China select board listens to three speakers on different topics

by Mary Grow

Speakers on three different topics at the Nov. 22 China select board meeting gave board members information to ponder and perhaps act on later.

Board member Janet Preston shared profiles of three different voting methods town officials could consider as alternatives to the present local method.

Bob Parsloe, of Portland-based Wireless Partners, LLC, offered a possible alternative source of internet service for China residents, besides existing providers and those the town’s Broadband Committee has been exploring.

Lauren Gaudet, field service representative for the Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust, summarized programs the organization offers.

Preston thinks China’s present local voting system, which asks voters to mark as many candidates’ names as there are open seats on the board they’re voting for, is self-contradictory when voters take it literally. If you vote for two or more people, “you’re voting against your own choices,” she said.

Citing a website called, she said one alternative is called limited voting: voters cast fewer votes than the number of seats to be filled. The example she used was a race with five open seats, but voters limited to two votes.

Cumulative voting is another method: voters have as many votes as there are open positions, but they can allocate their votes as they please: one to each candidate, all to one candidate, or anything in between.

The third option Preston presented is the ranked-choice system Maine already uses for some statewide elections.

More information on all three methods is available on line.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood was unsure whether select board members or town voters were the appropriate body to change the local voting method, if a majority of the select board decided a change was desirable.

Parsloe’s virtual PowerPoint presentation explained what Wireless Partners, LLC, offers for internet service, with a focus on rural towns in northern New England.

His company, he said, would design and build a network, operate it for a while (typically five to seven years) and sell it to “a major carrier.” He expects not to require town investment; to offer competitive prices to subscribers; and to need to build additional towers in town.

Company websites are and

Robert O’Connor, chairman of the China Broadband Committee (CBC), was in the audience and intends to communicate with Parsloe to get more information.

O’Connor gave select board members a summary of relevant parts of CBC studies. Recently, he said, Spectrum Communications’ parent company, Charter Communications, had asked to discuss “new options.”

O’Connor asked whether select board members wanted to meet with a Charter or Spectrum representative, or whether CBC members should do it. Select board Chairman Ronald Breton was happy to have CBC members handle the discussion.

The Augusta-based Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust is a nonprofit group associated with the Maine Municipal Association. China town employees currently get health insurance through one of its plans. Gaudet listed other plans for which China is eligible, with some of the financial advantages and disadvantages of each.

In other business Nov. 22, select board members approved Town Clerk Angela Nelson’s proposed timeline leading to a written-ballot town meeting on June 14, 2022. Deadlines she and Hapgood noted there and elsewhere include:

  • Requests for 2022-23 funding from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund are due by Jan. 3, 2022 (earlier if possible).
  • 2022-23 budget requests from town department heads and others who receive town funding are due by the end of January 2022, for review by the budget committee before select board members approve them for the town meeting warrant.
  • Proposed new town ordinances from the planning board are due by early February 2022.
    Nelson’s schedule calls for the select board to approve the final draft of the town meeting warrant at an April 11, 2022, meeting.

Select board members appointed Karen Morin a new member of the TIF Committee.

The December meetings of the China select board are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 6, and Monday, Dec. 20.

Managing lands for high quality water: Kennebec Water District’s Watershed Management

photo by Eric W. Austin

by Robbie Bickford,
Water Quality Manager,
Kennebec Water District

The Kennebec Water District (KWD) will be hosting a public informational meeting at 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at the KWD Water Treatment Plant, at 462 Main Street, in Vassalboro, to review the Forest Management Plan and the South Narrows Peninsula Harvest Plan. These are available for review on our website at:

China Lake (or “the Lake”) has been the sole source of supply for KWD since 1905. When the Lake was first used for drinking water, the land around the West Basin was heavily impacted by livestock pasturing and other agricultural activities. In 1909, seeing increasing development around China Lake, KWD began purchasing the shorefront land around the West Basin to protect the drinking water supply. Subsequently, thousands of trees were planted to reforest areas previously cleared for agricultural use.

Today, KWD owns approximately 344 acres of forested land in the China Lake watershed consisting of a nearly continuous, approximately 200-foot-wide, strip of land surrounding the West Basin and two larger plots of land known as the North and South Narrows Peninsulas.

