VASSALBORO: Energy application incomplete; action postponed

by Mary Grow

At their July 7 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members found that Longroad Energy Management’s application for a solar farm at 2579 Riverside Drive (Route 201) is incomplete. They therefore postponed action.

Longroad spokespeople David Kane and Kara Moody, who had also presented a preliminary application at the board’s May 5 meeting, said they will include more details about grading the site as part of their application for state Department of Environmental Protection permits. The grading, Kane explained, is not to level the sloping field, but to even out the slope where necessary. Since grading is expensive, Longroad will make as little change as possible.

However, Planning Board Chairman Ginny Brackett said, Vassalboro’s ordinance says an application shall include current and proposed contours, and board members do not skip over mandatory requirements.

Brackett also asked Kane and Moody to add information about planned buffers along the boundaries of the project.

Abutter Peter Ditmanson raised another issue: he said a pond on his property connects to a stream that runs through the proposed solar farm and eventually feeds into the Kennebec River. No stream is shown on the map prepared by Longroad’s consultant. Planning board member Betsy Poulin found one on a Vassalboro shoreland map, however.

The Longroad representatives said they intend to have the state submission ready this summer and hope to return to the Vassalboro board with additional information before November.

Kane said state review can take up to 195 days. The tentative schedule is to start construction in July 2021 and have the solar farm operative by the fall of 2021. The 4.6 megawatts of power to be generated are already sold to a Maine firm, he said.

Longroad’s solar farm differs from ReVision Energy’s on Main Street, approved by the board on June 2 (see The Town Line, June 11), in two ways.

First, it will cover more than 20 acres – around 26 to 30 acres, Kane said – and therefore requires state environmental permits, as well as local approval.

Second, it is a different type of installation. ReVision’s, and others approved and pending in Central Maine, have what are called fixed tilt panels, facing south, in north-south rows.

Longroad’s panels are single-axis trackers. The rows run east and west, and small motors move each panel to follow the sun from east to west daily. Kane described the movements as “sort of a wave motion,” not the whole field turning in unison.

Tracking panels are lower than fixed ones, five or six feet high versus up to 10 feet high for fixed. They need more ground space, Kane said. Mowing requirements are the same as for fixed panels: only two mowings a year and the first one delayed until ground-nesting birds have fledged their young.

Kane said Longroad does not plan snow clearance, on the panels or on the ground. Should the snow get deep enough to interfere with the panels’ motion, Longroad can shut the field down, he said.

Brackett asked how long-distance control works. Kane replied that Longroad, which has offices in Boston and Portland, has remote control over some 800 solar developments, including in Hawaii. Its affiliated firm First Wind operates eight wind power generators, from northern Maine to the mid-West. A Utah windfarm, he said, has a bird scanner that tracks and identifies birds flying nearby; if a bird appears to be in danger, that sector can be shut down remotely.

Vassalboro Business Association (VBA) announces 2020 scholarship winners

From top left: Cole Leclerc, Adam Bonenfant, Benjamin Reed and Lily Roy.

The Vassalboro Business Association has announced the recipients of its four $500 scholarships. Much of this money was raised by Freddie’s Cruise in, an annual event organized by Bill and Roxanne Pullen.

The winners are Cole Jefferson Leclerc, Adam Bonenfant, and Benjamin Reed, all from Erskine Academy, in South China, and Lily Roy who attended Waterville High School.

Cole Jefferson Leclerc plans to study business at Thomas College, in Waterville, and graduate early with an accelerated program. He loves to play baseball, has volunteered helping other athletes learn and improve their games. Much of his volunteer tasks were with the Future Business Leaders of America.

Lily Roy plans to major in graphic design or marketing. She has worked as a Junior Church teacher assistant for the last two years. She also helped with Red Cross blood drives and helped serve food at the homeless shelter.

Adam Bonenfant completed his community service working on his Eagle Scout Project. He will attend Kennebec Valley Community College, in Fairfield, in the new sustainable construction association degree program.

Benjamin Reed will attend the University of Southern Maine, in Gorham, and study Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in Counseling. His community service was as a Junior Camp Counselor. He served on the student council and as a student ambassador.

Vassalboro School Board approves amendment to interlocal agreement

Vassalboro Community School. (source:

by Mary Grow

At a very brief – less than five minutes – virtual special meeting, Vassalboro School Board members approved an amendment to the interlocal agreement among the former members of Alternative Organizational Structure (AOS) #92.

The effect of the change is to make Paula Pooler, former AOS finance officer, the financial director for the Vassalboro school system.

