China planners explain changes in land use ordinance

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members held an Aug. 4 public hearing to explain changes in the town’s land use ordinance that are expected to be on the Nov. 8 local ballot.

At five minutes, the hearing might be the shortest on record.

Four residents were in the audience: Brent and Cathy Chesley, who attend most planning board meetings and were well informed on the draft ordinance; Amber French, wife of assistant codes officer Nicholas French; and The Town Line reporter Mary Grow.

Board member James Wilkens, taking the gavel in the absence of Chairman Scott Rollins, called the hearing to order, explained its purpose and invited questions. When there were none, he closed the hearing.

Those present agreed that planning board members had done a good job of satisfying concerns expressed by the Chesleys and others at a March 22 discussion of the ordinance revisions.

The proposed changes to chapters two and 11 of the land use ordinance are on the town website,, with a notice in the center of the page referring viewers to them. Planning board members have asked select board members to submit them to town voters on Nov. 8.

After the hearing, Rollins emailed that the ordinance to govern solar arrays on which board members have worked intermittently for more than a year will not be ready for a November vote.

The next regular planning board meeting was scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9.

CHINA: Discussions on local fireworks ordinance, town office addition continue

by Mary Grow

China select board members spent a long Aug. 1 meeting going over a long agenda, with board member Janet Preston presiding in the absence of Chairman Ronald Breton.

Ongoing issues included the proposed local fireworks ordinance; broadband expansion; the planned town office addition; using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money to help residents pay fuel bills; and town office hours.

Select board members disposed of the fireworks ordinance relatively quickly. They voted 3-1, with Jeanne Marquis dissenting, to drop the idea and stay with state law.

Sheldon Goodine

Select board members and Sheldon Goodine, chairman of the Municipal Building Committee, talked at length about the need for more storage space at the town office. As board member Wayne Chadwick pointed out, the original suggestion of a small room for storing permanent records has expanded into a sketch plan for a larger room with work space.

Goodine said the new proposal is based on his interviews with town office staff, who told him what they see as space needs.

The initial cost estimate, very rough, was less than $200,000. Goodine offered an equally uncertain estimate of $300,000 for the larger building. The price assumes the building does not include a second-story meeting room that was discussed at an earlier select board meeting, and that Goodine thinks is not a good idea.

Wayne Chadwick

Chadwick suggested minimizing the need to store paper by digitizing more records. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said she will explore possibilities. Her initial reaction was negative, because, she said, digitizing would cost money and staff time, and some state departments require paper records.

A building committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, for additional consideration of the smaller option.

Discussion of an ARPA-funded subsidy program for residents’ fuel bills led to Preston’s request to Hapgood develop draft guidelines. Topics should include whether to set income guidelines, and if so how low; residency requirements; minimizing red tape; defining required evidence to support information; and whether to pay residents directly, or fuel companies.

Hapgood offered several alternatives for shortening the hours the town office is open. The current 47.5 hours a week is one of the longest in Maine, she said.

Because of the long hours, staff members are not all there at the same time. Those trying to do office work are frequently also on counter duty and have to keep shifting from one task to another. Shorter open hours would make staff work more efficient by minimizing interruptions.

Hapgood’s information included analysis of busiest and least busy hours – for example, she said, Wednesday is almost always a slow day, and the first and last Saturday mornings are usually much busier than other Saturday mornings.

After discussing sundry alternatives, select board members voted 3-1, with Chad­­­wick dissenting, that effective Sept. 1, the China town office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and from 8 to 11 a.m. the first and last Saturday of each month. It will be closed Wednesdays.

In new business, Kennebec County Sheriff Ken Mason, accompanied by County Commissioner Patsy Crockett, explained why he unexpectedly raised the charge to China for “special details” (covering special events) from $65 per officer per hour to $85. There were two reasons, Mason said, that were not anticipated at the beginning of the year: increased fuel prices, and a “well-deserved and overdue” raise for deputies.

