IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of May 4, 2017

by Katie Ouilette

WALLS, surely we must feel honored. I found a business card, which I probably received at a Skowhegan Chamber of Commerce FAB Fair years ago and it read that The Town Line is the oldest [existing] weekly newspaper in Central Maine. The date was 1989. Y’know, faithful readers, the Skowhegan Independent Reporter surely outdated The Town Line, as its history follows, but certainly, WALLS, it is a great honor to be presenting your thoughts in print each week.

Yes, you are well-aware that the pocket-park at the corner of Madison Avenue and, what was, Russell Street in Skowhegan was the site of a large building. Yes, it was empty and folks learned that it was beyond repair by an architect and several others who were well-acquainted with old buildings. In fact, the same was determined for the, one time, Reporter Office. O.K., WALLS, go for it as this is reminiscing time for our faithful readers.

WALLS, tell about that big old building first. Yes, faithful readers, the top floor was the location of the first photographic studio in Skowhegan. Surely, WALLS, there were a lot of stairs to climb, so parents who wanted their children’s photos or people who wanted photos of people who were incapacitated for any reason had to have the photographer carry his equipment to one’s home. Then, on the third floor was Lydia Deane’s ‘candy kitchen’ and anyone who remembers those divine candies know that she shipped Lydia Deane’s candies to our military during World War II, while we lucky folks at home could visit her store that was located over our Maine Liquor Store on Madison Avenue. Our once Maine Governor and now U.S.Senator Angus King ran a law office for the Kennebec Legal Association on the second level. The first level housed two small grocery stores, one owned by Howard Gray and one by Emil Stred. After Wallace’s TV and Radio Sales and Repair became the building’s owner, we are told by Donna Wallace Finley that her dad placed a loud-speaker on the building and hundreds of people gathered there to get news of the ending of World War II. Ah, what a wonderful world we all thought we lived in!

O.K., WALLS, you told us that Skowhegan’s Reporter Office Building was torn down to create the ‘park’ in our downtown, so tell us about what happened to those bricks. Yes, Katie’s car was to be filled with some of the bricks. Oh, in her back seat, of course. Some of the bricks were to be used as a memorial to Herb Paradis, who was a founder and the first host of our Channel 11’s Keeping Pace, but we must remember that Herb wrote a column entitled Keeping Pace for our Somerset Reporter. WALLS, make sure to tell our faithful readers that “Buster” Foster was editor of The Reporter, too.

Now, here comes a twist to this bit of history. In East Madison is what has always been known as the Whittier House. Yes, Emma and Ed Whittier lived there and, when they ceased their living, the house was sold. to Jackie Jacques and Dick Anzelc amd all their family was born there. Dick worked at Alfond’s Shoe Manufacturing until Alfond’s ceased to exist. Well, Walls, now Rick and his wife have purchased the house, which was abused to say the least, and now it is the Anzelc house again. In the process of refurbishing “the Whittier house,” Katie learned that the fantastic antique brick fireplace that has a washtub and ovens in the kitchen had some broken bricks and what better place for antique bricks than what is now ‘the Anzelc House.’

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of May 4, 2017

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

My thanks to Elaine Aloes for letting me know about the following: There will be a special budget meeting on Monday, May 8, at the town office conference room at 6:30 p.m., to go over the four articles for a special town meeting on Monday, May 22, at 7 p.m. at Solon Elementary School.

1. The Fire Department wants to purchase a 2004 Pierce 3,000 gallon Pumper Tanker Fire Truck for $122,000. We would trade in our 1994 1,500 gallon Pumper Tanker Fire Truck. Our yearly loan payment would be about $8,000 per year. We currently put aside $3,000 a year in a reserve account so this would add an additional $5,000 to that appropriation for five years. Funding: Fire Truck Reserve Account $75,000 ( current balance $76,146) Trade-in value on 1994 truck $10,000, Loan for 2004 truck $37,000 for a total of $122,000.

