I’M JUST CURIOUS: Did you know?

by Debbie Walker

I have been scanning some of my magazines today and kept coming across little bits of information that I decided to share with you. I understand if you are not interested in all I found, but maybe some part of it. I hope.

So…Halloween: Neighborhood tricker treating, as we know it today, started in the 1930s. The tricks associated became out of control during the Depression. Communities needed a better way for kids to celebrate. Sugar rationing during World War II put a big damper on the tradition. It regained the Halloween custom in the 1950s. (Info came from MyHomeTownCitrus.com)

Next… Quaker Oats introduced instant oatmeal in 1961. Did you know the picture of the man on the box is not a real character, but he is affectionately known as Larry! (Woman’s World 9/19/22)

Bazooka bubblegum came out in 1947, not long after World War II. It had a wrapper of patriotic red ,white and blue, with a name likely in homage to the wrapper developed during the war. (Woman’s World 9/26/22)

The animated short A Wild Hare was released in 1940, introducing the character of Bugs Bunny. “What’s up, doc?” was the first line he said to Elmer Fudd. (Woman’s World 7/25/22)

Lassie premiered in 1954. The collie named Pal, who ended up playing Lassie, had originally been rejected because he was a male. (Woman’s World 9/12/22)

The AARP had a section in the paper from the October/November and the article is called Money Saver. It’s comparing then and now. Bananas: 1990 = lbs ‘$0.53, Today: $0.64. Levi’s 501 = 1990: $32.00 Today: $69.00. Medicare Part B premium: 1990 $28.60, Today $ 170.00.

Miracle Cleaners that I found in Woman’s World dated 7/29/19 : Preserve wood furniture with an olive oil polish. Mix one part olive oil, one part vinegar and 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice.

Clean Kitchen counters: 3 oz. spray bottle halfway with water, then add a squirt of dish soap and two Tablespoons of rubbing alcohol .

Lift soap scum with a hot spritz: In a spray bottle mix one cup baking soda, ½ cup of dish soap, ½ cup of borax, one Tablespoon of white vinegar and one cup of warm water.

Now ladies, here is a few smiles for you: Seven Things You’re Sure Your Husband Will Never Say:

1. “The mall? Can I go, too? “

2. “Do these Dockers make my butt look big?”

3. “Beer? Nah! I’ll have sparkling water instead.”

4. “Why don’t we call your mother right now.”

5. “Honey, where did you leave the vacuum?”

6. “Which channel is Lifetime, again?”

7. “Let’s just cuddle.”

The Farmers Almanac listed some weather folklore and popular sayings that might help you get ready for the snow.

A halo ’round the Moon means ’twill rain or snow soon.

If the first week in August is unusually warm, the coming winter will be snowy and long.

For every fog in August , there will be a snowfall the following winter.

If there is thunder in winter, it will snow seven days later.

I am just curious if any of those sayings are accurate. You have your snow warnings, and we have hurricane warnings. After we get through this one, I will tell you a story. Thanks for reading and contact me at DebbieWalker@townline.org.

ERIC’S TECH TALK: How the internet tricked my mom

Screenshot of actual text message that tricked my mom.

by Eric W. Austin

Well, my mother got scammed on the internet, again. Last week, she received a text on her phone claiming to be from the shipping company UPS. The text message said they “were unable to complete your delivery due [to] incomplete address,” and included a website link for her to schedule a new delivery. The link took her to a website with the UPS logo and asked her to enter her credit card information to pay for a $1.14 “redelivery fee”.

When she told me about it later in the day, I immediately found the incident suspicious. I receive packages from UPS all the time and have never been required to pay for a redelivery. She also told me she got the text at 4 a.m., but who is doing deliveries at that time of day? I asked her to show me the text message. It came from an “unknown” number, and the link they provided was a shortcut — a link designed to redirect someone from a short URL to a longer, more complex address. This one started with “bit.ly”, which is a common provider of URL shortcuts. That doesn’t mean that any similar link is automatically suspicious, since there are many credible people and organizations who use this service to shorten links shared on social media, but scammers will use this method to disguise the fact that they are sending you to an illegitimate website.

On her phone, this link had sent her to a webpage with an address beginning with “www45.”. I was not able to discover exactly what this prefix means, but the first Google result referencing a similar address came from a user complaining about getting a virus from it.

