Students graduate from St. Lawrence University

CANTON, NY (06/01/2018) — Nearly 520 students received bachelor degrees from St. Lawrence University during Commencement ceremonies held on May 20 in Canton, New York.

Sydney A. Kahl of Waterville. Kahl is a member of the Class of 2018 and majored in environmental studies. Kahl received the degree of bachelor of arts. Kahl attended Plymouth Regional High School.

Kylee P. Knight of Oakland. Knight is a member of the Class of 2018 and majored in neuroscience. Knight received the degree of bachelor of science. Knight attended Messalonskee High School.

Bryant University celebrates class of 2018

Inspired to excel, 788 members of Bryant University’s class of 2018 were awarded a Bryant degree at the University’s 155th Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 18.

Area graduates included:

Brandon Smith, of Sidney, graduated with a bachelor of science business administration degree in finance.

Bethany Winkin, of Winslow, graduated with a bachelor of science business administration degree in marketing.

Erskine Academy bus route schedule for 2018-19 school year

Students should be at their pick-up points 5-10 minutes before the stated pick-up times for the first few days of school. Bus fare is $10 per week. Parents of freshmen are advised to check the bus schedule at New Student Orientation.

Pat Vigue – Bus 13
(Palermo Area)

6:25 – Palermo School
6:30 – Turner Ridge Road
6:35 – Banton Road
6:40 – Level Hill Road
6:45 – North Palermo Road
7:00 – Weston Ridge
7:15 – Tobey’s
7:20 – Frontier Village
7:25 – Leave Frontier Village
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Sheila Wescott – Bus 11
(Chelsea/Windsor Area)

6:12 – Leave Erskine to Tyler Road
6:17 – Weeks Mills Road
6:20 – Legion Park Road/Lamson Road (turn-a-round)
6:23 – Barton Road
6:25 – 105 to Spring Road
6:50 – Chelsea School
6:53 – Wellman Road
6:55 – Route 17 to Windsor
7:00 – Hunts Meadow Road
7:10 – Route 126
7:15 – Vigue Road
7:20 – Route 17 to Route 32 Windsor
7:25 – Route 32 (Rideout’s Store)
7:35 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Wayne Lacey – Bus 1
(Whitefield-Jefferson Area)

6:25 – Leave Country Corners Store
6:30 – Travel down Route 215
6:35 – Route 126 to Jefferson
6:40 – Jefferson Post Office
7:00 – Intersection of Route 32 & 17
7:10 – Intersection of Route 17 & 206
7:20 – Intersection of Route 105 & 32
7:23 – Choate Road
7:25 – Windsor Neck Road/South Road
7:30 – Kidder Road
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Janice Cook – Bus 16
(Windsor/Whitefield/Coopers Mills Area)

6:18 – Leave Erskine- Rte 32 South
6:26 – Maxcy’s Mills Rd
6:28 – Griffin Road
6:33 – Vigue Road
6:37 – Townhouse Road
6:44 – 218N/194N
6:46 – Heath Road
6:50 – Hilton Road
6:52 – 218N //Mills Road
6:59 – Coopers Mills Main Street
7:00 – Windsor Road/Coopers Mills
7:02 – Erskine Road
7:04 – Wingood Road
7:08 – Erskine Road
7:09 – Windsor Road/Coopers Mills
7:15 – Route 105 to Rte 32
7:18 – Route 32 to Erskine Academy
7:30 – Arrive at Erskine Academy

Routes, drivers and bus numbers subject to change.

UNH dean’s list for the Spring Semester 2018

The following students have been named to the dean’s list at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham, New Hampshire, for the spring 2018 semester.

Taylor Ferguson, of Sidney, with high honors; Matthew Murray, of Augusta, with high honors; Michaela Hinckley-Gordon, of Benton, with high honors; Luke Violette, of Waterville, with Highest Honors; Sarah Wildes, of Winslow, with highest honors; Kyle McLain, of Fairfield, with highest honors; Samantha Mestieri, of Fairfield, with honors; Carly LaRochelle, of Fairfield, with highest honors; Jessica Hosea, of Oakland, with highest honors; Hannah Duperry, of Oakland, with highest honors; Adam Turcotte, of Cornville, with high honors; and Adam Bovie, of Vassalboro, with honors.

Area U18 girls capture title at international soccer tourney

The Winslow U18 travel soccer team includes, front row, from left to right, Hannah DelGiudice, Mia Velazco, Paige Lord, Katie Doughty, Siara Martin, Ashley Rhoades, Mya Velazco, and Olivia Hallee. Back, Coach Gary Walker, Coach John DelGiudice, Riley McRaven, Lily Wilkie, Autumn Weeks, Shauna Clark, Ally Stabins, Aaliyah Wilson Falcone, Sara Doughty, Katie Brittain, Julie Lapierre, Karma Mantor, Coach Wayne Doughty, Coach Chris DelGiudice. (Contributed photo)

by Mark Huard

The Winslow-based U18 girls travel soccer team recently traveled to San Marino, Italy, with Gary Walker and All Pro Soccer Tours to participate in the San Marino Soccer Cup. The team had a truly amazing experience!

