China public hearing planned on proposed teen camp

China Planning Board members will begin their April 10 meeting with a public hearing on plans for a leadership camp for teenagers on Three Mile Pond and also hear at least preliminary information on a proposed Dollar General store at 9 Windsor Road, at the intersection of Route 3 and Windsor Road.

At the board’s March 27 meeting Wesley and Susan Horton explained their new use for the existing building and grounds at 24 Pond Hill Road, with enough interested neighbors present to lead the board to schedule the public hearing for 6:30 p.m. April 10. After hearing comments, board members are scheduled to continue to review the application.

The new agenda item is an application from Zaremba Program Development LLC for a Dollar General store, described as a retail department store, to be built on the corner lot that currently has a house on it. At an informal discussion some weeks ago Planning Board members heard that the store will be the smallest Dollar General builds and that access is planned off Windsor Road. Because of the location and size of the lot, board members expressed concerns about traffic, especially motorists turning right onto Windsor Road from Route 3.

See our related story: China planners set to hear proposal on camp for teens


CHINA: CEO to seek court order against Bio Renewable Fuels to cease operation

by Mary Grow

China selectmen acted on one of two ongoing issues on their April 2 agenda, but need more information and warmer weather to deal with the other.

By a unanimous vote, board members granted Codes Officer Paul Mitnik’s request to have the town attorney seek a court order requiring Ralph Howe, owner of Bio Renewable Fuels (BRF), to cease operations at his Dirigo Road property and clean up the property.

China Village Fire Chief Timothy Theriault told the board he and the two landowners involved are satisfied with the Neck Road fire pond that selectmen have talked about spending more money on, though he agrees a guard rail is needed. The contractor who dug the pond will return to finish the job after the ground thaws and Tom Michaud, the major landowner involved, returns from Florida.

The dispute between Howe and the town goes back to the summer of 2017, when Mitnik determined Howe needed a permit for his expanded commercial use. Howe declined to apply for one and appealed Mitnik’s notice of violation to the Board of Appeals, which twice denied his appeal. Mitnik said since Howe closed down his operation in Fairfield he has moved trailers and tanks onto the Dirigo Road property, in no apparent order and without spill containment under the tanks. Neighbors have complained, he said.

Howe said he has only consolidated his waste tanks; he is not doing any new business, has not made biofuel in a long time, is not treating the waste (because Mitnik threatened to fine him for operating without a permit) and does not need a new town permit.

Selectmen told Howe he should go to the planning board. Board member Donna Mills-Stevens asked repeatedly for a business plan; Jeffrey LaVerdiere said Howe’s business should be run properly with respect for neighbors or should stop.

When LaVerdiere asked Howe if a cease-and-desist order would lead to a protracted legal battle, Howe replied, “Yes.”

The Neck Road fire pond also dates back to 2017. Voters approved $8,500 to create the pond in November; Theriault said after the first contractor pulled out, he found a second contractor who dug the pond late in November.

The original plan was to expand an existing pond on two properties, Michaud’s and that of a neighbor who was not named in the discussion. The neighbor asked for legal documents, including an easement or right of way letting the town use the property. Instead, his part of the pond was walled off and the work done entirely on Michaud’s property, with Michaud’s support, Theriault said.

Selectmen have questioned legal and liability issues and the safety of the steep-sided 15-foot-deep pond. They talked about spending up to another $25,000 on improvements they consider necessary.

“We love the pond. I’ve used it,” Theriault said at the April 2 meeting. Availability of water provides additional fire protection for the area, he said. He does favor a guard rail, and said rocks from Michaud’s land can be used to stabilize eroding areas.

Theriault said once Michaud returns, he expects the two neighbors to agree on uniting what are now separate ponds and the contractor to do whatever more is needed to make the pond permanent and safe.

In other business April 2, selectmen scheduled a public hearing for 6:15 p.m. Monday, April 16, before their next meeting, on Michael Marois’ application for a liquor license for his MJEK restaurant on Lakeview Drive.

Theriault, in his capacity as District #79 State Representative, presented former Selectman Joann Austin an award from the 128th Maine Legislature recognizing her 25 years of public service.

