Youth Conservation Corp helping to Protect China Lake Water Quality

Image Credit:

The China Lake Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) continues to be a powerful and productive force made up of environmentally conscious young adults working to protect our lake from harmful storm water runoff.

The China Lake Association wants to thank and acknowledge all the 2018 YCC crew members: Sage Hapgood-Belanger, Antonio Jacobs, Maddy Boynton, Garrett Keezer, Cody Daigneault, Leanna laws and YCC Crew Supervisor, Sean Zubord. We also want to thank the Kennebec Soil and Water liaison, Josh Platt for being their sight expert.

YCC work completed during 2018 includes: infiltration steps to replace inferior accesses to the lake, applying erosion control mulch or crushed stone on paths to cover up bare soil, plantings to strengthen lakefront buffers, retaining walls to hold back storm water runoff from getting into the lake at steep downgrades at the buffer area, constructing infiltration boxes where there is exposed soil and a lot of foot traffic near the lake, creating water gardens to absorb run off on lawns, reinforcing stone at eroding banks at culverts, established drip line infiltration trenches at house and shed perimeters close to the lake to ensure phosphorous would not end up in the lake from heavy rains and removed improperly placed rip rap and replace it with infiltration steps .

The work they completed in just 2018 is estimated to remove 51.8 tons of sediment, 40.2 pounds of phosphorus and 80.5 pounds of nitrogen every year from China Lake!

Have you requested your LakeSmart visit yet?

From left to right, Elaine Philbrook, Bunny Caldwell, Ginger Davis, Marie Michaud and Margo Green. (Contributed photo)

The LakeSmart program is one of the most effective lake protections programs available today! The China Lakes Alliance hosts this program in the China community. Did you know that there are already 68 lakes in Maine actively participating in this lake protection program?

China’s LakeSmart volunteers have been visiting lake front property owners since 2009. Trained LakeSmart volunteers visit homeowners in a joint effort to protect China Lake from the effects of storm water runoff. During a LakeSmart visit, volunteers will walk the property with the homeowner and provide suggestions to make the property more lake friendly. If the homeowner is interested in getting some of the suggestions completed, they can offer assistance through the Youth Conservation Corp. The YCC is hosted by the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA).

Last year, 22 visits were completed at various locations around the lake.

Currently, trained volunteers are Margo Greene, Bunny Caldwell, Ginger Davis, Elaine Philbrook and Marie Michaud.

Nineteen remediations were completed last summer around China Lake by the Youth Conservation Corps. Reducing the phosphorous from entering the lake helps to keep our lake a healthy lake.

In 2019, they plan to start a new position. They are calling it a China Lake Fire Road Ambassador. This position will help find homeowners who would like to have a LakeSmart visit on their road. If you are interested in being one, contact the LakeSmart group. It will involve getting a LakeSmart informational pamphlet out to your road neighbors and asking if they would be interested in a LakeSmart visit. Not too time consuming but very important for this program’s continuation and success.

Also new for 2019; Elaine Philbrook will join Marie Michaud as a China LakeSmart Coordinator.

Contact the group for your LakeSmart visit or to be a road ambassador at or by calling Marie Michaud at 207-242-2040.

Oak Grove Foundation grant enables work at China School’s Forest

China Primary School students displaying some of the bird cutouts they painted for the China School Forest Park. (Photo courtesy of Anita Smith)

by Anita Smith

There’s been a lot happening at the China School’s Forest this spring! Mrs. Maroon’s fifth grade class completed a year-long project to create a Maine Wildlife Trail and to enhance the Bird Watching Outdoor Classroom. Students researched different Maine animals and wrote reports about them. Parent volunteer, Andrew Seigars, cut out about 45 different life-sized animals from plywood for the project. Students then painted and applied polyurethane to the cut-outs. Some were painted all black and others were painted to look like many of the birds which frequent central Maine. During the week of June 11, the cut-outs were installed in the forest. A WELCOME sign and trail guide will soon be installed at the trailhead starting near the SEED TREE area in the forest and at the Bird Watching Station.

Plywood cutouts that were painted by students at the China Primary School. Photo courtesy of Anita Smith

This project was funded by a grant from the Oak Grove Foundation. Anita Smith led several China Primary School classes out on the trail to see the completed project. The kids were so excited to find the different cut-outs and it kept them very engaged in learning during the last few days before summer break.