The U18 team is made up of 18 players from 12 different central Maine high schools, competing against teams from all over the world.

The team advanced from their bracket in group play having won all three games. They went on to win the quarter final game against a team from Canada and then won their semi-final game against an Italian team. Having advanced to the final game, they beat FCF Como 2000 Italy, a regional championship team from Italy, to win the overall championship.

The Winslow team defeated, Milton Magic, Canada, 2-1; ImoleseF & M ACD, Italy, 2-0; King City United, Canada, 1-0; CSR D. Azalee, Italy, 5-3, on penalty kicks; and FCF Como 2000, Italy, 1-0, in the championship game.

8th annual Battle for Breast Cancer tourney raises over $34,000

Group photo of the teams from Dexter, Lawrence, of Fairfield, Maine Central Institute, of Pittsfield, Messalonskee, of Oakland, Mt. Blue, of Farmington, Nokomis, of Newport, Skowhegan, Winslow and Winthrop. Photo by Cheyenne Paron, Central Maine Photography staff

by Mark Huard

On July 21, field hockey teams from Skowhegan, Messalonskee, Mt. Blue, Nokomis, Winslow, Dexter, MCI, Lawrence, and Winthrop, in Central Maine, participated in the 8th Annual Battle For Breast Cancer Tournament at Thomas College, in Waterville. Now in its eighth year, more than $163,600 has been raised since 2011 for the beneficiary, the Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center, a program of Franklin Memorial Hospital, in Farmington. Diagnostic breast imaging, biopsies, lab services, surgical consultations, and post-surgical garments are just some of the examples of how the money has been used.

“One hundred percent of the money raised is used to support those with breast cancer living in Central Maine,” said organizer Paula Doughty. “And new this year are platinum through bronze sponsorship opportunities with special recognition in the event’s program and during the opening ceremony.”

This year’s event was another huge success and all of the teams together helped raise $34,126.85, the most yet in a single year.

A breakdown of the last seven years:

2011 – $16,655
2012 – $20,858
2013 – $25,936
2014 – $18,831
2015 – $25,105
2016 – $23,666
2017 – $32,563.

Palermo School third trimester honor roll 2018

High Honors: Lily Bray, Isabella DeRose, Rachel Huntoon, Sophia Pilotte, Kaden Porter, Lilly Potter, Riley Reitchel, Aidan Tirrell, Lily Vinci, and Hannah York

Honors: Emily-Lynn Carlson, Nick Christiansen, Timothy Christiansen, Haley French, Grady Hotham, Hannah Huff, Kiele James, Bo Johnson, Brooke Leeman, Garrison Leeman, Richard Mahoney, Holden McKenney, Ella Moore, Angelyn Paradis, Karen Potter, Achiva Seigars, Kiley Stevens, Kinsey Stevens, Paige Sutter, Katherine Swift, Rachel Weymouth, Savannah Weymouth, Emily York, and Melanie York.

Oakland alumni to hold 98th reunion

Fellow alumni for the 98th year of the Oakland Alumni to celebrate on August 11, at the Waterville Elks Club.

We also invite those who attended Belgrade High School.

Alumni includes those who attended these schools even if they didn’t graduate. Come to enjoy the companionship of those you might not have seen for years. See who will receive the Eagle Award for life accomplishments. Help us to find alumni for whom we may not have addresses.

The Williams High School class of 1968 will be there as well as the Messalonskee class of 1973. Call president Dana Wrigley to have information sent so you can sign up and not miss the fun day (207) 314-6676.

Oakland, Williams, Messalonskee alumni committee members invite you.

Purdue University in Maine holds graduation

A jubilant graduate and proud family take a selfie at the Purdue U. graduation. (Contributed photo)

Purdue University Global in Maine recently held its graduation ceremony at the Merrill Auditorium, in Portland, at which close to 275 graduates were recognized for their academic accomplishments.

Purdue Global became Indiana’s newest public institution of higher education earlier this year, when it officially acquired Kaplan University, expanding Purdue’s land-grant mission by providing access to higher education for the tens of millions of working adults who started but did not complete a college degree and for others unable to attend a traditional college campus.

Shannon Moss, an acclaimed journalist for News Center Maine, gave the commencement address. Ms. Moss’s message to the more than 125 graduates attending the ceremony in person focused on the importance of their individual academic accomplishments achieved at a time in their own lives, when most are also juggling full-time employment and family obligations. Moss shared her successes and challenges along her career path, and encouraged the class to enjoy every moment as it comes.

Purdue Graduates 2018

“Don’t let the importance of your accomplishment languish. Let your mind seek new adventures and march with great confidence and enthusiasm into your future as you make your dreams, or goals you set for yourself, a reality.” Ms. Moss challenged the assembled graduates to “…Be fearless, be courageous, be magnanimous with your new life as a graduate of Purdue University Global.”

Graduate and undergraduate degrees were awarded from the School of Business and Information Technology, Nursing, Health Sciences, and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Betty Vandenbosch, Chancellor of Purdue University Global, conferred the degrees.

Bridger named to dean’s list

Gabrielle Bridger, an Ithaca College student, in Ithaca, New York, from Fairfield, was named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2018 semester.