Selectmen appointed three committee members: Neil Farrington to the Historic Preservation Committee, Raigan Messier to the Recreation Committee and Simeon Blake Brown as Palermo’s second representative on the Transfer Station Committee. Board member Irene Belanger distributed new Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce brochures describing the greater Waterville region, including China. Copies are available in public places.

Belanger gave selectmen copies of the proposed RSU (Regional School Unit) #18 budget for 2018-19, which voters in the member towns (Belgrade, China, Oakland, Rome and Sidney) will approve or reject at the polls June 12.

She announced a drug take-back day at the China transfer station, scheduled for Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Asked the effect of the 2018-19 budgets on the tax rate, Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux replied that he expects a decrease on the municipal side and an increase on the school side will approximately balance, leaving the Kennebec County budget the factor that will determine the tax rate. “There is a very good possibility it will stay where it is,” he summarized.

After adjourning their meeting, selectmen went into executive session to open what L’Heureux and board Chairman Robert MacFarland said were 17 applications from people seeking to succeed L’Heureux when he retires at the end of June.

Aiden Pettengill achieves rank of Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout Aiden Pettengill

CHINA – Throughout its history, the Boy Scouts of America has provided leaders for tomorrow who are prepared as good citizens, always ready to serve others. Service often occurs in small, unassuming ways – good turns and acts of kindness by individual Scouts, often unnoticed throughout their daily lives. It happens on a larger scale, too, when an Eagle Scout candidate plans and carries out his major service project. The celebration of this event was held March 17, 2018, at the China Baptist Church, for Eagle Scout Aiden Pettengill of China Troop #479.

Friends, family members, elected officials and other scouts gathered together to honor Aiden for earning his wings – the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. The Eagle is the highest rank that scouting bestows in the advancement program. Eagle Scout Aiden Pettengill, his family, his Scout leaders, and other members of the community were recognized in this special presentation.

Assistant Scoutmaster Matt Bodine gave a brief description Aiden’s Eagle Project. Aiden’s Eagle Project was at the new location for the South China Library. His project was to design and build a reading outdoor station. His final design included clearing a space under a large tree, having two benches built, two large flower beds surrounded by two layers of round rocks. He had many donated flowers and bulbs to plant. Scouts and Leaders came the morning he selected to work under his leadership. His outdoor reading station will be available this summer when the Library is moved. His project couldn’t have happened without Aiden’s leadership and drive to succeed.

Assistant Scoutmaster Darryl Praul and Assistant Scoutmaster Doug Leonard were introduced. Darryl Praul asked Eagle Scout Aiden Pettengill to advance his name on the board of Eagle rank. Doug Leonard presented the gift from the Troop Committee, Running Toward Danger – Real Life Scouting Action Stories of Heroism, Valor & Guts by Michael S. Malone

Advance Chairman Ron Emery introduced special guests. Sentiments were presented by Daniel L’Heureux, China’s Town Manager and Chuck Mahaleris, Kennebec Valley District Advancement Chairperson. It should be noted that letters of sentiment were received from Past President George W. Bush and his father and members of U.S. Congress, and many others.

Aiden expressed gratitude to all those who helped him to reach the Eagle Rank. Especially Scoutmaster Scott Adams, Assistant Scoutmaster Matt Bodine and Advance Chairman Ron Emery and his parents who all gave him help whenever needed. Aiden also thanked all the guests who took time to come to his Eagle ceremony on his special day and for all the Scouts who helped him with the ceremony.

He is the son of Lee and Danielle Pettengill, of South China, and is a freshman at Erskine Academy, in South China.

China planners set to hear proposal on camp for teens

by Mary Grow

The China Planning Board has scheduled an April 10 public hearing on a proposal to convert a former corporate retreat on Pond Hill Road to a leadership development camp for teenagers.

Pond Hill Road is between Route 3 and Three Mile Pond. The property has frontage on the pond as well as a tennis court, baseball field and half basketball court, owners Wesley and Susan Horton said.

The planing board’s initial review of the proposal, held March 27 with only three of the six board members present, drew nine neighbors with questions and concerns. Given the interest, board members willingly accepted several audience members’ recommendation they hold a public hearing.

