Entries by Mary Grow

China Broadband Committee members to ask for TIF funding

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members voted unanimously at their June 10 meeting to ask for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds to contract with Mission Broadband, the Bangor-based consulting firm that has worked with them for months, now that China voters have approved the updated TIF plan. The revised TIF document China voters […]

Expanded June 2021 China election results

by Mary Grow The results of China voters’ June 8 decisions at their annual town business meeting, posted on the town website, show information that would not have been available from an open meeting. As reported previously, all articles were approved except funding for FirstPark (see The Town Line, June 10, p. 11). The most […]

China transfer station committee discusses fees

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members spent most of their June 9 meeting talking about money, mostly small amounts. Two issues were whether non-rechargeable batteries should be recycled, and if so, whether a fee should be charged; and whether out-of-town users should pay more than they do to use China’s facility. The phrase […]

VASSALBORO: Pike Industries awarded summer road paving

by Mary Grow Vassalboro selectmen approved acceptance of bids for summer road paving and for providing large dumpsters so the town crew can remove an ancient mobile home on a tax-acquired lot; decided they should develop an ordinance to govern mass gatherings; and discussed other mostly-administrative matters at their June 10 meeting. Seven companies bid […]

June 2021 Local election results for Vassalboro, China and Fairfield

Vassalboro by Mary Grow In Vassalboro’s written-ballot elections June 8, Christopher French was elected to succeed John Melrose on the board of selectmen, with 128 votes; and Jolene Clark-Gamage was re-elected to the school board, with 134 votes. Neither had an opponent on the ballot. Three referendum questions were approved. Town Clerk Cathy Coyne said […]

China board reappointments hit procedural snag; one denied

by Mary Grow China selectmen’s usually routine annual appointment (mostly reappointment) of town officials and board and committee members turned into a procedural tangle followed by a highly unusual refusal to reappoint a sitting board member. The actions taken at the June 7 selectmen’s meeting are official July 1, when the new fiscal year begins. […]

China Broadband Committee members return to grant application

by Mary Grow At their June 3 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members returned to their application for a ConnectMe planning grant for expanded and improved broadband service. They also reviewed a more definite – but still with uncertainties – financial model for their project (see the June 3 issue of The Town Line, p. […]

Vassalboro planners approve another solar array

by Mary Grow At their June 1 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved another solar array, this one west of Cemetery Street, between East and North Vassalboro. They were assisted by Codes Officer Paul Mitnik, whose third retirement at the beginning of April lasted through one meeting. Board members welcomed him back. Owens A. […]