Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board sets tax rate at 14.4 mil

by Mary Grow At their Aug. 11 meeting, Vassalboro select board members set the 2022-23 tax rate at 14.4 mils, or $14.40 for each $1,000 of property valuation, a decrease of eight cents per $1,000 over the 2021-22 rate. Assessor Ellery Bane offered board members several choices of rate. They considered two possible reductions or […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Kingsbury’s people

by Mary Grow This article is for people who enjoy an occasional glimpse into someone else’s life – nothing scandalous or earth-shaking, just odds and ends about the ordinary lives of people in another time. The main source is Henry D. Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history. The Illustrated History of Kennebec County Maine 1625-1892 was first […]

CBC, land conveyance on select board special meeting agenda

by Mary Grow China select board members had two main items on the agenda for their Aug. 8 special meeting. China Broadband Committee (CBC) members asked them to put on the Nov. 8 local ballot a memorandum of understanding leading toward expanded broadband service in town. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood asked them to put on […]

China planners explain changes in land use ordinance

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members held an Aug. 4 public hearing to explain changes in the town’s land use ordinance that are expected to be on the Nov. 8 local ballot. At five minutes, the hearing might be the shortest on record. Four residents were in the audience: Brent and Cathy Chesley, who […]

China select board postpones action on broadband expansion

by Mary Grow China select board members were joined by local, out-of-town and out-of-state spokespeople for broadband service at the July 18 select board meeting. Robert O’Connor, chairman of the China Broadband Committee (CBC), had shared with select board members and town attorney Amanda Meader a proposed memorandum of agreement (MOU) with Direct Communications, based […]