maine’s auto industry. Because of this spirit, instead of retiring after the sale of Midstate, he spent the next 10 years at Powers Auto, in Clinton, where he continued to do what he did best, “seal the deal.”

Tom was an avid hunter and shared this passion with daughter, Bethany, “Bet.” Each October you could find them on the dirt roads surrounding Spring Lake and beyond. Those who knew them well could catch them at lunchtime on the Spencer Stream Road next to the water enjoying a hot dog with a “Tommy Mo.” Each November, they would spend weekends deer hunting in Fairfield, Rangeley, and Eustis as two peas in a pod. The Fall of 2024 was Tom’s most successful hunting season ever as he went 10 for 10 shooting birds and won the annual Cy Eastlack Big Buck Contest with his name forever etched on the plaque for all to see.

Tom loved his nightly routine of sitting with Kathy next to the woodstove, listening to music, sharing a dance when that “special” song came along and his favorite drink, a rum and Coke beside his recliner.

Tom and Kathy traveled to South Africa on numerous occasions to visit his daughter, Stacie, her husband Nigel, and his grandchildren, Zoë and Regan.

Tom had a passion for the outdoors. He enjoyed golf and exploring dirt roads with Todd and “Bet” on weekends and when the sun began to fade, finding a local bar to toast the day’s adventure. He was genuinely loved by all who knew him and had a zest for life that truly made him “one of a kind.”

Over the years, Tom instilled a priority towards family first and during his last few days while at his home overlooking the lake, it was his three women who showed incredible compassion towards their hero by caring for him day and night until he passed over to the other side. He was so loved by his family and friends.

He is survived by his wife, Kathy, of 53 years; daughters Stacie and Bethany “Bet”, sons-in-law Nigel and Todd; grandchildren, Zoë, Regan, and Sage; brothers Father Frank, Dicky, Bobby, Billy, and Johnny; and sisters Ann and Mary; as well as numerous wonderful nieces and nephews.

A celebration of life will be planned during the Summer of 2025.

Please visit Tom’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.

In lieu of flowers, we ask that you donate to the charity of your choice in Tommy’s name.


SKOWHEGAN – Stanley J. McGray, 80, passed away on Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, 2024. Stan was born in Skowhegan on November 25, 1944, the son of Cecil T. and Jarvis O. (Kenney) McGray.

He received his education in Skowhegan and became extremely successful within the same community. After Stan was finished with school, he went to work at a local chicken farm, Arbor Acres Farm, where he quickly realized that he did not want to work for somebody else; he wanted to be his own boss. From there, Stan first took over Bean’s Taxi, in Skowhegan, in the early 1970s, later naming it Stan’s Taxi. After taking over the taxi company, he owned two gas stations in the community in the 1980s. In 1987, Stan began his biggest accomplishment, opening Stan’s French Fries, fulfilling his wish to “travel and not stay in one place all the time.” Doing so allowed for Stan to travel to his favorite fairs, beginning with Bangor State Fair which was his first ever stop. Annually, Stan attended the Houlton Agricultural Fair, the Skowhegan State Fair, the Dover-Foxcroft Fair, Springfield Fair, Blue Hill Fair, Clinton Fair, North New-Portland Fair, Farmington Fair, and ending each season at the Fryeburg Fair.

In 1999, Stan’s business was threatened by a fire at the Skowhegan Fairgrounds. Despite losing both of his French fry stands, a Chevy pickup truck, and a camper to the grandstand fires, Stan came back resilient and persevered, bringing his business back more successfully than ever before. Skowhegan State Fair was Stan’s hometown fair, being in the community of which he was proud and loved so thoroughly.

Stan was a proud member of the Skowhegan Lions Club and Skowhegan Elks Lodge. When Stan was not attending the fairs, he was busy in the community plowing snow in the winter for local businesses and doing anything he could to help them. He was an extremely active member of the community.

Toni was always fond of Stan even at a young age, and it was love at first sight for Toni. After being neighbors for many years, Stan and Toni spent 34 years together making incredible memories. Together they raised her daughter, and later their grandson, Joey. They spent many fair seasons together and went on many road trips to Daytona Beach, Florida, amongst many other incredible trips and memories.

He was predeceased by his parents; grandparents; aunt Bea and uncle Mike; cousin, Carolyn Bowring; and his brothers Charles McGray and George Kelley.