When I forwarded the text message to my own computer and opened the link in my browser, it did not take me to a faux UPS website, as it had on her phone, but instead opened to a different random website each time I clicked on it, which my browser’s anti-malware security software automatically killed as a safety precaution before I could even view its content. I believe the link in the text message was programmed only to open to the fake UPS site when launched on a smart phone, because that was the platform they were targeting. (It should be noted, I emphatically do not recommend anyone click on such a link, as it could potentially install a virus on your computer, but I was curious about where it would take me and I have precautions installed on my PC and know how to deal with a virus if I get one. For everyone else: never click on a suspicious link!)

Although I couldn’t find an exact match to this scam on the official UPS website, they did acknowledge awareness of similar scams on their FAQ page.

Based on this brief analysis, I think there is no question that this text was sent to my mother by a scammer and it was not actually from UPS about a package delivery. We called her bank and canceled her credit card. A new card should arrive in a few weeks and, according to the bank, no unauthorized charges had been made on her account. It’s inconvenient but no lasting harm was done.

But why did my mom fall for it? She’s a smart lady and is well-aware of the prevalence of scammers who frequently prey on senior citizens like her. Part of the reason, I think, is the fact that she was expecting a package and that delivery was late. “How did they know I was expecting a package?” she asked incredulously when I told her I thought she had been the victim of a scam.

And I think this reaction is the key to why she was duped. She was expecting a package, it was late, and the text seemed to fit into the pattern she was expecting to see. How did the scammer know she was expecting a delivery? Did they steal her order information from Amazon or UPS? I recommended she change her Amazon password just in case, but I’m not sure the scammer had any special knowledge about her ordering habits.

We live in the age of Amazon and other online retailers. In any given week, I am probably expecting a package. We don’t realize just how often most of us regularly receive items through the mail. Something that was fairly rare two decades ago has become a commonplace occurrence today. I suspect this scammer sent a similar text message to thousands (maybe millions?) of people, and (I’m guessing here) maybe 80 percent of them are anticipating the receipt of a package from somewhere at some point during the week. Although it’s possible the scammer hacked Amazon or the UPS website and stole my mother’s information as part of an effort to target her, I think it’s more likely they just got lucky in the timing of their text message.

Hopefully, this article can serve as a reminder to everyone to be aware of such predatory behavior. Seniors seem to be especially targeted by these scammers. My mother frequently receives phone calls on her landline from people who claim to be one of her grandchildren and in desperate need of cash. She’s learned not to trust such calls. Now, she will be wary of suspicious texts too. If you are one of these older folks, be suspicious! Ask your kids for advice if you have a concern. If you are a younger person, look out for your parents and grandparents. Speak to them about these issues and caution them to be watchful.

And it’s always a good practice to avoid clicking on links in emails or text messages unless you are certain the source is trustworthy.

Email the author at ericwaustin@gmail.com.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Liver Transplants Help More People Live

(NAPSI)—You may never have thought about it much, but your liver is essential to your life. It’s the largest solid internal organ and performs so many vital functions, including filtering toxins from your blood, producing bile so you can digest fat, storing sugar for energy, and more.

The Problem

If your liver fails, you may need a liver transplant. As diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) become more common, more people will need liver transplants. Research shows 80 to 100 million Americans have fatty liver disease and it is present in 75% of overweight people and 90% of people with severe obesity. NAFLD is the most common form of childhood liver disease in the U.S. and NASH is expected to become the leading cause of liver transplantation by 2025.

An Answer

Living donor liver transplantation offers a solution. A person can donate a portion of their liver to someone else. The liver is the only organ that can regrow, so just a portion is needed for transplant. Before donating, a doctor will run tests, including blood work and physical and psychological exams, to ensure someone is a good match and well enough for surgery. For the transplant, a donor will spend about a week in the hospital and within two to three months their liver will grow back to full, functioning size and so will yours. What are the benefits of a living donor liver transplant? There are over 14,000 people in the U.S. on the wait list for a liver transplant. Each day people die waiting or are removed from the wait list because they’ve become too sick to undergo a transplant or their liver cancer becomes too advanced. Living donation reduces wait time—often by years—allowing someone to get this lifesaving operation when they need it.

