China building committee continues review of information

by Mary Grow

China Municipal Building Committee members met Jan. 13 and continued review of information they have and information they need as they plan additional storage for town records.

Main tentative conclusions were:

  • They should focus on planning a free-standing building, not a room attached to the present office building.
  • The southeast or east side of the existing building might be a better site than the south side initially considered.
  • Contractor and select board member Blane Casey, who built part of the existing building, is among local people likely to have useful information about the structure, location of underground connections and other essential considerations.

Committee members intend to invite Casey to their next meeting, and postponed scheduling it until they know when he is available.

The only new information available Jan. 13 was a cost estimate committee Chairman Sheldon Goodine presented. It is for a 21-by-48-foot building – committee members have not agreed on a size yet – with a corridor to connect it to the existing building. The figures are between $205,800 and $235,800.

The non-firm estimate will be additionally affected by multiple future decisions, like whether to hire an architect or have the contractor who wins the contract design and build; what materials to use; and whether the town public works crew could do some of the work.

Codes Officer and committee member Jaime Hanson said because the structure is a municipal building, review by the state fire marshal is required. He and Goodine agreed the review is a good idea.

Resident Ed Bailey attended the meeting and offered suggestions, and was immediately invited to ask select board members to appoint him to the committee.

CHINA: Town attorney has doubts about expanding unbuilt solar farm

by Mary Grow

At their Jan. 11 meeting, China Planning Board members were willing to hear an application to enlarge the approved, unbuilt solar farm on Route 3, until Codes Officer Jaime Hanson told them the town attorney has doubts.

Now they want more information before they make a decision.

New Hampshire-based SunRaise Investments plans the solar farm on a lot leased from Daniel Ouellette on the south side of Route 3, near the China Area Wash and Dry. It was originally approved May 19, 2020.

The permit was extended for a year in May 2021, to give SunRaise more time to reach agreement with Central Maine Power Company, whose lines are supposed to transmit the power from the solar panels.

At the Jan. 11 meeting, SunRaise spokesman Scott Anderson said the company had wanted a slightly larger solar farm, but was limited by China’s lot-coverage requirement. China’s ordinance says that in a rural zone, structures cannot cover more than 20 percent of the lot area; and, unlike other ordinances, China’s counts a solar panel as a structure.

Now, Anderson said, SunRaise has the opportunity to lease enough adjoining land south of the present lot to make a larger array possible within lot coverage limits, if the new leased area were counted as combined with the currently-leased area. The lease would provide that no other structure would be allowed on the newly-leased land.

Before investing in the lease, SunRaise wanted an indication that the planning board would approve an expanded solar farm, characterized as Phase Two of the development. If the board were ready to agree, SunRaise would obtain the lease and file a Phase Two application, perhaps as soon as Jan. 25.

Hanson said town attorney Amanda Meader found a Maine case from 2013 that she thought made it illegal to use two separate pieces of property as though they were one. Board members therefore asked Anderson to talk with Meader before they continue considering SunRaise’s request.

The other case on the Jan. 11 agenda was approval of a transfer of ownership of Little Learners Child Development Center, at 166 Tyler Road. After comparing the prior owner’s application, the current application and ordinance requirements, board members approved with three conditions. New owner Alicia Drever needs to measure water usage for 14 months to make sure the septic system capacity is adequate, and she needs letters from the local fire chief saying the property has access for emergency vehicles and adequate water for fire protection.

Board members postponed discussion of proposed ordinance amendments, after a lively argument about their next step.

In mid-summer 2021 they submitted three proposed changes to the China Select Board, expecting the changes to appear on the November ballot. Nothing happened.

They now know that select board members were not satisfied with the material as presented. Planning board Chairman Scott Rollins said the select board wants the original ordinances, the marked-up draft and the recommended final wording.

Board member Toni Wall said she could assemble the three versions and forward them to Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood to share with select board members.

No, Rollins said, planning board members need to review them first. He proposed a discussion at the Jan. 25 meeting.

Board member James Wilkens objected strongly. The planning board approved the amendments last spring, and he did not want “to go back to something the planning board already voted on.” If select board members ask for changes, then planning board members can consider the request(s).

Wall agreed with Wilkens. As the matter was left, Wall will forward the ordinances in their current forms to the select board, and planning board members will look at them again Jan. 25.

At issue are changes to two sections of the Land Use Ordinance and addition of a new section that would regulate future applications for solar energy systems. All require voter approval.