Stan is survived by his partner of 34 years, Toni Godin; stepdaughter, Melissa Godin; grandsons Joseph S. Godin with his wife Kaylee Godin, Matthew Godin, and Jonathan Godin; sister, Rosemarie Crockett with her partner Bill; and several nieces, nephews, and cousins.

There will be a memorial service at the Skowhegan Federated Church, on Saturday January 18, 2025, at 11 a.m. There will be a celebration of life to follow the service at the Tewksbury Hall behind the church, this will be a potluck event.

Please visit Stan’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.


WATERVILLE – Joan (Maheu) Dore, 88, passed away peacefully at Lakewood Continuing Care, in Waterville, on Thursday, December 26, 2024. Joan was born in Waterville, the daughter of Abel and Jeannette (Daigle) Maheu, on March 14, 1936.

She attended Mount Merici Academy, in Waterville, and graduated in 1953. Joan met the love of her life, John Dore, and married in August 1958. They spent 64 years together until John’s passing in 2023.

Joan worked for many years at the Federal Trust Company, now Camden National Bank, in Waterville. After her retirement, she volunteered at the Corpus Christi Parish office, in Waterville/Winslow, and the soup kitchen and was a member of Rosary Sodality.

After retiring, Joan and John spent many winters in Myrtle Beach, where they enjoyed the company of many friends. Joan also enjoyed knitting, quilting, and Beanie Baby hunting. Joan’s faith and family were incredibly important to her, and this showed in how she lived her life.

Joan was predeceased by her parents, her husband John, her brothers Donald Maheu and wife Lorraine, James Maheu and wife Francine, her sisters-in-law Lorraine Cyr and husband Ray, and Christine Wood and husband Jack.

She is survived by her children, Kathleen Lobene and husband John, Kevin Dore and wife Rumi, David Dore and wife Julie; grandchildren, Andrea Lobene and husband Jacob Wert, Bryan Dore and wife Jamie, and Brianna Dore; great-grandchildren, Benjamin and Cameron Dore, and many nieces and nephews.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 10 a.m., at Notre Dame Catholic Church, 116 Silver Street, Waterville. A light luncheon will follow. A burial will be held at St. Francis Catholic Cemetery, in Waterville, in the spring.

Arrangements are under the direction and care of Gallant Funeral Home, 10 Elm Street, Waterville.

An online guestbook may be signed, and condolences and memories may be shared at

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Mount Merici Academy, 152 Western Avenue, Waterville, ME 04901.


WINDSOR – Larry Marshall Honea, 68, passed away peacefully in his home on Saturday, December 28, 2024, following a long hard battle with cancer. He was born on July 10, 1956, a son of Lawrence and Carrie (Hollis) Honea.

Larry grew up in Fayetteville, Tennessee, and was a graduate of Central High School in the class of 1974. When a job brought Larry to Maine, he met the love of his life, Charlene Gracie and the two were married on October 21, 1989. They settled on Shuman Road, in Windsor, and became parents to a daughter, Kaitlyn.

Although Larry held many jobs over the years, he primarily worked as a carpenter, and operated his own business, Quality Carpentry. His skill led him to work on many local homes, businesses and municipal buildings, as well as work out of state. Larry’s last job was working as the lead locksmith for the Maine Military Bureau, in Augusta.

Larry was an outdoorsman who enjoyed fishing on China Lake, boating, hunting, four-wheeling and watching NASCAR. A skilled carpenter, Larry was known for his woodworking expertise, crafting many creative pieces over the years. Larry made many wonderful memories with his family; in October he was proud to have fulfilled his dream of walking Kaitlyn down the isle and dancing with her at her wedding. Larry will be remembered as a loving family man who enjoyed the simple things in life.

He was predeceased by his parents, and his wife, Charlene.

Larry is survived by his daughter, Kaitlyn (Honea) Socquet and her husband, Nick; his sister, Debbie Sydnes and her husband Jimmy; his brother, Kenneth Honea and his wife Patsy; brother-in-law, George E. Gracie Jr., and his wife Barbara; nieces and nephews, Amy, Joey and Chad Sydnes, and Adam Honea and his wife Kelley and Alison Ramsey and her husband Jason.

A memorial visitation was held on Saturday January 11, 2025, from 2 to 4 p.m., at Plummer Funeral Home, 983 Ridge Rd., Windsor, ME 04363.