Living donor liver transplant:

• Saves valuable time by reducing the risk of the recipient’s liver condition getting worse.
• Typically results in quicker recovery and improved long-term outcomes for the recipient because they’re receiving a portion of a healthy person’s liver.
• Allows time for the donor, recipient and caregivers to plan for the operation.
• Saves another life by allowing the next person on the waiting list to receive a deceased donor liver transplant.

5 Tips to Find a Living Donor:

1. Social Media—Facebook groups are a great way to share your story, photos and more.

2. Word of Mouth—be ready to talk about finding a living donor with everyone from family members to that friend you bump into at the grocery store.

3. Social Networks—confide in groups you regularly interact with such as book clubs, recreational sports, religious groups or your child’s school.

4. Print Materials­—create materials about your story for people to share.

5. Public Media—reach out to newspapers, television, radio and news stations.

If you’re looking for a living donor or are interested in becoming one, the American Liver Foundation and UPMC can help. They’ve created a new series of five animated videos to walk you through the process. Learn More For additional stats and facts, visit www.liverfoundation.org/livingdonor.

REVIEW POTPOURRI: President Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

Zachary Taylor

For all the fascination of the first 11 characters to occupy the White House, they did not grab my interest to quite the same degree as #12, Zachary Taylor (1784-1850), affectionately known as “Old Rough-and-Ready”.

The unsigned essayist in Volume 4 of the American Heritage Book of the Presidents and Famous Americans astutely made the case for Taylor’s phenomenal jump to fame during the mid-1840s as the Whig Party nominee for president:

“After nearly forty years of relative obscurity as a United States Army officer, Zachary Taylor suddenly found himself propelled to prominence by the war with Mexico. He had long been respected by his colleagues for his obvious ability to lead soldiers and for his bravery and effectiveness as a frontier commander. Although Andrew Jackson told James Polk that Taylor would be ‘the man to lead our armies ‘ in any war with England, junior officers criticized General Taylor’s lack of organization. But General Taylor was at his best once a fight was under way, improvising, and inspiring his men. It is said his sudden appearance on the battlefield at Buena Vista, and his coolness while his clothes were ripped by bullets, were enough to rally the American Army from the verge of defeat. He became an instant legend and a potential presidential candidate. ”

During his presidency, he stood firmly on California and New Mexico being admitted as states on their own terms instead of those dictated by the Henry Clay compromising Congress – and he knew they’d be free ones; thus he ticked off both Clay and his other fellow Whigs – and, although Taylor was a Southerner from Kentucky and a slaveholder, he alienated the Southern Democrats who were hoping for the expansion of slavery in those western states. When the South was talking about secession, Taylor even threatened to use military force to put down any revolt.

(Interestingly Taylor’s daughter Sarah got married in 1835 to future Confederacy President Jefferson Davis but died within four months from malaria at the age of 21 . Taylor was at first miffed when his daughter and Davis married without the permission of her parents, and, even though Davis also contracted malaria and almost died, Taylor blamed him for Sarah’s death. But years later he came to have a high regard for his son-in-law. )

Margaret Taylor

Zachary Taylor married Margaret Mackle Smith (1788-1852) in 1810. In addition to Sarah, they had five other daughters and a son. Two of the daughters died about the same time during very early childhood from what was termed “bilious fever” in 1820, then one of the hazards of frontier life when Taylor was serving at a military outpost.

Taylor’s wife, known affectionately as Peggy, was hoping that, after her husband resigned from the military, they could enjoy a much-needed retirement and was very upset when he felt called to run for president. During his administration, she let another daughter Mary Elizabeth (1824-1909) assume the duties of hostess and retired to her suite, receiving only a handful of visitors.

For decades, Margaret Taylor was the only First Lady of whom no photo or sketch existed until 2010 when a daguerreotype plate turned up and was verified as being of her.

Son Richard Taylor (1826-1879) served as a general in the Confe­derate Army during the Civil War while his uncle Joseph Pannell Taylor (1796-1864) was a general in the Union Army.

On July 9, 1850, Zachary Taylor died from gastroenteritis which was believed to have been caused by eating some uncooked fruit and vegetables; he was 65.



LIFE ON THE PLAINS: Pictorial stroll on west side of Water St. – Part 3

The Maine Theater, showing Three Married Men, starring Roscoe Karns and Mary Brian. That part of the buildings no longer exists.

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee
Photos courtesy of  E. Roger Hallee (Waterville, ME)

Daviau’s Pharmacy, on the corner of Water and Gray streets.

