China scouts provide morning worship on Boy Scout Sunday

Front row, from left to right, Isaac Audette, Sam Quick, and Brady Newell. Second row, Chuck Mahaleris, Nathan Choate, Kameron Rossignol, Nicholas Choate, Sam Boynton, and Scoutmaster Christian Hunter. Back row, Sean Boynton, Bruce Rueger, Matt Bodine, Michael Choate, Derek Rossignol, and Ronald Emery. Absent from photo are Scott Adams, and Priscilla Adams. (photo courtesy of Ron Emery)

by Ron Emery

On February 5 – Boy Scout Sunday – the Boy Scouts from Troop #479, along with some of their leaders, provided the Morning Worship Service at the China Baptist Church. The scouts, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Christian Hunter, have taken part in Scout Sunday Worship service for 30 years (Missing 2019-2021 because of COVID restrictions). Very few Boy Scout troops in the Kennebec Valley District are provided this opportunity. The scouts from Troop #479 were invited to prepare some of the worship service by Rev. Ronald Morrell. Under Rev. Morrell’s direction and with assistance from the Committee Member Ronald Emery, the worship service gave each of the scouts a chance to participate in the Sunday Morning Worship, as follows:

Call to Worship, by Scout Nathan Choate;
Invocation and Lord’s Prayer by Scout Sam Quick;
Responsive Reading, The Scout Law by Scout Kameron Rossignol;
A Scout Remembrance and Tribute In memory of Scout Rémy Pettengill, by Chuck Mahaleris Kennebec Valley District Chairman;
Preparation for Prayer by Scout Nicholas Choate;
Pastoral Prayer by Scout Sam Boynton;
Children’s Message, The Five Finger Prayer by Scout Leader Derek Rossignol;
Scripture Reading, The Scout Beatitudes by Scout Isaac Audette;
Offering: Nicholas Choate, Nathan Choate, Sam Boynton, Kameron Rossignol;
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication, by Scout Isaac Audette;
Message ‘IF GOD COULD SPEAK’, by Scout Leaders Mike Choate and Ronald Emery;
Benediction by Scout Brady Newell;
Invitation and Prayer for Refreshments by Scout Leader Ronald Emery

The twelfth point of the Scout law, a Scout is Reverent, was exemplified by the scouts. A large congregation including boys and leaders in uniforms enjoyed the Sunday service. Fellowship hour was hosted by Troop #479 in the vestry.

LETTERS: A thank you note from our family

To the editor:

Remy Pettengil

To our family, friends, neighbors, fellow Scouters, Masonic brothers, Erskine Academy family, China Middle School family, coworkers, & the greater China Community:

We started out making a list of those to thank during this past month but realized that the amazing amount of support came from an overwhelming amount of people both near and far – we feared forgetting someone.

To our family, there are no words to express how thankful we are for you. You kept our household going, you held our hands, you provided a shoulder to cry on, and you continue to provide us with unwavering support always.

To those of you that sent words of encouragement, prayed for Rémy and our family, and kept us in your thoughts – thank you! We read each and every card and message; the amount of love for Rémy gave us some comfort in this very trying time. We were humbled by all the wonderful stories of Rémy’s reach and quiet positive impact on others, which we now realize far pushed the bounds of what we knew.

To those of you who provided a meal for our family – thank you! Although it seems like such an everyday task, you allowed us to just be together as a family without the burden of a chore.

To those of you who gave a monetary gift or a gift card – thank you! We never realized until this tragedy, how helpful those could be. Please know we will continue to pay it forward.

To all the area sports teams who are rocking crazy socks or taking a moment of silence – thank you! That simple action to keep Rémy’s legacy and love of life alive means more to us than words can say.

To those of you who took Rémy’s legacy to heart and are going above and beyond to spread kindness and are encouraging others to do the same – thank you!

We can’t forget the socks; to those of you that donated a pair or more – thank you! Rémy loved his crazy socks. Thus far we have delivered 6,588 pairs of socks in his honor and have at least 399 more pairs to deliver – that’s 6,987 pairs! As a family, we have decided that we will start an annual tradition of getting socks to those in need each October (before the Maine winter sets in) – stay tuned.

To those of you who organized/took part in the candlelight vigil, assisted with Rémy’s celebration of life, or are working on other things to keep his memory alive – thank you! We are so touched by your actions.