2. Sidewalks on Pleasant and School streets: Due to the condition of the sidewalks and federal regulations, we need to discuss various options for our sidewalks. Due to their condition, we cannot simply pave over them. The pavement needs to be removed, some bushes and tree stumps removed, gravel added in many places, Federal handicap requirements met, and then the sidewalks repaved. If we choose not to repair the sidewalks then the selectmen suggest removing the sidewalk in that area (from Pleasant Street to Doherty’s driveway), filling it with gravel and plant grass. We will be discussing various options and deciding on a course of action at the Special Town Meeting.

3. Raising funds for the transfer station truck loan payment of 3,156.11 due in July: We have a loan payment due in July that we did not include on the annual town meeting warrant.

4. Raising funds for grounds maintenance: We need to maintain the grounds at the town office and fire station complex, the sports fields at school, and the Coolidge Library. We have been paying to have the lawns mowed at the library but have been relying on volunteers for the sports fields and the volunteer efforts of Duayne Rollins for the town office and fire station complex. We think it is time to contract with somebody to properly maintain these grounds. We are currently getting some quotes and will have more information at the special town meeting. Another option would be for the town to purchase a mower and a weed wacker and pay someone by the hour to do the job. A sit down zero mower is about $3,000.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is Monday, May 8, at 7 p.m., at the Embden Town House. Amanda Taylor will have a Power Point presentation on “Maine Historic Bridges” (including our locals). A brief meeting will follow along with refreshments.

I had two wonderful birthday parties last weekend that made my heart soar with love! On Friday, Lief and I went to Falmouth to the home of my son and daughter-in-law Dave and Eleanor Rogers. They took us to Portland to a model plane shop where Lief was fascinated with all the flying models hanging from the ceiling, plus all the items available to buy. It was a most interesting place. They also took us to my very favorite store for art supplies Artist & Craftsman Supply. It had been enlarged since I had been there, so it took me quite awhile to spend just half of the gift certificates Dave and Pete had given me, … but so much fun! They took us out to lunch and then we went back to their house for cake and ice cream, such a perfect day!

Mary had invited us over for a supper birthday party on Saturday, and again, I can’t explain the love that was present as we all sat down to a scrumptious meal, all present told Mary how wonderful it was! Those present were Dave, Mary, Amanda, Alexander, Peter, Sherry, Lief and me. Words fail me when it comes to all the special gifts I received , and how much I love them all! Mary had made a special English birthday cake, and I blew out all the candles, there were only eight, and everyone cheered!!

Percy’s memoir is: Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better. (words by Edgar Watson Howe).

TECH TALK: Why you can’t afford to be neutral on Net Neutrality


by Eric Austin
Technical Advisor

Net Neutrality is — arguably — the most important legislative issue in the world of technology right now. And it’s an issue that will affect the lives of every single person reading this column.

Today, the Internet is like a super highway where every destination is the same distance from you. You decide where you want to go based on the content you are interested in, not the time it takes to get there. In Internet terms, this means that no particular website is given bandwidth preference (distance) over another. They are all equally accessible to you as the consumer.

You decide which websites to visit. You decide which video services you subscribe to.

But some people want to allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to restrict those choices. They want to allow your ISP to determine which services on the Internet you have access to. So, if you get your Internet from Time-Warner, you might only be allowed to stream video through Hulu. But if your service provider is Comcast, you might be required to use Netflix instead. This would become true of many of the services you use on the web. No longer would it be your choice. Instead it would be dictated by your service provider.

That doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? Why would anyone want an Internet that works this way?

As Internet-based companies grow larger, they seek new ways to capture even more of their market share. One way of doing this is by paying (bribing) Internet Service Providers to give their content bandwidth preference.

If opponents of Net Neutrality get their way, big companies like Amazon, Hulu, Netflix and others would be able to pay (bribe) ISPs to give preferential treatment to their web platform over their competitors, similar to how a restaurant today will offer Pepsi or Coke — but not both.

Do we want that to become the norm on the Internet? So that picking an Internet Service Provider also means restricting our Internet content options to the ones that have paid the most to our ISP for exclusivity? It’s starting to sound more like picking a cable package than accessing the Internet.