Service station, later to become Belliveau’s Service Station, on the corner of Water and Gold streets, now part of KVCAP campus.

H.A. Marshall and First National Stores, on the corner of Water and King streets.

VETERANS CORNER: Help available to veterans who are at risk for suicide

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

Well here we are again. It has been a nice summer and a beautiful September. We have a lot of rain but we have need of every drop of it.

Some information has come out on the veteran side of things. As you all know some of us belong to groups and some of us just receive information via media, correspondence and just word of mouth. One interesting but troubling piece of information that I received this week was veteran suicide rates. It was stated that there are between 17-50 veteran deaths due to possible suicide daily. It was explained that the variation in numbers was due to the fact 17 deaths daily were definitely suicide but the other 33 were by drug overdoses which weren’t clearly suicide but were most likely.

By VA standards of measure that is more than likely or beyond a reasonable doubt. It breaks my heart to see this happening to our vets; especially when there are many avenues available out there for help. I believe we aren’t doing our job of outreach. Veterans can be very lonely and weary individuals. Some will reach out to us, and for others we just need to be ever vigilant and watch for signs. Often veterans will not reach out for help. We need to be always on the lookout for tell tale signs which indicate that a person might be considering to harm themselves.

Most of us don’t understand what goes through the mind of a person which causes such devastating feelings of hopelessness. This can be so all consuming, overwhelming, that even the fear of our Creator doesn’t come into the problem. We need to be ever vigilant regarding the veterans in our lives whether they are family or friends. If you suspect a person might want to harm themselves you need to become involved. If you can be of personal help, give it. If you can’t do that then you must contact someone who can. A life can depend on it and all life is precious in the eyes of our Creator. Also, the one thing that most of us don’t think about is the wife, husband and/or children. Where will this loss take them? Sometimes the family is the last to know. However, the impact could be devastating. We are all part of the problem as well as the solution.

If you don’t have the number for a suicide watch line, get one and put it on your fridge, or in your phone. Most of these sad situations can be avoided with a little help. I speak for and about veterans but this could be anyone in a deep and lonely place. Some of us watch veterans at this time as the world is in a sad and dangerous place. Many veterans have fought for their country and are now having feelings of remorse. They don’t understand how we could possibly be heading in the wrong direction. They carry the burdens of a never ending conflict.

The mind can play strange games on one’s self. If you don’t know where to turn call the VA at 623-8411 and press “0” to get to a live person to guide you to the correct place, or you can call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, press #1. Our doctors use to send us to the gym and pool which was built more than 75 years ago for this, as part of physical therapy. If you would like to read about the VA’s history you can find most of this at the Winthrop library where a good deal of the old information is stored/archived. Currently, the gym and pool are being rented out to VA employees. I believe they are charged $45 for this use. Some of us are working on getting these places back. Give a token of your support by getting involved.

The VA priority pathway has seemed to have changed from the welfare of disabled veterans and their care to that of employee retention, through perks. The canteen is still open and some veterans do meet there weekly. Some of us are working on more veterans well being programs and places. Vets always feel better when they are together. A sign of V.A.’s genuine concern would be to give veterans a place to meet so as to become part of the solution through fellowship. Priorities need to be examined. Your word needs to be shared.

If you have any thoughts, ideas or opinions, please share them with me and we will see what can be done. Your word carries a lot of weight. It is said, “God helps those who help themselves”. Brothers and sisters let’s be part of the solution and not the problem. Stay safe and God bless you and yours.

SMALL SPACE GARDENING: Harvest, store and preserve herbs from the garden

English Thyme growing in the garden. (photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com)

by Melinda Myers

Keep enjoying your homegrown herbs all year round. Harvest throughout the growing season and include them in garden-fresh meals. Then preserve a few for the winter ahead.

Snip a few leaves or leaf-covered stems as needed. For the same intensity of flavor, you generally need two to three times more fresh herbs than dried except for Rosemary which has an equally strong flavor fresh or dried. So, if the recipe calls for one teaspoon of dried parsley use one Tablespoon (3 teaspoons) of fresh parsley leaves.

Continue harvesting herbs as needed throughout the growing season. And don’t worry about harming the plant because regular harvesting encourages new growth which means more for you to harvest. Just be sure to leave enough of the leaves intact to maintain plant growth.