The Hortons, who also run the Ironwood Maine facility, in Morrill, explained the Pond Hill Road camp is for young people, mostly between 16 and 18, who are recovering from problems like anxiety and depression, have been in treatment and are ready for a transition back to family life, college or another destination.

They plan to have no more than 10 residents at a time, with at least two staff people supervising at all times. The focus will be on life skills and character development – dealing with emotions, reconnecting with family members, finding purpose, establishing routines. Youngsters typically stay three months; the camp operates year-round.

Their clients do not have criminal records, and they are not ordered to the facility by a court or other agency. Referrals come mostly from parents, who are “part of the equation,” Wesley Horton said, and sometimes from school counselors.

“They’re good kids,” said Susan Horton, who is a psychotherapist specializing in adolescent development.

Wesley Horton added that the camp operates on a two-strike system: a second infraction of rules, like smoking, keeping an untidy room or arguing with staff about chores, means the youngster is out.

Neighbors had questions about traffic, interaction with neighborhood young people and the degree of supervision – the last raised by Anita Whittaker, considering the snow-sculpted penis she sees from her windows. The Hortons said the clients do not drive and are supervised at all times. The facility has a 10 p.m. curfew.

As the discussion drew to an end, neighbor Raymond Gosselin said the camp has been operating since the Hortons bought the property in October 2017, and asked why they are only now applying for a planning board permit.

Codes Officer Paul Mitnik said he was unaware of the Hortons’ use of the property until they asked him for an occupancy permit. He assumes they did not know they needed a change of use permit from the planning board.

The April 10 hearing is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the town office meeting room.

See our related story: China public hearing planned on proposed teen camp


China board denies BioFuels’ request to reconsider

by Mary Grow

At a March 22 meeting, the China Board of Appeals refused to reconsider its Feb. 15 refusal to hear two appeals of codes officer’s decisions filed by Bio Renewable Fuels (BRF).

The case began in August 2017, when Codes Officer Paul Mitnik notified BRF owner Ralph Howe that he needed a planning board permit to continue his Dirigo Road operation. In September 2017, Mitnik sent the company a notice of violation.

Howe appealed both documents. At the Feb. 15 hearing, board of appeals members unanimously rejected both appeals on procedural grounds, without going into the merits of the issue.

The rest of the board agreed with Chairman Spencer Aitel that the appeal of the August letter was not filed within the required 30 days, and that the appeal of the notice of violation incorrectly listed the property-owner as BFR, when in fact the company leases its land from Ralph Howe’s wife Linda.

Attorney Kristin Collins, of Preti Flaherty, in Augusta, disagreed with both reasons and objected to the board’s not giving the Howes a chance to rebut them. She therefore asked the board to reconsider its Feb. 15 decisions.

Aitel arrived at the conclusion that the appeal was filed late by counting days on a calendar. Collins referenced state Rules of Civil Procedure that say that the day of an action does not count as the first day, and if the final day of a time period is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the next day should be counted as the final day. By those rules, she said, the appeal was filed within 30 days. On the second point, Collins said BFR was the entity to which Mitnik’s documents were addressed, and since the company has a 99-year lease on the land it is the owner for relevant purposes. She added that nothing in town ordinances allows dismissal of an appeal because of an error on the form; in fact, she said, the town does not even require a form, as long as an appeal is in writing, nor does it require the property-owner to submit the appeal.

Board of Appeals members approved motions not to reconsider each previous action by identical 4-1-1 votes, with Robert Fischer, Lisa Kane, Anthony Pileggi and Dale Worster in the majority, Michael Gee opposed and Aitel abstaining.

Aitel told the Howes they may appeal the board’s decisions to Superior Court.

China voters approve all warrant items but one

by Mary Grow

China voters approved all but one of the 43 articles in the warrant for their March 24 annual town business meeting.

Art. 41 was defeated on a written vote of 38 in favor to 48 opposed. The article asked authorization to spend $100 to buy the Branch Mills Union Church and up to another $80,000 from donations, grants and if applicable China’s Tax Increment Finance (TIF) fund to maintain the historic building. The proposal came from Selectman and Bicentennial Coordinator Neil Farrington, who stressed the importance of preserving tangible pieces of China’s past. He also urged treating China’s four villages equally, pointing out that the town is financing causeway improvements near China Village and the one-room schoolhouse in Weeks Mills and has installed sidewalks in South China.

