Entries by Website Editor

Bottle drive to benefit food pantries

Through October, recyclable bottles are being collected to benefit the Palermo, Liberty, and Montville Food pantries. Bottles may be dropped off at the porch of the Palermo Community Center anytime, or at Nancy Bartlett’s home, at 801 Acadia, across from the 10-4 Diner. Bartlett’s hours are Tuesday from 9 a.m. – noon, Friday from 9 […]

Kennebec County retired educators support the classroom

The Kennebec Retired Educators Association (KREA) awards two $150 grants to two educators in Kennebec County for classroom use. The grants will supplement expenses for student-centered, inter-disciplinary projects and may be expended for materials used in the classroom, speakers’ fees, project development expenses, etc. Grant description and applications have been disseminated to every principal in […]

Fresh Florida citrus delivered to your door

The Palermo Community Center and Food Pantry is sponsoring a safe annual fruit sale. The oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, and more go from the tree to the shipper in mere hours and arrive at your door ­ – or anywhere in the continental U.S.A. you send them. Shipping fees are only $6.95 a box – no […]

OBITUARIES for Thursday, October 22, 2020

RANDALL C. HANNAN PALERMO – Randall C. Hannan, 67, of the S. Liberty Rd., died on Sunday, September 27, 2020, at Maine­General Medical Center, Augusta. Randy was born in Vassalboro on May 13, 1953, the son of Virgil and Ruth Hannan. He worked at AMHI, now known as Riverview Psychiatric Center, for over 27 years […]

MHS: Music in a coronavirus world

by Colin Hickey MHS English teacher Try playing a saxophone outside when the temperature is 47 degrees. It’s not easy, and it’s not particularly pleasant. But for members of the Messalonskee High School band program, playing outside has become a necessity in the year of the pandemic, a year in which the music could have […]

41st annual China Maine craft show happening virtually

by Jeanne Marquis There aren’t many groups of people more resourceful than parents of school-age kids, except maybe crafters. It’s the resourcefulness of parents and crafters that’s making the 41st Annual China Maine Craft Show possible this year. Raigen Messier York and Melissa Clement, both of the China Schools PTO recreated the fair experience online, […]