Week of September 27, 2018
Palermo Legion holds annual awards ceremony
On September 18, American Legion Malcolm Glidden Post #163, in Palermo, held its annual Boys and Girls State Achievement Awards, and presented Certificates for Length of Service to Legion members and Ladies Auxiliary. The formal ceremony awards and certificates were presented by Post Commander Clayton York; Sergeant at Arms Tony Horak; Ladies Auxiliary President Deana Stevens; and Chaplain Norma Shorey (additional photos)…
Your Local News
Decisions postponed due to lack of quorum at planners’ meeting
CHINA — With only three of the six China Planning Board members present at the Sept. 25 board meeting, decisions were postponed on both topics discussed…
Five questions, candidates on China’s November ballot
CHINA — China voters have on their Nov. 6 ballots five referendum questions and in annual local elections one contest and two vacancies…
TIF members hear about alewife restoration project
CHINA — China TIF (Tax Increment Finance) Committee members heard a presentation on the China Lake alewife restoration project, or ARI (Alewife Restoration Initiative), at their Sept. 24 meeting, preliminary to an application for financial assistance expected at their Oct. 22 meeting…
Selectmen postpone business due to chairman’s absence
VASSALBORO — With Chairman Lauchlin Titus unable to attend their Sept. 20 meeting, selectmen postponed the main planned business, a discussion of issues related to police and dispatching services, to their Oct. 4 meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the town office…
“The Secret” to be unveiled in Palermo
PALERMO — Anybody who wants to change the direction of his or her life is invited to join a group of friendly neighbors on Friday, September 28, at the Palermo Community Center at 630 Turner Ridge Rd. for a potluck meal at 6 p.m., followed by the showing in the cozy screening room downstairs…
Municipal Tax Information
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School News
Erskine Academy Parent/Teacher Conferences
CHINA — All parents of Erskine Academy students are invited to attend fall Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 3rd & 4th from 3:30 to 7 p.m…
Gaining some ground
WATERVILLE — Waterville Youth Football third and fourth grade team member Ethan Sirois breaks for a sizable gain in a game against Skowhegan on September 23, in Waterville (photo)…
Cony graduate completes basic training
Liliane Nichols, a 2018 graduate of Cony High School, in Augusta, recently graduated in the top 10 percent from B Battery, 1st Battalion, Third Platoon, U. S. Army Training Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma…
Gordon graduates at the U of M Crookston
ROME — Summer session graduates include Cailyn Marie Gordon, of Rome, graduating with a bachelor of science in animal science…
from Geoff Hargadon (China) — It seems ironic the town [of China] decided to re-pave the road to the transfer station and nearly simultaneously cut the hours the transfer station itself is open. And how does a 3 p.m. closing time help residents who work regular jobs? What a waste!…
from Bob Bennett (South China) — Over two days, we picked up about seventy-five (75) pounds of trash and returnable bottles. One of those bottles, by the way, contained a needle; no one was injured…One of the most disturbing facts about this debris was the number of nip bottles and beer cans. There are obviously some very impaired drivers along our roads; just what we need with distracted driving…
WATERVILLE — Eric Thomas, left, will be the guest conductor for the Fall Pops Concert, on Friday, October 5, at 7 p.m., at the Waterville Opera House. A reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. at Amici’s Cucina, on Main St…
Obituaries – Week of September 27, 2018
CHINA – Pamela L. Stickney, 60, passed away Friday, August 24, 2018, at MaineGeneral Medical Center following a brief and courageous battle against cancer. Pam was born on July 10, 1958, to Helen Cromwell Stickney, and Ervin W. Stickney in Skowhegan… and remembering 7 others…
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | The Maine moose hunting season is underway. It has not always been that way. The moose hunting season was reintroduced in 1980 on an experimental basis, when 700 permits were issued to residents…
by Ron Maxwell | Eating and drinking outside are some of my favorite parts of being in the woods. I love a fire but in many places one cannot have an open fire. Without a fire, the easiest way to make water safe, to heat coffee or cocoa or to make food in the woods is to use a small camping/hiking stove…
INside the OUTside
by Dan Cassidy |Well, as mentioned, a couple of the reports from our ski resorts are calling for an early beginning, hopefully the making of another great season!…
by Peter Cates | The 1964 films, Yellow Rolls Royce/Umbrellas of Cherbourg generated original musical sound tracks. The above release had no connection with the originals. The Cinema players were hired by D.L.Miller, a fascinating businessman worthy of a biography while the group consisted of Hamburg Philharmonic musicians…
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | My thanks go out to the Solon Elementary School person who sent me the Solon School Newspaper to share with you. Welcome To New Staff: We want to welcome two new social workers to our school. Beth Higgins has worked in RSU #74 for a number of years….
by Debbie Walker | One of the definitions for the word Unity is ‘harmony.’ If the town fathers named the town of Unity for its harmony I’ll bet they never pictured this past weekend. The Common Ground Country Fair is the ultimate of proof of unity (harmony) in their little town…
(NAPSI) — The flu is nothing to sneeze at. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza has resulted in between 9.2 million and 35.6 million illnesses annually since 2010. The best way to stay out of such statistics, the CDC says, is for everyone who is eligible and at least 6 months old to get a flu shot as soon as the vaccine becomes available…