You can remove as much as fifty percent of the leaves from established annual herb plants. This is about when the plants near their final height. You can remove up to one third from established perennial plants that have been in the garden for several months or more. Harvest when the plant has formed buds, but before they open into flowers for the greatest concentration of flavor. This is the perfect time to harvest herbs you plan to preserve.

Use a pair of garden scissors or bypass pruners for faster and easier harvesting. Make your cuts above a set of healthy leaves to keep the plants looking good. Then, preserve the flavor and zest of herbs with proper storage and preservation.

Store thin leafy herbs like parsley and cilantro for up to a week in the refrigerator. Place the stems in a jar of water, like a flower arrangement, and loosely cover with a plastic bag. Keep basil out of the fridge to avoid discoloration and others on the counter for quick and frequent use.

Wrap dry thicker-leafed herbs like sage and thyme in a paper towel, set inside a plastic bag and place in a warmer section of the refrigerator.

Freeze sprigs, whole leaves or chopped clean herbs on a cookie sheet. Or pack clean diced herbs in ice cube trays and fill the empty spaces with water. These are great for use in soups and stews. Store the frozen herbs and ice cubes in an airtight container or baggie in the freezer.

Or bundle several stems together, secure with a rubber band and use a spring type clothespin to hang them in a warm, dry place to dry out. Make your own drying rack from an old embroidery hoop, string, and S hooks.

Get creative and use some of your herbs to make a fragrant edible wreath. Use fresh herbs that are flexible and easier to shape into a wreath. They will dry in place and can be harvested as needed.

Speed up the drying process in the microwave. Place herbs on a paper towel-covered paper plate. Start with one to two minutes on high. Repeat for 30 seconds as needed until the herbs are brittle.

Store dried herbs in an airtight plastic or glass jar.

Keep enjoying these fresh-from-the-garden flavors throughout the remainder of the season. And consider preserving a few for you, your family, and friends to enjoy throughout the winter.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD instant video series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and her website is www.MelindaMyers.com.

SCORES & OUTDOORS: Bobcat makes presence known in the area

This bobcat was recently photographed strolling through Phil and Joann King’s yard, in Palermo. (photo by Phil & Joann King)

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

I recently received an email from Phil and Joann King, of Palermo, telling of a sighting on a bobcat in their yard. They live on the Hostile Valley Road, and the bobcat casually strolled through their property during the night. They say he glanced through the sliding glass window and strolled up to the garden. According to them, he seemed completely unconcerned.

Bobcats are common in Maine, some, obviously, more visible than others. They tend to be solitary and generally travel only at night.

The bobcat, Lynx rufus, also known as the red lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to North America. It ranges from southern Canada through most of the contiguous United States to Oaxaca, in Mexico. It is listed as Least Concern on the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Red List since 2002, due to its wide distribution and large population. Although it has been hunted extensively both for sport and fur, populations have proven stable, though declining in some areas.

It has distinctive black bars on its forelegs and a black-tipped, stubby (or “bobbed”) tail, from which it derives its name. It reaches a total length (including the tail) of up to 50 inches. It is an adaptable predator inhabiting wooded areas, semidesert, urban edge, forest edge, and swampland environments. It remains in some of its original range, but populations are vulnerable to extirpation by coyotes and domestic animals.

The small tufts on a bobcat’s ears are difficult to spot at even moderate distance.

Though the bobcat prefers rabbits and hares, it hunts insects, chickens, geese and other birds, small rodents, and deer. Prey selection depends on location and habitat, season, and abundance. Like most cats, the bobcat is territorial and largely solitary, although with some overlap in home ranges. It uses several methods to mark its territorial boundaries, including claw marks and deposits of urine or feces. The bobcat breeds from winter into spring and has a gestation period of about two months.

The bobcat is thought to have evolved from the Eurasian lynx, which crossed into North America by way of the Bering Land Bridge during the Pleistocene, arriving as early as 2.6 million years ago.

The adult bobcat is 18.7–49.2 inches long from the head to the base of its distinctive stubby tail, averaging 32.6 inches; the tail is 3.5 to 7.9 inches long. The adult male bobcat is slightly larger than the female.

The species’ range does not seem to be limited by human populations, as long as it can still find a suitable habitat.