(A Kennebec Journal article said the raise is 9 percent.)

Mason said the goal is to break even on special details, so that county taxpayers will not pay for individual towns’ service. Select board members expressed appreciation for the county’s law enforcement services.

Hapgood urged select board members to support more codes enforcement in town, specifically looking into past ordinance violations that have fallen through the cracks as China has had five codes enforcement officers in 14 years.

She said resident Dwaine Drummond is already working on back issues as a consultant. On her recommendation, select board members approved carrying forward unspent money from the fiscal year that ended June 30 to pay Drummond for part-time work.

They also appointed him assistant codes enforcement officer.

Hapgood, who is currently China’s codes officer in addition to her other duties, commended town office staff member Tammy Bailey for her help with codes enforcement paperwork.

Jeanne Marquis

Other appointments were assistant codes officer Nicholas French as building official and local health officer and select board member Jeanne Marquis as China’s representative to the Kennebec Regional Development Agency (KRDA), operator of the FirstPark business park, in Oakland. Blane Casey volunteered to be Marquis’s alternate and was scheduled to be appointed at the board’s special Aug. 8 meeting.

In other business, Hapgood reported two bids for the police cruiser China no longer needs. Board members unanimously accepted the higher, $30,001 from the Town of Wiscasset.

The town schedule includes:

  • Nomination papers for local elective office are now available at the town office. Signed papers must be returned by Friday, Sept. 9. This year China voters will choose three select board members (Breton’s, Casey’s and Preston’s terms end); three planning board members (those whose terms end are Toni Wall in District 2; Scott Rollins in District 4; and James Wilkens, elected from the town at large); and four budget committee members (the District 2 seat, currently vacant, should be filled; those whose terms end are secretary Trishea Story; Timothy Basham, District 4; and Elizabeth Curtis, elected from the town at large); and one representative to the Regional School Unit #18 board (Dawn Castner’s term ends). For local elections, District 2 is northeastern China, District 4 southwestern China.
  • After the Aug. 8 special meeting, select board members are scheduled to hold regular meetings at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15 and Aug. 29, and possibly a special meeting Aug. 22.

CLA annual meeting celebrates 50 years of Clean Water Act

The China Lake Association leadership team, from left to right, Secretary David Preston, Vice President Eric Lind, and President Stephen Greene. (photo by Jeanne Marquis)

by Jeanne Marquis

The China Lake Association (CLA) annual meeting was held Saturday morning on July, 30, 2022, in the China Middle School, on Lakeview Drive, in China, Maine. The meeting was both a celebration of the alewives return to China Lake and a tribute to the 50-year anniversary of the Clean Water Act.

Senator Susan Collins, Senator Angus King and Congress­woman Chellie Pingree sent video statements to the annual meeting congratulating the association’s positive impact on China Lake and supporting the work ahead to maintain the water quality. Senator Collins expressed that maintaining fresh water lakes such as China Lake is an important investment in our future. Senator King mentioned the connection the Muskie family personally had with China Lake owning a camp on its shore.

Pingree stated, “It was our fellow Mainer, Senator Ed Muskie, who wrote the clean water act half a century ago. Since then, it has been directly responsible for restoring and maintaining waters across the nation including right here in China Lake. Senator Muskie would be proud to see how much progress all of you at the China Lake Association have made to restore and protect the lake’s water to continue implementing the provisions of the Clean Water Act.”

The annual water quality report for China Lake was presented by Robbie Bickford, Water Quality Manager of Kennebec Water District (KWD). According to Bickford, “The results of the testing indicate China Lake is maintaining a steady state with a slight improvement in water quality over the past 10 years.” The full report can be found in the KWD newsletter which can be accessed here on ChinaLake­Associa­

Bickford also provided updates on two projects Ken­nebec Water District accomplished this past year and are ongoing to protect water quality. KWD, with help from a grant from Project Canopy, reforested six acres on land KWD purchased in the early 1900s. Working with residents down in that area, KWD planted about 6,000 little seedlings with a mixture of black spruce, red spruce and red pine. In the fall of 2021, KWD developed a harvest plan in conjunction with a forest management plan. The goal is to achieve a mixed age, multi-species stand on all KWD land to maintain sustainable erosion control. KWD postponed last winter’s harvest until the winter of 2023 due to the warm conditions. Bickford explained that ideally the ground should be frozen during the harvest to prevent as much soil disruption as possible.