Condolences, stories and photos may be shared by visiting

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to MaineGeneral Health, memo line: Cancer Center, Larry Honea, and mail to: Office of Philanthropy, P.O. Box 828, Waterville, ME 04903.


ALBION – Charles Lawrence Quimby, 62, of Albion, passed away on Monday, December 30, 2024, in Augusta. Born on February 27, 1962, Charles was the cream of the crop in both life and his profession as a self-employed dairy farmer.

With a laugh that could be heard over the mooing of cows, Charles was the unofficial “Mayor” of Oak Grove Center, pollinating every conversation with joy and a dash of mischief. He was the life of every barn dance and the soul of every field, a social butterfly who could charm even the most stubborn of goats.

After sprouting his roots at Lawrence High School, in Fairfield, and blossoming at the University of Maine, Orono, Charles devoted his life to the family farm, where he proved that he could, in fact, have his cake and eat it too – if that cake was made of hay and hard work.

Surviving Charles is his spouse, Gail Quimby; his children, Lawrence (Heather), Zachary (Ashley), Chelsea (Ryan), and Marsha; grandchildren, Austin, Brooke, Ryleigh, and Reagan; his sisters, Carla (Howard) and Carrie (David), and his father, Carroll.

He was predeceased by his mother, Charlene Quimby; brother, Craig; and son, Eben.

A Celebration of Life was held at Kennebec Valley Baptist Church, on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 91 Marston Road, Waterville, ME 04901. A springtime graveside service at Puddledock Cemetery will follow.

Veilleux-Redington-Lawry Funeral Home, in Waterville, is in charge of the arrangements.


SKOWHEGAN – Judith Ann Libby, 77, unexpectedly passed away in her sleep on Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Judith was born on June 5, 1947, in Skowhegan, daughter to James E. and Patricia E. (Bishop) Watts.

She attended grade school in Skowhegan and Norridgewock, graduating high school from Kents Hill Preparatory School, class of 1965. Later she attended Thayer School of Radiology, in Waterville, and graduated as a registered radiological technician in 1972. She was employed at Redington-Fairview General Hospital, in Skowhegan, as a radiological technician and pharmacy technician, and ultimately retired from Northern Eye Care, PA, as an insurance billing specialist in 2012.

Judith married the love of her life, James A. Libby, on February 12, 1971. Together they raised three children. Judith treasured her family most. She was a Brownie troop leader in Norridgewock, volunteered for the Somerset Animal Shelter, enjoyed NASCAR, traveling, reading, and her cats.

She was predeceased by both her parents, her sister Linda Watts, her brother Walter Watts and his wife Dale of Vassalboro, and her brother-in-law Earl Culleton.

Judith is survived by her husband, James A. Libby; children, Kimberly A. Fortini, Michael S. Libby and his wife Vicki, and Mark B. Libby and his wife Julie; grandchildren, Matthew Hodgdon, Melissa Fortini, Breanna Libby, Jonathon Libby, Tristan Libby, Haley Libby, Garrett Libby, and Emily Libby; two great-grandchildren; siblings Diane Culleton, of Skowhegan, Ryan Watts and his wife Karen, of Arizona, Ruth Cyr and her husband David,of Lewiston, and Helen Smith, of Arizona; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.

A graveside service at the VA Memorial Cemetery will be scheduled in the spring.

Please visit Judith’s memorial page at where condolences, photos, and special memories may be shared.

Donations may be made in Judith’s memory to the Somerset Animal Shelter, located at 123 Middle Road, in Skowhegan.


WATERVILLE – Raymond Lee Milhous, 87, son of William Carlton and Alice Harvey Milhous, passed away on Sunday, December 29, 2024. He was born in Oceanside, California, on August 24, 1937. His fraternal twin Kenneth was born minutes before him.

Their mother died five years later, and two years later they were added to the family of their Uncle Francis and Aunt Elsie Harvey – who already had three children – and moved to the East. He met his wife Ruth Hoeldtke in eighth grade when the Harvey family moved to Albany, New York.

Raymond graduated from Lafayette College in 1957, and from the University of Pennsylvania College of Medicine in 1961. He married Ruth Hoeldtke June 23, 1962, and the two then spent two years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo practicing medicine in a Mennonite Hospital, where their first child was born.

