PALERMO: What’s the buzz about bees?

What types of bees are found in Maine? Why are some bee species in decline? What can we do to protect bee populations in Maine? What plants encourage bees into our landscapes? Jennifer Lund, Maine State Apiarist, is passionate about honeybee health and helping beekeepers succeed. She will answer all these questions and more on Friday, June 29, at the Palermo Community Center. Ms. Lund has a master’s degree in entomology from the University of Maine and almost 20 years experience in the field, with several hives of her own at her farm in Argyle Township.

Join a friendly group of interesting agriculturists for a delicious potluck meal at 6 p.m., with Jennifer’s talk and visuals to follow. This event is free, but donations are highly appreciated for the Food Pantry and the Community Center, which is across from the ball field on Turner Ridge Rd. For info, call Connie at 993-2294.

China selectmen revisit fire pond issue

by Mary Grow

At their June 25 meeting China selectmen revived the Neck Road fire pond they killed at their June 11 meeting, when they voted to fill it in. New Town Manager Dennis Heath presented cost estimates – not bids, he emphasized – for three options: filling the pond, re-configuring it with sloped sides and digging a new properly designed pond farther from Neck Road.

The existing pond was dug last fall with steep sides that Heath said are caving in. It is close enough to Neck Road to make selectmen worry about damaging the side of the road. Estimated cost of filling it is $14,400, including material and labor. Re-configuring it would cost about as much just for material and would create a pond too small to be useful, Heath said.

The proposed new pond would be farther from the road, 12 feet deep in the deepest part, with sloping sides and a capacity of 240,000 gallons. Estimated costs, from three people, ranged from $14,400 downward.

Selectmen voted unanimously to authorize Heath to get necessary legal documents prepared and signed by the landowners involved and town officials, and to reallocate $6,000 intended for guardrail to work on the new pond.

In other business, selectmen paid numerous almost-year-end bills and scheduled a special meeting for 4 p.m. Friday, June 29, primarily to pay any more bills that come in as the fiscal year ends June 30.

Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee member Tom Michaud reported that the subcommittee he heads expects bids on the new bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin at the end of the week. After the bridge work, scheduled for late September and October of this year, plans for phase two, a walkway along the shore, are indefinite and plans to improve the boat landing are blocked by lack of parking.

Selectmen have approached resident Susan Bailey about selling her small lot on the north side of the causeway where boat-landing users now park. Bailey told them she will sell her entire property, the small lot plus a larger one across Lakeview Drive, but not the small piece separately.

Selectmen unanimously directed Heath or departing Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux or both to tell Bailey the town is still interested in acquiring her land. Voters have approved spending up to $10,000 from TIF funds for the causeway lot, but have not been asked about the larger property.

Board members voted unanimously to buy a new one-ton pick-up truck with a V plow for $36,990, to be taken from the capital equipment reserve fund. They decided not to trade in the town’s 2012 pick-up, figuring it will still be useful.

As selectmen reviewed the many committee and other appointments that they need to make for the new fiscal year, the town managers said Animal Control Officer Peter E. Nerber plans to resign unless he can get an assistant, since his son, Peter A. Nerber, no longer works with him. Heath said he is looking for someone to help the senior Nerber.

The China town office will be closed Saturday, June 30, in preparation for the 5 p.m. reception in the portable building for retiring Town Manager L’Heureux. The office will also be closed Wednesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

According to the town website, the next regular selectmen’s meeting, after the June 29 special meeting, is scheduled for Monday evening, July 9.

IF WALLS COULD TALK: Local clubs continue to do wonderful things

Katie Ouilette Wallsby Katie Ouilette

Guess what I found, WALLS! I know, I know, WALLS, I do keep a lot of STUFF, as I might need a subject to write about some day. Well, WALLS, I found an October 27, 2011, issue of The Town Line, on the page entitled Somerset County News was an article written by Lee and Marcia Granville and was titled: What’s happening at the Skowhegan Free Public Library. Well, thanks to Builder, Steve Dionne and his crew, the work that is described in the column has been completed, but, faithful readers, the new news is that Librarian Jandreau is retiring on July 1. We WISH YOU THE BEST OF EVERYTHING throughout your retirement, Mr. Jandreau and say it with all honesty, we were so fortunate to have you at the Skowhegan Free Public Library.

