Covers towns roughly within 50 miles of Augusta.

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Some early Maine poets

by Mary Grow

As promised last week, no more ponds for a while. Instead, your writer turned to Thomas Addison’s chapter on Literature and Literary People, in Henry Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history. She hopes you will enjoy meeting a few of the writers mentioned.

Addison’s definition of literature covers almost anyone who wrote: newspaper people, historians, educators and sundry others. Your writer has chosen arbitrarily to begin with selected poets.

Many of the names Addison mentioned have no on-line references. Others are listed only as contributors to a book titled The Poets of Maine: A Collection of Specimen Poems from over Four Hundred Verse-makers of the Pine-tree State, compiled by George Bancroft Griffith and published in 1888.

Your writer found excerpts from this book on line. The samples she read have brief biographies and selected poems.

* * * * * *

Amos Lunt Hinds’ book,
Uncle Stephens

A large number of writers came from Augusta, Gardiner and Hallowell. Addison listed surprisingly few from Waterville or towns farther north, and not many from smaller towns.

An exception was the Town of Benton, identified as the home of poets Amos Lunt Hinds and Hannah Augusta Moore.

Amos Lunt Hinds (born in Benton Nov. 12, 1833, or sometime in 1834; died in Benton, April 24, 1908) was the son of Asher Hinds (born in Benton May 2, 1792; died in Benton April 23, 1860) and Lucy Harding (Turner) Hinds (1801 – July 2, 1883), who was either the first or second of his two wives (sources disagree).

The on-line description of Forgotten Books’ 2018 reprint of Amos Hinds’ 1905 Uncle Stephen and Other Verses includes Hinds’ introduction. The poet said the poems were written over 40 years; some had been published in newspapers and magazines, locally and out of state. Hinds collected them into a book “at the suggestion and request of old friends, to whom they are submitted with affectionate greeting.”

An article in the Jan. 10, 1906, issue of the Colby Echo (found on line) republishes a Dec. 27, 1905, Waterville Evening Mail article on the publication of Uncle Stephen. Hinds is described as a Colby graduate, Class of 1858, and a resident of Benton Falls.

The unnamed writer of the article mentioned several poems with local connections.

The one titled The Soldiers ‘ Monument was “read at the unveiling of the monument in this city on May 30, 1876.” The newspaper quoted one verse:

Long let this musing soldier stand,
‘Neath free New England skies,
To all that love the fatherland,
Type of self-sacrifice.

General Isaac Sparrow Bangs, in his military history included in Edwin Carey Whittemore’s Waterville history, describes the founding of the Waterville Soldiers’ Monument Association in March 1864, before the Civil War ended. Its purpose was to provide a memorial to honor Waterville residents who died in the war.

The first fund-raising events were that month. After a Nov. 29, 1865, event, Bangs wrote, the association apparently went dormant until June 1875. By then, donations and interest totaled $1,000, and the town gave a matching sum.

Association committees were formed to design the monument and find a site. Two more fundraisers May 16 and 17, 1876, added $350, and the Waterville Soldiers’ Monument, in what is now Veterans Memorial Park, at the corner of Elm and Park streets, was dedicated on Tuesday, May 30, 1876, Memorial Day.

Another of Hinds’ poems, Old Block House, was about Fort Halifax, in Winslow, the 1906 newspaper writer said.

Uncle Stephen, “the first and longest poem in the volume,” honored Stephen Crosby, whom the writer called “one of the early settlers of that portion of Winslow which lies adjacent to Benton Falls.”

Crosby owned a grist mill, and during 1816, the Year without a Summer, he “endeared himself to his generation and his memory to other generations, by refusing to profit by the distress of his neighbors, continuing to sell corn, of which he had a store, at the ordinary price.”

On-line genealogies say Amos Lunt Hinds married Lettice Orr Reed (1834 – Jan. 26, 1910), and name only one child, Lucy Turner Hinds (1866-1966). The “Colby Echo” article says Amos was the father of Asher C. Hinds, Colby 1883 (but see box on the Hinds family).