Upon their return to the United States, Raymond took a residency in the medical specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He worked as a physician at the University of Vermont College of Medicine from 1968 to 2002. He and Ruth were blessed with three additional children and enjoyed 62 years of marriage. Over the 50 years of his life in Vermont, their home was a place of hospitality, welcoming people for meals, Bible study, prayer, and housing for short and long stays. He was always involved in church life, community outreach, and worshipped in a number of different Christian traditions through his life. He and his wife moved to Maine in 2019 in order to be near their elder daughter.

He was predeceased by two sisters, Virginia Milhous Hughey and Ann Harvey Bigelow.

He is survived by his wife Ruth; daughters Sharon (Charles) Conover and Joy (Timothy) Yankey; sons Stephen (Kristi) and Peter (Juliet) Milhous; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren; brothers Kenneth Milhous and Bruce Harvey; sister Doris Harvey Dickerson.

A funeral service for Raymond will take place Friday afternoon, January 17, at 2 p.m., at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 36 Cool Street, in Waterville. A reception and time of sharing memories will follow in the fellowship hall. All are welcome.

Arrangements are in the care of Veilleux-Redington-Lawry Brothers, 8 Elm Street, Waterville, where memories of Dr. Milhous may be shared, and an online register book can be signed by visiting


JEFFERSON – Judi Spears Toman Martin, 71, of Jefferson, passed away peacefully on Saturday, January 11, 2025. Born on July 12, 1953, Judi was a graduate of Hall-Dale High School in 1971. She pursued a career in healthcare, graduating from Augusta General Hospital’s School of Radiologic Technology in 1973. Judi devoted 39 years of her life to working in Radiation Oncology at the Harold Alfond Cancer Care Center at Maine General Medical Center, where she was a respected member of the medical community.

A committed member of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson, Judi was also involved in many local organizations, serving as the Secretary for the Jefferson Food Pantry, and known as the “can lady” and as the Treasurer for Boy Scout Troop #216 as “Uncle Judi” of Jefferson for several years. She was an active member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and took pride in supporting her community.

Judi’s passions included bowling, traveling, shopping with her granddaughter Tally, birdwatching, cooking, gardening, and camping and fishing with her grandchildren. She enjoyed relaxing on her screened porch with friends and spent many happy hours on road trips to casinos and Florida with her husband. Above all, Judi treasured time spent with her family and friends, traveling, and celebrating life’s moments.

Judi will be remembered for her kindness, generosity, and the deep love she held for her family and friends. Her presence will be missed by all who knew her.

Judi was predeceased by her parents, Merville “Curley” Spears and Shirley Decoster Spears; her first loving husband and father of her children, Patrick A. Toman; her brother, William Spears, and her goddaughter Amanda Knight.

She is survived by her husband of 21 years, Raymond Martin; son Daryn Toman and his companion Bobbi Barrows; daughter Brea Hatch and her husband Dan; stepchildren Susan Blagdon and her husband John, Michelle Condon and her husband Ben, and Kristen Horak and her husband Daryl; grandchildren Tally Benner and her companion Branden Lee, Drake Toman and his companion Haylee Gagnon, Brandon Condon and his wife Rachel, Bradley Condon and his companion Jenna Libby, Josh Zayac and his wife Mackenzie, Tyler Leet and his wife Roxanne, and Alex Leet; great-grand-children George, Kaylee, Jackson, Charlotte, Everett, and the anticipated Everett Lee, due in March 2025; several nieces and nephews in Connecticut and Maine.

A memorial service will be held on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 11 a.m., at Plummer Funeral Home, 16 Pleasant St., Augusta, ME 04330.

In lieu of flowers a donation in Judi’s name may be made to the Jefferson Area Community Food Pantry, PO Box 208, Jefferson, ME 04348. Condolences, stories and photos may be shared by visiting

Others Departed


SKOWHEGAN – Irene “Susan” Bradford Dubois, 77, passed away very early, Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at her home, in Skowhegan. She was born December 29, 1946, in Norridgewock, to Albion and Edwina Adams.

She helped with her granddaughters’ cheerleading team. She also was known for the strawberries and fiddleheads that she picked and sold for many years. For years she made many beautiful wreaths at Christmas time.

She is survived by husband Wess Dubois; son Richard Bradford; daughter Cathy Jo Cinanni, of Portland; granddaughters, Sasha Bradford, Sonya Fox; and great-grandson Gage Fox.