To ensure that KWD’s watershed lands are managed to prompt the highest possible water quality in the Lake, KWD has contracted with Comprehensive Land Technologies, Inc. (CLT), of China, to assess the health of the forested land and develop a Forest Management Plan. Parts of this plan provide recommendations for improving the health of the forest through selective harvesting to prompt an uneven-aged, mixed species forest.

An uneven-aged, mixed species forest has been found to be the most effective buffer to limit erosion and to trap nutrients and contaminants in runoff as well as providing a more resilient forest to a multitude of pests and other adverse conditions.

In winter of 2021-2022 KWD anticipates conducting a selective harvest of the South Narrows Peninsula stand to promote new healthy growth and develop an uneven-aged, mixed species forest. This harvesting will have the primary goal of protecting and enhancing the water quality of the Lake as its focus and any harvesting activities will strictly adhere to industry “Best Management Practices” to minimize the impact on the land and lake water quality.

As always, KWD is committed to preserving and enhancing the water quality of China Lake and this approach to active forest management is the next step in the long line of efforts to achieve this goal. Any questions about the public informational meeting on December 1, 2021, or KWD’s efforts in the China Lake Watershed can be directed to

CLA to present 10-year runoff plan

China Lake

A 10-year plan to restore water quality in China Lake will be the focus of an online, interactive public meeting sponsored by the China Lake Association on Thursday, December 2, at 6 pm. The meeting will provide an overview of the proposed measures needed to minimize stormwater runoff into the lake, address internal phosphorus loading from lake sediments, and ultimately prevent annual algal blooms that have been occurring in China Lake over the last 40 years. The China Lake Association and their partners urge China, Vassalboro, and Albion residents, lake users, public drinking water customers, and all interested parties to participate in this free program. The public’s participation will help experts protect this valuable resource through the sharing of knowledge and by helping to shape the plan.

Register for this webinar here:

China Broadband Committee (CBC) continues exploring options for funding

by Mary Grow

At their Nov. 17 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members continued exploring options for funding better internet service for China residents, after voters said no to borrowing money through a town-issued bond.

At their Nov. 4 meeting, the main alternatives considered were seeking an arrangement with other towns or continuing to develop a China-only service (see The Town Line, Nov. 11, p. 3). As the meeting ended, Axiom Technologies President Mark Ouellette said he would look for possible sources of financing, government or private.

Private investors seem more likely, because, Ouellette and committee member Jamie Pitney agreed on Nov. 17, state and federal funds are aimed mainly at unserved populations. They could not find that improving slow or unreliable service qualified for government funding.

Only an estimated five percent of China residents get no internet service to their houses. The majority are served by Spectrum or Consolidated Communi­cations.

CBC members consider that neither company provides adequate service for contemporary needs. So far, neither has offered an upgrade that committee members have found acceptable.

Ouellette suggested a useful activity to begin as soon as possible: asking residents to check the speed of their internet systems and report results, to help evaluate current providers. Information on running tests and forwarding results will be publicized. Testing is as simple as finding the phrase “internet speed test” on the web and following the directions.

Ouellette has worked with other towns where private investment has made expanded internet possible through Axiom. The possibility of such an arrangement for China is “generally positive,” he said, but he had no specific plan to report.

Based on other towns’ experience, he advised trying to find investors in the Town of China, who will accept a low rate of return in order to benefit their neighbors.

Organizational possibilities were mentioned. Pitney cited an intertown nonprofit created to provide ambulance service. Ouellette knew of a four-town utility district.

Committee member Tod Detre suggested CBC members form a nonprofit organization and ask for money through one of the crowdfunding platforms on the web.

Ouellette and Piney intended to schedule an appointment with the acting head of the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME), the state agency that promotes business development, to see if China qualifies for help there.

CBC Chairman Robert O’Connor and others planned to attend the Nov. 22 select board meeting, where O’Connor said board members were scheduled to hear a presentation from a wireless internet provider.

Pending information on FAME and the select board meeting, CBC members postponed scheduling their next meeting.