* * * * * *

Poets of Maine says Hannah Augusta Moore was born in Wiscasset on March 15 of either 1827 or 1828. Her grandfather was Colonel Herbert Moore, of Waterville; her father, Herbert Thorndike Moore, is identified as “of New York City.”

Her mother, who is not named, and her father were both poets, the biography says. The family moved to Philadelphia when Hannah was “a small child” and she started writing there. Then she lived in New York (City?) “for many years.” In 1886, she “came back” to Benton, which she called “dear native land.”

The biography does not say when Hannah had previously lived in Benton, and the following text is not helpful. It says that after her mother died (no date given), she “attended school at Waterville, Me.”

As soon as Moore settled in Benton, Ephraim Maxwell, publisher of the Waterville Mail newspaper, began publishing her work.

Moore wrote under pseudonyms, including Helen Bruce and Wanona Wandering. The biography explains that she avoided “Hannah” “from a dread that she might be supposed to consider herself a second ‘Hannah More.'”

(Hannah More [Feb. 2, 1745 – Sept. 7, 1833] was a British writer whose works included plays and poetry, mostly religious.)

The biography says it was Moore’s own choice to live “like a hidden singer in a hedge.” Her poems were available in the United States and in Europe, and many were set to music. One collection, titled “Plymouth Notes,” sold 40,000 copies in Europe in its first year.

The biography ends by quoting “June in Maine,” one of Moore’s best-known poems. The first stanza reads:

Beautiful, beautiful summer!
Odorous, exquisite June!
All the sweet roses in blossom,
All the sweet birdies in tune.

The poem urges readers to go outside and enjoy

All the dim aisles of the forest
Ringing and thrilling with song;
Music—a flood-tide of music—
Poured the green valleys along.


Buttercups, daisies, and clover,
Roses, sweet-briar, and fern,
Mingle their breath on the breezes—
Who from such wooing could turn?

* * * * * *

Frances Parker Mace

Frances Parker (Laughton) Mace is another Maine poet, who was a friend of Moore’s. Wikipedia says she was born in Orono, Jan. 15, 1836 (or, one source says, 1834, citing her tombstone), daughter of Dr. Sumner Laughton and Mary Ann (Parker) Laughton.

The family moved to Foxcroft in 1837. Mace’s education included Latin “and other advanced subjects” at Foxcroft Academy when she was only 10 years old. Her first poems were published when she was 12, some in The New York Journal of Commerce, Wikipedia says.

The Laughtons moved to Bangor, and Mace graduated from Bangor High School in 1852. Wikipedia says her most famous poem was published in the “Waterville Mail” when she was 18, suggesting a Waterville connection by 1854 – did she and Moore meet then? Your writer found no evidence.

This poem is titled Only Waiting. It was inspired by a friend who asked an elderly man in a poor-house what he was doing and received the reply, “Only waiting.”

The poem begins:

  Only waiting till the
  Are a little longer grown,
  Only waiting till the
  Of the day’s last beam
is flown;
  Till the night of earth
is faded
  From the heart, once full
of day;
  Till the stars of heaven
are breaking
  Through the twilight
soft and gray.

It goes on to describe the man’s readiness to leave his weary life for the company of angels.

The poem was published in the Waterville Mail under the pseudonym “Inez.” Later, a hymn-writer named Mrs. F. A. F. Wood-White, from Iowa (according to one on-line source), claimed she had composed it, creating a dispute that was eventually resolved in Mace’s favor.

Mace married a lawyer named Benjamin Mace in 1855, and for the next 20 years was busy with eight children, four of whom died young. She began writing again when their eighth child was two years old, with a poem published in Harper’s Magazine.

Her collected poems were published in the 1880s, before and after the family moved to San Jose, California, in 1885. She died in Los Gatos, California, on July 20, 1899.