Amanda Dunn, who had been Vassalboro’s finance director, will take the same position for Winslow. Vassalboro Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said Winslow Superintendent Peter Thiboutot was presenting a parallel motion to the Winslow School Board.

The change is probably the first of several, as Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow school officials review the three-year interlocal agreement that succeeded the AOS, dissolved by voters in the spring of 2018.

The goal, Pfeiffer says, is to determine which sharing arrangements work well and to revise those that should be improved.

The next regular Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Aug. 18.

Literacy Volunteers announces winners of scholarship contest

Adam Bonenfant

Literacy Volunteers Waterville Area has announced the two winners of their Literacy Volunteers Waterville Area Essay Scholarship Awards. Issac Violette, a resident of Oakland, and a 2020 graduate from Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, won the $500 scholarship award and plans to attend classes at the Orono campus of the University of Maine. Adam Bonenfant, a resident of Vassalboro, and a 2020 graduate from Erskine Academy, in South China, won the $150 award. Adam plans to pursue his studies at Kennebec Valley Community College, in Fairfield, in the fall.

Issac Violette

Local libraries begin to re-open with limitations

Waiting for curbside pickup in Palermo. (photo by Andy Pottle)

Palermo Community Library curbside pick-up service begins

As we navigate through the Covid-19 pandemic, the first phase of reopening the Palermo Community Library is to offer curbside pickup beginning Saturday, June 20, 2020. To protect the safety of our staff and patrons, the library will be following the guidelines of the Maine State Library and Maine CDC. Staff will wear masks and gloves while preparing your bags for check-out. Patrons and staff are expected to respect social distancing recommendations.

Procedure for pickup (see detailed description under ‘policies’ on website):

  1.  Visit the library website at to search the library’s catalog for the books, DVDs, and other materials you’d like to check out.
  2.  Email your request to by Wednesday for a Saturday pickup.
  3.  Come to the library between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday to pick up the items you are checking out. When you arrive, call 993-6088 and they’ll bring out your bag of books and place it on the front stoop for you to pick up.
  4.  Return library items to outdoor book drop when you are finished. All returned library materials will be quarantined for 72 hours and then sanitized.

In the meantime, the trustees are working hard to prepare for the next phase of reopening by installing plexiglass hygiene barriers, providing a deep thorough cleaning of the library’s interior, and writing policies that will protect the health and safety of our staff and patrons. Hope to see you soon!

Vassalboro public library re-opens


The Vassalboro Public Library is reopened to the public during their regular hours. Monday and Friday noon – 6 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. They have a new ongoing book sale room that is open to the public. They will also host a partially virtual summer reading program for all ages. Please check their website for the Covid-19 policies.

Oakland public librarry is open

The Oakland Public Library is now open. You may check out books, magazines and movies. There is a 30-minute time limit on visits, with a five item limit on loans. Computers are available.

Hand sanitizers are available upon entering and also at the service desks. Masks that cover the nose and mouth must be worn, and patrons must observe 6 foot physical distancing.

Hours are: Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

For more information, call 465-7533.

Albion library will fill book orders

Albion Public Library

The Albion Public Library will fill orders for books, audio books and DVDs. Simply go online to the Town of Albion website:, click on local links, Albion library, online, display.

Or, log-in: first initial and last name, patron #. Ex.: rmorin,123.

You can browse the materials they have in the library.

To order, they will need the author and title of the book, audio book or DVD.

Send this to

Be sure to include your telephone number. They will fill your order and make an appointment with you for pick up.

Vassalboro selectmen give retiring Lauchlin Titus a send-off

Lauchlin Titus, center, outgoing Vassalboro selectman, was presented the Spirit of America award during the June 22 annual town meeting. Presenting the award were town selectmen Rob Browne, left, and John Melrose. (photo courtesy of Mary Sabins)

by Mary Grow

The centerpiece of the June 25 Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting was the going-away party for Board Chairman Lauchlin Titus, who is not a candidate for re-election on July 14. He has been a selectman for 12 years and previously served on other town committees.

Numerous town employees were present. Titus received gifts suited to his non-governmental interests and the audience shared – and praised – the trifle made by town office staffer Debbie Johnston-Nixon.

Town Manager Mary Sabins introduced Michael Levesque, summer intern whose task is to begin computerizing Vassalboro’s cemetery records to make them accessible to genealogists and other researchers. Levesque is studying environmental policy and planning at the University of Maine at Farmington, where he just finished – virtually – his second year.

Levesque said he started with the Cross Hill Cemetery and intends, time permitting, to move to the North Vassalboro one. Already, he said, he has made interesting discoveries, like locating the grave of someone who was almost certainly a veteran, but has not previously been recognized when veterans’ graves are marked with flags.