Bob O’Connor

The annual loon count was presented by Bob O’Connor, CLA board member. O’ Connor mentioned he has been counting loons on China Lake for 33 years, a third of a century. He was pleased to announce the count is up from 25 to 34. O’Connor announced another loon project in the works to help increase the loon population.

Karen McNeil, an undergraduate studying wildlife ecology and an intern for Maine Lakes, briefly presented information about the Loon Restoration Project. This project is intended to increase the loon productivity, while decreasing the mortality through establishing nesting rafts in ideal locations. Bill Powell, CLA board member is leading this initiative for the CLA and plans to launch an artificial nesting raft next year on China Lake. They are looking for more volunteers to build and monitor the raft for signs of nesting and chicks. Contact the CLA for more information about how to get involved.

Landis Hudson, executive director of Maine Rivers, made an upbeat presentation about the completion of the alewives restoration to China Lake and what this means to the regional ecology. This nearly ten-years-long project was headed up by the nonprofit organization Maine Rivers, in collaboration with the towns of China and Vassalboro, the Maine Department of Marine Resources, the Kennebec Water District, the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust, and the China Region Lakes Alliance. The China Lake Alewife Restoration Initiative hopes to reclaim the balance of wildlife in the water, air and land that existed prior to the dams construction centuries ago by restoring alewife passage. For the first time since 1783, alewives are making the trip from the ocean through the Kennebec River to China Lake to spawn. Nate Gray, a scientist with Maine Department of Marine Resources, manufactured a fish counter to get initial counts. The numbers of alewives making it through the fishways at the Box Mill Dam reached expectations.

Eric Lind, vice president of CLA, spoke about the 2022-2031 China Lake Watershed-Based Management Plan (WBMP). The plan outlines management strategies and a 10-year schedule of steps to increase efforts to reduce the external phosphorus load by addressing existing nonpoint source (NPS) pollution throughout the watershed and limit new sources of phosphorus from future development and climate change. The plan significantly reduces the internal phosphorus load through inactivation of phosphorus in lake bottom sediments, and monitors and assesses improvements in China Lake’s water quality over time.

The 2022 launch of the WBMP is the culmination of a two-year comprehensive watershed survey, performed with help from CLA volunteers in partnership with Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and technical leaders. The survey identified sources of pollution, which included an assessment of gravel roads and developed properties in the watershed. The information from the survey was used in China Lake’s ten-year watershed management plan; the plan will help the CLA qualify for federal funding grants under the Clean Water Act. The China Lake Watershed-Based Management Plan is available on the CLA website.

Why is a watershed based management plan important? As reported August 5, 2022, in the Morning Sentinel and the Kennebec Journal, North Pond, in Smithfield, in the Belgrade area, is experiencing extreme algae blooms that have diminished the water clarity to only four feet. People are advised by the state Department of Environmental Protect to limit lengthy exposure to the pea soup green water and to have no exposure when water clarity reaches only three feet. There was no watershed management plan in place for North Pond. The North Pond Association has recently received a grant to establish a plan.

The last speaker of the CLA annual meeting was Judy Stone, Colby College professor and LakeSmart Award property owner, discussing forests, buffers and water quality. Stone provided property owners with sound advice on maintaining a canopy of diverse trees and permeable ground foliage to capture and filter stormwater.