To the neuro-ICU team at Maine Med – thank you for taking care of all of us! You are an amazing group of compassionate people. Fr. Kevin and Fr. Claude – thank you for supporting us spiritually! Plummer Funeral Home – thank you for your genuine care and concern for our family!

Each day Rémy walked this Earth, he greeted friends and strangers with a smile. He was a voice for those who could not find their own, he protected the weak, he championed the underdog, and he helped those in need. Please remember him with joy. Help Rémy continue his legacy – be kind to one another, hold the door open, smile, and care for those you know and even those you don’t. Love, laugh, live life to its fullest, and wear crazy socks!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

Lee, Danielle, Aiden, & Bryson Pettengill

Samuel Boynton earns Eagle Scout status

Sam Boynton, left, smiles as his mother, Jennifer Boynton, pins the Eagle Scout medal on his chest. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

Samuel K. Boynton, a senior at Erskine Academy, in South China, was presented with the highest award in Scouting during a ceremony Sunday, February 5 at the China Baptist Church with family, friends and fellow Troop #479 Scouts on hand for the presentation.

Troop #479 Scoutmaster Christian Hunter said during the ceremony, “The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout. Officially, the trail starts with the Tenderfoot rank and continues through Second and First Class ranks. Then, the mountain climbing begins. The path is marked with merit badges, leadership responsibilities, service projects, and the practice of Scouting skills and ideals. The first peak reached is that of Star Scout, the second is Life Scout, and, finally, Eagle Scout.” Sam’s climb to Eagle began when he joined Cub Scouting in 2011. By September of 2016, he had joined Scout Troop #479. He completed all requirements for Eagle Scout rank on September 19, 2022, when he passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review – exactly six years after earning his Scout rank.

Hunter, who is an Eagle Scout himself, said, “The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character.” Later he added, “Eagle Scout is not a patch, an award or certificate to hang on the wall. It is a way to live your life.” Samuel Boynton pledged to, “always obey the Scout law and help other people.” He promised those in attendance that he would work to “make my country and my community a better place.”

Boynton’s Eagle Scout project saw improvements to the Monument Trail, at Thurston Park. Sean’s parents were participants in the ceremony. Jennifer Boynton, Sam’s mom, pinned the Eagle Scout medal on her son’s uniform and Sean Boynton, Sam’s dad, replaced his troop neckerchief with one only worn by Eagle Scouts. Sam also received a Bronze Eagle Palm for earning five merit badges beyond the 21 required for Eagle Scout. Sam then presented his parents with Eagle Scout pins in recognition of the assistance and guidance they had given him through his Scouting career.

Samuel Boynton received a Legislative Sentiment from State Representative Katrin Smith, of Palermo, who attended the ceremony. He also received praise from members of the Congressional Delegation. U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree wrote in her congratulatory note, “Your hard work truly exemplifies the Eagle Scout spirit.” U.S. Senator Angus King stated in his letter, “You have set an excellent example for the members of Troop #479, and I hope your fellow Scouts will follow in your footsteps.”

Gilman named to dean’s list at Cedarville University

Josette Gilman

Josette Gilman has been named to the dean’s list for Cedarville University, in Cedar­ville, Ohio, for Fall Semester 2022. Josette is a freshman at Cedarville studying digital media, journalism and broadcasting. Josette is a 2022 gra­duate of Erskine Academy, in South China. She is the daughter of Lance and April Gilman, and the granddaughter of Judi Gilman, all residents of China.









China transfer committee approves two documents for select board consideration

by Mary Grow

At their Jan. 24 meeting, members of China’s Transfer Station Committee unanimously approved two documents for forwarding to the select board.

One is a revised Solid Waste Ordinance, prepared with help from Jessica Cobb, of the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments. It combines two existing ordinances, titled Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance and Solid Waste Flow Control (on the website, under Ordinances, Policies and Orders).

If select board members approve, they will forward the combined ordinance to voters for approval or rejection at the annual town business meeting in June.

The other document is named the transfer station’s five-year plan, though the objectives it lists are scheduled to be accomplished more quickly.

