Windsor selectmen unanimously delete purchasing procedure policy
by The Town Line staff
The Windsor Board of Selectmen met on December 8, 2020, and worked through a rather light agenda.
The old and new proposed purchasing procedure policy was distributed and discussed. Since each department has a set budget and purchases are approved from the town manager and/or the board of selectmen, it was determine the policy is no longer needed. It was unanimously eliminated by the selectmen.
From the public works department, Keith Hall reported considerable damage was done to the Greeley Road following the last snowstorm. Hall said he spoke with Steve McGee, the contracted provider of plowing services to the town, and said they are going to meet to discuss getting the issue resolved.
Town manager Theresa Haskell distributed the monthly figures for the transfer station, and stated they were $7,543.40, which is up $1,809.40 from this time last year, which was $5,734.
Also from the transfer station, Timothy Coston said the salt was delivered and looked wet. He tested the salt and it came up with 2.5 percent moisture. The acceptable guidelines by the state is one percent. Moisture in the salt is constantly monitored and if the salt has unacceptable levels, the salt vendor has, in the past, credited the town or replaced the salt. According to Haskell, the salt is mixed with sand, and is generally fine to use on town roads.
According to Haskell, there were two quotes for the new office cubicle, one from George Murray at Creative Office Pavilion for $4,358.20 and one from Valley Configurations for $2,947.24. The board of selectmen unanimously chose the latter of the two quotes.
In other business, it was noted the Veterans Memorial Monument has been installed at the cemetery. The pavers, fabricated by Provost Monuments, in Benton, are ready, and they will be put in placed in July 2021.
There was also much discussion on the employee manual which will continue at the next board of selectmen meeting, which was scheduled for December 22, 2020.
At their December 22 meeting, some discussion took place about Christmas Eve, which federal and state considered a holiday, and some other municipal and federal offices would be closed. Selectmen decided to give the decision to the town manager who granted the employees the day off, with pay, as a sign of appreciation to all the employees who have worked during the Covid-19 pandemic. There was also discussion on compensation time that could be given to the public works employees regarding overtime. Haskell will write up something regarding the overtime for the public works employees and to move it to compensation time, for the board to review.
Ryan Carver informed the board the RSU school board voted against having the Windsor youth basketball teams using the Windsor Elementary School. Only school teams are being allowed to practice at the facility. Carver said he, personally, feels that as long as players and coaches follow Covid-19 CDC guidelines, they should be able to practice, also, since some of the students play on both teams. It is his opinion that by not allowing these players to play will have a huge impact now and in the future of any sport. He has asked the board of selectmen to write a letter supporting the Windsor youth basketball teams as long as they follow the current guidelines.
Rick Gray said it is not just youth basketball that is being affected by the school not being able to be accessed, but also the Boy and Girl scouts. Haskell will compose the letter for review by the board of selectmen before the January 5 meeting.
In other business, Haskell said the town had opened a fuel account for the public works trucks in the amount of $4,000 over a year ago, but the money has not been used because the town does not have an on-road diesel tank installed, and the town will be charged a dormant fee if they do not use it. Haskell recommended moving the money back to the general account, and was unanimously approved by the selectmen.
Haskell went on to say they still need to discuss the on-road diesel tank for the public works department.
For the eighth year, the town of Windsor has received a $25,000 grant for the 2021/22 NETCo Scholarship for Windsor residents, which has benefited 128 scholarships over the past seven years, an average of about 18 per year.
Selectman Ray Bates also informed the board that the federal government can mandate employees to take the Covid-19 vaccine, but that it was up to the employer if they wish to mandate the employee to receive the vaccine.
Discussion of the employee manual was tabled to the next meeting, scheduled for January 5, 2021.