Hugh Krajewski, one of the church directors, said Branch Mills residents support preserving the church as a multi-purpose secular community center and consider tearing down the building “not a viable option.” The town would have a better chance of getting preservation grants than would the church directors, he said.

Click the picture above to download the China Town Report for 2018 in pdf format.

Budget committee member Wayne Chadwick said preservation should be done by the China Historical Society or another private entity, not by taxpayers. He pointed out that in the Palermo half of Branch Mills Village are a newer church and a Grange Hall that could serve as community centers.

Former Selectman Ronald Breton said the TIF Committee had not been consulted on the possible use of TIF money. He added that “a selectman” – he declined to say which one – told him repairs and maintenance would be likely to cost $200,000 rather than the $80,000 in the warrant article.

Another historic preservation proposal, the request for up to $20,000 to install water and a septic system at the Weeks Mills schoolhouse, also generated debate, but was approved, not unanimously, by a show of hands. Farrington said the work would make the building usable as a community center for Weeks Mills or, now that it has internet, as a virtual school.

Chadwick opposed this expenditure, too, questioning the need for local centers now that transportation is easy, citing the shortage of land for a septic system and for parking and asking whether the additions would fit the building’s historic character.

Farrington said parking could be at the church across the road and that a neighbor is willing to share part of his land. Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux added that the Weeks Mills Water Company has agreed to extend a line to the building, and that when it was a school it had running water and a “primitive waste system.”

The other request approved only after debate was for a new precrusher-compactor for demolition and debris at the transfer station (Art. 17). The equipment would cost more than $56,000; Chadwick and others questioned whether it was a good investment.

Members of the Transfer Station Committee, which endorsed the proposal, said the new equipment would be used mostly to crush bulky items like sofas and mattresses so that each load shipped out for landfilling would have more in it. Since the town pays by the load, increasing the tonnage in each load from about six to about 10 tons would save money.

The new compactor would also save wear and tear on the loader that transfer station staff now use as an improvised crusher, would save staff time and would be safer, Paul Lucas and Linda O’Connor said. It would be a back-up for busy days or if the main compactor had a problem. Since the current hopper dates from around 1990, Farrington called a back-up a good idea.

There was disagreement over how long it would take the equipment to pay for itself, with opponents claiming up to 17 years and supporters saying if quantities of debris continue to increase and hauling costs rise the payback could be five or six years.

Art. 17 also included a little more than $24,000 for a new forklift. Transfer Station Committee Chairman Frank Soares said the one now in use needs $3,000 worth of repairs and would still be of doubtful reliability.

Another new proposal that voters approved was to spend up to $22,000 to update China’s comprehensive plan, with the understanding most of the money would be used to hire a consultant. Residents interested in serving on a committee to oversee the project are invited to contact the town office.

The business meeting began with election of Richard Thompson as moderator for, he said, about the 13th year. Voters heard brief presentations from state Senate candidates John Glowa, of China, and Matthew Pouliot, of Augusta; state House candidates Dawn Castner and incumbent Timothy Theriault, both of China; and gubernatorial candidate Mary Mayhew, of China.

During a scheduled break in business, Selectman Irene Belanger asked for audience appreciation of China’s firefighters, rescue unit members and police officers and announced Spirit of America awards for volunteerism to one individual and one group.

She recognized L’Heureux’s retirement after 22 -1/2 years as China’s town manager and said he deserves the Spirit of America award for all the extra time he has put in. The audience gave him standing applause. The other Spirit of America recipients were those overseeing and organizing programs in the China school forest behind China Primary School: Tim Basham, Elaine Philbrook and Robin Tobey, all of China, and Claire Heffernan, school health coordinator for Regional School Unit (RSU) #18.

Erskine Academy announces school calendar change

Parents and students should be advised of a change to Erskine Academy’s school calendar due to excessive storm days. Friday, April 13, will now be an early release day with dismissal at 11:30 a.m. Any additional school cancellations will be reviewed to determine if further make up days will be required.