OPINIONS: Is there a cynical plan to bankrupt USPS? Sen. Susan Collins’ response

Susan Collins speaks to local media outside the McDonald’s in Winslow. (photo by Eric W. Austin)

Community Commentary

In last week’s issue, we printed a letter from Eugene Bryant, of Palermo, to Senator Susan Collins regarding the United States Postal Service. The following is her response:

Dear Mr. Bryant:

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about the United States Postal Service (USPS). I appreciate your taking the time to write this thoughtful letter.

I am a long-time supporter of the USPS. Especially in Maine, the Postal Service and its employees are a critical lifeline to our rural communities, connecting our loved ones and delivering crucial items.

I am an original cosponsor of the bipartisan Postal Service Reform Act (S. 1720), introduced by my colleagues Rob Portman (R-OH) and Gary Peters (D-MI). This legislation would eliminate the pre-funding requirement for health benefits, improve transparency, and increase accountability by mandating that USPS send biannual operational and financial reports to Congress. This would also require the Postal Service to maintain a delivery standard of at least six days per week. While this legislation includes reforms that are necessary to ensure the long-term financial liability of the Postal Service, I look forward to working with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis to protect the USPS. Please know that I have consistently opposed changes that would reduce service to the public or lead to privatizing the Postal Service.

The Postal Service Reform Act builds on the relief I helped secure for the Postal Service as part of a year-end legislative packager, which became law in December 2020. That bill forgives a $10 billion loan extended to USPS in the CARES Act.

As Congress debates how to best reform our postal system, I believe that putting the USPS back on a financially stable path cannot come at the cost of short changing service to the public. Again, thank you for contacting me.


/s/ Susan M. Collins
United States Senator

Local students named to dean’s list at St. Anselm College

Saint Anselm College, in Manchester, New Hampshire, has released the dean’s list of high academic achievers for the first semester of the 2021-2022 school year.

Mark W. Cronin, Dean of the College, announced that the following students have been named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2021 semester at Saint Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire.

Julia Bard, of Sidney, class of 2025, majoring in English;

Christine Quirion, of Winslow, class of 2022, majoring in business.

ABOUT SAINT ANSELM COLLEGE: Founded in 1889, Saint Anselm College is a four-year liberal arts college providing a 21st century education in the Catholic, Benedictine tradition. Located in southern New Hampshire near Boston and the seacoast, Saint Anselm is well known for its strong liberal arts curriculum, the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, a highly successful nursing program, a legacy of community service and a commitment to the arts.

Stories from Fort Hill Cemetery

Fort Hill Cemetery, in Winslow

by Kit Alexander

As anyone who has lived in Winslow for any length of time can tell you, Fort Halifax was built by the English in the middle of the 18th century on the point of land where the Sebasticook and Kennebec Rivers meet. All that is left of it today is the solitary block house on the southeast corner where the fort had stood. The block house floated down the Kennebec River in the flood of 1987 and returned in pieces to be reassembled by local citizens. It now stands as our town’s symbol, incorporated into stationary, logos, websites and other town-related items.

The fort served as a base to protect the interests of the English in the area, and to deal with any French incursions into the territory claimed by the British. It also existed as a base for further exploration of the area, and to identify and exploit other resources.

The fort grew, diminished, and grew again to where it had, at one time or another, covered most of what is now Winslow’s Fort Halifax Park. The park has suffered through floods and mini-tornados, endured many ownership changes, and hosted several commercial enterprises, including lumber businesses and a used car lot in the 1950s. Now it is Winslow’s premiere park, a place for family recreation, weddings, parties, and, more recently, outside meetings with members sitting in a circle, spaced six feet apart.

Early in the fort’s history, two smaller block houses known as redoubts, connected by a palisade walkway, were built on the top of Fort Hill, presumably to maintain an elevation for monitoring the traffic going up and down the Kennebec or Sebasticook.

What some people do not realize, however, is that a portion of what had been the fort became what we know today as the Fort Hill Cemetery. In 1772, a committee was appointed by town officials to obtain a plot of land on the hill to hold the first public burial ground in Winslow. Three acres or so were donated by Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, a physician and land developer.

While the cemetery was established in 1772, the first burial was not recorded until 1789 when Timothy Heald, a Captain in the Revolutionary War, was interred there. During those intervening 17 years, many residents of Winslow and surrounding towns may well have been buried in the cemetery. They may not, however, have been listed in the town’s vital records beginning in 1771 when Winslow became a town. The earliest residents may have simply been buried in the southern part of the cemetery, without any record of their passing or grave stone to mark their resting place. Others may have had a simple, unadorned field stone or an engraved marker which has either disintegrated or fallen and been overgrown by grass and other plant material. Family genealogists scattered all over the country may be the only people who know about these early residents and their place of burial.