NOTE: For those interested in seeking out poems mentioned in this article, your writer found on line:

Two recent reprints of Amos Lunt Hinds’ Uncle Stephen and Other Verses: a 2016 hardcover edition by Palala Press, and a 2018 paperback by London-based Forgotten Books.

Three reprints of The Poets of Maine: in 2008 by Kessinger Publishing (Vol. 2 only); a 2017 paperback by Forgotten Books; and a 2023 paperback by Creative Media Partners, LLC.

Listed as available on, in January 2024: copies of Frances Laughton Mace’s two poetry collections, Legends, Lyr­ics and Son­nets, originally published in Boston, Mas­sa­chu­setts, by Cupples, Upham, in 1883; and Under Pine and Palm, originally published in Bos­ton by Tick­nor, in 1888. No publisher is given.

More about the Hinds family

On-line sources say poet Amos Lunt Hinds had three younger brothers and a younger sister. The brothers are listed as Albert D. Hinds (1835-1873); Asher Crosby Hinds (1840-1863); and Roswell S. Hinds (1844-1864). The sister was Susan A. Hinds (1837-1905).

Find a Grave website says the Asher Crosby Hinds who was born Jan. 7, 1840, in Clinton, served in Company G of the Third Maine Infantry during the Civil War. He started as a corporal and mustered out as a sergeant. The website quotes the beginning of his obituary from the April 2, 1863, Piscataquis Observer, which says he died in Benton at the age of 23.

Amos and Asher’s brother Albert and his wife Charlotte (Flagg) named their first son, born in 1863, Asher Crosby Hinds.

Wikipedia says Asher Crosby Hinds, born Feb. 6, 1863, and died May 1, 1919, represented Maine’s First District in the U. S. House of Representatives for three terms, from 1911 to 1917.

The article says he attended Coburn Classical Institute and graduated from Colby College in 1883; worked for a Portland newspaper beginning in 1884; and from 1889 to 1911 held clerical positions in the Maine House of Representatives, working for the Speaker.

Hinds edited two procedural manuals, Wikipedia says, an 1899 edition of the Rules, Manual, and Digest of the House of Representatives and in 1908 Hinds’ Precedents of the House of Representatives.

The article cites a 2013 study showing the Precedents “successfully altered the behavior of House representatives, as they became less willing to appeal decisions of the chair.”

This information leads your writer to conclude that Rep. Asher C. Hinds was Amos and Lettice Hinds’ nephew, not their son.

Amos Lunt Hinds and a dozen other family members are buried in Barton-Hinds Cemetery on Eames Road in Winslow, according to Find a Grave.

Main sources

Kingsbury, Henry D., ed., Illustrated History of Kennebec County Maine 1625-1892 (1892).
Whittemore, Rev. Edwin Carey, Centennial History of Waterville 1802-1902 (1902).

Websites, miscellaneous.

A gathering year for the improbables (April Fool’s story 2024)

by Mary Grow

Few humans understand that a year in which two digits in our current Gregorian calendar add up to a third digit – like 2024, because 2 +2 = 4 — is a Gathering Year for the Improbables.

The last such year was 2013 (2 + 1 = 3). The next will be 2035 (2 + 3 = 5).

No human understands what criteria the Improbables use to choose their gathering place. There have been many theories and surmises over the centuries; none has had predictive value.

It is clear, however, that this year the small town of China, Maine, has been honored.

The earliest sighting, in late January, was of a pair of unicorns just off Maple Ridge Road, near the Winslow town line. The person who saw them did not report the sighting until this week.

“I’d had a couple beers, and I thought I was seeing things, like white horses with branches somehow stuck on their heads,” he confessed. “Couple beers don’t usually bother me. Couple unicorns, now, that’s a different story.”

A strange Yeti-like creature captured by a game camera near China Lake with China Baptist Church in the background.

The first Himalayan Yeti (also called the Abominable Snowman) was photographed by a game camera at a home on the northeast side of China Lake, apparently sampling suet from a bird-feeder. Two nights later, he or she returned with two other adults and a youngster. The homeowners took down the feeders and the camera.