The many roles of RSU #18’s SROs

by Mandi Favreau

Tracey “Frosty” Frost, SRO for RSU18

When students arrive at Messalonskee High School, the first face they often see is that of Detective Tracey Frost.  “Frosty” as the kids call him, is a reassuring presence, rather than an intimidating one. He has a booming “good-morning,” a witty comment for each kid, and can call most of them by name.

At Messalonskee Middle School, Sergeant Adam Sirois starts his day in a similar manner, greeting students with a smile and a quiet “hello,” complimenting their hat, asking about their weekend. “He is always chatting with the kids, either one on one or in small groups,” said head Administrative Assistant Tracey Foster.

For both of these men, their day is spent wearing many hats.  A school resource officer (SRO) is part counselor, part teacher, part enforcer, and part defender.  There’s no such thing as a typical day in the life of an SRO; they simply play too many roles in the school setting. “I try to fulfill whatever need is present,” said Detective Frost. “I’ve investigated threats, searched students for weapons, taught young men how to tie ties, investigated DHHS issues and sexual assaults, assisted in drug investigations, delivered death notifications, assisted with suicidal students, handled traffic complaints, stood by for custody disputes, taught classes in Civics, Health and Criminal Justice, recovered lost property and investigated sexting complaints.  Every once in a while, I get to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee.”

Police Chief Mike Tracy

The student resource officer program in RSU #18 started in January of 1999 with now Police Chief Mike Tracy as the district’s first SRO. The SROs are always Oakland Police Officers but are also deputized as Kennebec County Sheriffs in order to be able to cover all the schools in the district as needed. “The schools and the police department have always had a very strong relationship, even before the start of the program,” said Chief Tracy. He added that while the job has changed with the times, the basics have stayed the same.  ”We work together with the safety of the students in mind.”

While the national media has, naturally, been focusing on the role that school resource officers may play during an incident of school violence, that is only one of the many situations where these officers may be called on to protect students. According to Superintendent Carl Gartley, having armed SROs has been key in keeping students safe in a variety of situations that could have become much more difficult without their intervention.

Their presence is also extremely reassuring to the school community.  “Students and parents appreciate having Detective Frost in our building as he is a great resource for them to reach out to when they have specific issues that they need help with,” said MHS Principal Paula Callan. She also added that he is the school’s “go-to person” for delivering food baskets and gifts to families over the holidays, and behind the scenes, he is in charge of running drills and updating staff on security protocol.

Frost acknowledges that though his role at the high-school is primarily that of protector and investigator, he feels he is most effective as a mentor.   “I try to position myself to be approachable,” said Frost.  “When a student wants to talk about what’s going on at home, or online, I want them to feel comfortable coming to see me with the assurance that I will do my best to help.” He added that he believes that this is the best defense against potential school violence. “Students feel comfortable texting, emailing or talking to me. I am usually successful at getting information that a problem exists before it becomes a fight or something worse.”

Forging relationships with the students they work with is key for SROs to be effective. For Sirois, it’s also his favorite part of the job. Many of the students he works with frequently need more “positive interaction with adult authority figures,” and providing that can have a huge impact.  “Adam builds great relationships with students and has many discussions with them on topics around bullying, being safe online, avoiding legal issues and other topics,” said MMS Principal Mark Hatch.

Detective Tracey Frost congratulating graduates

The job also has its fair share of challenges. For Frost, the biggest one is the heartache of knowing that 90 percent of the students he interacts with in his official role grew up in poverty with little to no positive parenting; this makes reaching them difficult.  “I deal with the same 20 students over and over again,” said Frost. “Sometimes this is very challenging and, quite frankly, tiring.” He agrees with Sirois that being able to make a difference with those kids is the greatest reward. “Every once in a while, I get a victory where a student who is going down a hard road gets in trouble and I am able to turn that kid’s life around.”

Safety in our schools has always been a priority in RSU #18 and will continue to be so. “Unfortunately, just living in rural Maine is no longer enough to say we are safe,” said Superintendent Carl Gartley.  “In today’s world, we need to have our building secure, we need to have buzz-in systems and cameras in our schools.” He added that the schools and town are working together to explore a variety of additional improvements that can be made to our security protocol, from the possibility of additional resource officers to modifications in the physical structures of some of the buildings.

