Letters to the editor, Week of June 1, 2017

Don’t get hood winked again

To the editor:

On June the 13 the voters of China will be presented a three issue town ballot and vote to support or reject each issue. Two of the issues involve the expenditure of town funds for a questionable causes. I urge the voters to reject both proposals.

First, the request to expend $25,000 on a former temporary classroom referred to as the Emergency Preparedness Shelter, a classification I am not familiar with and I thought one of the expansions of the town office and purchase of the generator was for emergencies. This including the building of the communications tower located behind the town office. The selectboard with the town manager have squandered money on this substandard building since we received it from the school district. Any further investment in this building would be foolhardy and a waste of taxpayer money.

Second, the town of China should not be in the land acquisition business. When the town purchased the lot at the corner of Alder Park Road and Lakeview Drive, members of the selectboard advocated for the purchase of the parcel, “before a business purchases the lot. ” That same logic that asks that China buy the adjoining lot for $12,000 would be equally non nonsensical.

These two requests are to be funded by the “Surplus/Unrestricted/Unassigned Fund Balance” which infers that these funds are excess and implies that they have diminished value when in fact this fund is the collection of excess taxation.

China maintains a very high balance in the“Surplus/Unrestricted/Unassigned Fund Balance” well beyond recommendations (by a factor of 4) which is often used as free money but represents the practice of the allocation of monies on one hand and the collection of excess taxation to replenish the fund on the other.

I ask the voters to reject these requests and not to get “hood winked” again.

H. David Cotta

Erskine’s Hannah Burns wins national scholarship

Hannah Burns

Hannah Burns, a senior and member of the National Honor Society (NHS) at Erskine Academy, has been named one of 400 national semifinalists in the National Honor Society Scholar­ship program. Burns was chosen from more than 9,000 applicants and will receive a $2,325 scholarship.

High school seniors who are members in good standing of an active National Honor Society chapter are able to apply for an NHS Scholarship. Finalists are selected on the basis of their leadership skills; participation in service organizations, clubs, and other student groups at school and in the community; and their academic record.

Poulin property receives China Lake Smart award

From left to right, Russell Poulin, Jeannette Poulin and Emily Poulin display the China Lake Smart award they received recently. Contributed photo

The Poulin family bought the property in 1975. Once a large hay field the land had already begun to change when they became owners. Jeannette and family enjoyed picking wild blueberries, blackberries and strawberries which grew in abundance back then. However, the spring rains made portions of the land quite wet so young pine trees were found and relocated to help stabilize the ground and to help with erosion control.

Tending to the land, by doing their part in promoting a healthy lake, the land looks very different now (decades later). A mix of conifer and deciduous trees have grown up, low growth shrubs and ferns have spread, and less lawn is being mowed allowing for wild areas of grass and wildflowers to grow and mature.

No chemical grass fertilizers are ever used. A natural buffer zone has been established and maintained. Rocks have been moved and/or added to the shoreline and shrubs have been planted over the years for erosion control, to name a few of the things the Poulin’s have done to help benefit the lake. For more info on the Lake Smart program contact: Marie Michaud, China Lake Lake Smart coordinator, 207-968-2668.

CHINA NEWS: Planners adopt mission statement

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members adopted a mission statement and approved an application at their May 23 meeting, both by unanimous votes.

The application approval allows William Pettipas, of New England Imports, 632 Lakeview Drive, to add a 20-by-40-foot bay on his existing commercial garage. Board members had no comments from neighbors; they decided an expansion of an existing business with no changes affecting the neighborhood did not need a public hearing. Before the meeting several board members researched mission statements and three prepared drafts for the China board. The agreed-upon version, based primarily on a draft by Tom Miragliuolo, reads: “It is the mission of the China Planning Board to balance public and private needs while promoting development which integrates environmental protection and community economic goals.”

Board members asked Codes Officer Paul Mitnik to print the statement on future agendas, both as a guide and to give them a chance to reconsider and amend it if necessary.

The next China Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, June 13.

Erskine students presented with scholarships

Erskine Academy students/scholarship winners, from left to right, Abigail Haskell, Audrey Jordan, Keeley Gomes, Allie Bonsant and Hannah Burns. Contributed photo

On May 25, the Whitefield Lions Club awarded five scholarships to local students.

This year, the Lions are proud to have increased the number of $1000 scholarships from three to five.

All five recipients are Erskine Academy students.

Winners are Abigail Haskell, Audrey Jordan, Keeley Gomes, Allie Bonsant and Hannah Burns.

Their families were in attendance

Earlier in the evening, the newly-formed Leo Club, of Erskine Academy, was awarded a check for $250.