Y’know, WALLS, one of the things that has captured the minds of members of the Skowhegan Woman’s Club is the many books that have been written and the speakers that they have had have brought such interesting subjects to the group. Yes, I was a member of the Skowhegan Woman’s Club and always found the meetings to be interesting. True, even at my age (87) I found my life was getting so busy that ‘something had to go’. I am glad that the Skowhegan Woman’s Club has had a representative serving on the Skowhegan Heritage Council, however. Yes, people often say that memberships are dropping in various local clubs, but the clubs continue to do such wonderful things for people in whatever locale a club serves. And, by the way, the Clubs serve folks in our own state of Maine, but all over the world! We are so fortunate to have such dedicated people in our U.S.A. and World!

Now, faithful readers, I’m sorry that space doesn’t allow me to list the names of people who are doing so much to make our world a better place in which to live, but I try to do my part and I hope you do, too.

Competition begins for Winslow teen

Hannah Comfort of Winslow (Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal)

June 28 marks the start of competition for Hannah Comfort, the Winslow teen competing in the 61st Distinguished Young Women National Finals. Comfort, along with 49 other state representatives, has been in Mobile for the past two weeks.

The program’s evaluation process includes scholastics, interview, fitness, talent and self-expression. Comfort has completed an individual interview with a panel of five judges and her scholastic performance has been scored through an evaluation process of her high school academic record and standardized test scores.

For her talent presentation, Comfort will perform a tap and vocal piece titled “I Can Do That.” Comfort is a 2018 graduate of Waterville Senior High School and the daughter of Michele Lacombe.

Obituaries, Week of June 28, 2018


WINSLOW – Dorothy Ann (Markee) Rideout, 81, passed away Monday, June 18, 2018, at her home in Winslow, 100 feet from the home she was born in built by her father and older brothers. She was born April 24, 1937, in Winslow, the seventh child of William E. and Marjorie L. (Winslow) Markee.

Dot, better known as “Mom” by all of her children’s friends and most the town of Winslow, was educated in Winslow schools and received her GED from Waterville High School in 1968. She held many jobs throughout her working career including: sales person and department manager with the W.T. Grant Company for 19 years, in Virginia, Connecticut and Maine; office assistant in the Winslow school system; admissions clerk at Seton Hospital; activities director for the adult mentally challenged at several residential homes in the area. In 1981, she worked in the tailoring shop at Stern’s Department Store, in Waterville. In 1989, she brought the sewing business into her home where she worked until her retirement.

Dot was an active member of the Pentecostal Churches in Maine, Virginia and Connecticut. She worked with the young people and the choir, was often a soloist at churches and weddings. She was a member of the Calvary Temple Church, in Waterville, more recently attending Getchell Street Baptist Church, in Waterville. She enjoyed spending time with her many family members, especially her grandchildren. She loved gardening, sewing, traveling, and playing card games.

Dot is survived by her five children, Paul William Herman Rideout and his companion, Laury Caron, of New Sharon, Cliff Harry Rideout, of Vermont, Mark David Wayne Rideout and wife Vicki, of Virginia, Daniel Wynn and wife Heather, of Oregon, and Betty Ann Goodale and husband Don, of Benton; 10 grandchildren, Shane Rideout, Jessica Rideout, Marilyn Rideout, Danielle Ciango and husband Jacob, Amy Dominick and husband Frank, Crystal Lee and husband John, Jordan Rideout, Jackson Rideout, Celynn Goodale Smyth, Beau Goodale and wife Jennifer; 13 great-grandchildren; three brothers, Dale and wife Nancy, of New Hampshire, James and wife Ivy, of Florida, Thomas and wife Claudette, of Winslow; sisters-in-law, Betty, Ruth, and Gayle; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by her parents and eight brothers, Ted, Rodney, Robert, Jerry, Keith, Leonard, Lynn, Ronald and sister, Lorraine Boucher.

A graveside service will be held in late July at the Howard Cemetery, in Winslow. She will be buried beside her beloved parents and grandfather, Henry Markee.

Memorial donations may be made to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Greater New England Chapter. 101A 1st Ave., Waltham, Massachusetts 02451.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service.


FAIRFIELD – Terry Allen Dodge, 53, passed away Monday, June 18, 2018, at Eastern Maine Medical Center, in Bangor. He was born November 16, 1964, in Waterville, the son of Charles and Pauline (Hunt) Dodge.

He was a mechanic and enjoyed fishing, playing cards, and racing.

Terry is survived by his son, Terry Dodge Jr. and wife Heather; three brothers, Gary Dodge and wife Sandy, Billy Dodge and wife Terri, Charlie Dodge and wife Frannie; five sisters, Barbara Elliot and husband Danny, Paulette Scott, Charlene Taylor, Lisa Pollard and husband Fred, and Brenda Jones; many nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by his parents Charles and Pauline Dodge; three brothers, Dana Dodge, Dennis Dodge, Jimmy Dodge; two sisters, Alfreda Dodge and Dannette Dodge.