She was predeceased by her parents, husband Bruce Bradford, brother Arthur Adams, grandmothers, Lilla Rogers and Mary Adams.

R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post gets board approval, with conditions

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Planning board members have approved a site review permit for R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post, with conditions.

Brea Willette, speaking for the business at 134 Brann Road, described it as an expanded farm market, selling products from the family farm and other local farms. Retail sales contribute needed income to help small farmers keep farming, she said.

The 10-by-24-foot building housing the market is already in place, and Willette said there is ample off-road parking. No water is planned.

Lighting will consist of two lights “like porch lights” by the door and one more over the deer hanger, where hunters can weigh deer during hunting season. Neighbors are not close, and trees screen them from the business.

Information attached to the application explains that the farm has been in the family for four generations. The store sells dairy products, meat, bread and local grains, soap and other products.

The “Trading Post” in the name means “if you don’t have money, bring us something you do have,” the document explains. Some people provided labor in return for food: “They learned something new and we got some stuff done.”

The farm sponsors occasional farming-related events, without music, Willette told planning board members.

Several neighbors attended the Jan. 7 meeting. When board chairman Virginia Brackett said to Willette, “Sounds like you’re good neighbors,” some nodded.

Willette replied, “We try to be.”

The unanimous board approval came with three conditions:

R & L Mercantile must designate a handicapped parking space (Willette said a handicapped ramp is already being planned);
Public works director Brian Lajoie must be asked to make sure there is adequate sight distance for vehicles turning out of the parking lot; and
When events are held, no vehicles will be parked on Brann Road.

A side issue mentioned briefly was the farm’s ducks and geese that wander onto Brann Road. The descriptive document with the application says, “Don’t worry, their coops are going up as we speak.”

The second Jan. 7 agenda item, continued review of the proposed Hidden Acres subdivision on Seaward Mills Road, took up most of the meeting, as board members wrestled with the town’s revised planning board ordinance.

They had reviewed a sketch plan at their Dec. 3, 2024, meeting (see the Dec. 12, 2024, issue of The Town Line, p. 2), and found one step omitted. They invited a final sketch plan and a preliminary plan for Jan. 7, to be followed by a final plan in February. Surveyor Adam Ellis and landowner Jeremy Allen presented the preliminary plan, with supporting documents.

The 50-page town subdivision ordinance has a long list of requirements. One says if the subdivision has more than five lots (Allen requests seven) and is in the watershed of a great pond (the land is in the Webber Pond watershed), the application needs to include a stormwater management plan that meets state phosphorus control standards, and a maintenance plan for the phosphorus control measures.

Allen protested that the land to be subdivided is nearly enough level so water will soak in, not run off. He and Ellis pointed out that all run-off will be onto neighboring properties or into the ditch along Seaward Mills Road.

Nonetheless, board members said, the requirement’s in the ordinance. They and Ellis proposed various ways to meet it; they suggested Ellis consult an expert; and they considered whether they had authority to waive the requirement.

The hour and a half discussion ended with Ellis agreeing to send a proposed solution in advance of the February meeting.

Board members then unanimously approved the preliminary application, subject to the additional information that will go into the final application.

The next Vassalboro Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, in the town office meeting room. Board members agreed by consensus to change the meeting time to 5:30 p.m., an hour earlier than in past months.

VASSALBORO: Action postponed on rate increase for large items at transfer station

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members disposed of three issues on their lengthy Jan. 9 meeting agenda.

By unanimous votes, board members:

Agreed that the state-required wage deduction to support the new paid family medical leave program will be split 50:50 between employees and the town; and
Agreed to buy new propane tanks for the town office and the Riverside Fire Station from M. A. Haskell, of China, the only bidder.

Board members also finished reviewing the town’s personnel policy, half of an agenda item that also calls for updating Vassalboro Recreation Committee bylaws. Town Manager Aaron Miller will have a revised personnel policy draft ready for their Jan. 23 meeting.

Select board members and transfer station manager Adam Daoust again considered whether to increase fees charged for some of the large items, like mattresses, that residents can dispose of at the transfer station. Board members postponed action.

From the audience, Douglas Phillips said the Vassalboro Historical Society has traditionally had transfer station fees waived. A year ago, he said, the select board renewed the waiver for one year.

The current board promptly and unanimously repeated the action.