In the early days of the Internet, the web was widely touted as a “level playing field” where small companies like Google and Amazon could compete equally with huge, established corporations like Microsoft and Blockbuster.

Although, that time has come and passed, the barrier to a successful web business is still much lower than it is to open a traditional brick-and-mortar store. But suppose that, aside from needing to build a website and supply it with original content, you also had to pay Internet Service Providers to “allow” traffic to come to it? How would you compete against the likes of Google, Microsoft, and Facebook?

From a business perspective, it means that smaller, newer businesses could be discriminated against in favor of bigger, wealthier and more established corporations. Good news for Big Business. Bad news for promising young entrepreneurs.

From a consumer perspective, it means fewer choices for Internet content.

In 2015, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) decided to reclassify Internet providers as “common carriers” under Title II of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This classification is reserved for “necessary” utility services like telephone, electricity, gas and water. These types of services are subject to greater regulation and oversight to prevent discrimination and price gouging of vulnerable consumers.

This was a huge victory for Net Neutrality, and recognition that the Internet has become an essential part of many people’s lives. It also meant that ISPs could not restrict or throttle bandwidths based on content, but had to make all (legal) content equally accessible to everyone. Simply put, this meant that Amazon, Hulu, Netflix – and your next-door neighbor Dave’s 24-hr livecast of his boring life – all have an equal right to the Internet’s bandwidth.

But the fight is far from over. With a new administration comes new policies, and the recently appointed chairman of the FCC (and former attorney for Verizon), Mr. Ajit Pai, only last Wednesday announced his plans to reverse this classification and rollback current regulations protecting Internet neutrality.

If you have any doubts about which side of the debate you, as an average consumer, should be on, simply consider those that are fighting for and against this issue.

On the pro-Net Neutrality side, we have numerous consumer advocacy and human rights groups such as Article 19, Free Press, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the ACLU, to name just a few. Even web companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google have come out in favor of Net Neutrality. And it’s advocated by people like the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak; inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Timothy Berners-Lee; and President Barack Obama.

On the other side, you have the lobbyists of large communications companies like AT&T, Qualcomm, and Verizon, as well as (according to Wikipedia) certain noted “technologists” (whatever those are) and “economists.” And, really, when was the last time “economists” were on the side of the little guy?

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and ordered Coke only to be told that all they serve is Pepsi?

Well, if you don’t want to be stuck drinking Internet Pepsi when you really prefer Coke (or vice versa), call your Senator and Representative in Washington today and tell them you want an open and free Internet, where access to content is decided by you, the consumer, rather than big communication companies!

For more information about Net Neutrality or to get involved, visit www.savetheinternet.com.

Eric W. Austin is a marketing and technology expert, and an advocate for a free and open Internet. As long as email remains free, he can be reached at ericwaustin@gmail.com.

Further reading:

SCORES & OUTDOORS: A fish story to top them all


by Roland D. Hallee

I have been an avid fisherman for the better part of the past five decades. I have fished for many different species, under various weather conditions with some unusual experiences. But I have never had one fall out of the sky…until this week.
Now, I know recreational marijuana use is legal in Maine, but I swear on my mother’s grave I don’t touch the stuff.

When I arrived home from work last Wednesday, there it was, on the walkway from my driveway to the side door, a yellow perch, completely intact, with rigor mortis very well established. Since my hands were full, I figured I’d go back out to take care of it later.

Once in the house, I forgot about the fish until the next morning when I left the house to head to work. It was still there. I kicked it over to the side so no one would accidentally step on it, and proceeded to work. I returned that afternoon, and it was still there. I went in the house, dumped my briefcase and laptop, and headed out to take care of the situation.

The fish had disappeared, just as quickly as it had appeared. Strange to say the least.