In other June 25 business, selectmen made the annual reappointments to town boards and committees for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Sabins commented that Vassalboro is lucky to have many residents willing to volunteer. There are a few vacancies; selectmen recommended they be listed on the town website.

Sabins reported alewife revenues for 2020 are lower than usual, at $16,410. The income from sale of the small fish as they migrate into Webber Pond has exceeded $20,000 in some recent years. Selectmen commented they had observed fewer eagles watching the migration up Outlet Stream, too.

The good news, Sabins reported, is that excise tax revenue has rebounded after dropping at the beginning of the Covid-19 shutdown.

Codes Officer Paul Mitnik informed selectmen of a North Vassalboro yard full of junk left by tenants who have moved out. The town might have to clean up the property and bill the former tenants, he said. He fears the yard is likely to attract rats and could become a health hazard.

Titus (doing his duty as a citizen, he said) passed on to Mitnik a complaint about another property in town that has not yet been cleaned up as the owner promised.

July 14 voting in Vassalboro will be at Vassalboro Community School (not at the town office as usual), with polls open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The town office will be closed July 14. In addition to state referenda and primary elections, Vassalboro voters have two local questions: a referendum on the school budget approved at the June 22 town meeting and uncontested local elections.

Information on July 14 voting and on obtaining absentee ballots is on the Vassalboro website.

The next regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23.

Vassalboro’s Cates Family Farm celebrates 50 years

A view of the Cates Family Farm outbuildings to the west of the fields. (contributed photo)

Submitted by Margaret Cates

The big, three-story house at Cates Family Farm was completed in 1809. Its many staircases and doors tell of a time when farm families were huge — when the easiest way for a farmer to get cheap labor was to make it themselves. Ownership of the farmhouse and its surrounding lands has changed hands a few times. Built originally by a retired sea captain, the farm passed into the hands of the Cates family in the early 1900s. Benjamin Harold Cates Sr. and his wife, Annabel Ingraham Cates, had a growing family (they eventually ended up with a dozen children!) and were running out of space. The purchase of a big, rambling farmhouse, surrounded by a few dozen acres of pasture and forest, which was conveniently within walking distance of the village schoolhouse where Annabel taught, the local dairy and general store that Harold operated, and the Quaker Meetinghouse the Cateses regularly attended, was the perfect solution for a growing family.

Annabel and Harold had six sons and six daughters, but of them, perhaps a third were interested in farming. Of that third, some had moved far enough away (including son Paul, who had hightailed it off to Germany) that when it came time to finalizing their will, the farm passed into the hands of their son George, who lived with two sisters in the big house. At that time, the farm was known as “Outlet Farm” — due to its abutting China Lake and the Outlet Stream that winds its way out of the lake, through Vassalboro, toward broader rivers. George was a forestry man, though he knew his way around a tractor and a dairy barn. He’d spent several years out west in the ‘40s, working in the national forests, and knew his way around the woods of the farm like the back of his hand.

Paul Cates holding sons Martin and Christopher in the summer of 1970, with the family’s Jersey heifers grazing in the pasture above them. (contributed photo)

When Paul Cates came back to Maine in 1969, accompanied by his young wife, Elisabeth, and their son Martin, they settled into another family home in the village of East Vassalboro and, in 1970, began raising gladiolus on the farm in one of the fields that had lately been reserved by George for dairy cattle feed crops. At first, Paul was known simply as The Glad Man, selling gladiolus out of his VW bus. This moniker helped him to establish the Cates Glads brand — though in truth, the farm grew numerous types of cut-flowers — which lasted through the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Paul and Elisabeth continued using the lands, though they were in George’s name, until George’s death — when ownership of the farm passed to them. Around the same time that the first Cates heirloom glad bulb price list was published (this would later become a print catalog, and finally evolve into the web store that exists today), the most important word was added to the Cates Glads brand — Family.

Cates Family Glads, as the farm was now called, lasted as a company name until the 2010s. By this point, Paul was well beyond retirement age, though in truth it took running himself over with the farm truck, which required several months of rest and leg elevation to heal, to force him to retire. Paul and Elisabeth’s son Chris was now the driving force on the farm — both figuratively and literally, since he’d not only taken on the lion’s share of farm operational work, but had also become the farm’s primary wholesale flower delivery driver. He had other projects on the farm besides flowers, though — he started raising a small herd of beef cows to feed himself, and he’d taken over George’s forestry and hay work. And so we made one last tweak to the brand in 2019: Cates Family Glads was now called Cates Family Farm.

