Entries by Mary Grow

China broadband committee set to present request to select board

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members held a short meeting Aug. 10, primarily to approve a request to select board members before that board’s Aug. 14 meeting. CBC members’ focus is on applying for a state grant through the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) to extend and improve internet service to China residents. They […]

China board finishes review of proposed town solar ordinance

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members finished review of the proposed town solar ordinance at their Aug. 8 meeting, so co-chairman Toni Wall could send it to select board members before that board’s Aug. 14 meeting. Wall said she would also forward recommended amendments to the Planning Board Ordinance. Voters could be asked to […]

CHINA: Town appoints new codes officer; rec. committee member

Discuss holding in-person town meetings, pre-pandemic by Mary Grow China select board members faced a long and varied agenda for their Aug. 14 meeting. They settled some items and postponed others for more discussion. They unanimously approved the appointment of Zachary Gosselin, of China, as the new codes enforcement officer and health officer. Town Manager […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Music in the Kennebec Valley – Part 3

by Mary Grow Band music Another type of music in the central Kennebec Valley from early days of European settlement was band music. It was often, but especially in later years not inevitably, associated with military organizations; and like other forms of music, got limited attention in most local histories. * * * * * * James North, in his […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Music in the Kennebec Valley – Part 2

by Mary Grow Composers, dancing In his Music and Musicians of Maine, George Thornton Edwards’ list of “principal musical centers in Maine” in the late 18th and early 19th centuries included the Augusta-Hallowell-Gardiner complex, China and “some of the towns in the Kennebec Valley,” in addition to Portland and other, mostly coastal or more southern, […]

Residents criticize current South China boat landing

by Mary Grow A long, well-attended, amicable and informative July 31 discussion of the boat landing in South China Village revealed a lot of overlapping issues and a variety of opinions. Several of the almost two dozen residents who spoke criticized the present landing, at the foot of the dirt road named Town Landing Road […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Music in the central Kennebec Valley

by Mary Grow After the frustration of finding only scanty and random information from local historians on how central Kennebec Valley residents cared for their destitute neighbors, your writer decided to continue frustrating herself on a more cheerful topic: music. There were music and musicians in central Maine before the Europeans’ arrival. Music historian George […]