This money, donated by the Whitefield Lions, is to be spent on community service projects For the Leo club to choose and use at their discretion

The Leo Club, was formed this year in conjunction with the Whitefield Lions Club.

Leo clubs provide young people with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of their local, national, and international communities.

Submitted by Britt Morris.

China food drive successful

The China post offices conducted a food drive for the food pantry recently. China Food Pantry director Anne Austin thanks the residents of China for their generosity. Pictured, Caley Pillow, a volunteer at the food pantry, shows some of the many contributions.

Photo courtesy of Eric Austin

CHINA NEWS: Planners postpone action on mission statement

by Mary Grow

For the second time this spring, China Planning Board members postponed discussion of developing a mission statement because not all members were at a meeting. Chairman Jim Wilkens was unable to be at the board’s May 9th meeting. Vice Chairman Milton Dudley proposed no action, and the other members agreed.

They decided they will discuss the statement at their May 23rd meeting, whether or not a full board is present.

Dudley expects agreement on a single sentence, which will become the basis for discussion of how much regulation is appropriate to implement the board’s mission. Board member Toni Wall said the town’s comprehensive plan and the Planning Board Ordinance were the two basic documents on which board goals and policies should be based.

Codes Officer Paul Mitnik expects there will be at least one permit application on the May 23rd agenda as building season begins.

CHINA NEWS: Selectmen award some work at Thurston Park

by Mary Grow

China selectmen discussed a range of issues at their May 15 meeting and made decisions on some of them, including authorizing expenditures.

They reviewed responses to requests for price quotes on work at the north entrance of Thurston Park and awarded part of the work. Payment will come from the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) account, as approved by voters at the March town meeting.

To improve access to the town-owned park in northeastern China, three steps are needed, selectmen and Thurston Park II Committee member Steve Nelson agreed. The bridge, currently under water because of beaver activity, needs to be made accessible and repaired; the gravel pit and the road need to have trees and brush removed; and the road needs extensive repair, using gravel from the pit. Additionally, the gate needs repair, because of repeated abuse by vehicles accessing park roads.

Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said he had second-hand information that beaver removal discussions are under way with state officials.

Selectmen awarded a contract to repair the bridge to S. D. Childs and Sons, of Palermo, for $7,500. They authorized South China forester Tim Basham to clear brush for $3,500. And they approved Nelson’s offer to repair the gate for $1,500.

Reviewing two bids for the road work, selectmen were not clear that they were exactly alike. They therefore postponed awarding a contract until they receive clarification.

They approved L’Heureux’s request for $2,300 to improve insulation of the town garage.

L’Heureux reported that the town will do maintenance on the boat ramp at the head of China Lake’s east basin within the next 10 days, adding crushed rock to fill gaps between the cement planks.

He further reported that a ConnectME grant application for up to $125,000 to extend internet access through a gap on Route 3 has been filed. If the grant is approved, the town will contribute up to 20 percent of the cost of the work, according to a prior Selectboard vote.

Selectmen approved the proposal from the Weeks Mills fire department to buy a second-hand brush truck for $50,000, assuming it appears satisfactory to department members who go to Pennsylvania to inspect it.

Board Chairman Neil Farrington said the Weeks Mills Schoolhouse, one of China’s historic buildings, has sustained water damage that should be repaired before China’s 2018 bicentennial celebration. The building should also have a ramp to the back door to provide handicapped access, he said. He did not ask that the work be done immediately.

Non-monetary actions included the selectmen deciding they did not want to accept as a town building the old shed on the Jones property in South China, even though it is said to be an early home of the South China fire department. The South China library now owns the property.

In response to continued complaints about vehicles speeding and ignoring stop signs in the China Village area, selectmen agreed to post the town’s Black Cat radar in one place and to request a state traffic study in another. The board appointed Robert Kurek to replace Dwain McKenney as one of Palermo’s representatives on the Transfer Station Committee.

The May 15 meeting was preceded by public hearings on the three local ballot questions for June 13 and an executive session to discuss legal issues pertaining to the stipends for volunteer firefighters and rescue personnel approved at the March town meeting.

After the executive session, selectmen asked fire department and rescue representatives for a proposal before the next selectmen’s meeting, scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday May 31 (since the usual Monday is the Memorial Day holiday).

Leo Club holds formal induction at Erskine

Above, Leo Club Officers from left to right. Treasurer Hunter Rushing, Secretary Samantha Heath, Vice President Morgan Emond and President Harrison Mosher.

From left to right, Whitefield Lions Club first-year Director Barry Tibbetts, left, pins Erskine Academy Leo Club President Harrison Mosher.