Since I live about 400 yards from the Kennebec River, where there is a large population of sea gulls, crows, and a nesting pair of bald eagles, I figured one of them may have inadvertently dropped it during a mid-flight skirmish with another bird over the fish. I have witnessed such encounters in the past. Why it stayed there for two days before being reclaimed, or discovered by another bird, or even ground animal, is a mystery.

With that in mind, I have received the first fishing report of the season from Mark Latti, of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for our region.

The report, dated April 21, states the Belgrade Lakes are still ice bound except for some places where open water exists. I would think, though, that by now, they are probably free of ice. Anglers are catching up to 19-inch rainbow trout in Long Pond.
In our area, the best spot right now for landlocked salmon and brown trout is at Lake St. George, in Liberty, according to IF&W biologist Jason Seiders.

Alford Lake, in Hope, is another place to visit this time of year. Reports from there indicate brown trout in the eight pound range, according to trapnetting that was conducted last fall. Seiders thinks there may be some even bigger ones this spring. Also, humpback white perch, ranging up to two pounds, have been caught.

With the spring runoff, many area streams are overflowing their banks, making fishing a little difficult right now. Messalonskee and Belgrade streams have not yet been stocked, but should be in the near future.

A little further north, below the Wyman Dam, reports are showing excellent early season fishing of salmon and rainbow. IFW staff “conducted creel surveys there and interviewed one group that caught 20 salmon, and released all but one,” according to Seiders.

Also, taking into consideration the past history, the alewives should begin to run at the dam on Webber Pond during the first week or two of May.

Open water fishing is well underway – I saw a couple of bass fisherman on China Lake this week – so it’s time to get the gear out, prepare the boat, and head out on the great Maine lakes and streams, but keep an eye out above.

IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of April 27, 2017

Katie Ouilette Wallsby Katie Ouilette

WALLS and faithful readers, so glad that Computer Improvements in Downtown Skowhegan came to the rescue! Unfortunately, this is a completely new program, but hopefully, our faithful readers will be patient with us.

Yes, the last WALLS did give you faithful readers a reason for folks who are no longer with us but passed on the reason they spoke of the year Maine had no summer. Yup, WALLS, you were absolutely right. The year was 1816 when our beautiful blue skies were clouded by a volcano’s eruption in Tasmania, Indonesia, and the smoke and ash came all the way to make Mainers talk about “the year with no summer.” Yup, Mainers are great story tellers and the subject of “what used to be” has been a favorite one for all to give us our history lessons.

O.K., WALLS promised you faithful readers Chapter 2 last week. Actually, that volcanic eruption was in 1815, but Mainers didn’t realize the travel time for the ashes until the summer of 1816. However, with much of today’s emphasis being on art, the artisans of that era recognized that the sky had a “yellow tint” and have educated us by painting that yellow as each interpreted it. So, faithful readers, now you know!

Here’s another bit of history. Today is Earth Day and, admittedly, through little or no planning, do you know that East Madison holds the historic prize for being the first of many happenings? Little old East Madison in very early times was the first Madison until the paper industry discovered the power that the Kennebec River would afford ‘the mill’. Yes, WALLS, you are right in that now that paper manufacturing mill has ceased to exist…again.

Another first? East Madison had seven active manufacturers at one time. Yes, the Cummings Mill manufactured woolen goods and the late “Bill” Cummings, who grew up in East Madison, founded Skowhegan Art School. East Madison’s history also included a park where Donald Perkins’ East Madison Store once had a cribbage board for the men to enjoy and now the American flag flies for the first East Madison soldier to be killed in Vietnam and famous poet, Florence Burrill Jacobs was born and grew up in East Madison. So what does this have to do with Earth Day, you ask? Well, East Madison had the first Earth Day in the U.S.A.! No, WALLS is right! The date in 1970 had been set, the town youngers had been recruited. The late “Joe” Denis would walk and pick up trash from the White School House Road to Perkins’ Store (and Donald had snacks waiting). Katie would drive the town truck! Well, that truck wasn’t available for the official Earth Day, because of its being used “in the big town of Madison’ for Earth Day. So, guess who drove the town dump truck….yup, Katie! Oh, we found an old still, lots of junk, and the youngsters have all grown up…and even moved, but the memories linger on! Lest we forget, faithful readers, lest we forget! Earth Day was born in 1970 and Maine pride still is celebrated and Katie drove a Madison dump truck. Oh, yes, and East Madison had its own dump!