The bobcat is active mostly during twilight. It keeps on the move from three hours before sunset until about midnight, and then again from before dawn until three hours after sunrise. Each night, it moves from two to seven miles along its habitual route. This behavior may vary seasonally, as bobcats become more diurnal during fall and winter in response to the activity of their prey, which are more active during the day in colder weather.

The bobcat is able to survive for long periods without food, but eats heavily when prey is abundant. During lean periods, it often preys on larger animals, which it can kill and return to feed on later. The bobcat hunts by stalking its prey and then ambushing with a short chase or pounce. Its main prey varies by region: in the eastern United States, it is the eastern cottontail and New England cottontail, and in the north, it is the snowshoe hare. When these prey species exist together, as in New England, they are the primary food sources of the bobcat.

Bobcats are also occasional hunters of livestock and poultry. While larger species, such as cattle, and horses, are not known to be attacked, bobcats do present a threat to smaller ruminants, such as pigs, sheep and goats.

The adult bobcat has relatively few predators. However rarely, it may be killed in interspecific conflict by several larger predators or fall prey to them. Cougars and gray wolves can kill adult bobcats, a behavior repeatedly observed in Yellowstone National Park. Coyotes have killed adult bobcats and kittens.

Diseases, accidents, hunters, automobiles, and starvation are the other leading causes of death. Juveniles show high mortality shortly after leaving their mothers, while still perfecting their hunting techniques. The bobcat has long been valued both for fur and sport; it has been hunted and trapped by humans, but has maintained a high population, even in the southern United States, where it is extensively hunted. In the 1970s and 1980s, an unprecedented rise in price for bobcat fur caused further interest in hunting, but by the early 1990s, prices had dropped significantly.

Stories featuring the bobcat, in many variations, are found in some Indigenous cultures of North America. In a Shawnee tale, the bobcat is outwitted by a rabbit, which gives rise to its spots. After trapping the rabbit in a tree, the bobcat is persuaded to build a fire, only to have the embers scattered on its fur, leaving it singed with dark brown spots.

The Mohave people believed dreaming habitually of beings or objects would afford them their characteristics as supernatural powers. Dreaming of two deities, cougar and lynx, they thought, would grant them the superior hunting skills of other Tribes. European-descended inhabitants of the Americas also admired the cat, both for its ferocity and its grace, and in the United States, it “rests prominently in the anthology of … national folklore.”

Grave artifacts from dirt domes excavated in the 1980s along the Illinois River revealed a complete skeleton of a young bobcat along with a collar made of bone pendants and shell beads that had been buried by the Hopewell culture. The type and place of burial indicate a tamed and cherished pet or possible spiritual significance. The Hopewell normally buried their dogs, so the bones were initially identified as remains of a puppy, but dogs were usually buried close to the village and not in the mounds themselves. This is the only wild cat decorated burial on the archaeological record.

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

What’s the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches?

Answer can be found here.

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Six Benefits of Adding Seafood to Your Diet

As you get older, your body can become more susceptible to chronic diseases, so it can be helpful to eat a healthy diet filled with essential nutrients. If you’re looking for an easy yet impactful way to be proactive in your health journey, try introducing seafood into your diet. By simply eating eight ounces or two servings of seafood a week, you may experience a multitude of health benefits that can contribute positively to your overall well-being. Here are some reasons why you should consider seafood for your next meal and several health benefits you may experience by incorporating it into your diet.

It’s High in Important Nutrients

Seafood is a source of essential nutrients that many people are lacking, including omega-3 fatty acids, protein, iron and vitamins D and B. Fatty fish, including salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel, are sometimes considered to be the healthiest option because they can provide fat-based nutrients that our body can’t produce on its own. But don’t take our word for it — listen to science. Studies indicate that seafood is a good source of fats, protein, vitamins and minerals that help promote overall health.

It May Help Improve Heart Health

According to the American Heart Association, fish and seafood are consistently associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease because they are concentrated sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that may work to benefit heart health by helping to: Decrease triglycerides levels, increase beneficial HDL cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of irregular heartbeats, reduce blood pressure, reduce platelet aggregation and blockages that can clog arteries, decrease risk of stroke and heart failure.

It Can Help Prevent Vision Loss

Having a seafood-rich diet can help ensure that you’re getting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids that may not only help benefit your heart health, but can also help protect your vision. Evidence suggests that the omega found in seafood can help fight against age-related macular degeneration — a common eye disorder that causes blurred or reduced central vision and even blindness. While many types of seafood contain small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, the highest amounts can be found in salmon, tuna or mackerel.