The trails are open for the community to enjoy. Maps are available at each forest trailhead. One trailhead is located by the China Middle School soccer field and the other trailhead is off the China Primary School bus circle. A community forest walk, featuring the new project will be offered during China Community Days on August 3 at 11 a.m.

Visit this link for a complete listing of China School’s Forest Day Camps and Family Forest Activities (Summer 2019).

Common Ground Round 6: Win a $10 Gift Certificate

DEADLINE: Friday, July 19, 2019

Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to or through our Contact page.

You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)

* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.

Previous winner: Keith Richardson, South China

Left to right, Alan Hale Jr. (Skipper), Tina Louise (Ginger), Bob Denver (Gilligan). All three were marooned on Gilligan’s Island.

Week of June 13, 2019

Legal Notices for Thursday, June 13, 2019

18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice June 13, 2019

If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.

2019-146 – Estate of H. STEPHEN JEWELL, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Stephanie A. Miller, 201 Helens Lane, Hartland, Me 04943 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-150 – Estate of WELDON J. HUMPHREY, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Marilyn J. Badger, 1151 Athens Road, Hartland, Me 04943 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-151 – Estate of JEROME E. BARRY, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Brenda L. Barry, 7 Jodie Avenue, Fairfield, Me 04937 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-153 – Estate of KENNETH McLEAN, late of Anson, Me deceased. Christine Fletcher, PO Box 493, Anson, Me 04911 appointed Personal Representative.

2018-146 – Estate of CAROLYN E. EVERETT, late of Athens, Me deceased. Paul R. Dionne, Esq,, 465 Main Street, Lewiston, Me 04240-6738 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-155 – Estate of DARRELL D. RODERICK, late of Solon, Me deceased. Dana L Roderick, 5 Dyer Street, Moscow, ME 04920 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-157 – Estate of MARILYN F. LLOYD, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Samuel Douglass Lloyd, Jr., 151 West Elm Street, Yarmouth, Me 04096 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-160 – Estate of DEAN A. CHASE, late of Palmyra, Me deceased. Gregory M. Chase, 140 Main Road, #2, Holden, Me 04429 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-162 – Estate of ROBERT S. BEATTIE, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Robert C. Beattie, 39 Prospect Street, Topsham, Me 04086 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-163 – Estate of STEPHEN M. BISHOP, late of Norridgewock, Me deceased, Kathleen Ann Bishop, PO Box 816, Greenville, Me 04441 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-164 – Estate of GERARD FORGUE, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Shantelle Buchanan, 17 Long Avenue, Lot 9, Clinton, Me 04927 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-165 – Estate of ARTHELENE M. HAMMOND, late of Rockwood, Me deceased. Katherine Urquhart and Steven Urquhart of 375 Goshen Road, Winterport, Maine appointed Personal Representatives.

2019-167 – Estate of VICTOR H. CARRIGAN, late of Anson, Me deceased. Jeremey James Maynard, 167 River Road, Anson, Me 04911 appointed Personal Representative.

2019-178 – Estate of KATHRYN J. HALLETT, late of Cambridge, Me deceased. Edward Sallie, 277 Topaz Drive, Chambersburg, PA 17202 appointed Personal Representative.

To be published on June 13 & June 20, 2019.
Dated: June 10, 2019 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate



Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates. These matters will be heard at 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter as they may be June 26, 2019. The requested appointments may be made on or after the hearing date if no sufficient objection be heard. This notice complies with the requirements of 18-A MRSA §3-403 and Probate Rule 4.

2019-152 – Estate of LORALEE DAWN BLOMERTH-SMALL. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Loralee Dawn Blomerth-Small of 324 Russell Road, Madison, Me 04950 requesting her name be changed to Loralee Leavitt Small for reasons set forth therein.

2019-161 – Estate of KIMBERLY DAWN CROSSON. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Kimberly Dawn Crosson, 21 Park View Street, Skowhegan Me 04976 requesting her name be changed to Kimberly Dawn Howes.

2019-166 – Estate of RACHEAL MARIE (HARTLEY) CASS. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Racheal Marie (Hartley) Cass, 1234 Hill Road, Canaan, Me 04924 requesting her name be changed to Rachelle Marie (Hartley) Cass for reasons set forth therein.

Dated: June 10, 2019 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate

I’M JUST CURIOUS – The wandering Nanas: Chapter One

by Debbie Walker

What happens when THE Nanas decide to take a driving trip? Panic of the families! Nana Dee and I are related by marriage: our children married each other and gave us two grandkids to share.