The request for a handicapped parking spot at Hair Builders, a business on Oak Grove Road, first came up at the board’s Nov. 13, 2024, meeting, when Miller said he needed time for research:

After receiving guidance from the New England Americans with Disabilities Act Center, as well as legal advice, Miller recommends a “pretty simple” ordinance amendment.

The manager plans to have legally approved language ready for review at the board’s Jan. 23 meeting. Assuming acceptance, the mandatory public hearing could be held at the Feb. 6 board meeting.

Another previously-discussed issue is combining elections for the Vassalboro Sanitary District (VSD) board of trustees with municipal elections. At previous meetings, board members believed only voters living in the area VSD serves could vote for trustees.

On Jan. 9, however, Miller said VSD’s attorney said all town voters could vote for the trustees, just as they vote for select board members.

Board chairman Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., thought the limitation on voters was state law. If it is, he said, a town cannot broaden a state mandate.

Board members asked Miller to get another legal opinion.

Board member Chris French recommended increased funding for Vassalboro First Responders in the 2025-26 budget and future years, looking ahead to the time when the group would need a rescue vehicle.

Currently, members use their private vehicles; if transport is needed, Waterville-based Delta Ambulance responds. French is concerned about Delta’s long-term financial stability.

Board member Michael Poulin proposed amending Vassalboro’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) policy to allow additional uses of TIF money. The TIF account is fed annually by taxes paid on the gas pipeline that runs through Vassalboro from Augusta to Winslow.

Vassalboro’s current TIF ordinance (found online under Documents) establishes a 9.5-acre TIF District along Route 201, where the natural gas pipeline runs, and along VSD lines, including a connection to Winslow. It limits major projects to the expansion of Vassalboro’s sewer system to connect with Winslow, which has been done, and “eventually” contributing to a phosphorus removal plan for China Lake, in collaboration with other groups.

Poulin recommended adding more projects with which TIF funds could assist, including work on the Webber Pond dam and the Mill Hill Road bridge replacement. Discussion will continue.

Miller reported he met with representatives of Maine Rivers and other groups working on the Webber Pond dam. They have funding for a major rebuilding planned for the summer of 2025, he said.

The current plan, being discussed with residents, requires closing the north end of Dam Road, near Webber Pond Road, from mid-July through September, rerouting traffic from Hannaford Hill Road over McQuarrie Road, Miller said. That way, large equipment, like an excavator and a crane, can work at the dam site.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23.

VASSALBORO: Erosion control cost estimate higher than expected

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Conservation Commission members re-discussed a main topic from their Dec. 18 meeting on Jan. 8, after they got a higher than expected cost estimate for their December plan.

They agreed in December to improve buffering along the China Lake shoreline in East Vassalboro’s Monument Park, with the goals of increasing erosion control and providing an educational example of a buffer.

At the Jan. 8 meeting, commission member Steve Jones, owner of Vassalboro’s Fieldstone Gardens, presented a $3,084 cost estimate for about four dozen perennial plants. Commission Chairman Holly Weidner and member Matthew Pitcher pointed out other costs, like special mulch and ongoing maintenance.

Commission member Paul Mitnik urged planting trees instead, spaced far enough apart so they wouldn’t block views of the lake. They’d be less expensive and, he said, as effective.

Mitnik’s idea got more objections than support during a debate that ended with Weidner suggesting he talk with Jen Jesperson, the Ecological Instincts consultant who is advising on China Lake water quality issues.

In other business Jan. 8, commission members agreed they will not apply for a 2025 grant from the state program called Project Canopy to plant trees. The program paid for trees in the town’s new Eagle Park on Route 32 and Outlet Stream.

Pitcher said he does not have time to write a grant application this spring. Peggy Horner said the commission hasn’t chosen places to plant trees. Jones is still angry about some Project Canopy trees that were cut down last spring; he opposes asking for any more “till the town ‘fesses up.”

Project Canopy is a good program, they said, and if the town wants to apply, that’s fine.

Commission members agreed by consensus to partner with the Webber Pond Association as it seeks a grant to deal with blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, in the lake water.

Wiedner said she had a request to support the grant application from Mary Schwanke, whom she later identified as lead biologist on the water monitoring and sampling team for the tri-watershed based management plan project that includes Webber Pond.