Requested equipment purchases include, for the current year, a propane storage rack that transfer station employees intend to put up themselves in the recycling building; a new Gator utility vehicle as a more versatile replacement for the station’s golf cart (estimated cost $10,699); a cover for the pre-crusher, for which station manager Thomas Maraggio is waiting for additional price quotes; and a closed container for mattresses, at an estimated cost of $16,000.

In the 2023-24 fiscal year that begins July 1, the plan calls for replacing the skid steer, trading in the current one in part payment. A new main hopper is planned for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Facility upgrades, in the order listed, are:

  • A water filter system to provide potable water; the water available is safe, but because of the adjacent closed landfill, it is reportedly not pleasant. A system is to be installed soon; the plan says if it does not work, other options will be explored.
  • A cement pad, perhaps eligible for a state grant, for the compost pile.
  • Upgrading and paving the perimeter road behind the recycling building, a project waiting for price quotes.
  • Adding electricity and lighting at the Free for the Taking building. Committee members discussed options for the proposed installation of solar panels.
  • Removing the damaged canopy at the recycling center, a project for transfer station employees this spring.
  • Improving drainage outside the door of the cardboard bay.

Requested expenditures depend on the select board’s recommending them as part of the annual budget; preferably, a favorable recommendation from the budget committee; and voter approval at the annual town business meeting in June.

Transfer station staffer Cheyenne Houle had prepared a draft schedule for 2023 that calls for a hazardous waste collection day in China (for residents of China and other area towns that choose to contribute funds so their residents can participate) either April 8 or April 15. China’s annual shredding day (for confidential documents) is to be Oct. 21; the state-wide drug take back day, in which the China transfer station participates, will be Oct. 28.

Karen Hatch, in charge of the Free for the Taking building, issued a reminder that items left there should be in such good condition that someone else will happily take them home. Shoes are particularly a problem, she said; for every usable pair dropped off, she gets 10 that aren’t fit to wear.

The longest discussion at the Jan. 24 meeting was over whether to continue, change or eliminate the two-cents-a-pound fee charged to commercial haulers. The original purpose of the fee was to pay for the scales on which their trucks – and other vehicles as needed – are weighed.

The main argument in favor of leaving the fee in place was the revenue it generates.

The main argument in favor of discontinuing it was that rising fuel prices are already stressing haulers’ budgets; if they go out of business and people who have been using them start bringing their own trash, the additional work will cost the town.

Houle had done an analysis of trash brought in by the four haulers who use China’s transfer station and estimated the annual income at a little over $7,000 a year. Without the haulers, she estimated that on average, 56 more people would come in daily when the station is open.

Another argument in favor of eliminating the fee was that the scales were paid for long ago. Deputy Clerk Julie Finley says they were installed in November 2005; a The Town Line report on the June 27, 2016, select board meeting records a 3-2 vote “to accept the Transfer Station Committee’s recommendation to leave the fee charged to local haulers who go over the scales at two cents a pound.”

Transfer station reports in China town reports for fiscal years 2006 and 2007 say the scales are in use. The reports include photos of Ruby, then-manager Elwin Higgins’ dog.

On another topic, Palermo committee member Robert Kurek said some of the blue plastic trash bags China sells to Palermo residents have been splitting at the seams. He wanted to return them to China so Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood can argue with the supplier.

Maraggio said Palermo trash will be accepted if it’s in a similar-sized bag with a useless blue bag tied to the top.

During the Tuesday morning meeting, Director of Public Services Shawn Reed was raking fresh snow from the town office roof, which Hapgood said was leaking over the hallway leading from the meeting room to the main office. The manager had high praise for Reed; “You ask him and he finds a way to get it done,” she said. Others agreed.

The next China Transfer Station Committee meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28.

China town manager presents initial town budget

by Mary Grow

China select board members began their Jan. 29 meeting by hearing Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood’s initial presentation on the 2023-24 town budget, with four budget committee members joining them (three others were unable to attend).

Members of both boards will review the thick budget books Hapgood prepared, with, she said, much help from the “phenomenal people” on the town office staff.

Select board members will make their recommendations on 2023-24 expenditures and submit them to the budget committee. Budget committee chairman Thomas Rumpf said his group will probably need two meetings to make recommendations.

Voters at the June town business meeting will make the final decisions. The new fiscal year begins July 1.