In this trip we have been named “THE Wandering Nanas.” It all got started when Nana Dee wanted to go to Ohio (and not fly there) to visit her 94-years-young Aunt Jean and then on to Pennsylvania for a visit with a nephew and his family.

With vacation talk, one thing led to another and I, Nana Daffy volunteered to drive her, making us THE Wandering Nanas (or the blind leading the blind!).

This trip could have easily been called The Laughing Vacation. We have laughed since before we got into the truck to leave her driveway! We even laughed our way through getting lost a couple of times.

We had a mini-trip with Aunt Jean. She mentioned a wish to go to lunch at McDonald’s for a burger. We aim to please! We drove to one about 54 miles from her home, it was the only one we knew of. I share with you now that we managed to go past one about six miles from her home. Nana Dee and I saw it this afternoon and just could not believe our eyes. That poor woman had been taken all that distance and time from home; we didn’t get her home until about 6:30 p.m.

Since Aunt Jean gave up her driving when she moved to a new area of the state, she wasn’t familiar with this area yet, but Jean was the one who came up with the final direction we needed to get home last night. Thank goodness.

Walnut Creek, Ohio, according to the website, ‘MapQuest,’ is an unincorporated community located in an area with a large Amish population. It is quite a tourist attraction with all their shops and activities. I never saw so many beautiful quilts in my life as I have seen here.

Since Nana Dee is absolutely a “Give me a cup of coffee” before she functions person, we were both lucky there was Der Dutchman Bakery nearby. Dee says it is the best coffee ever. For my safety and enjoyment, I want Nana Dee to get that coffee!

We came back to Der Dutchman Bakery to the other side that is a restaurant for lunch. I really liked their menu ideas. I wish more would do this. Did you ever go into a restaurant and wish you could try several entrees? On their menu you can order a combination of a couple of smaller portioned entrees. They even have a dessert choice of three smaller portioned desserts. You know how you look at them and think it was hard to choose just one. You don’t have to there. So we ordered blueberry pie, peanut butter pie and date nut cake with caramel sauce. They are not as small as I thought they would be.

I am just curious how much crazier; our trip will become as we leave tomorrow for the drive to somewhere near Pittsburgh in Slippery Rock! (I think I am nervous now. How slippery is Slippery Rock!! Depending on how crazy it really is I may add more of our trip to next week’s edition.

Contact me at with any questions, comments or ideas for future editions. Thanks for reading!

Area residents graduate from Colby College

In an outdoor ceremony May 26, 462 degrees were awarded to members of Colby’s Class of 2019 at the College’s 198th Commencement, in Waterville. Award-winning television writer David E. Kelley told graduates to reject a career that is “not so terrible” and instead pursue what will make them truly fulfilled. Colby President David A. Greene handed a diploma to each of the graduates.

Emily H. Goulette, of Oakland, who majored in Government, attended Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, and is the daughter of Greg Goulette, of Waterville, and Kelly Smith of Oakland.

Adam C. Zarfos, of Waterville, who majored in American Studies, attended Waterville Senior High School and is the son of Donald Zarfos and Elizabeth Schiller, of Waterville, and Karen Kurtz, of Waterville.

Burton named to Hamilton College dean’s list

photo credit: Hamilton College

Mackenzie Burton, of Oakland, has been named to the dean’s list at Hamilton College, in Clinton, New York, for the 2019 spring semester.

To be named to the dean’s list, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more graded credits with an average of 3.5 or above.

Burton, a rising sophomore, is a graduate of Messalonskee High School, in Oakland.

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Leonard Cohen, Songs from a Room

Leonard Cohen

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

Leonard Cohen

Songs from a Room
Columbia/Legacy-88697047402, CD, recorded 1968.

Quebec-born singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) was arguably most well-known for Hallelujah but, back in the 1960s, his Suzanne and That’s No Way to Say Good­bye held their own as very frequently sung.

The lyrics dealt with politics, loneliness, integrity, faith – the themes underlining a life worth living, whatever side of the drawn line. The titles in the above 12-track collection suggest much in subject matter – Bird on a Wire; Story of Isaac; A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes; The Partisan; You Know Who I Am; Tonight Will Be Fine; half dozen others.

Jennifer Warnes

For me, what sustains this second of his many albums is the beauty and moral power of the selections; the sing­ing, ar­range­ments, and repeat listenability. Very highly worth hearing and having.

His long time musical colleague and friend Jennifer Warnes devoted her worthwhile 1987 release, Famous Blue Raincoat to his songs .

Quote – “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”