Today, approximately 450 people are buried in the cemetery, only a few of them without a marker. During the past year, members of the Winslow Cemetery Committee along with local volunteers have lifted or uncovered about 50 stones, some completely buried from view and others partially covered with grass and dirt. Members of the Fort Halifax Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution have also helped by repairing and cleaning the grave stones of veterans of the American Revolution.

Buried tombstone of Augus Woodman. “Aet” is Latin abbreviation for “age”. “A” is no longer visible.

While using a leaf blower, a volunteer accidentally uncovered a small area of stone about three inches square. After carefully exposing the entire stone using plastic scrapers, trowels, wooden popsicle sticks and, of course, fingers, the head stone of …ugus (possibly Augusta or Augustus) Woodman, came into view. The top of the stone had broken off prior to the 1930s and the rest of it was badly deteriorated so that identifying its possible owner involved a fair amount of detective work and creative eye squinting.

The lettering on many of the stones in Fort Hill is badly degraded, while other stones are covered with a black, tar-like substance, probably from paper mill pollution and exhaust from trucks climbing the hill. Others have been broken into pieces by frost and possible vandalism. The lichen is easily scraped off, but most stones have required scrubbing with water and biological solutions in order to read just the names and dates of death. A few stones have been completely cleaned and restored to their former beauty, but more work is needed.

Searches have been made in the Town of Winslow Vital Records,, and, along with records of the Maine Old Cemetery Association (MOCA), hoping to identify folks buried in Fort Hill. This work has also involved identifying those who are not interred there, and moving them, figuratively, to other burial grounds in the area as recorded by MOCA or FindAGrave.

On a beautiful, clear autumn day, one can stand behind the graves of Nelson and Carrie McCrillis, and, looking west across the whole of the cemetery, see the Kennebec as it flows by Winslow’s park. Or standing in front of the back fence behind the stone of Capt. Timothy Heald, and his wife, Abigail, one can look toward the south east to the Sebasticook River as it makes its way toward its junction with the Kennebec. And if one were to squint his or her eyes in just the right light, they might even see a pair of Abenaki Native Americans paddling silently down the river, on their way home from a long day of hunting.

View from behind tombstone of Capt. Timothy Heald, looking southeast toward the Sebasticook River.

Issue for January 13, 2022

Fairfield’s Cops Care for Kids Christmas program completes 15 years

Scott King, left, President and CEO of CrimeShield, and Officer Shanna Blodgett helped distribute gifts to Fairfield children at Christmas. (contributed photo)

by Mark Huard

The Cops Care for Kids Christmas Program was started 15 years ago by Kingston Paul, of the Fairfield Police Department, to help create a positive relationship between the children of the community and the police officers at the department. What started out as delivering one stuffed animal with a Christmas tag to 40 kids has grown into delivering three small gifts along with their signature stuffed animal and tag to over 250 children. The officers donate money out of their paychecks every week, all year long to help keep the program going along with donations from the community and an amazing donation from Kingston before he passed away to ensure the program carries on.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Helping The Nervous System Heal Itself

When Codi Darnell was injured in a fall, her father-in-law, Dr. Harold Punnett, co-founded a pharmaceutical company to seek a cure for her spinal cord injury.

(NAPSI)—For decades, medical researchers struggled to solve the mystery of how to reverse paralysis caused by serious spinal cord injuries. Finally, hope appears to be at hand.

Making Mice Move

Remarkable video footage shows how paralyzed mice regained some of their ability to walk again after receiving an experimental drug treatment.

The injectable pre-clinical therapy, which is designed to regenerate nerve cells in spinal cord injuries, is being developed by researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

However, the scientists have yet to make the big leap from animal to human clinical trials, meaning that this drug candidate is quite a few years from potentially being approved by government regulators for commercialization.

Clinical Trial

Another experimental therapy has achieved even more impressive results with most laboratory rodents regaining coordinated movement—even enabling previously paralyzed rats to climb tiny ladders—and it is much further along on the developmental curve.

This novel drug candidate is known as NVG-291 and is the brainchild of a renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Jerry Silver, who has licensed his technology to a Canadian life sciences company, NervGen Pharma Corp.

Five years ago, Codi Darnell, the daughter-in-law of Dr. Harold Punnett, a co-founder of NervGen, fell and became a complete T-11 paraplegic. Dr. Punnett discovered a revolutionary nerve regeneration technology in Dr. Jerry Silver’s work at Case Western Reserve University which resulted in the formation of NervGen.

Dr. Silver’s innovation offers renewed hope for the estimated 300,000 to 500,000 North Americans who dream of one day regaining sensation and motor function in their paralyzed limbs. This is similarly the case for more than a million Americans who have debilitating peripheral nerve injuries.