Select board members’ other long discussion Jan. 29 was over, again, the proposed revisions to China’s Board of Appeals Ordinance (Section 9 of the Land Use Ordinance). Select board member Brent Chesley drafted the revisions for the Jan. 3 select board meeting; they were forwarded to the China Planning Board with a request for review in time for discussion Jan. 29.

Planning board members, meeting Jan. 10 and Jan. 24, accepted the draft as one input into a revised ordinance they considered their responsibility to write. They scheduled a Feb. 14 workshop meeting to discuss the ordinance with members of the board of appeals, the select board and others interested.

At the Jan. 29 meeting, Hapgood protested that time is running out if a revised ordinance is to go to voters at the June meeting. Board members talked for three-quarters of an hour before agreeing to hold a public hearing on Chesley’s draft at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 13, before their next meeting.

Much of the discussion consisted of Chesley re-explaining his suggested changes.

Fellow board member Janet Preston thinks Chesley’s recommended procedural changes are fine. She fears his proposal concerning variances from ordinance requirements will make it easier to take actions that could harm China Lake water quality.

Chesley said the change will not make much substantive difference. Then why propose it? asked Preston.

If the ordinance revision makes it easier to replace failing septic systems on small lakefront lots, water quality will benefit, board member Blane Casey suggested.

Select board members scheduled a second public hearing for the 6 p.m. time slot on February 13, this one on the draft transfer station ordinance. Town Clerk Angela Nelson has posted copies of both draft ordinances on the town website,, under the select board, which is under the heading Officials, Boards & Committees.

A guest at the Jan. 29 meeting was Art True, Director of the Kennebec County Emergency Management Agency. He joined discussion of the notice from Somerset County officials that they will no longer dispatch emergency services after July 1. China has used the Somerset County PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), for a fee, for years.

Hapgood had been surprised by the recent notice, and True referred to Somerset County officials as having dropped a bomb. He does not yet know what the successor plan will be; because five months is not a long time for a complex project, he suggested there might be “a Band-Aid” beginning July 1.

However, he promised, “There will not be a time that the phones will not be answered.”

Also present Jan. 29 was Kennebec County Deputy Sheriff Ivano Stefanizzi, who again issued a warning to beware of telephone scammers. Please, he asked, do not give out personal information, and do not send money in any form.

In other business Jan. 29:

  • Board members unanimously accepted the lowest of three bids, $20,432.90 from Knowles Mechanical, of Vassalboro, for two heat pumps in the town office and two at the transfer station. Hapgood said voters authorized spending up to $22,000 in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds for the work.
  • Board members unanimously accepted the lowest of three bids for a new roll-off container at the transfer station, $15,950 from East Coast Containers of Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • They unanimously authorized taking up to $10,000 from the 2022-23 contingency fund for future legal expenses, if needed.

Hapgood issued a reminder that the two-cents-a-pound fee for brush brought to the transfer station is effective Feb. 1. She said the town office will be closed Feb. 20 for the Presidents’ Day holiday.

The manager expressed appreciation to China’s plow drivers, and to two transfer station employees who assisted them, for long hours of hard work during recent storms. “We have good people; we’re lucky,” she said.

Annual ice fishing derby slated for Feb. 17-19

Switching from his budget committee chairman’s hat to his Four Seasons Club president’s hat, Thomas Rumpf told attendees at the Jan. 29 China select board meeting that China’s 2023 Ice Days celebration will be from Friday evening, Feb. 17, through Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Planned highlights include a Feb. 17 supper at the Masonic Hall in China Village followed by snowmobiling if the weather cooperates; a cornhole tournament and skating on Feb. 18; and the annual ice-fishing derby, followed by fireworks, on Feb. 19. Details and tickets will be available very soon. (See The Town Line’s cover story in this issue.)

China planners consider three documents at meeting

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members considered three documents at their Jan. 24 meeting.

They agreed to continue discussion of amending the Board of Appeals Ordinance (which is Chapter 9 of the Land Use Ordinance) at their Feb. 14 meeting, with members of China’s board of appeals and select board invited to participate (see The Town Line, Jan. 12, p. 2, and Jan. 19, p. 3, for background on this issue).

Co-chairman James Wilkens expressed appreciation to the select board for raising the issue, although he objected – again – to select board member Brent Chesley drafting revisions; writing ordinances is the planning board’s job, he and other board members said.

