Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board advised investments lost money

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members covered varied topics at their March 16 meeting. Matthew Weaver, chief investment officer at The First Bancorp, in Damariscotta, updated board members and Town Manager Aaron Miller on Vassalboro’s investment funds. Last year was “a very difficult year,” he said, and Vassalboro lost money, primarily because bonds had […]

Vassalboro budget committee begins draft review for 2023-24

by Mary Grow Vassalboro budget committee members held their first 2023 meeting March 16, unanimously electing Peggy Shaffer chairman and reviewing the draft 2023-24 municipal budget with select board members and Town Manager Aaron Miller. The draft is subject to change, because some costs are not yet firm. Budget committee members have not seen the […]

Vassalboro select board recommendations ready for budget committee

by Mary Grow After a March 9 budget workshop, Vassalboro select board members had their recommendations for 2023-24 municipal expenditures ready to go to the budget committee for its members’ review and recommendations. The budget committee’s 2023 organizational meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Thursday, March 16, following a 6 p.m. select board meeting. The […]

Vassalboro school board begins budget review

by Mary Grow Vassalboro School Board members began review of the 2023-24 school budget at a special meeting March 7, with information on four cost centers. The easiest category was ELL – English Language Learners. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said there are no ELL students this school year and none expected next year; he and finance […]

China broadband committee to try again for grant

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members will try again to get a grant to expand broadband service to China residents who are currently underserved or not served at all. They will again work in partnership with Direct Communications, the Idaho-based company that now owns UniTel, in Unity, with assistance from Mission Broadband, the […]

China select board makes plans for annual business meeting

by Mary Grow China select board members spent most of their March 13 meeting on plans for the June 13 annual town business meeting. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood gave them a first draft of the town meeting warrant articles, which will be decided by written ballot. Most articles are the familiar ones: appropriations for the […]