Surrounded by family and friends, Leo Club members participated in a formal induction ceremony at Erskine Academy, in South China, on May 3. The Leo Club is a new club formed in conjunction with the Whitefield Lions Club and Advisor Roxanne Malley. Thirty two students from Erskine Academy have joined the Leo Club.

Whitefield Lion first-year Director Barry Tibbetts welcomed the Leos saying, “In the coming years you will make a lot of choices defining who you are and what you are about. You have made the choice to join the Leo Club and that shows that you think about someone besides yourself. That speaks volumes about you.”

The Leo Club is a way for students to conduct local civic duties, volunteer in the community and develop leadership skills.




Erskine Academy announces top 10 seniors in class of 2017

Erskine Academy’s Top 10 Seniors, front, from left to right, Valedictorian Justin Harris, Salutatorian Audrey Jordan, Hannah Burns, Jessica Zhang and Seth Allen. Back, Veronica Black, Beth Bowring, Emma Cote, Keeley Gomes and Morgan Savage. Contributed photo

Erskine Academy is proud to announce the Class of 2017 Top Ten Seniors.

Valedictorian is Justin Harris, son of Althea and Steve Harris, of China. Throughout his four years at Erskine, Justin has participated in such activities as Math Team, the EA Leadership Team, and Cross Country. Justin has received awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra 2, PreCalculus, Calculus, and Physics, he has received the Rensselaer Award, and he was selected as a Renaissance Senior of the Trimester. Justin plans to attend the University of Maine to study Engineering.

Salutatorian is Audrey Jordan, daughter of Julia and Douglas Jordan, of Whitefield. Audrey is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, the EA Leadership Team, the HOPE Club, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Swim Team, and she has served as a class officer. In addition, Audrey has completed over 235 hours of community service projects. Audrey is a Maine Principal’s Association Award recipient, she has received awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Chemistry, and Latin, and she was the recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Award. Audrey plans to attend Bowdoin College where she will major in Neuroscience.

Third in academic standing is Hannah Burns, daughter of Dolly and Dan Burns, of Whitefield. Hannah is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Theater Club, Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, the EA Leadership Team, HOPE Club, Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, Lacrosse, and she has completed over 335 hours of community service projects. Hannah was a recipient of the Smith College Book Award, she has received Renaissance Recognition and Senior of the Trimester awards, and she was the recipient of awards of excellence in Integrated Science, Biology, English, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Health. Hannah plans to attend the University of Maine with a major in Bioengineering.

Fourth in academic standing is Jessica Zhang, daughter of Judy and James Zhang, of China. Jessica is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Math Team, Robotics, Speech Team, Debate Team, Swim Team, and Tennis. In addition, Jessica has completed over 300 hours of community service projects and she has received awards of excellence in English and Chinese. Jessica plans to attend the University of Rochester to pursue studies in Mechanical Engineering.

Fifth in academic standing is Seth Allen, son of Sally Allen, of Windsor. Seth’s extra-curricular involvement has included such activities as Student Council, Cross Country, and Wrestling. Seth was a recipient of the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award and he has received awards for excellence in Russian, PreCalculus, and US History. Seth plans to specialize in Airbone Linguistics in the U.S. Air Force.

Sixth in academic standing is Veronica Black, daughter of Debbie Hyler, of China and Norman Black, of China. Veronica is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as TLC (Erskine’s community service organization), HOPE Club, Youth in Government, Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Swim Team. Veronica has completed several community service projects and she has received a Renaissance Recognition award. Veronica plans to attend the University of Maine with a major in Biology.

Seventh in academic standing is Beth Bowring, daughter of Cheryl and Kenneth Bowring, of Vassalboro. Beth has been a participant of Math Team, she was the recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Award, and she has received awards for excellence in English, PreCalculus, and Latin. Beth plans to major in Animal Behavior at the University of New England.

Eighth in academic standing is Emma Cote, daughter of Robert Cote, of China, and Bethany Cote, of Windsor. Emma has been a member of the Speech Team and she has received an award for excellence in Geometry. Emma plans to attend Thomas College with a major in Psychology.

Ninth in academic standing is Keeley Gomes, daughter of Leslie and Matthew Gomes, of Whitefield. Keeley is a member of National Honor Society, she has participated in such activities as EA Theater Club, HOPE Club, Field Hockey, Basketball, Track & Field, and Lacrosse. In addition, Keeley has completed over 200 hours of community service projects. Keeley was the recipient of a Renaissance Recognition award and she has received awards of excellence in Drawing and Clay. Keeley plans to major in Biology and Animal Sciences at the University of Maine.

Tenth in academic standing is Morgan Savage, daughter of Laura and Chris Savage, of China. Morgan has participated in TLC (Erskine’s community service organization). Morgan plans to take a gap year.