Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen to meet in person

by Mary Grow Vassalboro selectmen meet in person at 6 p.m., half an hour earlier than usual, Thursday, March 4, in the Vassalboro Community School gymnasium. The Budget Committee will meet at 7 p.m., same place and same format. Audience members will be required to wear masks, pass the temperature check at the door and […]

China committee discusses competing broadband proposals

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members discussed competing proposals to improve China’s broadband service for more than two hours Feb. 18, in preparation for virtual interviews with vendors starting at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22, and a recommendation at a virtual CBC meeting scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24. The recommendation will […]

China selectmen work on warrant; move town meeting date

by Mary Grow China selectmen continued work on 2021-22 finances and the warrant for the 2021 town business meeting at their Feb. 16 meeting, including moving the town meeting date. Instead of Tuesday, May 18, the meeting will be Tuesday, June 8, at the same time as voters approve or reject the 2021-22 school budget. […]

China committee takes first look at 2021-22 budget

by Mary Grow China Budget Committee members held their first meeting on the proposed 2021-22 town budget Wednesday evening, Feb. 10. Town Manager Becky Hapgood presented the selectmen’s recommendations, expecting no immediate decisions. Four topics drew brief discussion. Committee member Elizabeth Curtis queried the request for funds for a building in the China School Forest […]

China planners defer to next meeting

by Mary Grow Three China Planning Board members at the Feb. 9 board meeting spent another hour discussing a proposed solar ordinance and whether additional language about shoreland stabilization should be added to town regulations (see The Town Line, Feb. 4). At the suggestion of Vice-Chairman Toni Wall, acting as chairman in Randy Downer’s absence, […]

China broadband committee reviews three bids for expanded service

by Mary Grow Members of China’s Broadband Committee (CBC) displayed impressive technological understanding as they reviewed summaries of three bids for expanded and improved broadband service in town at their Feb. 11 meeting. Tod Detre, not hesitant about answering technical questions, admitted that “my eyes glazed over” as he tried to read some of the […]