Entries by Mary Grow

VASSALBORO: TownCloud Inc. selected to design and maintain new website

by Mary Grow After another long discussion, Vassalboro select board members at their Oct. 19 meeting unanimously accepted town Manager Aaron Miller’s recommendation: TownCloud, Inc., will design and maintain the new town website. TownCloud representatives Christopher Haywood, Chief Amazement Officer, and Dennis Harward, Wizard of Light Bulb Moments, made a presentation and showed a sample […]

China transfer committee reviews 5-year plan

by Mary Grow At their Oct. 17 meeting, China transfer station committee members reviewed the five-year plan for the facility and talked about relations with neighbors Palermo and Albion. The plan includes repairs and replacements and a few minor additions, like a storage area for propane tanks and the previously-discussed lighting for the free for […]

China select board acts on three spending requests

by Mary Grow China select board members acted on three spending requests at their Oct. 23 meeting. They held a long discussion about trucks with Director of Public Services Shawn Reed. Reed reported the previously authorized new town truck, once scheduled for September delivery, is not yet even “on the assembly line,” due to a […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Agriculture – Part 7

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Recent articles have mentioned two Vassalboro men, Thomas Stackpole Lang and Hall Chase Burleigh, who each deserve more attention for their agricultural contributions, along with Lang’s father, John Damon Lang. The early focus of the two families’ agricultural activities was what Alma Pierce Robbins, in her Vassalboro history, called the John […]

CHINA: Chadwick proposes solar panels at closed landfill

PFAS detected in area water supply by Mary Grow China select board chairman Wayne Chadwick suggested to his fellow board members at their Oct. 10 meeting the possibility of installing solar panels on the closed landfill at the Alder Park Road transfer station. Palermo resident Troy Nelson proposed the idea, Chadwick said. He pointed out […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Agriculture – Part 6

by Mary Grow Waterville horses continued “Nelson” Another locally-bred trotting horse, even more famous than General Knox (described last week), was Nelson. Nelson was a bay horse. The color is described on line as “a reddish-brown or brown body color with a black point coloration on the mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs.” Several […]

Vassalboro planners approve subdivision application; postpone other

by Mary Grow At their Oct. 3 meeting, Vassalboro planning board members approved the subdivision application they postponed at their September meeting, and postponed a new application, for a small solar development, to November. Darrell and Jessica Field presented requested additional information on their application to divide a lot in a subdivision on Katie Drive […]

VASSALBORO: Website management topic undecided, again

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members sat behind their new laptop computers at their Oct. 5 meeting, for a long discussion that partly focused on the themes of residents’ knowledge of and involvement in town government. One topic, left undecided again, was selecting a company to manage the town’s website, including presenting select board […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Agriculture – Part 5

by Mary Grow Race horses and work horses Some of the central Kennebec Valley agricultural pioneers chose to breed racehorses, specifically trotters, instead of, or in addition to, the cattle discussed last week. For example, Kingsbury mentioned in the chapter on Waterville in his Kennebec County history that George Eaton Shores, of Waterville, who bred […]

CHINA: Community solar garden topic for China planners

by Mary Grow The topic at the Sept. 26 China planning board meeting was the proposed community solar garden on the west side of the section of Parmenter Hill Road locally called Moe’s Mountain. Minnesota-based Novel Energy Systems has begun the application process, planning to lease 13.73 acres of the southern part of Maurice Haskell, […]