The meeting closed with a strong vote of confidence for the re-election of the current leadership team: President Stephen Greene, Vice President Eric Lind, Secretary David Preston. An opening exists for a treasurer to replace retired treasurer Elaine Philbrook. The board of directors includes Robbie Bickford, Wayne Clark, Bruce Fitzgerald, Marie Michaud, Bob O’Connor, and Bill Powell, all of whom serve with the officers as volunteers managing the business and conducting the affairs of CLA.

The China Lake Association stands for “Preserving China Lake for Future Generations Through Environmental Stewardship and Community Action.” CLA officers and directors hold monthly meetings to drive growth and development of the organization. Stephen Greene invites interested people to attend. Contact him at to attend board meetings, become more involved, or discuss your thoughts about CLA.

Property tax stabilization program guides provided to Maine municipalities

Property Tax Stabilization for Senior Citizens, also known as the Property Tax Stabilization Program (the “Program”), is a State program that allows certain senior-citizen residents to stabilize, or freeze, the property taxes on their homestead. An applicant must be at least 65 years old, a permanent resident of the State, and must have owned a Maine homestead for at least ten years. As long as the individual files an application and qualifies each year, the tax billed to them for their homestead will continue to be fixed at the amount they were billed in the prior tax year. Eligible residents who move may transfer the fixed tax amount to a new homestead, even if that new homestead is in a different Maine municipality.

For example, if an individual applies by December 1, 2022, and qualifies for the Program, the amount of tax billed to the individual for the April 1, 2023, tax year will be the same as the amount billed to them for the April 1, 2022, tax year. As long as the individual continues to qualify and to file timely annual renewal applications, the amount they are billed will be frozen at the amount billed for the April 1, 2022 tax year. The State will reimburse the municipalities for the difference between the amount billed the participating individual and the tax that would otherwise be due.

The law goes into effect on August 8, 2022, and applies to property tax years beginning April 1, 2023. Interested taxpayers will need to first apply with the municipality where their homestead is located on or before December 1, and then reapply each year by December 1.

Program Administration

Maine Revenue Services (“MRS”):

  • Provides applications, instructions, and guidance for participants and municipal officials.
  • Annually reviews all claims for reimbursement filed by affected municipalities and
    reimburses qualifying municipalities by January 15 for 100% of the difference between the amount billed the participating individual and the tax that would otherwise be due.
  • Accepts applications to the Program.
  • Verifies eligibility and notifies applicants whether approved or denied.
  • Tracks properties in the Program, the stabilized amounts, and the tax that would
    otherwise have been assessed.
  • Retains applications for reference and for state valuation audit purposes.
  • Annually applies with MRS for reimbursement by November 1.

Eligible Individuals

To be eligible for the Program, an individual must meet all of the following as of April 1 of the property tax year for which they are requesting stabilization (so for applications due December 1, 2022, qualifications must be met as of April 1, 2023):

  • Be 65 years old or older.
  • Be a permanent resident of Maine.
  • Have owned a homestead in Maine for at least ten years. The ten-year period does not
    have to be consecutive.
  • Be eligible for a homestead exemption under 36 M.R.S. §§ 681 – 689 on the property which they are requesting stabilization.

If a homestead is owned by more than one individual as joint tenants, only one owner needs to qualify for the Program. There is no payback amount if a property is removed from the Program and there is no income or asset limits to qualify.