A graveside service will be held Sunday, July 1, 2018, at 1 p.m., at the Fairview Cemetery, in Canaan. A Celebration of Life will follow at the Spann home at 1355 Main Street, in Clinton.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 04976.


DORIS R. LAUSIER, 87, of South Windsor, Connecticut, passed away on Friday, June 8, 2018. Locally, she is survived by a brother, Douglas Vashon and wife Linda, of Winslow.

DOROTHEA E. LADD, 87, of Skowhegan, passed away on Wednesday, June 13, 2018, at Eastern Maine Medical Center, in Bangor. Locally, she is survived by a nephew, Doug Breingan and wife Laura, of Fairfield.

LANCY C. BRADSHAW, 91, of Pittsfield, passed away on Thursday, June 21, 2018, in Skowhegan. Locally, she is survived by a daughter, Maryjane Stafford and husband Bruce, of Winslow.

VCS holds new pavilion ribbon cutting

The new pavilion at the Vassalboro Community School, funded through the PTO. (Internet photo)

by Mary Grow

Retiring Principal Dianna Gram did the honors at the June 15 ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new playground pavilion at Vassalboro Community School, before a large audience of VCS students plus some of the people involved in the project.

School Board and Parent Teacher Organization member Jessica Clark said the pavilion replaces a tree that provided a shady resting place for many years. When the tree began to die, Clark and the PTO proposed a pavilion instead.

They were able to get help from PTO funds; a grant, through Duratherm Window, of Vassalboro, from Pella Rolscreen Foundation; donated tree removal and preliminary groundwork from Jason Tyler, of Comprehensive Land Technologies, in South China; materials supplied at cost by McCormack Building Supply, in Winslow; and partly-donated labor by Ray Breton, of North Vassalboro, and his crew.

The pavilion was built during the school year, letting students monitor construction. Now that it’s officially open, it will be available for outdoor classes next fall and for use by community members during non-school hours.

Rules for community use are the same as for all school property, Clark said: no alcohol, drugs, tobacco (or vaping) and no antisocial behavior. Since the pavilion is not lighted, people are expected to use it during daylight hours only.

Vassalboro board rejects request for reconsideration

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Board of Appeals members have refused to reconsider their May 22 rejection of Jonathan Blumberg’s appeal of Codes Officer Richard Dolby’s permit issued in March to Bernard Welch.

In May, three board of appeals members unanimously agreed Blumberg’s procedural and substantive objections to Dolby’s action were without merit. They told Blumberg he could request that the board reconsider, or appeal the board’s action to Superior Court.

Blumberg chose to request a reconsideration. Vassalboro’s ordinance says in that case, “A demonstration must be made by the applicant [Blumberg] that substantial new evidence has been brought before the board or an error or mistake of law or misunderstanding of fact has been made.”

At the board’s June 20 discussion on the reconsideration request, Blumberg presented two procedural issues, claiming he had not received formal notice of the May 22 decision nor timely notice of the June 20 meeting.

Board members and Dolby said the May 22 decision was not final until board members approved the meeting minutes. They took that action at the end of the June 20 meeting. They dismissed Blumberg’s claim that he did not know on what basis they had acted, reminding him that he was present for the entire meeting May 22.

The June 20 meeting had been publicized as required by the ordinance, to abutters and in the newspaper. When Blumberg said he did not read the newspaper, Dolby replied that was not the town’s fault.

Earlier in June, Blumberg sent the board three pages of items he claimed were “discovery after the fact,” not considered at the May 22 meeting. Board member Gary Coull said he found no new evidence in the presentation.

Blumberg claimed he had additional evidence that he had not had time to organize, “mostly stuff that I printed off the web” plus applicable laws. Board members believed he should have had his evidence ready for June 20.

Board Chairman John Reuthe made it clear he was losing patience with Blumberg’s repeated challenges to Dolby’s actions affecting Welch’s property. “What do you really want? Do you want them [the Welches] to leave town?” he demanded. “I would like to live peacefully and safely on my property. I would like my neighbors to obey the rules,” Blumberg replied.

Board members were not convinced that Welch is violating town ordinances. If some part of his farming operation, or the bed and breakfast Blumberg claims Welch runs, needs additional state permits, the local board of appeals has no jurisdiction, Dolby said.

Board members unanimously approved Lee Duff’s motion that no new evidence was presented and the board had nothing to consider. They advised Blumberg that his next recourse was an appeal to Superior Court.

