Entries by Website Editor

OBITUARIES for Thursday, February 8, 2024

ALICE M. HOPKINS VASSALBORO – Alice Marion Hopkins, 89, of Vassalboro, passed away in her sleep, on Friday, January 26, 2024, at Woodlands, of Hallowell. A retired school teacher, Alice spent most of her adult life in Connecticut teaching at Woodstock Elementary school, in Woodstock, Connecticut. It was with great pride she shared her passion […]

Elise Brown, of Liberty, announces run for Waldo County Commissioner seat

Elise Brown, of Liberty, announced her candidacy for the position of Waldo County Commissioner in District #3 to represent the towns of Brooks, Burnham, Freedom, Knox, Montville, Morrill, Palermo, Liberty, Searsmont, Thorndike, Troy, and Unity. Elise has been in local public service since 1994, holding roles in the Liberty community including firefighter, fire chief, EMT, […]

EVENTS: Upcoming Area Caucuses 2024

Somerset County Democratic caucuses All registered Democrats are welcome to attend the caucus in your area. If you are currently unenrolled or not yet registered, we will have registration forms at each caucus. Region 1: Detroit, Pittsfield Pittsfield Town Office, 112 Somerset Ave, Pittsfield Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Region 2: Athens, Brighton […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, February 1, 2024

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT COURT ST., SKOWHEGAN, ME SOMERSET, ss NOTICE TO CREDITORS 18-A MRSA sec. 3-801 The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice January 22, 2024. If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within […]

Carrabec High School Second Quarter Honors (2023)

GRADE 12 High honors: Kolby Carpenter, Devyn DeLeonardis, Molly Hay, Joyanna Jones, Alyssa Schinzel, and Hailey Wyman; Honors: Hunter Bragg, Dakota Cahill, Jayden Cates, Cooper Dellarma, Emma Junkins, Summer Lindblom, Dillon Nelson, Ryan Parlin, and Trenton Smith. GRADE 11 High honors:  Dayna Jean Labonte, Seth Price, Desmond Robinson, and Ciarrah Whittemore; Honors: Cortney Cote, Mason […]