The Cates family want you to help them celebrate 50 years in business.

On Saturday, July 11, 2020, they are celebrating Cates Family Farm’s 50th year in business! The work started earlier in 1970 than on July 11, of course, but that’s right around the time the first glads always start blooming, and isn’t that something to celebrate by itself?

Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, they’re unable to invite everyone to come visit them, both because there are restrictions on the number of people at gatherings in Maine, and also because they have no intention of their little farm on China Lake becoming the epicenter of the next coronavirus infection spike. So, instead, they’re going to throw a bit of a socially-distanced party, calling it a global, weed-pulling hootenanny!

They invite you all, in your own gardens, to go out on Saturday, July 11, 2020, find at least one weed, and joyfully rend it from the ground. Bonus points if you can come up with some sort of terrible but brilliant pun to describe the moment, and make the late Paul Cates proud. (Fastidious gardeners, you’ll have to leave a weed in the ground prior to the July 11 date if you want to participate with them on the day of the hootenanny.)

In the absence of your own garden, they suggest you plan to find and remove weeds in your family’s or friends’ yards instead. Please note: they do not condone guerrilla weeding tactics such as leaping over hedges or garden fences in the middle of the night to steal dandelions from your neighbors’ flower beds, or pulling weeds on public land without a permit — they encourage everyone to party within the bounds of local ordinances.

After the festivities in the garden come to a close, those on the farm in Maine will likely end the day with a lobster feed. They hope that you all, as most honored guests of their first (and, to be honest, hopefully last!) socially-distanced global weed-pulling hootenanny, get to eat something delicious!

Of course, they would’ve loved to invite all of you to come and pull their weeds (with blanket permission!), but… perhaps after the pandemic?

If you take photos of your participation in the socially-distanced party, and you’d like them to include the photos in a gallery on their farm’s website, please email them to Margaret Cates, at, with the name of the photographer and location of the photo. They won’t post photos to which we can’t apply proper credit!

Really, though: pull only with permission.

They mean it about the guerrilla weeding tactics. They hold no responsibility for anyone who gets arrested for pulling weeds.

In the meantime, with best wishes on behalf of the rest of the Cates family, and with hope that you continue to find joy in your (or your neighbors’ (within legal bounds)) gardens.

Vassalboro school officials not sure what fall return will mean

Vassalboro Community School. (source:

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro school officials have no idea what returning to school in the fall will mean.

“We’ve got to be ready for change,” School Board Chairman Kevin Levasseur summarized during the board’s June 16 in-person meeting in the Vassalboro Community School (VCS) cafeteria.

Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said he and colleagues have guidelines from the state education department, but they are not directives, and local school officials assume they will change as circumstances change. Pfeiffer does not expect decisions until late July at best.

School board member Jessica Clark said at a recent Maine School Board Association meeting no one had firm plans. Many participants hoped their schools will reopen, to accommodate parents with no child care and because “no school has the money or infrastructure to support 100% virtual education.”

Principal Megan Allen said VCS staff want to be in school, and a survey to which 40 parents responded found almost half of them would like the school to open. The rest, she said, were unsure or waiting to see how the health situation changes.

Pfeiffer pointed out that reopening the building will add costs, too, for such things as supplies, like masks and sanitizers; staff time to clean; and if students come and go in shifts, additional bus routes.

Pfeiffer and Allen anticipate an unusually busy summer as they monitor developments and try to be prepared for however the new school year starts.

Allen said the June 5 end-of-school parade was one of the best days of her life. Vassalboro fire trucks and the police car, school buses and decorated private vehicles toured much of the town visiting students who had not seen their teachers since March.

“We got to see so many kids – it was fantastic,” Allen said.

VCS also had a retirement parade for retiring literacy specialist Kathy Cioppa, of China, Allen said. She said Cioppa has been in education for 38 years, 35 of them at VCS.

One of the board’s June 16 decisions was to approve a copier lease agreement in conjunction with Waterville and Winslow schools. Pfeiffer said he, Waterville Superintendent Eric Haley and Winslow Superintendent Peter Thiboutot are discussing ways to continue mutually useful cooperation as the agreement that succeeded AOS (Alternative Educational Structure) 92 enters its final year. Voters in the three towns dissolved AOS 92 in the spring of 2018.

The next Vassalboro school board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Aug. 18. As part of their usual summer routine, board members authorized the superintendent to sign contracts for new staff until then, to avoid losing a good candidate to a school system prepared to act faster.

