Mitchell Cates earns Eagle Scout status

Eagle Scout Mitchell Cates, left, receiving his pin from his mother, Amy. (contributed photo)

Mitchell Cates, son of Brandon and Amy Cates, of Anson, was awarded scouting’s highest honor, the Eagle Scout rank, on Sunday, March 15, during a ceremony held at the Garret Schenck School, in North Anson. Mitchell built three picnic tables for the Anson Town Office for public use and a kiosk for the North Anson Post Office for people to post upcoming events in town for his Eagle Scout service project.

Amy Cates, Mitchell’s mom, pinned the Eagle Scout rank to his uniform while friends and family, including two of his three great-grandmothers, watched from the audience. Troop #481 Scoutmaster Michael Fazio served as Master of Ceremonies and presentations/congratulations were offered by State Senator Brad Farrin, of Norridegewock, and State Representative Tom Skolfield, of Weld, the Marine Corps League, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Maine and a representative from U.S. Senator Susan Collins.

Mitchell is the second Eagle in his household. His brother Zachary earned the Eagle Scout rank in 2015.

Annika Carey receives MPA Principals Award

Annika Carey

Annika Carey, daughter of Erik and Tanya Carey, of Embden, a senior at Carrabec High School, in North Anson, has been selected to receive the 2020 Principal’s Award, according to Principal Timothy Richards. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement, citizenship and leadership.

According to Richards, Ms. Carey has distinguished herself in the classroom, on the tennis court, and as a leader in the school and the community. She has a positive attitude, is hard-working, kind, and humble, all of which will ensure her future success.

Academically, Annika has challenged herself throughout her high school years. Her hard work and perseverance have made her the valedictorian of the class of 2020. Her eagerness and enthusiasm makes her a leader and a role model in our school.

Annika shines strong in tennis, soccer, and will power at Carrabec as she applies that same enthusiasm and passion into all. Strong and focused, Annika has played an important role on Carrabec’s teams. She is a supportive team player, she holds and shows respect for all her teammates and coaches.

Ms. Carey not only thrives in the sports worlds, but is also a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Willpower Weightlifting Team, Youth in Maine Government, was the first Student of the Month for her graduating class and a math team top scorer. Annika made the MAML list of the top 50 math team competitors in the state!

For all of these reasons, Richards is proud to announce that Annika Carey is the Carrabec High School MPA Award recipient for 2020. Annika will attend an awards luncheon on April 4, 2020, where she will receive her award and be eligible to be selected for one of ten scholarships.

Cub Scout Pack #482 raising funds for Boston Children’s Museum trip

Cub Scout Pack 482 at the Skowhegan Fire Station. (photo: Pack 482 Facebook page)

Cub Scout Pack #482, in the Anson/Madison area, has been selected to do a sleepover at the Boston Children’s Museum at the beginning of April vacation. They are presently raising money by having bottle drives, as well as other fundraising efforts, including a GoFundMe page.

All money raised will go towards chartering a bus that will bring the 12 scouts and their 13 family members to Boston for a trip they will never forget.

Donations may be made by contacting Christina Nelson, at 207-431-1177.

Many of the families going on could use the financial assistance.