In Thurston Park in February, cameras put up to deter vandals spotted 11 Bigfeet (Sasquatches), probably Canadian, and 11 Yowies from Australia playing a game that seemed to be similar to cricket. A park volunteer who studied the film said the Yowies won by a substantial margin, despite being less accustomed to winter weather in Maine.

A Deer Hill resident swears the animal who loped across Deer Hill Road in front of her car late one night was a werewolf. “I watch lotsa horror movies; I know one of them things when I see it,” she explained.

The werewolf was heading west, she said – “probably going down to the river hopin’ to find runnin’ water so’s he could get a drink.”

As word of unusual appearances began to spread, more people came forward to tell their tales. They include:

The bird-watcher who is convinced he saw a roc over Three Mile Pond – “No, it was definitely not a big eagle. Not even big eagles come that big.”
The Weeks Mills woman who did not dial 911 when a dozen centaurs filed down her driveway. “I’m a part-time 911 dispatcher myself, and I know what I’d be thinkin’ if I got a call like that,” she explained.
The South China resident who watched a troop of elves hold an archery contest in his yard. “Man, those little guys can shoot – right into the bulls-eye every time, and so fast you couldn’t hardly believe it,” he said admiringly.
Two China Village residents who interrupted their morning jog to see why the ducks in the open water by the causeway were agitated: they watched Poco, the 50-foot-long water snake from Pocomoonshine Lake, in Washington County, welcoming Champ from Lake Champlain, in Vermont, and Nessie from Loch Ness, in Scotland.

If past Gatherings are a guide, the Improbables will meet and greet in China until April 1. That evening, they will return to their homes until April Fools Day 2035.

Rogers promoted at Northern Light

Rose Rogers

Rose Rogers, BSN, RN, was promoted to director of Northern Light Walk-In Care and Northern Light Inland Hospital Emergency Department. Rogers has been overseeing the ED since 2019 and her leadership role has now expanded to include Walk-In Care. Rogers has been with Inland Hospital for 14 years, starting as per diem nurse in the ED and becoming the ED night charge nurse, and then House Manager.

Camden National Bank promotes Barbara Raths

Barbara Raths

Camden National Bank is pleased to announce the promotion of Barbara Raths, who formerly served as director of treasury management and government banking, to executive vice president of commercial banking. In her elevated role, Raths will focus on accelerating core commercial business development across the company’s footprint and will continue to lead treasury management sales and service strategies.

“Barbara has an unwavering commitment to her clients,” said Simon Griffiths, president and chief executive officer of Camden National Bank. “Her client-centric approach will lead us to expand our relationship banking focus as we continue to drive organic growth. Barbara’s promotion represents our strategic and thoughtful succession planning as well as the exceptional talent and bench strength within our organization. I am confident Barbara will make an excellent addition to our executive team.”

A leading industry expert, Raths has an extensive 20-year banking and finance career, with four of those years cultivating treasury relationships at Camden National Bank. She has taken on increasing levels of leadership with an exceptional focus on delivering integrated financial solutions, prudent risk management, and operational excellence.

Raths earned a bachelor’s degree in Rhetoric at Bates College, in Lewiston, and an MBA with a finance concentration from the University of Southern Maine. She is chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Maine Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, serves as the Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Maine International Trade Center, and is a member of the Maine District Export Council.

Scholarship application open for public high school seniors

The Worthington Scholarship Foundation is excited to announce their 2024 scholarship application is now open. Students graduating from a Maine public high school who meet the eligibility requirements may apply.

To complete an application, students must have a high school GPA of a C- or higher and a Student Aid Index (SAI) of $20,000 or less as determined by FAFSA. They must also attend a Worthington-eligible college the fall semester after their graduation and be a Maine resident.

The Worthington Scholarship Foundation partners with Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, Husson, Maine Maritime Academy, Thomas, the University of Maine system, and the Maine Community College system.

