IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of September 21, 2017

Katie Ouilette Wallsby Katie Ouilette

Oh, WALLS, surely you have wondered right along with me about those folks who have chosen to be in Florida-territory or in the Houston, Texas, area in recent weeks. Maybe we Mainers don’t have anyone in the Houston vicinity, but Florida and the Islands in the Caribbean have caused many of our faithful readers to suffer anxiety.

Well, our next-door neighbor who went to Jacksonville to help his son, Andrew, wife Jamie, and new baby son Madis throughout the preparations for the coming storm, is home and all are safe. Drew did tell us that some trees were victims of the hurricane, but he said they were lucky. Now, we hear of more hurricanes, so we’ll keep praying for everyone who has become a victim and who may be destined to have more destruction. Yes, donations of much needed objects for living through such destruction that has created hard times for folks will be needed for years. Sad. Yes, truly sad. We will definitely be asked to share as time goes by, for sure.

Speaking of sharing. Yes, even here in Maine we have opportunities to help. In fact, WALLS, you know of the thrift shops that have become part of our landscape in recent years. I am reminded of my young years and my parents who brought me up to ‘pay for whatever I would buy, and we should buy only what we need and not what we want.

Actually, WALLS and faithful readers, we should all live by those words. We read of every-one’s raising dollars to help folks in need of things, and health and our public places. Our thanks for folks and their caring is much deserved.

While you are about it, WALLS, we have to thanks folks who, throughout the last weeks have taken animals to their homes. Kindness seems to have been awakened by so many and for so many reasons and we have been so fortunate to hear about it. Y’know, WALLS, last week you reminded folks to say ‘thank you’…so now it is you saying ‘thanks’ to our faithful readers who have been willing to share so much with so

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of September 21, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The K-5 students at Solon Elementary School will visit Lakewood Theater on September 21st to attend their fall production of “The Untold Story of Johnny Appleseed and Jane Peach Pitt,” performed by the Lakewood Jesters. This is the 19th year that Lakewood has produced a show specially customized for elementary students.

The play lasts about an hour, and students get to interact with the performers during the show and meet them after the show. We are fortunate to have this historic theater so close to home. Parents are welcome to join them on this trip. Thanks to the PTO for funding the admission for the students.

As the new year begins, we hope to see all of our students set a goal to have a good rate of attendance. It is very important for students to be in school to gain the maximum benefit from their educational experience. Unless students are ill or there is a family emergency, they need to be in school. We ask that parents try to schedule routine doctor or dentist appointments after school hours as often as possible.

Punctuality is also a key to a successful school year. Our buses arrive between 7:20 and 7:40 in the morning. If you bring your child to school, please be sure that he or she arrives by 7:45 in order to be ready when teachers start their classes at 7:50. A student who arrives late misses important learning time.

There are several testing pro-grams scheduled for our students this fall. Students in grades K-1 will be given the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment in September to help us identify students who might need extra help to enable them to reach bench-marks for their grade level in reading by the end of the year. They will be assessed again in January and in May.

All first grade students are given the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) to help us monitor their reading achievement and design pro-grams to increase their reading skills. We also give this test to new students and those who have received Title 1 services in the past.

All students in grades K-5 Took the Measures of Academic Progress from Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) last spring. This test will be given again in reading and math in the spring to assess student’s progress over the course of the school year. Kindergartners, third graders, and new students will take the test this fall, and teachers can choose to test their students in the fall and the winter if they choose to do so to monitor students’ progress.

In the spring, our students in grades 3-5 will participate in the Maine Educational Assessment (MEA), taking tests in reading, writing, and math. Fifth graders will also take a science test.

If you have any questions about any of these assessments, please contact Ms. Butler at 643-2491.

Stewart Public Library in North Anson hours are now Wednesday, 2 – 5 p.m., and Saturday, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., or by appointment.

Lief and I took our paintings over to North New Portland one day last week to exhibit in their annual fair. I was really proud and impressed with the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club exhibit, a lot of time and energy went into it. Was glad to see that the Solon Extension had a really nice exhibit also. All of the exhibits were excellent and the North New Portland Fair is still a wonderful family fair.

And now for Percy’s memoir entitled Masterworks: “In Autumn when the leaves turn brown And red and gold, they all fall down To paint a picture, oh so rare! I know that God is there… To mastermind His ebb and flow; To stage His wondrous Autumn show, To brush His skies with molten gold; I watch His art unfold.. No grander sight could I behold: These leaves of brown and red and gold. But Winter bodes its icy chills Upon the snow-clad hills. In time the land, a living scene, Comes bursting forth in savage green; And I con-front the seasons’ thieves That took my Autumn leaves. But soon a softness in the air! God paints a picture, oh so rare Of Autumn leaves that all tun brown And red and gold as they fall down. (words by Henry W. Gurley.)

