Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro planners approve four applications

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved all four applications on their May 3 agenda. They also discussed increased town permit fees, an item that will appear on the May 12 select board agenda. Two shoreland permits were approved, for John Northrop to replace a house at 78 Three Mile Pond Road with […]

China select board holds public hearing on proposed budget

by Mary Grow The May 9 China Select Board meeting began with a half-hour public hearing on three of the items to be submitted to voters on June 14: the Large Scale Solar Facilities Moratorium Ordinance (Art. 37), the updated town comprehensive plan (Art. 38) and the 2022-23 municipal budget (Arts. 2 through 21, and […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Blacks in Maine – Part 4

by Mary Grow Waterville, Winslow, Windsor The Samuel Osbornes discussed in last week’s article were not the only Black family in 19th-century Waterville. Various sources mention several others, though details are often scanty and/or confusing. Local historians did not consistently state the race or nationality of people they wrote about. For example, the index to […]

Vassalboro select board talks about upcoming town meeting

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members had a varied agenda at their April 28 meeting, discussing topics that included the upcoming June 6 and June 14 annual town meeting; town committees; PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) that might have been in sludge that might have been spread in the 1990s; and upcoming celebrations. Board members […]

Vassalboro budget could show a slight decrease in mil rate

Majority does not support lowering taxes by Mary Grow At their April 19 meeting, Vassalboro Budget Committee were faced with a proposed 2022-23 budget, including municipal and school requests and an estimated Kennebec County tax, which (if approved by voters) would be expected to result in a slight decrease in the town tax rate. The […]