Vassalboro residents approve all 56 articles at town meeting

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro town officials and voters pulled off their June 22 open town meeting in style, with Covid-19 guidelines observed.

The gym at Vassalboro Community School was effectively turned into two rooms by a solid curtain that stretched almost from wall to wall, leaving space for moderator Richard Thompson to stand at one end and see into both rooms. Each side had no more than 50 well-spaced chairs; and the approximately 70 voters, most with masks, divided themselves evenly enough so that neither room approached the 50-person limit.

Entrance lines were well controlled by town office staff and volunteers. Multiple exits avoided crowding as the meeting ended, about an hour after it started.

All 56 warrant articles were approved, many in groups rather than one by one. As a result, Vassalboro is ready to start the new fiscal year July 1 with municipal and school budgets in place.

Selectmen expected the request to appropriate more than $360,000 (including interest over five years) for a new truck for the Vassalboro Volunteer Fire Department would be controversial. It was the only item discussed (one other generated a question and answer), but the near-unanimous vote to buy it suggests “controversial” was not the right term for the June 22 voters.

Selectmen and the budget committee recommended not buying the truck. Lauchlin Titus, Chairman of the Selectboard, explained that his board was not opposed to a new fire truck, but with 2020-21 revenues uncertain, selectmen did not want to commit the town this year. Two major sources of town income, he pointed out, are excise taxes, which increase as residents buy new vehicles, and state funding, which increases as the state’s economy grows.

Vassalboro volunteer fire department member Michael Vashon said the new truck would replace a 1981 vehicle that needs between $14,000 and $17,000 worth of work to restore it to operating condition. Firefighters do not want to put that much money into a 39-year-old truck, he said.

Department member Heather Hemphill, who described herself as a third-generation firefighter, said her experience in a repair garage taught her that a vehicle needing that much work will soon need more.

Christina Smedberg, recently moved to Vassalboro from Albion, praised the people who serve as volunteer firefighters. Vassalboro has a small department for so many residents, she said; “At least give the guys the right equipment.”

Tom Richards, who joined the department in 1957 at the age of 17, told voters, “We need this truck.” It won’t get cheaper if buying it is postponed, he added.

Vashon said the department has raised more than $500,000 in recent years for supplies and equipment, including enough to cover the first $72, 000-plus payment on the new truck. Firefighters will continue to raise funds toward the second payment, he said.

In the fire department report in the 2019 town report, new Chief Walker Thompson lists successful grant applications in 2019. The town report is dedicated to former fire chief Eric Rowe, who retired from the position after 30 years but remains in the department he has served for 40 years.

Titus, who is retiring from the board of selectmen as of Vassalboro’s July 14 election, received the 2020 Spirit of America award for volunteerism. Making the presentation, Selectman Robert Browne noted Titus’s years of service on numerous committees and in numerous organizations and praised his “willingness to listen to everyone.”

Voters re-elected budget committee members Rick Denico, Jr., and Douglas Phillips and elected new members Richard Bradstreet, Michael Poulin and Frank Richards.

Vassalboro’s annual town meeting is recessed until 8 a.m., Tuesday, July 14, when polls will open, again at Vassalboro Community School, for state voting and two local questions. The local questions are:

  • The annual referendum asking voters to approve or reject the school budget approved June 22; and
  • Elections for selectboard (Barbara Redmond is unopposed to succeed Titus) and for school board (Erin Libby Loiko seeks another term; Zachary Smith is the only candidate for the seat being vacated by Susan Tuthill).

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., July 14. Absentee ballots are available in advance from the town office for voters who do not wish to come to the school; those who vote in person are asked to wear masks.

Titus receives Spirit of America award

Lauchlin Titus, center, outgoing Vassalboro selectman, was presented the Spirit of America award during the June 22 annual town meeting. Presenting the award were town selectmen Rob Browne, left, and John Melrose. (photo courtesy of Mary Sabins)

At the June 22 annual town meeting, Vassalboro Selectmen Rob Browne and John Melrose presented fellow Selectman Lauchlin Titus with the 2020 Spirit of America Award. After 12 years of service to the Town as a Selectman (and also serving many years before that as a school committee member and a budget committee member), Lauchlin chose not to run for re-election this year. The certificate presented to Lauchlin read as follows:

“This 2020 Spirit of America Foundation Award, of Vassalboro, ME, honors Lauchlin Titus. Vassalboro’s 2020 Spirit of America Award recognizes and honors Lauchlin Titus for his years of public service hallmarked by thoughtfulness, kindness and a healthy dose of humor. Vassalboro is the grateful beneficiary of his many contributions.”