Eligible Property

  • Must be a “homestead,” as defined in the homestead exemption statue, 36 M.R.S. § 681(2):
    • “Homestead” means any residential property, including cooperative property, in this State assessed as real property owned by an applicant or held in a revocable living trust for the benefit of the applicant and occupied by the applicant as the applicant’s permanent residence or owned by a cooperative housing corporation and occupied as a permanent residence by a resident who is a qualifying shareholder. A “homestead” does not include any real property used solely for commercial purposes.
  • Must be owned by an eligible individual. Application Process
  • An individual must file a completed application, including any requested proof of qualification, with their local assessor by December 1.
  • The assessor will determine if the applicant qualifies for the program and will notify the applicant whether they have been approved or denied.
  • Participants must file a new application with the municipality each year in order to maintain their stabilized tax amount.
  • As long as a participant continues to qualify and apply every year, their tax bill will remain the same as it was in the year an application was first submitted.
    Program Maintenance
  • Participants must reapply with the municipality every year by December 1. 2
  • If a participant changes their homestead, they must request that the municipality of their former homestead notify the new municipality of their previous eligibility and the stabilized amount, and file a new application with the new municipality.
  • If a participant fails to timely file an application one year, the bill for that year would revert to the “normal” amount of tax. They could apply again the next year, but it would then be stabilized at the missed year’s normal tax level.
  • Participants must meet all qualifications to continue in the Program, including maintaining Maine residency and maintaining the homestead as their permanent residence.
    The text of the new law is available on the Maine Legislature’s website:

For more information on the Property Tax Stabilization Program, contact the Property Tax Division of Maine Revenue Services at:

P.O. BOX 9106,
AUGUSTA, ME 04332-9106,

Tel: (207) 624-5600,

Waldo County GOP selects McLaughlin for House District #40

Waldo County Republicans have announced that Joseph McLaughlin, of Lincolnville, was selected as candidate for Maine House District #40 at a special replacement caucus held July 20 at the Searsmont Town Hall. A note of thanks to all who came out to participate in the caucus. FMI: contact Joe at 207-838-6695.

Vassalboro nomination papers available

Nomination papers for the November Election will be available Monday, July 25, 2022, at the Vassalboro Town Clerks office. Candidates for office must obtain at least 25 certified signatures to qualify for placement on the November 8, 2022, ballot. The following position is available:

  • Kennebec Water District Trustee (3 year term)

All nomination papers must be returned to the clerk’s office by 12:00 p.m. (noon), September 9, 2022.

China select board postpones action on broadband expansion

by Mary Grow

China select board members were joined by local, out-of-town and out-of-state spokespeople for broadband service at the July 18 select board meeting.

Robert O’Connor, chairman of the China Broadband Committee (CBC), had shared with select board members and town attorney Amanda Meader a proposed memorandum of agreement (MOU) with Direct Communications, based in Rockland, Idaho, and its local subsidiary, UniTel of Unity, Maine. Representatives of both telecommunications companies spoke with select board members.

Because Meader had raised questions based on her preliminary review of the document, select board members postponed action. They proposed direct discussions between Meader and a Direct Communications attorney.

Select board members decided to go ahead with a smaller project on the July 18 agenda, drafting a local fireworks ordinance that they hope to have ready to submit to voters on Nov. 8.

They do not intend to ban fireworks in town, as board chairman Ronald Breton said some Maine towns have done. They do intend to set a nightly curfew intended to benefit people who have to get up early to go to work or send children to school.

In other business, board members unanimously:

  • Appointed Nicholas French as China’s Licensed Plumbing Inspector; and
  • Renewed the pawnbrokers license for Wildwood Pawn, Inc., on Gunshop Road, off Morrill Road.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1.

Seek volunteers for comprehensive plan committee

China select board members are seeking volunteers for the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee and a Regional School Unit (RSU) 18 Cost Share Committee.

The job of the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee, which they decided to limit to seven members, is to review the revised town plan that voters approved at the June 14 town business meeting and decide what should be done, and by what official or committee, to carry out recommendations.

The RSU #18 Cost Share Committee, for which three China members will join representatives from the other four towns (Belgrade, Oakland, Rome and Sidney), will review the formula by which costs are divided among the five towns. Select board chairman Ronald Breton said the current formula bases cost-sharing 75 percent on each town’s property valuation and 25 percent on each town’s student enrollment.

China residents interested in serving on either committee should contact the town office.

Sheepscot Lake Assn. meeting successful, well attended

The Sheepscot Lake Association annual meeting, held on July 21, was well attended, and successful, according to association officials. (contributed photo)

The Sheepscot Lake Association held its annual meeting on Thursday, July 21. The meeting was very successful and well attended, with Matt Scott, retired Maine fisheries biologist as keynote speaker. Matt devoted many years in working to protect our lakes and ponds through organizations such as the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP).