I’m Just Curious: How about if… (part 2)

by Debbie Walker

Recently we printed “How About If”…. I didn’t realize it was going to be renamed “Part 1”. Dr. Suske (33 years Waterville Osteopathic/Inland Hospital) from China sent me an email with more “How About If…” and he gave me permission to share them with you. (ta da – part 2)

How About If…. we are a one language country. We have folks from all over the world. Why do we have to deal with the Spanish language? First I thought okay, our country does butt up to Mexico, Spanish speaking country; however we also butt up to French speaking Canada. Let’s not forget the people here who are Italian, German, etc. and let’s really not forget Native Americans. Again “How About If” we have two languages, English and Sign Language.

How About If…. we welcome and support “legal” immigrants. The people who can and want to work and they will become a strong part of our economy by also paying taxes to support their new home.

How About If….we review our priorities. Our educational system is always being hit to save tax monies. Where are the people we have to rely on for these decisions? We still need to cut down on their spending! (We have governors, senators, Congress and all in between and higher offices that I would like to get a look at their expense accounts).

How About If….. the health care system when presented to us already has from the president on down the government pay scales enrolled in such. The “power” people would then have a vested interest in having a system that may work for us all.

How About If….. all the people who have no problem with the “Pledge” and prayer in our schools spoke up and said, “What the heck,” who did that really hurt? Add a patriotic song and I believe you will be surprised to see the power rise. By using these simple tools we could bring back pride in our country from the little guys up to our elders, those who risked their lives to give us those rights.

Okay now this one is a really big one; How About If…. we start using Common Sense! Of all the “senses” known to man Common Sense is the least used! Encourage those you have influence with to rely and work on their common senses.

I admit that I am naïve about a lot of things; I write simply and often just leave a comment for you to think about. These things are my opinion that I share. With the responses I have received (especially Dr. Suske) I see that I am not alone.

I’m just curious what your thoughts are on some of these things. Thank you for reading and sharing your insights. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com, sub: How about if….

Note: Thank you for sharing Doctor! Have a safe trip home.

REVIEW POTPOURRI, Week of April 27, 2017

Peter Catesby  Peter Cates

Whether in an urban or rural area, very devoted, if not compulsive, record collectors patrol the Goodwills and other such venues looking for that particular record, whether rare or not, that strikes their fancy and often buy just a few more that just happen to have been put out that day. This week, I am doing little summaries of 78s that might tweak some interest, whenever and wherever they might be found:

  1. John Charles Thomas – Smiling Eyes; Roses of Picardy, Brunswick 10274, recorded 1924.
    The genial John Charles Thomas (1895-1961) sang with much gusto and sincerity, whether opera or, as on this disk, favorite songs of the day; his records were consistently enjoyable, this one a really choice example. He appeared a few times on Groucho Marx’s TV show, You Bet Your Life, which can be viewed on YouTube.
  2. Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers – Blue Shadows on the Trail; Pecos Bill, RCA Victor 20-2780, recorded December 1, 1947.
    The Sons of the Pioneers blended nicely with their former King of the Cowboys (1911-1998) colleague in these two songs from Walt Disney’s 1947 animated feature, Melody of Love.
  3. Eddy Howard – Someone Like You; When the Angelus Is Ringing, Mercury 5254, recorded 5/49.
    A few years ago, I was going to tell my brother, who is a blues fan, with such favorites as B.B. King, Albert King and John Lee Hooker, about my favorite white blues singer, when he interrupted me with “Eddy Howard!” And, yes, I was dumb-founded. But this singer/bandleader (1914-1963) had a gift for turning the above pop novelties into delectable vocal miniatures, unlike any other of his generation, but was tragically taken from us at the horribly young age of 49.
  4. Les Brown – Robin Hood; Sleigh Ride in July, Columbia 36763, recorded 11/18/44.
    Whatever Les Brown (1912-2001) may have lacked in imagination or taste, he made up for with solid musical leadership. Robin Hood is a funny swing number with lyrics by Louis Prima while Sleigh Ride in July, a classy Burke/Van Heusen ballad, has some very lovely woodwind/brass sonorities.
  5. Julia Lee – A Porter’s Love Song; Since I’ve Been With You, Capitol 40008, recorded 8/9/46.
    A blues singer/pianist from 1927, when she made her first 78, Julia Lee (1902-1958) recorded 78s for the then trail-blazing Capitol Records from 1944 until her hits dried up in 1949. For the rest of her life, she was popular locally in Kansas City until her death from a heart attack. These two songs are feisty crowd pleasers, while her backup, labelled as her Boy Friends, includes Benny Carter, Nappy LaMarre, Vic Dickensen, Red Norvo, Red Nichols, etc.
  6. Perry Como – If You Were My Girl; I Cross My Fingers, RCA Victor 20-3846, recorded 1950.
    I have already proclaimed Perry Como (1912-2001) as one of my top five or six favorite male singers. I agree with a local church choir director who felt that Como had a set of pipes during his prime that were unsurpassed in her experience for the sweet, sincere beauty of sound, phrasing, projection and charisma, which I amen whole-heartedly. Unfortunately the two songs were clunkers – they went in and out my ears with no effect, emotional or otherwise. And Como’s long term conductor and arranger, Mitchell Ayres, despite his best efforts, could do nothing to breathe any life into them !!
  7. Chuck Foster – Dardanella; Who Put that Dream in Your Eyes, Mercury 5125, recorded 12/47.

Dance bandleader Chuck Foster (1912-2001) experienced several peak years of popularity when his very well-liked group was constantly in demand, mainly during the World War II years through to the early ‘50s, and it recorded a few sides for Mercury from the mid- to late ‘40s.

Meanwhile, singer Tommy Ryan (1921-2007), who had spent most of the war years as one of Sammy Kaye’s leading vocalists, would join Foster and his ensemble at least for the above two sides. The results were pleasant without being particularly moving.
Ryan pretty much ended his showbiz career in the mid-’50s, during which he began pursuing other careers and hobbies with abundant success. However, he remained the entertainer to his family, friends and some fortunate customers and, according to his son, had a beautiful voice up to his eighties, singing at Bar Mitzvahs and other similar social events.

Foster continued leading dance bands until the early ‘80s but his recording career would end after the release of one LP in 1959 for the Phillips International label.

Remembering the Saturday afternoon serials

Pages in Time

by Milt Huntington

We hunkered down in Augusta’s Capitol Theater to watch pulse pounding, thundering, throbbing, breathless, breakneck adventures packed with thrills, spills and chills. It was one of many Saturday afternoons of long ago, when we watched the countless movie serials.

Sometimes we were mesmerized by the adventures of Superman, Batman and Robin, The Lone Ranger or perhaps Flash Gordon. The 20-minute episodes always closed with life or death cliffhangers, only to reappear the following week with miraculous escapes. Sometimes, the movie makers would conveniently invent a different ending to enable the hero or heroine to escape from certain death. I always remember the time that Jackie Cooper played Donn Fendler in the serial and fell off a three-story roof. When the serial picked up again the following week, he managed to land in a rain barrel full of water. Donn Fendler was the real life boy scout in the book about him: Lost On A Mountain In Maine.

The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet

It was an inspirational book for boy scouts everywhere, but the movie serial was really a stretch.

A lot of the serials originated as comic strips, enhanced by special effects and original sounds. I always liked the Green Hornet and Cato who would tear through the night in the Black Beauty super car as The Flight Of The Bumble Bee music buzzed in the background. Who can ever forget the mysterious masked hero of the plains with his faithful Indian companion, Tonto. I can hear the bugle ringing out even now to introduce The William Tell Overture as The Lone Ranger Rides Again. Robert Livingston and Chief Thundercloud were the originals, and then Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels appeared in the feature films when we all “returned to the golden days of yesteryear.”

Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon was a fixture of the movie serials. He was played by Buster Crabbe, and Jean Rollins was his sexy blonde heroine-girl friend, Dale Arden. One of the villains was Mingo The Mercilous, ruler of the planet, Mongo. Flash Gordon conquered the universe and took a trip to Mars. It was the most expensive serial ever made, something in excess of $350,000. I remember it being portrayed in green and white instead of black and white. Incredibly, the futuristic rocket ships and equipment were ahead of their time and materialized as the actual space travel of today.

One of my all-time favorite serials had to do with a guy in a tight fitting costume who could leap tall buildings in a single bound, was more powerful than locomotive and was faster than a speeding bullet. Clark Kent was a likeable wimp. Lois Lane was stuck on the Man of Steel. They were both reporters for the Daily Planet. If it weren’t for that darn kryptonite, Superman would have been invinceable.

Then of course, there was Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, the dynamic duo who rode around in the Bat Mobile as Batman and Robin. I never really understood how the police chief was able to send the Bat Signal into the sky in broad daylight . Strange!

The Phantom

The Phantom

 The Phantom was another fugitive from the comic books. He wore a purple and black uniform with a skinny black mask. I sent away for a Phantom ring with skull and crossbones. I also sent away for a full- blown King of the Mounted Police uniform and a magic decoder ring.

I remember Captain Marvel as being a little bit chubby with an ill-fitting costume, but I liked the lightning bolt on his chest and the way he exclaimed “Shazam.” Captain Marvel Junior was another favorite hero, who changed from a handicapped newspaper boy to super hero by simply saying: “Captain Marvel.”



I also remember Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates, Mandrake the Magician, Brenda Starr-Reporter, Jack Arm­strong – All Ameri­can Boy, Hop Harrigan, The Spider’s Web, Adven­tures of Tarzan, Zorro, Tim Tyler’s Luck, Jungle Jim, Gang Busters, Don Winslow of the Navy, and Nyoka of the Jungle.

“Years ago in the Orient, Lamont Cranston learned a strange and mysterious secret, the ability to cloud men’s minds so they could not see him”. That’s when he became “The Shadow,” and philosophized: ”The weed of crime bares bitter fruit. Crime does not pay. The Shadow knows.” Then we would hear his sinister, nasal-like laughter. How much fun was that!

Blondie and Dagwood were technically a series of 28 films with Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton, but they also qualified as feature films. Unlike the cliffhangers described before, they were just a lot of fun with the bumbling Dagwood character and their kids, Baby Dumpling and Alexander. Dagwood was always getting into trouble with his boss, Mr. Dithers. I loved those flicks.

By the 1940s and early 1950s, serials were so numerous with so many boring and stale plots, they totally lost their popularity. There was a brief revival of serials in the late ‘50s and ‘60s, but, but alas, they were never quite the same again, but they were certainly great while they lasted.

Milt Huntington is the author of “A Lifetime of Laughter’ and ‘Things That Make You Grin.”

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of April 27, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

In my column on April 6 I had written that I would write more about the wonderful benefit supper and great auction to benefit Jim Tindall, of North New Portland, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I found out that over 300 people attended and that $5,000 was raised in support for him at that event. He and his partner, Annette, own the Dam Diner, in North New Portland, and she is running the restaurant while he is undergoing cancer treatment in Augusta.

They thank everyone so very much for all their help in making this benefit such a success. The committee Betty Cobb, Tammy Dunphy and Cathy Horne, who did the soliciting, collecting and making it a great auction. There were over 60 donors from far and near, individuals and many, many businesses, their time and effort are most appreciated.