Vassalboro school board had hoped to appoint new superintendent

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro School Board members hoped to approve a new superintendent for Vassalboro at their June 19 meeting, but no one has been chosen.

Eric Haley was full-time superintendent for all three AOS (Alternative Organizational Structure) schools (Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow) until voters dissolved the AOS in March, effective June 30. Vassalboro is now looking for a part-time superintendent, to work the equivalent of one day a week.

Haley explained that the person who is the Vassalboro search committee’s first choice is trying unsuccessfully – so far – to put together a package of jobs adding up to full-time. If that person cannot take the Vassalboro job, Haley said the search committee recommends re-advertising the position. Meanwhile, Haley offered to continue as interim superintendent until the position is filled. School board members unanimously accepted his offer.

Vassalboro Community School is also lacking a half-time Spanish teacher. New Principal Megan Allen said there have been no applicants for the position. Allen recommended advertising for someone to teach any foreign language rather than abandoning all foreign-language offerings.

School board members agreed by consensus to continue until mid-July looking for someone to continue the Spanish program, and if that search is unsuccessful to advertise for someone to teach any non-English-language class.

Board members voted reluctantly to increase 2018-19 school lunch prices by 10 cents, from $2.65 to $2.75 for a full-price lunch. Retiring Principal Dianna Gram explained that the federal government has a price formula under which Vassalboro should be charging $2.90; if the school does not move toward that goal, 10 cents at a time, federal subsidies might be reduced. More cheerfully, board members approved the 2018-19 school budget previously approved by Vassalboro voters, the 2018-19 school calendar (with a fourth snow day, Haley said) and the school board meeting schedule; several updated curricula; and appointment of Devin Lachapelle as a new math/social studies teacher. They accepted the resignation of first-grade teacher Arielle Jurdak-Roy, who is moving. Gram praised Jurdak-Roy, the teachers who worked on amended curricula and AOS #92 curriculum director Mary Boyle.

Although the AOS is officially dissolved, many of the central office staff will continue to work for one or more of the three municipalities’ schools under an interlocal agreement approved by all three school boards. Haley also recommends school administrators from the three municipalities continue to meet to share ideas, pointing out that when AOS #92 was formed, Waterville and Winslow promptly copied Vassalboro’s successful reading program.

Haley will continue as Waterville superintendent. He assured Vassalboro officials, “I’ll still be around. Obviously I’m not going to leave my friends in the lurch.”

The next Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, July 17, if there is a new Vassalboro superintendent by then. If not, the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Aug. 21.

Letters to the Editor: Thanks supporters

To the editor:

John Glow (image credit: ballotpedia)

I want to begin by thanking those who supported me in the recent Democratic primary for Maine Senate District #15. My biggest margin of victory was in China and I send a special thank you to my friends and supporters who voted for good government.

I believe it is important for the people in Senate District #15 to know that I ran for this Senate seat, not because I was recruited by the party. In fact, the Democratic Party did everything it could to keep me off the ballot in November. I ran for this Senate seat because Maine is desperately in need of qualified, capable individuals who know how government is supposed to work and how to fix it. I ran for this Senate seat, not for the Democratic Party or for the special interests, but for you.

The political system is rigged in favor of the parties and it must be reformed. Party politics is a huge problem in government. Too often it is an impediment to solving our problems as politicians put party before people. I ran on the pledge of not being a rubber stamp and at least 1,350 of you agreed with me.

I spoke with many folks who are fed up with “our” government. This is unfortunate, but I don’t blame them, because it is no longer our government. Those who have the least in terms of material possessions are often the first to give up and surrender their right to vote. I tried to remind those who have very little that they do have the power and that their only opportunity to exercise their power is their vote. I ran for office because I refuse to give in and give up and this election has only strengthened my resolve. As I went door to door during the campaign, and as someone who spent nearly thirty years in State government, I ended many conversations with the following, “Don’t give up. That’s what the government wants you to do.”

John M. Glowa, Sr.
South China

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of June 28, 2018

To submit a photo for The Town Line’s “Give Us Your Best Shot!” section, please visit our contact page or email us at!

HUMMINGBIRD MOTH: John Gardner snapped this Sphinx moth, a/k/a hummingbird moth, recently.


COMING AT YOU: Tina Richard, of Clinton, captured this spectacular photo of a bald eagle exiting its nest. Its mate and young can be seen in the nest.


SOAKING THE SUN: This turkey vulture was photographed by Pat Clark, of Palermo, stretching its wings while soaking in the sunshine.