The lake association also honored retiring board member, co-founder and past vice president Lynda Pound, for her more than 10 years of service to Sheepscot Lake.

If you were unable to attend and would like additional information about the Sheepscot Lake Association, or would like to renew your membership, or become a member, please visit their website: You can also reach them via email:

China planners agree with many solar ordinance changes

by Mary Grow

The three China Planning Board members participating in the July 12 meeting agreed with many of Board Chairman Scott Rollins’ proposed changes in the draft Solar Array Ordinance. They scheduled others for discussion at July 19 and July 26 board meetings and at a public hearing set for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 4, with final decisions at the board’s Aug. 9 meeting.

Rollins’ goal is to present the Solar Array Ordinance, and proposed changes to two parts of the existing Land Use Ordinance, to China Select Board members at their Aug. 15 meeting. Select board members could accept the documents for inclusion in a Nov. 8 local ballot; or, if they ask for clarifications or changes, planners could re-review on Aug. 23 and resubmit to select board members on Aug. 29.

The draft solar ordinance distinguishes between commercial developments, as a principal use of a piece of land, and auxiliary arrays, ground-mounted or on roof-tops, usually intended to power a single house or business. It categorizes arrays by size, small, medium or large.

It imposes stricter limits on solar development in shoreland, stream protection and resource protection areas than in rural areas. Depending on the type of solar array and the location, either the codes officer or the planning board is empowered to review an application.

One issue left for future discussion was what types and sizes of solar development should be allowed in protected areas, and what type of review to require.

Another was how to guarantee that after a commercial solar development reaches the end of its useful life, the infrastructure will be removed and the land restored to its previous state. The question began as how to hold the developer responsible; board member Walter Bennett added that the landowner from whom the developer leased the area should also have responsibility.

Commercial solar arrays are routinely fenced to keep trespassers out. Based on their visit to an operating solar farm on Route 32 North (Vassalboro Road), board members want the ordinance to include provisions ensuring wildlife movement. At the same time, they want the solar company to be able to protect its property. Options discussed included elevating the bottom of fencing around the development so small animals can get under, leaving gaps in fences, or – especially for a large project – fencing separate sections with passages between.

The conclusion was that wildlife passage will be required, with methods appropriate to each site to be negotiated with the developer.

Audience member Brent Chesley recommended a specific change in the draft ordinance. It currently says that building owners may add solar equipment to their buildings “by right” unless both the codes officer and the local fire chief find the addition would create an “unreasonable” safety risk.

Pointing out that the codes officer and the fire chief look at different issues, Chesley recommended changing “and” to “or.” Planning board members agreed.

The May 2021 draft of the solar ordinance is on the Town of China website,, under the planning board heading. An updated version is to be posted as soon as possible after the July 26 board meeting for residents’ review before the Aug. 4 public meeting.

Planning board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m., usually in the town office meeting room, and are open to the public, in person and via LiveStream.

Vassalboro select board tackles three big projects

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members had three big projects on the agenda for discussion at their July 14 and future meetings, and resident Tom Richards proposed an even bigger fourth one.

Board chairman Barbara Redmond has been working on a draft solar ordinance, as requested by a majority of the voters who answered a non-binding question at the polls June 14. She asked for more suggestions before the draft is ready for review by the town attorney.

Redmond hopes to have an ordinance ready to present to voters on Nov. 8.

(China Planning Board members hope to present a solar ordinance to China voters on Nov. 8. According to the Town of Windsor website, Windsor Planning Board members are working on an ordinance on solar farms.)

Conservation Commission members Holly Weidner and Peggy Horner presented two proposals, to develop the new park on Outlet Stream and to try to make Vassalboro eligible for a new state grant program.