Transfer station committee members agree on two monetary issues

by Mary Grow

China Transfer Station Committee members agreed unanimously on two monetary issues at their Nov. 16 meeting.

One was to ask selectmen to choose an engineer to design a cover for the pre-crusher and controls beside the mixed-waste hopper at the transfer station. Committee members recommend an engineered plan because they want the new cover attached to the present structure.

Building the cover is included in the draft five-year facilities plan as one of two items recommended for fiscal year 2022-23. The cost is tentatively estimated at $15,000.

The other project the draft plan now proposes for the coming fiscal year is providing electricity in the free for the taking building, so volunteers and “customers” can enjoy heat and can test donated electrical appliances. That project cost is estimated at $5,000, Transfer Station Manager Ronald Marois said.

Committee Chairman Lawrence Sikora plans to ask for final approval of the five-year plan at the committee’s Dec. 14 meeting. Once approved, it will serve as a recommended guide for expenditure requests to the select board and voters.

At the Nov. 16 meeting, there was brief discussion of buying a screen for compost. The material is double-composted, but without being screened it contains small sticks, rocks and other debris unwelcome in residents’ gardens.

Marois said he has no trouble getting rid of the unscreened compost. Committee members took no action.

The second monetary decision was on the committee’s requested budget for FY 2022-23.

For the current year, Sikora asked for and received $1,000. His intention was to support members attending Maine solid waste conferences and workshops, visiting other towns’ facilities and otherwise expanding their knowledge.

In October, he and Chris Diesch, one of Palermo’s two representatives on the committee, went to a multi-day conference for which the registration fee was $275 apiece.

When Sikora asked that the two fees come from the committee’s budget, some China select board members asked why China money should cover Diesch’s fee. Board members ultimately decided, on a split vote, to pay this time but hereafter to expect Palermo to support its own committee members (see The Town Line, Nov. 11, p. 2).

Transfer Station Committee members made it clear at the Nov. 16 meeting that they think all committee members should be equally supported by committee money. They emphasized the usefulness of regional and state meetings and the desirability of having several members attend to provide different perspectives. They also pointed out that the $1,000 budget would not have covered registration for even the one conference if all eight committee members had attended.

Consequently, they authorized Sikora to ask for a $2,500 Transfer Station Committee budget in 2022-23. Robert Kurek, Palermo’s other representative on the committee, abstained on the vote; Disch was absent.

Sikora shared some of the things he learned at the October conference.

A decision on increased bag fees for Palermo residents was again postponed, this time because the cost of the bags is apparently going to rise substantially due to supply chain issues. Palermo has been given the required six-months’ notice that there will be an increase in the spring, so Kurek had no problem with the exact amount being left undecided.

Committee members voted unanimously to buy 17 cases of bags their supplier is said to have on hand.

In addition to the Dec. 14 meeting of the full committee, a Visioning Subcommittee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 1. Both meetings will be at 9 a.m. in the portable building behind the China town office.

Committee corrects two false impressions

China Transfer Station Committee members want to correct two false impressions that they said are creating problems at the transfer station.

One is that the free for the taking building is a place to dispose of things like computers, televisions and worn-out furniture, to avoid paying disposal fees. The free for the taking building only accepts items that other residents can happily take home and use. Its space is limited.

The second error is the belief that residents of neighboring towns besides Palermo can obtain China transfer station RFID (radio frequency identification) placards. Placards are issued only to residents of China and, by contract, Palermo. China has no contract with any other town.

Moving forward with the South China Public Library

New South China Public Library, under construction on the Jones Road. (contributed photo)

by Jean Dempster

If you travel on Jones Road near the north end of South China village you will see progress on construction of the new South China Public Library building, located at 27 Jones Road. The exterior of the building is complete and interior work will continue over the coming months. Blane Casey Building Contractor is coordinating the project and working with other local businesses. While the exterior looks great, the library volunteers and directors continue to raise funds to finish the interior of the building and prepare to move to the new location.