Applications are due April 15, 2024. To learn more and apply, visit their website

The Worthington Scholarship Foundation provides multi-year scholarships.

For more information, please visit www.worthington­scholars.­org.

New Dimensions FCU staff, members raise $25,208 to end hunger

From left to right, New Dimensions Federal Credit Union CEO Ryan Poulin, Dianne Bourgoin, David Alberico. (contributed photo)

Through dedicated teamwork and community support, New Dimensions Federal Credit Union (NDFCU) raised $25,208.19 for the 2023 Maine Credit Union League’s Campaign for Ending Hunger. Their fundraising efforts will directly support local food banks and pantries serving families struggling with hunger.

NDFCU employees organized a variety of creative fundraising events over several months, including raffles, dress-down days, car washes, and food sales. Their generous members also contributed however they could – whether through larger donations or simply purchasing treats in the branch. Small donations added up through the power of collective action.

“Our staff and members really came together with compassion for our local communities facing food insecurity,” said Ryan Poulin, CEO. “The credit union philosophy of ‘people helping people’ was on full display throughout the year. We’re grateful for everyone who donated their time and resources to make a difference.”

NDFCU’s contribution helped the statewide credit union campaign smash its $1 million goal by raising an impressive total of $1.22 million. The credit union remains committed to ongoing fundraising and volunteer efforts to continue supporting Maine communities through challenges with access to nutritious food.

Crommett promoted at Maine State CU

Amanda Crommett

Stephen Wallace, President and CEO of Maine State Credit Union, has announced the promotion of Amanda Crommett to Senior Vice President, Chief Organizational Developmental Officer. In this newly-created role, Crommett will oversee the training and development team and help to guide the continued growth of credit union.

“Amanda has been with the credit union for 18 years,” said Wallace. “During this time, she has worked in a variety of roles and has been an advocate for the creation of a workplace environment that focuses on the growth and development of all employees at all levels. This is not an easy task and in her new role, she will lead the charge to build the tools and resources that we need to maintain a strong culture as we expand across the state of Maine and have employees in different locations.”

Crommett started her career at Maine State Credit Union in the collections department and then moved to the lending department as a consumer loan officer. She then moved to the sales and service group, where she helped to develop training plans and eventually was selected to build the training and organizational development team, which has now expanded to four.

“I am passionate about helping others become the best versions of themselves,” said Crommett. “I am excited to be asked to take the lead in building a world-class organizational development group. Now, more than ever, it is important for employees to feel empowered and given the tools, training, and opportunity to grow. As Maine State Credit Union expands, and we have employees all over the state of Maine, it is critical for everyone to feel valued and connected. I am humbled to be selected to lead the charge.”

Crommett is a lifelong learner. She attends Southern New Hampshire University where she is studying organization psychology. She is a graduate of the Institute of Organizational Development and is a certified Myers-Briggs practitioner. Crommett lives in Manchester and can be found cheering for her children at their sporting events and exploring the grand state of Maine.

Nikia Levesque appointed vice president of jewelry association

Nikia Levesque

The Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) announces the appointment of Nikia Levesque as the vice president of the WJA Foundation. With nearly a decade of experience in the jewelry industry, Nikia brings a profound dedication to advancing women’s careers and a proven track record of leadership and innovation.

Susan Chandler, President of the Women’s Jewelry Association and Chief Merchandising Officer for Citizen Watch America, expressed her enthusiasm about Nikia Levesque’s appointment, stating, “Nikia brings a dynamic blend of industry expertise and unwavering commitment to empowering women. Her leadership will undoubtedly propel the WJA Foundation’s mission forward, inspiring countless women to reach new heights in their jewelry careers.”

Nikia’s journey in the profession is marked by excellence in jewelry retail. In high school, Nikia began her jewelry journey at Day’s Jewelers, in Waterville, in the service department. Her expertise spans marketing strategy, brand management, social media marketing, and customer relationship management. In addition to her WJA board appointment, Nikia is the vice president of marketing at Day’s Jewelers, where she demonstrates exceptional leadership in overseeing the company’s brand strategy, market development, and advertising initiatives.

