Entries by Mary Grow

VASSALBORO: School, day care provider reach agreement

by Mary Grow After several months’ discussion, at their Jan. 17 meeting Vassalboro School Board members approved a lease agreement for the daycare that Jennifer Lizotte runs at Vassalboro Community School (VCS). The daycare has operated without a formal agreement for years. The agreement runs into the spring of 2024, when it is to be […]

Vassalboro select board listens to ARPA spending suggestions

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members preceded their Jan. 19 meeting with a 45-minute public hearing to collect suggestions for spending federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds in the 2023-24 fiscal year. During the meeting, they rediscussed some recommendations from their Dec. 8, 2022, meeting, added a few more items and after another […]

Vassalboro planners to forward draft ordinance on solar development to town attorney

by Mary Grow After their Jan. 17 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members have a draft ordinance section that would regulate commercial solar development in near-final form. They plan to forward it to the town attorney for her review. Board members and representatives of the Main Street Maine coalition, the residents near a suggested solar site […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Floods of central Maine – Part 3

by Mary Grow And the year without a summer Before this series moves on to describe the year without a summer, one more flood needs mention and another a description. The Fairfield Historical Society’s bicentennial history says a March 2, 1896, freshet took out the last remaining of the three 1848 covered bridges between Fairfield […]

China Village VFD working on grant for new pumper

by Mary Grow After the China select board’s Jan. 17 meeting, town manager Rebecca Hapgood reported that most of their decisions, as assessors and as select board members, involved individual property tax issues. Topics of town-wide importance were a potential new fire engine, on which no action was taken, and a committee appointment. China Village […]

China’s Thurston Park group to ask for TIF funds

by Mary Grow Four members of China’s Thurston Park Committee spent most of their Jan. 19 meeting talking about money, both the 2023-24 budget and the long-term future of the almost 400-acre public park in northeastern China. As in past years, committee members intend to ask for money from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund, […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Kennebec River floods – Part 2

by Mary Grow After the great freshet of 1832, with which last week’s article ended, Augusta business leaders went ahead with their plan to build a dam across the Kennebec River to power mills; and a Fairfield company dammed part of the river there. The idea of an Augusta dam was by then about 50 […]

China planners review suggested ordinance amendments

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members discussed suggested ordinance amendments and the town’s 2020 comprehensive plan at their Jan. 10 meeting. The ordinance amendments came from the select board, in the form of a proposed revision of Chapter 9 of the Land Use Ordinance, which is titled “Appeals.” Select board member Brent Chesley prepared […]

Vassalboro town manager retires: Makes major “career” change

by Mary Grow Mary Sabins is making a major career change, from managing a town of about 4,500 people to managing flowers. Vassalboro’s just-retired town manager has started classes in the Maine State Florists and Growers Association Professional Certified Florists Program. She has enjoyed flower-arranging in her spare time for many years; once certified, she […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Kennebec River floods – Part 1

by Mary Grow When this historical series started in the spring of 2020 as a way to distract writer and readers from the Covid-19 pandemic, part of the plan was a survey of historic local disease outbreaks and other disasters. The latter have come to include weather, floods, fires and other destructive events, man-made or […]