The South China Public Library is the oldest continuously operating public library in the state of Maine. It was established in 1830 and its founders included members of the Jones family, other Quaker families, and prominent residents of China. The library is one of the oldest nonprofit organizations in the state, incorporated in 1912 as an independent community library. The building presently in use was constructed in 1900 and the addition now housing the children’s room was built by volunteers in 1980. This historic, treasured building does not have bathroom facilities and the library could not expand at the current site. The new location is less than half a mile from the current location and convenient for residents of the town of China and nearby communities, summer visitors, and seasonal residents. The new library will feature more space for meetings, programs, library materials, and outdoor events.

Over the years the most popular service offered by the library is the summer reading program for children ages pre-school through middle school. Each year the program encourages reading, learning, and creativity throughout the summer. Attendance is often 25 – 35 children plus parents and caregivers in the children’s room. An important benefit of the new library will be more space for programs for all ages, and bathrooms!

During the pandemic, the current library has continued to provide library services such as curbside service, children’s programs on Zoom, Story Time on Facebook Live, 24/7 Wi-Fi internet access and patrons have access to the Maine Infonet Download Library which allows library users to download audiobooks and eBooks. The library is operated entirely by volunteers, with leadership from librarian Cheryl Baker.

With over 10,000 books, hundreds of movies and audiobooks for adults and children, and special collections such as Maine authors and Quaker history, there is something for everyone. Public use computers are available or visitors can bring a device and use the Wi-Fi. The library volunteers appreciate the support already provided by the community. The library has been a vital presence in the community for almost 200 years. The building project needs a boost to focus on the future, finish up the interior, and be ready for many more years of serving the community. Library cards and programs are free to all.

Donations to support the new library may be mailed to South China Public Library, P.O. Box 417, China, ME 04358. Visit for more information or to donate through the PayPal Giving Fund.

The current library hours are Wednesday 10 a.m. – noon, and 1 – 3 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. – noon. Questions? Email:

CHINA: Rollins, Wilkens to lead planning board

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members began their Nov. 9 meeting by electing new leaders, since former Chairman Randall Downer has retired. Co-chairman Toni Wall moved that Scott Rollins become chairman and James Wilkens co-chairman; the motion was approved.

Rollins welcomed new member Michael Brown.

Board members then unanimously approved both commercial applications on their agenda, finding they met all criteria in town ordinances.

Jayson Mortimer has approval to open an automobile service business in the existing garage by his home at 86 Vassalboro Road. Michael Marois has approval to add more than 100 cubic yards of fill to expand seating and parking at his MJEK Seafood and Grill, at 239 Lakeview Drive.

The board’s short public hearing on Mortimer’s application drew no comments. Mortimer still needs a sign permit from Codes Officer Jaime Hanson, and he said he is waiting for state approval of his proposed inspection station.

Marois intends to move the outdoor seating area south and turn the present seating area into parking, he said.

Rollins reminded the applicants that neighbors have 30 days to appeal the board decision. Neither man expects objections. Mortimer said at an earlier meeting that he has helped several neighbors with their vehicles, and Marois commented, “Most of my neighbors are family.”

The next China Planning Board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 23.

China TIF members approve revised application form

by Mary Grow

Five members of China’s Tax Increment Financing Committee (TIF) used their Nov. 15 meeting to make administrative updates.

The major action was approval of a revised application form for groups seeking TIF funding. The form asks for information on how the money will be used and provides for a liaison person from the committee for each group.

In past years, TIF funds have been used by local organizations and town officials for a variety of purposes aimed at promoting economic development. Many involve recreation, directly or indirectly – for example, money for walking trails in town-owned Thurston Park and snowmobile trails maintained by the Four Seasons Club; assistance with water quality projects, especially in China Lake; and money for fireworks at the annual China Days celebration.

Each committee liaison person will help with applications and oversee projects to make sure town funds are spent as proposed, according to committee members’ discussion.

Last spring, committee members prepared and voters approved amendments to China’s TIF plan, which lists types of allowable expenditures. The revised plan still awaits approval from the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD); committee member Jamie Pitney said approval is expected soon.

The plan lists proposed maximum amounts to be allocated for various projects in future years. At the Nov. 15 meeting, the majority of committee members thought groups’ requests for allocations were adequate as applications for 2020-21 expenditures, once DECD allows them.

However, Pitney said, DECD officials required additional language saying TIF funds cannot be used for municipal building projects. There are two fund requests for buildings pending.