Week of September 21, 2017

Week of September 21, 2017

Parish outing, e-waste recycling huge success

In observance of the 10th anniversary of the creation of Corpus Christi Parish, which consists of the com-munities of Fairfield, Oakland, Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow, a Family Fun Day was held on September 17, at St. John Regional Catholic School, in Winslow. Nearly 400 parishioners and friends attended the all-free outing. Also, the previous day, according to pastor Rev. Dan Baillargeon, over 35,000 pounds of e-waste was collected at Notre Dame Church, in Waterville, raising approximately $1,600 for the Catholic Charities fight against poverty in Maine… [read more…]

Your Local News

We’d like to feature stories about you, your neighborhood, schools, events and places you remember in Maine from the 1960s or before. Photos, too!

Send your story, with name, phone, or email, to townline@fairpoint.net or P.O. Box 89 Jonesbrook Crossing, So. China, ME 04358. FMI: 445-2234.

Town Line Original Columnists

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of September 21, 2017

HUMMINGBIRD OR MOTH?: Eric Austin, of China, snapped this sphinx moth, AKA hummingbird moth, in one of his mother’s flower beds.


GROWING UP: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed this eaglet while on a walk on her favorite trail.


FIREBALL: Tawni Lively, of Winslow, captured this fireball sunset following the recent eclipse.

Soccer and field hockey action in Winslow

Winslow U-14 travel soccer player Justin Sardano, left, works for control of the ball during a recent game vs. Dirigo. Photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine Photography staff

Winslow Junior High field hockey player Nevaeh Duplessie (24) and Devyn Lively (27) team up against Skowhegan in their opening game of the season on September 13. Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Big green caterpillar


by Roland D. Hallee

Last week a reader sent a photograph of a caterpillar that she couldn’t identify (see photo).

The photo she sent shows the Hyalophora cecropia in its fifth instar (stage) of development, or the cecropia moth caterpillar. It is the largest native North American moth.

Cecropia caterpillar

The female moth has had its wings measured up to six inches or more. Its range is from Nova Scotia in eastern Canada and Maine south to Florida, and west to the Canadian and U.S. Rocky Mountains. It can also be found in California.

Like all members of the giant silk moth family, the moths only reproduce because they lack functional mouth parts or digestive system, meaning they never eat. Therefore, the life expectancy is only about two weeks.

The female lays up to 100 eggs, which hatch into tiny black caterpillars. The larvae feed upon many common trees and shrubs, including maple, birch and apple. The larvae are more commonly found on maple trees. As they grow larger, it becomes clear that the black color is actually small hairs growing. In the early stages they are yellow-green. As they grow larger, the colors change to green to bluish-green, with the tubercles becoming blue, yellow and orange. Upon reaching matu-rity in autumn, the caterpillar, now about four inches long, spin large cocoons on trees or wooden structures to emerge as adults in the first two weeks of seasonally warm weather in early summer. They only have one generation per year.

Pests of the moth have become a significant problem. Parasites such as wasps and flies lay their eggs in or on the young caterpillars. The eggs then hatch into larvae, which consume the internal organs and muscles of the caterpillars. Once the eggs hatch into larvae, the para-sites release chemicals that override the regulatory mechanisms of the caterpillar, and will eventually kill the cecropia pupa. Squirrels also consume the pupae of the cecropia moths, which decreases the population significantly. Pruning of trees and leaving outdoor lights on at night can also be detrimental to the moths.

Cecropia moth

The wings of the moth are brownish with red near the base of the forewing. Crescent-shaped spots of red with whitish center are obvious on all wings, but are larger on the hindwings. All wings have whitish coloration followed by reddish bands of shading beyond the postmedial lie that runs longitudinally down the center of all four wings. The body is hairy with reddish color-ing. The body has alternating bands of red and white.

The coloration of the moth is so spectacular they are prized by collectors and nature lovers, specifically for their large size and extremely showy appearance.

Now you can impress your friends when someone sees one of these and you can identify it as the Hyalophora cecropia.

Sugg participates in TREK program

On August 19, Rusty Sugg, of Palermo, along with over 250 first-year University of Vermont students, were led by 80 upper class peers as they began their UVM experience as part of the UVM TREK program, a unique, seven-day first year enrichment program sponsored by the University’s Department of Student Life.

Sugg participated in Rock Climbing TREK. A part of the Wilderness TREK program which provides students the opportunity to build lasting friendships, initiate self-discovery, and explore the people and landscapes that are Vermont. Rock Climbing TREK provides incoming students an opportunity to learn the basics of rock climbing — from safety, equipment, belay techniques, climbing techniques and top roped anchor system while visit legendary rock climbing sites throughout Vermont and the Adirondacks.