With no approved pharmaceuticals for spinal cord injury, it is heartening that NVG-291 is undergoing Phase 1 clinical trials, aimed at demonstrating its safety and lack of toxicity in healthy human trial volunteers.

This drug candidate is primed for important studies in patients in 2022. This is when its efficacy will be put to the test for the first time in humans afflicted by a range of debilitating spinal cord injuries and other nerve damage. Dr. Silver says he expects to get impressive results due to the surprising similarity between the central nervous systems of rats and humans.

His advanced-stage research work has taken on a greater urgency as the pharmaceutical industry has yet to bring to market any drugs that are able to repair injured nerves and let patients regain or improve key bodily functions. Unfortunately, current treatments that simply slow down or mitigate the debilitating effects on the human body resulting from the mass death of neurons in the brain or spine do not work in spinal cord injury.

Accordingly, Dr. Silver envisions that NVG-291 has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of spinal cord injuries. This is because it is designed to heal nerve damage by unleashing the body’s natural ability to repair itself. NVG-291 doesn’t just repair nerve cells, it creates new neural pathways via the extraordinary process of neural plasticity.

This work has been independently replicated in a German laboratory by other scientists, who also used rats. Interestingly, they used doses of NVG-291 that were 50 times higher than used by Dr. Silver. The study achieved even better recovery outcomes, while noting no toxicity issues with the rats from experiencing such comparably high doses.

Dr. Silver says, “It is our hope that this technology can improve the lives of the many people living with debilitating nerve damage. And we’re very confident that we’re on the right track.”

Learn More

For more facts, see

Madison American Legion Auxiliary busy helping in the community

From left to right, Madison American Legion Auxiliary members, Wanda Kranz, Betty Price and Pauline Bell, are pictured with the backpacks.
(contributed photo)

School supplies for students

The Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #39, of Madison, supports community programs such as Children and Youth. Each year the members of the auxiliary donate school backpacks filled with school supplies. Again this year because of the unknown at the beginning of the school year, the unit reached out to the community. With the generosity of cash donations and school supplies from auxiliary members and community members, the Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary Unit #39, of Madison, was able to donate over $1,000 worth of school supplies, backpacks, bottles of hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes, water bottles, boxes of tissues, and masks to 7 schools in the Madison and Anson area!

American Legion Auxiliary members have dedicated themselves for over a century to meeting the needs of our nation’s veterans, military, and their families both here and abroad. They volunteer millions of hours yearly, with a value of nearly $2 billion. As part of the world’s largest patriotic service organization, auxiliary volunteers across the country also step up to honor veterans and military through annual scholarships and with ALA Girls State programs, teaching high school juniors to be leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism. To learn more about the Auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit or Or contact: Robin Turek, President – American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, PO Box 325, Madison, ME – – 696-8289

From left to right, Geraldine Jenks and Nancy Misiazek. (contributed photo)

Turkey supper benefits food cupboards

Diane Pinkham (contributed photo)

Members of the American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, Madison, traditionally holds a turkey supper every November which they serve anywhere from 150 to 175 people with the proceeds to benefit local food cupboards. Because of Covid-19 again this year, they decided to have a turkey pie sale in which Hannaford, of Madison, donated some of the turkeys, Reny’s, of Madison, donated 100 pie plates, Apple Tree Bakery donated some pie boxes as well as a discounted price for the remaining pie boxes needed, and members also donated and/or cooked turkeys and many of the items needed such as flour and Crisco and their time making pies. One hundred eighty-four (184) pies were made and were all sold, except for five, a week before the scheduled date of pick up on November 13. After expenses a total $2,080 was raised and donated among four local food cupboards. This is another way the American Legion Auxiliary supports the community.

Harriet Bryant

American Legion Auxiliary members have dedicated themselves for over a century to meeting the needs of our nation’s veterans, military, and their families both here and abroad. They volunteer millions of hours yearly, with a value of nearly $2 billion. As part of the world’s largest patriotic service organization, Auxiliary volunteers across the country also step up to honor veterans and military through annual scholarships and with ALA Girls State programs, teaching high school juniors to be leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism.

To learn more about the Auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit or Or contact: Robin Turek, President – American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, P.O. Box 325, Madison, ME – – 696-8289.

From left to right, Geraldine Jenks, Merrilyn Vieira and Karen Lytle. (contributed photo)

Winslow resident earns award from WGU

Bethanie Farr, of Winslow, has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University College of Health Professions, in Jersey City, New Jersey. The award is given to students who perform at a superior level in their course work.