The Four Seasons Club and the Thurston Park Committee each plan a building, primarily for equipment storage. Pitney said the Four Seasons Club can build with TIF money; but because Thurston Park is town-owned, TIF funds cannot be used for a building there.

Committee Chairman Tom Michaud, who volunteered as liaison with the Thurston Park Committee, said he will talk with Chairman Jeanette Smith as soon as possible.

The next TIF Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 13, if there is a need to meet. Otherwise, the next meeting will be at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022.

What’s next for China’s broadband committee?

by Mary Grow

China Broadband Committee (CBC) members met Nov. 4 to consider “What’s next for broadband in China,” after voters rejected their request to authorize select board members to borrow money for expanded broadband infrastructure.

After discussing options for continuing to improve broadband service for China residents, they brought the “What’s next” question to China select board members at that board’s Nov. 8 meeting.

The select board has the power to disband a committee it has created. Board members heard a summary of possibilities from CBC Chairman Robert O’Connor and member Jamie Pitney, and a plea from resident Joann Austin.

Austin told them, “We [the Town of China] are not what we could be” in terms of providing good internet service. She said in light of new state and federal funds earmarked for broadband expansion, the responsible course would be to continue to work toward improvement

New select board member Jeanne Marquis said it would be “foolish,” and would leave China behind as neighboring towns advance their systems, not to let the CBC continue.

Board members Janet Preston, Wayne Chadwick and Blane Casey agreed, with the two men emphasizing that the CBC should spend as little local money as possible. No one had an exact figure on expenditures to date; Town Manager and Town Treasurer Rebecca Hapgood said she would get a figure the next day, and urged discussants meanwhile to “Stop guessing!”

Select board Chairman Ronald Breton concluded board members “don’t want to shut the CBC down.”

The Nov. 4 CBC members’ discussion considered two broad options: join or form a regional broadband group with other area municipalities, or continue the China-only policy represented by the proposal outlined during 2021. Each option had sub-options.

The nearest already-organized regional group, the Southwestern Waldo Broadband Coalition (SWBC), includes Palermo and four other towns. Another group has formed west of the Kennebec River.

China’s other neighboring towns, Albion, Winslow, Vassalboro and Windsor, are so far unorganized, opening the possibility of forming a coalition with one or several of them.

CBC member Pitney said he had been in touch with Palermo Select Board member Bob Kurek, active in the SWBC (and a Palermo representative on China’s Transfer Station Committee). Pitney said his impression was that SWBC members want to make more progress as their own group before considering expansion.

If China were to continue pursuing its own program, CBC members considered two ways: the public-private partnership they had been working toward, with the town of China to own the infrastructure that was built, maintained and operated by a private company; or inviting a private company to do everything, as the current internet providers do.

Spectrum is the main provider of internet service to China residents. Consolidated Communications serves a smaller number. There was consensus among CBC members that they had given both companies several chances to offer better service to more households, and neither company had responded adequately.

Since early in 2021 CBC members have worked with Mark Ouellette, president of Axiom Technologies, looking toward contracting with Axiom for the proposed system. Ouellette said at the Nov. 4 meeting that he is willing to continue to assist them despite the Nov. 2 vote.

Ouellette asked for time to consider possibilities, leading CBC members to schedule a meeting for 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17.

China selectmen work through miscellaneous agenda

by Mary Grow

China selectmen had a miscellaneous agenda for their Nov. 8 meeting, and dealt with most of it expeditiously.

Board Chairman Ronald Breton introduced newly-elected member Jeanne Marquis to the audience. Marquis invited residents to send her comments; board members’ email addresses are on the town website,

Kennebec County Sheriff’s Deputy Ivano Stefanizzi said deputies have been following school buses in China to make sure children get on and off safely. They have also been watching for speeders on the inviting newly-paved roads. He urged any resident with an issue appropriate for the sheriff’s office to report it to Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood, who will forward it.

Discussion of using ranked choice voting in municipal elections was postponed, probably to the Nov. 22 select board meeting. Board member Janet Preston, who had proposed the topic, said she is still exploring the issue.