I’m Just Curious: The Tree of Life

by Debbie Walker

When I learn something new I enjoy passing it on. Not all that I/we write is going to be interesting to all who considers reading articles that I/we have written. So once again I am in your face with something that just boggled my mind. I, of course, am interested in what some of you may think; keeping in mind that some things I am interested in my poor mom just shakes her head. I can’t help it; I just enjoy “stuff.”

I am bringing this to you without very much research. I am sorry that all I may do is just peak your interest a bit, maybe. Searching out information is just a journey for me that I am not quite ready to take. I am hoping some of you will have to look up the subject. It will mean something a little different to all of us, I am sure.

Image Source: pixabay.com

Last week I was having a medical visit, met up with my nurse and as usual, the talk was on. She had on a pair of earrings that matched my ring. It is simple design, it is called the Tree of Life, have you ever seen it? To me it has always been the grandmother’s tree (that explanation will come later) but it is known as the Tree of Life. My nurse asked if I knew the story behind it. I have to admit that with all my curiosity I did not ever think to look it up. Well, she had been guided by a medical friend of hers to look it up on the computer. She shared this info with me. We went to Google, typed in Placenta, Tree of Life and up pops this website that has all these pictures of PLACENTA, normally I would say “Oh Yuck!” but I was too shocked. In each of the dozens of pictures you can easily see the copied design of the “Tree of Life.” It is absolutely amazing!

A doctor friend I love to share stuff with said the placenta provides nutrition for the fetus like a tree root system. I shouldn’t be surprised at all of this, babies are life, and they are in the chain of how life begins.

As I said earlier, some of you will be interested enough to look further as I may someday. I am just enjoying being so amazed about this much of it. I would hope for you that each day you find something that you are “Just Curious” about.

Please contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with your questions and comments. Don’t forget to check out our website for The Town Line.

Rock Group: Beach Boys; Composer: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; Conductor: Fritz Reiner

Beach Boys

Beach Boys

Beach Boys

Spirit of America Capitol- SVBB 511384, two stereo LPs, released 1975.

Spirit of America collected 23 tracks consisting of earlier Capitol hits that were not part of 1974’s anthology, Endless Summer; it also contained a few album cuts regarded as worthy of inclusion and two rare 45 gems –1969’s Break Away and a very sweet gem from 1965, The Little Girl I Once Knew.

In fact, the entire album is a treasure of very captivating songs, each of which should be accessible for listening on youtube! This group was a major contributor to American music that will live on in posterity.


Leopold Stokowski conducts the Royal Philharmonic: RCA Victor ARL-1-1182, 12-inch stereo LP, recorded 1969.


This piece has not only been recorded dozens of time, but has generated good recordings in almost every instance, at least among the ones I have heard own. The reason may be that players really love playing it and willingly and fully cooper-ate with conductors to achieve the best possible results!

The above is the last recording of at least four different ones that Leopold Stokowski (1882-1977 ) did; his first complete recording appeared in a 78 rpm set in 1927, the ad for it displayed on the back of the 1969 release. And it is pos-itively a joy, with much excite-ment, colorful instrumental detail, pulse and vivid sound and is a great choice for collectors.


Symphonies 1 and 9 Fritz Reiner conducting the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, with soloists- RCA Victor LSC 6026, two vinyl 12-inch LP, recorded spring, 1961.

Fritz Reiner

Just before the Chicago Symphony 1960-61 season, the orchestra’s music director, Fritz Reiner (1888 – 1963), was struck down severe heart disease but recovered enough to sit in a chair most of the time while conducting. And just in time to conduct the last concert of the season in May, 1961.

The program was the First and Ninth, or Choral, Symphonies, a concert so immensely exciting, stirring, exalting, inspiring — all these superlatives together with others would not begin to touch what people were applauding – and what Reiner drew from all of the players, singers and four soloists that one spring night, according to observers, and while in the frail health that would lead to his resignation in late 1962.

At 6 a.m. early the next morning, RCA Victor recorded the program in which Reiner delivered similar results that can be heard on the above-listed set, one still available on CD and most of it accessible on YouTube!

History of Kenway topic at Palermo Library

Kenneth G. Priest II will present the History of Kenway Corporation on Thursday, October 5, at 6:30 p.m., at the Palermo Community Library, at 2789 Route 3, Palermo. The event is co-sponsored by the Palermo Historical Society and the Palermo Community Library.

After serving in the Air Force in World War II, Kenneth G. Priest founded Kenway Boats in his garage, building wooden run-abouts of his own design. Located at the junction of the South Liberty and Banton roads, in Palermo,  Kenway provided employment to many local resi-dents to work in the boat-building shop.  Kenway became a valued and respected business in Palermo and the surrounding areas.

The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, please contact www.palermohistorical.org or Palermo Library at 993- 6088, www.palermo.lib.me.us.