Both Detective Frost and Sergeant Sirois feel that there is a lot to be said for the current state of security in the district, despite some architectural challenges in the older schools. “Our crisis plans are state of the art and are updated regularly,” said Frost. “We have more SROs than any other district in the area. Our management team takes security seriously. We have a substantial number of cameras. We work well with surrounding police and fire departments.” He added that there is a balance to be had between ensuring safety and turning our schools into prisons. “We want to remain a welcoming environment, not a detention facility.  It’s a balance that everyone is struggling with.”

This article first appeared on the RSU18 website.

Making China a place to last a lifetime

by Eric W. Austin

Pssst! I know a bit about my fellow China residents. I know, for example, that 96 percent of you want to stay in China as you age. In fact, on the whole, most of you think China is a pretty great place to live. There is high confidence in our emergency services, with 93 percent of you happy with the Volunteer Fire Department, 89 percent satisfied with ambulance and rescue services, and 87 percent pleased with the response from law enforcement.

Now, how do I know this? I didn’t go around and ask everyone in town. Thankfully, I didn’t have to. There’s a committee dedicated to doing just that. It’s called the China for a Lifetime Committee (CFAL). Members were appointed by the China Board of Selectmen back in April 2017, with the first committee meeting in May. The committee is headed up by Chairman Christopher Hahn, owner of 3 Level Farm, a 145-acre, diversified organic farm in China.

You might remember a survey sent out by the committee last October. The four-page questionnaire was mailed to every seventh household in China and distributed in the October 18 edition of The Town Line. Copies were also available from the town office and the transfer station between October 18 and November 30.

A total of 291 China residents completed the survey and the results were collated and shown to the committee in January. The survey was developed, distributed, and analyzed by the committee with technical assistance from Patricia Oh, of Bowdoin, a consultant with the Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging.

I asked Hahn about the committee’s motivations for sending out the survey. “What we’re trying to do is learn, from all of the citizens of China, what types of services, facilities and systems will enhance their lives and make them want to live a lifetime in China,” he told me. “For a single senior citizen, it will be one thing. For a 20-year-old, just joining the workforce, it will likely be something else. We hope to connect the dots through better systems of communication and networking.”

That sentiment was certainly front and center at the committee’s meeting last month, where they discussed the survey results and set priorities on what to tackle first. The number one issue that kept cropping up was ‘Better Communication.’

Part of the survey centered on social activities in China. Although 70 percent of respondents were satisfied with the activities available in China, the top reason given by those that weren’t was a lack of information. In other words, people want to be involved, but are not aware of what there is to be involved in.

Similarly, many people were unaware that places like the South China Community Church or local Masonic Lodges had programs open to the public. Did you know the China Conference Center has a gymnasium that is available for public use by the residents of China? Did you know China has an emergency shelter with its own water, septic and generator for electricity? I sure didn’t.

A much more difficult question is how to go about improving communication by making information more available and easier to find. A number of ideas were offered by committee members and mentioned by respondents in their comments on the survey. Among them was the suggestion of expanding the Tuesday Notice, an announcement that currently focuses on school news and events. Another was to create a ‘Friends of China’ Facebook group, where activities could be announced. The most promising idea was to expand The Town Line’s online ‘Calendar of Events’ page into an exhaustive, and searchable, community calendar.

According to the CFAL survey, 77 percent of you already turn to The Town Line for information about local activities. I asked Roland Hallee, managing editor of The Town Line, what he thought about the idea of hosting a community calendar. “I think it’s a terrific idea,” he told me. “The Town Line has been the voice of China and the surrounding communities for the past 30 years. Now that we’re online, it only makes sense that becomes the online portal for information about what is going on in the town. We have been discussing ways to improve our Calendar of Events page and will help the CFAL committee achieve its goals in any way we can.”

Respondents to the survey were also looking for more activities for their age group. Only 39 percent of those surveyed thought there were enough programs for youth and children and many were looking for additional activities for kids that do not participate in sports. Adults also expressed an interest in more activities, with wellness programs, outdoor recreation, lifelong learning and socialization opportunities topping the list. However, it is unclear whether there is an actual lack of opportunities or just insufficient information about those already available.