Two days later, Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood forwarded to planning board and select board members an email from Maine Municipal Association Staff Attorney Susanne F. Pilgrim saying the task is shared.

The section of the Planning Board Ordinance defining the board’s general responsibilities says the board “shall prepare ordinances and amendments thereto” to be submitted to voters. But, Pilgrim pointed out, neither that sentence nor anything else in the ordinance grants the planning board exclusive authority to draft ordinances. She referred to a later section that says, “Amendments [to the Planning Board Ordinance] initiate from the Planning Board, Board of Selectmen, or by the people in the form of a petition.”

Pilgrim’s interpretation is, “…nowhere does the ordinance provide the planning board with the exclusive authority to prepare all draft ordinances. Nor does the Planning Board Ordinance preclude other bodies, such as the select board or an ordinance committee, from preparing ordinances.”

Planners are sympathetic to one Board of Appeals issue Chesley raised, the lack of time limits for action after an appeal is filed. They also approve of updating the nomenclature in this and other sections of the Land Use Ordinance – replacing “selectmen” with “select board” and “chairman” with “chair,” for example.

Once they have input from the Feb. 14 meeting participants and any other interested parties, they plan to propose amendments to the select board. That board is responsible for putting ordinance amendments on a local ballot, probably at the June town business meeting, for voters’ decisions.

The second document discussed was China’s comprehensive plan. Co-chairman Toni Wall had excerpted sections that refer to planning board duties and responsibilities; the other board members will review them for future discussion.

Wall had also reviewed China’s Planning Board Ordinance and marked appropriate nomenclature changes. Board members unanimously accepted them; assuming voters agree, “Board of Selectmen” quoted above will become “Select Board.”

In reviewing past board minutes, Wall said, she found other suggested changes, including adding a provision for co-chairs. Further discussion is likely.

Codes Officer Nicholas French said he has been approached with preliminary proposals for a solar farm and two subdivisions. No applications have yet been submitted.

4th annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to be held on Maine’s free fishing weekend

Families were scattered about China Lake last year during the Four Seasons Club fishing derby. (photo by Cindy Senbell)

by Sandra Isaac

The China Four Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department are co-hosting the 4th Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to be held on Sunday, February 19, during Maine’s Free Fishing Weekend.

Similar to last year, there will be town-wide “China Ice Days” activities starting on Friday night with a dinner at the China Mason’s Lodge and a guided snowmobile run directly after. More events including sledding, ice skating and a Cornhole tournament will be occurring throughout the day on Saturday. Sunday is still dedicated to the ice fishing derby with fishing limited to China Lake. The ice fishing derby will finish with a fireworks display after the derby’s award ceremony. All the weekend’s activities will be open to the public.

Two hardy young anglers show off their haul during the weigh-in at last year’s event. (photo by Cindy Senbell)

“We were a little nervous about the lack of ice early in the season, but Mother Nature seems to be doing her part and we fully expect there to be a good, solid layer of ice for fishing,” said China Four Seasons Club President Tom Rumpf. “We still need to keep our fingers crossed for snow and more ice. The lack of snow, for example, caused The China Lake Camp & Conference Center to cancel sledding last year. We encourage people to check out our website and look at the Ice Derby’s Facebook page for updates.”

Reservations are requested for the lasagna dinner at the Mason’s Lodge, as well as for the Cornhole tournament. Both activities have fees involved. Sledding and the cardboard sled race at the China Lake Camp & Conference Center and the ice skating at the town rink are free and open to all.

Rumpf continued, “The China Ice Days and the Annual Fishing Derby are a great way for individuals and families to come out and enjoy the outdoors and be part of a China area tradition. Last year was amazing and so much fun! This is also Maine’s free fishing weekend which is a nice bonus. We will be following all State of Maine ice fishing laws and rules.”

Fishing derby weigh-in time will be at 4 p.m. on Sunday and all entries must be in line at the Fire Station Building [on Causeway Road] by 4 p.m. to qualify for a prize. Prizes will be awarded in the following fish categories: largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, brown trout, brook trout, and pickerel. The children’s category will be perch and kids will be awarded prizes for the top five winners with the most perch caught. The lunker of the day – the largest fish overall – will be the derby’s top prize.

