Entries by Website Editor

Folksinger at Albert Church Brown Library in China

On Sunday, Aug. 16 (rain date Sunday, Aug. 23), at 2 p.m., the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, on Main Street, in China Village, will present folks­inger Bill Berling­hoff in an outdoor concert. Everyone is welcome, admission is free. Attendees are required to wear masks. They should bring their own chairs and space them at […]

Second Saturday pick-up group to resume work

The Second Saturday litter pick-up group, established in 2019 by summer resident Richard Dillenbeck, will be resuming their work. The group is dedicated to cleaning up the road sides in China, especially Route 202. They do so every second Saturday of the month, and they are always looking for volunteers. For more information, contact Richard […]

Family outing: loon count on Sheepscot Lake

by Pamela McKenney Throughout the night they called from the lake. Their wild, haunting voices are unmistakable and considered by many to be the definitive sound of summer here in Maine. I gladly accept the sleep disturbance to hear them any time, but this night was particularly exciting as I anticipated participation in my first […]


The Fairfield Town Council will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, at the Community Center, at 61 Water Street, on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing public comments on the following matter: To hear from the public on a request from SAPPI North America, Inc. – Somerset […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, July 30, 2020

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT COURT ST., SKOWHEGAN, ME SOMERSET, ss NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18-A MRSA sec. 3-801 The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice July 30, 2020 If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within […]

Contest winner

Somerset Public Health held its third annual Dear Future Me contest and Lucia, 9 years old, of Skowhegan, took first place. She created a video and spoke as though she was talking to her younger self explaining how living a life free of drugs, alcohol and bad influences allowed her to reach all of her […]