It May Help Promote Bone Health

As you get older, your bones can naturally lose density, and while this can be a normal part of in the aging process, this can make you more susceptible to broken bones and fractures, which can be life-changing events for seniors. Consuming seafood is one proactive action you can take to help increase your bone density. According to this study, there may be a positive correlation between the consumption of seafood and bone health that may help seniors lower their risk of developing osteoporosis. Why is this? Seafood is rich in vitamin D, which may help the body use calcium and phosphorus, key minerals for bone health. Try eating salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines if you’re looking to find good sources of vitamin D.

It May Help Ease Joint Pain

Suffering from stiffness in your joints? Partaking in a seafood diet may help to provide some relief. Omega-3 fatty acids can help decrease the production of certain inflammatory chemicals in the body, and the vitamin D they contain can help decrease joint swelling and pain. Even if you don’t suffer from stiffness in your joints, by consuming omega-3 regularly, research suggests, you may be less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

It Can Help Promote Brain Health

Brain health is seriously important as you get older. Research suggests mild cognitive impairment, which is characterized by problems with memory, language, thinking or judgment, appears in 10 – 20 percent of adults aged 65 years and older. You can take proactive measures to help increase your brain health by regularly consuming fish, which has been shown to help improve cognitive ability. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish can play a vital role in preserving cell membrane health and supporting cognition and memory — but since our bodies do not produce omega-3, it can be essential that we get them through our diet. The above content is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content, especially if you have a medical condition. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Fall thoughts

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, June 9th, 2008, Our house in Brandon, Canon 20D, 400 5.6L

by Debbie Walker

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of fall. To me, since I am back in Florida, I am still in summer weather. When I got my e-mailed newsletter from Farmer’s Almanac last week, it was about birds. It told about what we could do to help them in the cooler months.

I have wondered about the little hummingbirds and how long to leave their feeder out. From what I read about the little beauties and their feeders; it doesn’t hurt to leave the feeder up until into November. If you are seeing an occasional bird at the feeder, leave the feeder up. When you have not seen any activity, leave it up for a couple more weeks, just in case. I am looking forward to the couple that seem to keep coming back, even the couple at the cottage in Maine.

I also have wondered, do birds become dependent on feeders and lose their foraging skills? The answer is, “no, plus feeders may help birds migrate better.”

Completely off that subject now I have to repeat this little laugh to you. Recently my sister and her daughter were in a store in Waterville. Some nut case came in the store she was in, yelling “Everyone on the floor”. Nothing happened, in fact, they saw him running down the street. My sister said she was definitely scared. She was afraid if she got down on the floor, she wouldn’t be able to get back up!!

Okay, changing the subject again. I don’t have any cast iron pans, so I can’t try this one idea. Maybe you could? In First magazine I read you could use tea bags to rust proof the pans. Wash and dry the pot/pan, then wipe it down with a damp tea bag. It has to do with the tannins in the tea. Good luck.

Those nasty paper cuts are real ouch material. A used tea bag will stop the bleeding, leave on for 30 seconds. The tannic acid promotes clotting and relieves some pain.

I don’t have any real house plants. I have a problem remembering to water them so silk plants are the way for me! They say tuck two or three tea bags in the base of the real plant. When you water the plant, the bags will absorb the water and release when needed.

The First magazine is passing on a beauty tip with the tea bags. I will try this one! If you have puffy eyes. You may rescue them with two tea bags. Steep two tea bags in hot water for five minutes. Squeeze out liquid. Let cool until bags are just warm, apply to the eyes for 15 minutes. Wish me luck.

From our eyes to our feet tea bags look to be helpful. Yes, even our feet. Get rid of smelly feet. If you have the occasion of walking a distance and your feet are sweaty and smelly, you might try the tea bags. Let five tea bags steep in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Next, pour the liquid into a basin of tepid water, soak your feet for 30 minutes and then air dry. The tannic acid kills odor causing bacteria.

As I explained earlier, some of this info came from First magazine this month. I enjoy sharing information I get with you. I am just curious how much of it you get to try out. I do some of it but “all” of it just isn’t a fit.

Contact me at DebbieWalker@townline.org with any comments or questions. I’ll be waiting to hear from you. Thanks for reading and have a great week!