The first 100 kids to stop in at the China Village Fire station will receive special takeaway ice fishing bait buckets filled with some great items courtesy of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Jack Traps of Maine, and The Maine Audubon Society. The buckets will be available starting at 5 a.m. on the day of the derby. In addition, Central Church will be set up on the ice across from the fire station on Causeway Road to work with kids who are new to fishing and Traps for Kids of Maine will be set up next to them, giving away free traps to kids who need them, while supplies last.

A young angler tries to pull up her catch during last year’s derby. (photo by Cindy Senbell)

“We will also be giving away over 30 door prizes including an StrikeMaster Electric Ice Auger courtesy of Jack Traps of Maine and Brookfield Renewable Energy, 100 gallons of heating fuel from Augusta Fuel Company, Pumping Services from B&B Septic, a kayak from Hannaford Supermarket, tons of amazing items from our friends at Whitt’s Garment Works, plus many more prizes and gift certificates, all from great local businesses,” said Rumpf.

Tickets for the derby are available for $5 a piece or 3 for $10 at many local stores including China Variety & Redemption, Greg’s Restaurant, Harvest Time Bait, Lakeview Lumber, Maritime Farms and Tobey’s. You can also purchase tickets from members of the China Four Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department.

The China Four Seasons Club maintains a dedicated Facebook page and a website to share information on door prizes, sponsors, and ticket information. Please visit or

China Village VFD working on grant for new pumper

China Village VFD fire chief, Joel Nelson. (photo by Eric W. Austin)

by Mary Grow

After the China select board’s Jan. 17 meeting, town manager Rebecca Hapgood reported that most of their decisions, as assessors and as select board members, involved individual property tax issues. Topics of town-wide importance were a potential new fire engine, on which no action was taken, and a committee appointment.

China Village volunteer fire department chief Joel Nelson told board members his department is working on a grant to help buy a new pumper truck, to replace a 32-year-old one.

Nelson noted that the 2021 town report showed the department’s reserve fund had more than $112,000 as of May 2021. He said the new truck would probably cost more than $550,000, based on a May 2022 quote.

Hapgood said select board members appointed James Hsiang a member of the Transfer Station Committee.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m., half an hour earlier than usual for a joint meeting with budget committee.

China’s Thurston Park group to ask for TIF funds

Thurston Park in the winter (photo from Thurston Park Facebook page)

by Mary Grow

Four members of China’s Thurston Park Committee spent most of their Jan. 19 meeting talking about money, both the 2023-24 budget and the long-term future of the almost 400-acre public park in northeastern China.

As in past years, committee members intend to ask for money from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund, as well as from the 2023-24 municipal budget.

Committee chairman Jeanette Smith said the proposed TIF request totals $44,000. Minutes of the committee’s November 2022 meeting show that planned expenditures include buying a utility vehicle that would be used to move equipment and supplies (like gravel); preparing a new trail; and building kiosks, installing more cameras and preparing trail maps.

The TIF Committee meeting scheduled for January to review requests was canceled due to members’ illnesses. The calendar on the town website shows the next TIF meeting scheduled for 6 p.m.. Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the portable building behind the town office.

Funds requested from the China municipal budget would cover work on the entrance road from Albion and supplies.

The park has more than five miles of trails that need maintenance. Several have been or are being built or improved as Eagle Scout projects. Committee members talked about damage from storms that have taken down trees and washed out trails.

Committee members are investigating grants that might be available for work in the park. Smith is concerned about funding sources when China’s TIF ends in 26 years. In reply to a suggestion to research other towns’ park financing, she said few if any other Maine towns support so large a natural area.

Another suggestion was to try to find out how many people, from China and from out of town, use Thurston Park, as an indicator of its value to townspeople and local businesses. The cameras in place and to be installed will help, committee members said. They doubted enough visitors would sign a logbook to make it informative.

Thurston Park has multiple listings on the worldwide web; it is included on the sites called and

Despite the Dec. 23 damage, on Jan. 23 Smith said the park is open for winter use, though she urged caution.

Parking is at the top of the Yorktown Road hill on the left, or in the new winter parking area at the bottom of the hill, also on the left, Smith said.

Residents interested in joining the Thurston Park Committee are invited to contact the town office or to email

The next Thurston Park Committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16, in the portable building.