Weidner said the park proposal, on town-acquired land between East and North Vassalboro, envisions a parking lot big enough for six cars off Route 32, a crushed stone path to the stream, small fishing platforms of stone or wood on the bank and picnic tables. Vassalboro voters appropriated $20,000 for work at the park at their June 6 town meeting.

So far, Weidner said, the Vassalboro public works crew has cleared brush and removed some trees. The Conservation Commission has obtained a state highway entrance permit, and has filed an application with the state Department of Environmental Protection for work near the water.

A future issue is the extent of town maintenance, like mowing, renting a portable toilet and perhaps providing water from a well on the property. Depending on park uses, a pavilion or other shelter might be added. Weidner said the unofficial name of the property is Eagle Park, because so many eagles, ospreys and great blue herons congregate, especially when alewives are running.

Select board members encouraged Conservation Commission members to proceed.

Horner explained briefly the potential advantages of Vassalboro’s participating in the program from the Maine Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, called Community Resilience Partnership (CRP).

The goal is to prepare Maine municipalities for effects of climate change. CRP provides “direction and grants” (from $5,000 to $50,000) to support projects that “reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change.”

The application process requires a self-evaluation of potential hazards and ways to try to mitigate them and choosing from a long list of possible projects, followed by a “community workshop” to review the evaluation and prioritize the projects. Horner said the Conservation Commission cannot do the evaluation; she suggested a small group of well-informed residents could put it together in a few hours.

Town Manager Mary Sabins’ reaction was, “Why not?” Select board members agreed trying to make a fall 2022 grant application deadline was not realistic; the spring 2023 round would be more feasible.

More information is on the CRP website,

Richards proposed that town officials look into acquiring and replacing the bridge over Seven Mile Stream on Cushnoc Road, the southernmost section of old Route 201 (Riverside Drive). State officials have limited loads on the state-owned bridge to the point where Vassalboro’s larger public works trucks and fire trucks cannot use it and businesses using heavy equipment are inconvenienced.

There is no firm information on state intentions; the expectation among meeting participants was that the state will continue to reduce the weight limit and eventually close the bridge. Richards sees closure as a major safety issue for Cushnoc Road residents.

Sabins said an engineer had given an informal cost estimate, based on another similar project, of one million dollars.

Board members intend to carry on with just-retired chairman Robert Browne’s idea of a visioning/planning session, a special meeting to consider long-range, large-scale issues, and will likely have the CRP and perhaps the Cushnoc Road bridge on the agenda. The special meeting is tentatively to be in October.

Also postponed, perhaps to that meeting, was discussion of use of the rest of the town’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money. Sabins’ figures show a balance of $463,206.05.

Board member Chris French asked whether the China Lake outlet dam needed work that ARPA funds might cover. Sabins replied that Maine’s dam inspector, Tony Fletcher, had looked at the dam recently and found no big issues.

Fletcher did recommend clearing grass from the top of part of the dam and putting in crushed stone, she said. The grassy area is in mid-stream; Sabins is confident the public works crew will find a way to move crushed stone out to it.

In other business July 14, in a series of unanimous decisions, select board members:

  • Reappointed John Phillips as a planning board member (his name was accidentally omitted from the June 23 list) and appointed Kenneth Bowring to the Trails Committee and Daniel Bradstreet as the alternate planning board member.
  • Authorized Road Foreman Gene Field to contract for this summer’s paving, with the understanding that if the budget cannot cover all proposed work, the end of Cook Hill Road will remain gravel.
  • Waived the town procurement policy and authorized Field to negotiate with O’Connor Auto Park, in Augusta, for a new town public works truck, facing the possibility of a budget-busting price increase.
  • Extended contracts with current trash haulers for a year, at higher prices, as expected and budgeted for.
  • Reviewed, with appreciation, Transfer Station Manager George Hamar’s suggestions for a Quonset hut type covering for the new compactors at the transfer station, but postponed a decision.

Vassalboro select board members meet only once a month in July and August, instead of every other week. Their next regular meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11, in the town office meeting room.