Commission members again expressed appreciation for the Vassalboro public works department’s help with Eagle Park landscaping. They need to discuss with Public Works Director Brian Lajoie and Town Manager Aaron Miller how much more work is planned – parts of the ground are still very rough, they said

Pitcher had talked with Rob Lemire, owner of Maine Adirondack Chairs, on Holman Day Road, about picnic tables. He reported Lemire is offering six-foot white cedar tables unfinished for $269, or with a natural finish for an additional $150.

Weidner thinks the to-be-constructed Eagle Park pavilion should have room for up to three tables. Commission members agreed they need to consult with Lajoie, for example about winter storage, and to see how their budget looks.

They had intended to discuss the commission’s 2025-26 budget request at the Jan. 8 meeting, but needed detailed updates on 2024 funding and expenditures first. Weidner intends to have more information at the next meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the town office meeting room.

China select board begins preparing for annual town meeting

by Mary Grow

China select board members have started preparing for the June 10 annual town business meeting, and it will not be a return to the pre-Covid open meeting that some residents would like to see.

China’s official town meeting, by state definition, is in November, when voters elect town officers by written ballot. The annual June meeting is usually referred to as the town business meeting.

Until Covid, voters assembled to discuss and vote on multiple articles, mostly dealing with expenditures, policies and procedures. Since Covid, the June meeting, too, has been by written ballot.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood shared a pre-meeting schedule at the board’s Jan. 13 meeting. It assumes a June 10 written-ballot vote, and select board members supported the assumption.

Their main reason is that more people vote when written ballots are used. Board chairman Wayne Chadwick and other members want lots of residents’ opinions.

Resident Sheldon Goodine spoke in favor of an open meeting. His view is that if most people don’t come, “those who do can run the town.”

Hapgood recommended that one June 10 article asks voters to repeal China’s quorum ordinance. She has received legal opinions that state law does not allow China to have such an ordinance. The ordinance, adopted before 1990, currently requires at least 100 registered voters be present to start an open meeting.

According to Hapgood’s schedule for this spring, the select board and budget committee will meet jointly Monday, Feb. 3, for an initial presentation on the proposed 2025-26 town budget. Select board members need to approve a final set of ballot questions at their April 7 meeting.

At the Jan. 13 meeting, board members appropriated funds and approved a committee to keep the proposed community garden project moving forward. At the request of James Hsiang and his wife, Judith Chute Hsiang, they allocated $200 from their contingency fund to pay for lumber for the raised beds, and transferred $1,033 left in the China for a Lifetime Committee account to garden funding.

They also revitalized the committee, appointing as its members both Hsiangs, Eric Austin, Saige Bird, Sandra Isaac, Marie Michaud, Karen Stankis and, as an advisory member, select board member Jeanne Marquis.

In other appointments, select board members made Bird a member of China’s recreation committee and Milton Dudley a planning board member.

Another expenditure approved Jan. 13 was $11,220 for Bryan Moore, of Pro Tree Service, Inc., of Vassalboro, to take down most of the Reading Tree in the China School Forest behind China Primary School, leaving a 30-foot stub. Storm damage has made the tree a potential liability for the town, Hapgood said.

Hsiang considered the price high and asked board members to seek another estimate. Chadwick explained the complexity of the project requires a crane. Moore’s estimate includes $4,350 for 10 hours work with a crane, at $435 an hour.

Hapgood said the $11,220 will come from the community forest reserve fund, which currently has about $34,000.

Broadband Committee chairman Robert O’Connor reported on an arrangement with Direct Communications, formerly Unitel, in Unity, and the Waldo Broadband Group that will result in a new fiber line running for 17 miles through China and offering a fiber broadband connection to 584 “locations.”

In return, China will contribute the already-approved $370,000 in TIF (Tax Increment Financing) money.

The bulk of the TIF money was to be spread over 10 years. Hapgood assured select board member Edwin Bailey that the fund can afford to spend it immediately.

O’Connor said this project is scheduled for the spring of 2025. It might be followed by a second phase that would improve broadband service throughout China, if a Direct Communications application for a state grant is successful.

As the Jan. 13 meeting ended, Hapgood reminded everyone that China municipal services will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, for the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday.

Select board member Thomas Rumpf summarized town-wide events planned for China Ice Days, beginning Friday, Feb. 14, and running through Sunday, Feb. 16. The schedule will soon be publicized widely.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Jan. 27.