Discussion of revising the select board policy on public participation was also postponed, at Chairman Ronald Breton’s recommendation. Breton said he and Hapgood will come up with options for the rest of the board to review.

The liveliest and longest debate was over whether China or Palermo should pay $275 for Chris Diesch’s registration at a Maine Resource Recovery Association conference in October. Diesch is one of Palermo’s two representatives on China’s Transfer Station Committee; she and committee Chairman Larry Sikora attended the conference.

The committee has a $1,000 budget. Hapgood read from Sikora’s letter requesting the money, in which he said the purpose was to pay such things as conference and training session fees for committee members. He did not say anything about China members only, and Hapgood said the solid waste contract between the two towns does not mention how such costs should be allocated.

Hapgood said Palermo’s position is that all committee members should be treated alike; if China pays for one, it should pay for all. She disagreed, saying Palermo should cover its representatives’ costs.

Sikora said it would be unfair to ask Palermo to pay an unexpected bill.

The compromise was Wayne Chadwick’s motion that China pay the bill this time, but notify Palermo that China will not pay in the future. The motion was approved 3-2, with Janet Preston and Marquis joining Chadwick; Breton and Blane Casey were opposed.

The Nov. 8 agenda listed seven selectmen’s policies to be reviewed:

  • Remote Participation Policy, adopted July 2021, required by the state to allow board and committee members to participate remotely in meetings in defined situations that keep them from attending in person.
  • Tobacco-Free Policy, adopted Aug. 24, 2015, and amended Jan. 4, 2021, prohibiting use of any tobacco products by anybody on any town property.
  • Internal Financial Controls Policy, adopted Nov. 23, 2020, describing management of funds passing through the town office.
  • Outstanding Tax Order, saying tax payments will be applied first to the oldest overdue taxes.
  • Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Policy, revised November 2020, setting out testing requirements for town-employed drivers who have commercial licenses and are performing safety-sensitive duties.
  • Notice of Dishonor Policy, adopted Nov. 23, 2020, describing procedure if a bank dishonors (refuses to pay) someone’s check or electronic payment to the town.
  • Boston Post Cane Policy, last approved November 2020, describing the procedure for awarding China’s Boston Post Cane to its oldest resident.

Selectmen asked a few questions, and Chadwick recommended applying alcohol and drug testing requirements to other employees, not just to truck drivers. Hapgood said doing so would require a new policy. She promised more of the existing policies for review at the Nov. 22 meeting.

All seven policies were re-approved unanimously with no changes.

Another unanimous vote was to offer for sale, by sealed bid with a $5,000 minimum, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle the town has taken as partial repayment of a business loan made with Tax Increment Financing funds.

The meeting began with a virtual presentation by Michael Carroll, executive director of the Municipal Review Committee (MRC). The MRC represents the towns, including China, that planned to send trash to the Hampden recycling facility that has been closed for a year and a half.

Carroll said the bond-holders and others involved who have been trying to sell the facility to a new operator are considering an offer received last week. A decision is due next week, he said, and he is optimistic that it will lead to re-opening the facility early in 2022.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 22.

Election follow-up: Three out of four vacant positions filled

by Mary Grow

After getting in touch with China residents who received write-in votes for local offices in Nov. 2 voting, Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported three of the four positions without candidates on the ballot are filled.

Select board members filled the fourth position at their Nov. 8 meeting.

However, there is still one vacancy: Thomas Rumpf’s election as budget committee chairman left his District Two seat empty.

T. Jamie Bachinski will be China’s new representative on the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors, succeeding Neil Farrington, who did not seek re-election. Dawn Castner is China’s other board member.

Michael Brown accepted the planning board District One seat vacated by Randall Downer.

Michael Sullivan agreed to serve on the budget committee from District Three, succeeding Dana Buswell, who did not run again.

In planning board District Three, Wayne Chadwick had three write-in votes for the seat, but declined because he was also re-elected to the board of selectmen. Walter Bennett, Jr., had two write-in votes; Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood told select board members he is willing to serve, and they unanimously appointed him.

Selectmen intend to advertise for residents interested in the District Two budget committee position. District Two is northeastern China, east of China Lake and north of Alder Park Road.