China residents are generally generous folks, with 38 percent of respondents saying they volunteer on town committees or for local charity organizations. Some respondents expressed a desire to volunteer but did not know what needs there were in the community. To that end, The Town Line will be adding a special “Volunteering” section to our classifieds page. All listings will be free. If you run a community organization and you need volunteers, or if you are a citizen and want to give your time to a worthy cause, send The Town Line an email with the subject “Volunteer Classifieds” and we will list you in the new Volunteering section of the weekly classifieds for free! (This service will be available for all towns where The Town Line is distributed, not just China.)

The CFAL survey identified some needs and areas for improvement in our community as well. Nearly 40 percent of those who responded admitted they were having difficulties financially, and 15 percent said they sometimes did not have enough food to eat. Surprisingly, only 3 percent have used the services of the China Food Pantry. (Local food pantries with operational hours can be found at

About 12 percent of those surveyed said their homes are not warm enough during winter months. And while only 3 percent stated their homes were missing smoke detectors, 24 percent did not have carbon monoxide detectors and 16 percent did not have a working fire extinguisher. This subject is of special importance to the CFAL Committee, and they are looking for a way to make sure all China homes are at least equipped with smoke detectors. The Volunteer Fire Department used to give them out but had to stop for liability reasons. The committee is currently looking for a way to get around this problem of liability.

Another goal of the committee has been to look at the services available to our senior residents. According to the 2016 U.S. Census data, 12 percent of our population is over the age of 65, with another 9 percent reaching retirement age within the next five years. That’s a pretty sizable portion of our population, but currently, there is no senior housing facility located in China. Our older citizens are often forced to move out of town, to Waterville or Skowhegan, and away from family and friends when no longer able to live on their own.

Joann Austin, member of the CFAL committee and retired selectman, is particularly passionate on this subject. “Our older population in China is growing,” she said about the initiative. “They are an important part of this town and we need a local facility so they can stay here and continue to contribute to the community as they grow older.”

The China for a Lifetime Committee’s work is only just begun, but with the completion of the survey they’ve taken a major step toward their goal: to make China a town where you’d want to spend a lifetime.

Based on the survey results and community feedback, the CFAL committee plans to release an action plan sometime in the late Spring of 2018. The official assessment and analysis of the survey results can be found at the town office or on their website.

Are you interested in making a difference in China? The China for a Lifetime Committee’s meetings are held at the town office and open to the public – and community participation is encouraged! The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 17, at 6:30 p.m.

(Please click here to download the China for a Lifetime committee’s official assessment for the 2017 survey.) 

Eric Austin lives in China and writes about technology and community issues. He can be reached by email at

CORRECTION: The South China Community Church was incorrectly referred to as the South China Baptist Church. We apologize for the error.


CHINA: No progress on Neck Road Fire Pond

Neck Road fire pond.

by Mary Grow

China selectmen had a short meeting with no major decisions March 19, their last before voters act on their proposed budget for 2018-19 and related items at the March 24 town business meeting.

Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux reported no progress on the fire pond on Neck Road because landowner Tom Michaud is out of state. At their earlier March meeting, board members approved a draft memorandum of agreement for Michaud’s review. Board members voted unanimously March 19 to spend no more money on the pond until they have a satisfactory plan in place.

On another ongoing issue, they directed the manager to ask the state Department of Transportation to conduct a speed study on the causeway at the head of China Lake’s east basin, where the town plans to spend Tax Increment Finance funds to replace the existing bridge and enhance recreational use of the area.

Board Chairman Robert MacFarland said the legal speed limit is 45 miles an hour, in spite of a 25 mile an hour sign on one end of Causeway Street (which runs from Main Street in China Village to Lakeview Drive). Resident Paul Lucas suggested selectmen invite non-resident taxpayers to a meeting in the summer to give them information on where their tax money goes, let them ask questions and help them feel part of the community. Selectmen liked the idea; discussion will be continued at a future meeting.

The annual town business meeting begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 24 (if there is a quorum of 120 registered voters) at China Primary School, off Lakeview Drive behind China Middle School.

Copies of the 2016-17 town report, which includes the 43-article warrant for the meeting, are available at the town office and on the town web site. The warrant is also available on website at

The next regular China selectmen’s meeting will fall on Monday, April 2.