Also, a benefit supper was held on April 8 for Zack and Zella Corson, at the Solon Elementary School and hosted by the New Hope Evangelical Free Church, of Solon. Although Zack was unable to attend, physically – he was in Portland for treatment for another illness – he was able to join the gathering via new technology. Matthew and Paul Foster were able to hook up with Zack’s iphone via Skype. A large group was in attendance, and Zack was able to speak with many friends and relatives. Later, they watched a DVD about Zack and Zella, set to a Star Wars theme. In the end, when combining donations and money raised through a Chinese auction, they were able to raise $4,600 to help with Zack’s medical bills. Many groups and businesses donated time and materials. Everyone did such a great job!

Don’t forget the annual Solon Congregational Church Inside Yard and Craft Sale on Saturday, April 29, at the Solon Elementary School from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

The Keystone Chapter #78, of Solon, will be meeting Thursday, May 4, for Mothers Day program. There will be a Spring Basket Auction to benefit the scholarship fund.

Is my face Red! In last week’s column I made a drastic mistake and I haven’t got an answer for it except to correct it! Lief and I really had a wonderful time at the Easter supper held at the home of Elwood and Judy Ellis. My apologies to anyone who may have been embarrassed when I made the mistake of writing Elwood and Nancy, (Lief has nine sisters, and Nancy is one of them). But… my only excuse is sometimes I’m in a rush to get this column written in time for the deadline, and to get ready for tonight’s painting class. Maybe, it is time for me to slow down!

And now for Percy’s memoir: Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. (words by Marilyn Vos Savant.)

Agility: Routines build confidence


by Carolyn Fuhrer

Most of us who compete have very good dogs in class, at home or wherever we go to play with them. Why then is it sometimes different when we go to a trial? Different sounds, different smells, different dogs and people – basically unfamiliar territory – can be distracting and stressful to the dog and this is why having routines that are familiar to both of you can help your dog gain confidence.

A new environment can overstimulate your dog’s brain. In a new situation that, to your dog, is over stimulating you may feel he is not giving you the attention you want, but in reality he probably cannot handle all that stimulation. And since a dog’s first instinct is survival/safety, his brain may not be able to handle both attention to you and the environment. Survival skills will override attention to you. This dog needs familiar routines to feel safe and which will enable him to build mental stamina.

Overstimulated dogs will react differently. Some will get the “zoomies” and do all the obstacles as if you did not exist. Others will perform very slowly, trying to do the correct behavior in spite of the overwhelming environment and others may shut down and not even jump. Handler pressure here or loud cheerleading can be disastrous. Familiar routines can help these dogs.

Plan on arriving early to any new venue. Leave your dog in the car and set up his ”home” – a crate, x-pen, mat, or whatever is familiar and appropriate. When you get your dog out of the car, don’t just go inside. Let your dog see where he is. A dog’s natural way to check the environment is to sniff – and what do most handlers say immediately? Leave it – no sniff! Your dog needs to know where he is so just hang out by the car for a moment and let him look around and sniff. When he seems relaxed, find a place where he can relieve himself if necessary and go inside.

Once inside, move away from the door and just relax again. Let him see where he is, then go to his crate which can have a toy or bone inside. Sit by your dog and let him relax again. When I feel that my dog is comfortable, I like to go for a walk around the area with a toy. The toy is available to the dog, but I do not ask my dog to play. This can be too hard for a “green” dog – “I can’t play if I don’t feel safe.”

When I see that my dog is relaxing, I may start some very easy play and if my dog buys into the game I will play to the level my dog can handle in this environment. It may not be what you can do at home. If I can get play, then I might ask for “speak” and tricks and then go back to play. Then I put my dog away and let him rest. Each time you take your dog out of the crate, play should come easier and be stronger.

Warm up routines should be familiar and fun – entering the ring, how you take off the leash and go to the start line and how you set up and lead out or begin, should all be a well known routine. When your dog knows what to expect, he can then put effort into focus. End routines should also be established routines – with the dog coming to you, putting on the leash, praising, exiting the ring, celebrating and rewarding.

Routines build confidence through familiarity. Work on the routines your dog needs.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 80 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her column by e-mailing carolyn@dogsatnorthstar.com.