Throughout her Day’s Jewelers tenure, Nikia spearheaded numerous successful projects, including the seamless launch of a new Shopify website, developing a comprehensive brand book, and the coordination of strategic partnerships with brands like Sea Bags. She played a pivotal role in the platform migration and build of the company’s current website. Her ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive results has been instrumental in elevating Day’s Jewelers’ brand presence and achieving key organizational objectives. Levesque was recognized as part of the Jewelers of America, Class of 2023, 20 Under 40.

Levesque says, “I am deeply honored to assume the role of vice president for the Women’s Jewelry Association Foundation Board. This organization has a rich history of empowering women in the jewelry industry, and I am committed to advancing its mission of fostering education, mentorship, and opportunities for women. Having started in this industry at the young age of 16, I am particularly grateful for the invaluable guidance and support I received from women who paved the way before me. Now, as I step into this leadership role, I am eager to give back and continue learning from the remarkable women in our industry. Together with the dedicated members of the board, I look forward to contributing to the growth and success of WJA, as we continue to inspire and support women in our vibrant and dynamic industry.”

Kennebec Valley Council of Governments names Joel Greenwood executive director

Joel Greenwood, from the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments. (photo by Eric Austin)

The Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) has announced that its board of directors has appointed Joel Greenwood as executive director.

Eric Dyer, KVCOG Board of Director’s President and Town Manager of Readfield, announced “We are excited for the opportunity to bring one of our most talented and experienced employees into the executive director role on a permanent basis. Joel is already well known to our membership and fully aware of KVCOG operations and services, which will result in a near seamless transition for the organization.”

Dyer added, “In his new position Joel’s expertise as a planner will strengthen KVCOG’s essential role in supporting regional and local planning initiatives and provide deliberate and thoughtful leadership.

“I am very happy to be able to step up on a permanent basis to lead KVCOG as its next executive director, ” Greenwood said. “My long tenure and experience in the organization will make the transition as smooth and quick as possible. I’m grateful to continue working with the exceptional team at KVCOG that provides high-quality and valuable services to the municipalities of the Kennebec Valley.”

“As an organization, KVCOG will continue to look for new ways to assist communities across the region.” Greenwood succeeds Matthew Underwood, who tendered his resignation to the board of directors in late January. Joel has been with KVCOG since 2011 and has had more than 20 years of experience in nonprofit work, redevelopment, economic development in rural communities and all aspects of rural and urban planning. His years of experience in all aspects of KVCOG’s operations, existing relationships with its members and as an admired mentor and leader to the KVCOG team translates to a bright future for KVCOG and its member municipalities.

Laura Jones announces candidacy for House

Laura Jones

Laura Jones, retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, and Vassalboro native, has announced her election campaign for House District #61, in Vassalboro and part of Sidney.

“Vassalboro has always been where my heart is and where I was happy to return to. I served my country for 25 years and now I am happy to serve my community. I will continue to work as hard as I can in Augusta for the people of Vassalboro and Sidney.” said Jones.

Jones, 52, a fourth generation Vassalboro resident, was born in Waterville and raised in Vassalboro. Jones served 25 years in the military, with deployments and assignments to Haiti, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Japan. She currently works at her family’s business, Fieldstone Gardens, in Vassalboro. She has been very active in the community helping organize and promote community events for the Vassalboro Historical Society, Grange, Mill and Vassalboro Business Association. She currently serves on the Board of the Vassalboro Historical Society and is their treasurer.

“Laura’s contributions to the community since retiring from military service are commendable and her life experiences will serve her well in Augusta,” said Barbara Redmond, former Vassalboro selectperson. “Laura is an excellent candidate and will do a great job representing the residents of Vassalboro and part of Sidney in the legislature”.

Visit Laura Jones on Facebook and her campaign website.