AARP accepting community challenge grant applications

AARP Maine invites local eligible non-profit organizations and governments across the country to apply for the 2024 AARP Community Challenge grant program, now through Wednesday, March 6, at 5 p.m. Eastern. AARP Community Challenge grants fund quick-action projects that help communities become more livable by improving public places, transportation, housing, digital connections, and more. Now in its eighth year, the program is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which supports the efforts of cities, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas to become great places to live for all residents, especially those age 50 and older.

The AARP Community Challenge accepts applications across three different grant opportunities. All projects must be consistent with AARP’s mission to serve the needs of people 50 and older along with other eligibility criteria.

Capacity-building microgrants are paired with additional resources, such as one-on-one coaching, webinars, cohort learning opportunities and more for improving walkability, bikeability and implementing safe, accessible home modifications.

Demonstration grants focus on improving digital connections to prepare and respond to disasters; reconnecting communities divided by infrastructure; and housing choice design competitions.

Flagship grants support projects that improve public places; transportation; housing; diversity, equity and inclusion; civic engagement; community health and economic empowerment; and new this year community resilience; and digital connections.

“AARP is committed to meeting the needs of a rapidly aging population in communities across the country,” said Nancy LeaMond, AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer.

The Community Challenge is open to eligible nonprofit organizations and government entities. Other types of organizations are considered on a case-by-case basis. Grants can range from several hundred dollars for small, short-term activities to tens of thousands for larger projects.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, March 6, 2024. All projects must be completed by December 15, 2024. To submit an application and view past grantees, visit

Windsor Cub Scouts Pack holds holiday party

Cubmaster Shawn MacFarland passes out pinewood derby car kits to the Cubs. Over the next few weeks, the Cubs and their parent or grandparent will carve and cut these blocks of wood into sleek racers.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Corbin Burdeck is a Webelos in Pack #609 and lives in Whitefield. “I love everything about Cub Scouts!”

Cub Pack #609 held their holiday party on January 4, at Windsor Elementary School. The event was delayed due to the “Grinch” storm that left many in the area without power for days. Families brought food to share and Cubs learned a new song. The highlight of the evening came when each Scout received a new pinewood derby car kit.

“We have a busy January and February,” said Cubmaster Shawn McFarland. “We have the Klondike Derby at Camp Bomazeen later this month, perhaps the China Ice Fishing Derby next month and then the Pinewood Derby after that.” The pinewood derby is the wood car racing event of Scouting.

Julia Hartwell, of Windsor is, in fourth grade at Windsor Elementary. She has been in Cub Scouts for a year and is one of the six original members of Pack #609 after it restarted this past autumn. She enjoys hiking and is looking forward to the Pinewood Derby.

With the help of adults, Scouts build their own unpowered, unmanned miniature cars from wood, usually from kits containing a block of pine wood, plastic wheels, and metal axles. The Scouts use their imagination to come up with the design for their wooden car which ranges from Formula 1 racers to tanks to tractors to spaceships and even cartoon characters. Those cars are raced down the pack’s Pinewood Derby track and the fastest go on to race at the district level. “It is a lot of fun,” McFarland said. “One of the best parts is it is a great project for a kid to do with their parent or grandparent.”

Pack #609 had ceased operation before Covid-19 and only began this past autumn. “We started back up after the Windsor Fair,” McFarland said. Six youth and parents from Augusta Pack #684 who lived in Windsor were the nucleus but since then the pack has grown to 19 kids drawing from Jefferson and Whitefield. “I am glad to see it taking off. Scouting has a great opportunity to build character in these kids and it is a lot of fun,” McFarland said.

All photos by Chuck Mahaleris

Ivan Peaslee is a Lion Cub Scout and is in kindergarten, in Jefferson.

Pack 609

Another successful year at Kringleville

Throughout December, Downtown Waterville welcomed over 2000 families who gathered to meet Santa in his Kringleville cabin. Over 700 cups of hot chocolate with cookies and other baked goods were served, and 1200 candy canes and over 1000 books were given to children. Kids also had the chance to see snowmobiles, tow trucks, Jeeps, Elves, and Elsa; They could decorate ornament crafts, listen to a DJ, learn from the Children’s Discovery Museum mobile exhibits, engage in coloring activities, or choose a bookmark for their new book. Santa’s sleigh even made an appearance to transport Santa to and from the North Pole. They also served as a collection site for the Maine Children’s Home’s Holiday Program and filled an SUV with donations.

This amazing free event could not happen without Santa’s right-hand elf Jake. Jake the elf spends the rest of the year as Rick Bryant, a dedicated board member of the museum and Christmas-spirit keeper. He organizes all of the big man’s meetings, maintains the cozy cabin, secures financing and donations, and much much more. A huge thank you to him and all that he does for Kringleville!

Waterville Creates welcomes new employees

Waterville Creates announces the arrival of five new fulltime staff members. Since moving into the Paul J. Schupf Art Center, on Main Street, in Waterville, in December 2022, Waterville Creates has consolidated the operations of the Waterville Opera House, Maine Film Center, and Ticonic Gallery + Studios.

Joining the team at the Waterville Opera House are Allison (Ally) Turlo and Juniper Purinton. Ally, coming on board as theatre technician, earned her BFA in Theater Design and Technology from Syracuse University and brings extensive design and technical skills and broad experience with scenic construction and scenic painting. Juniper, the new technical director, has more than 17 years of technical theatre experience and an extensive working knowledge of performing arts venues.

The Maine Film Center welcomes Raynor Ahlstrin-Muniec to the role of operations coordinator. A graduate of Tufts University, Raynor brings production and education-related programming experience for non- and for-profit organizations across New England.

Jackie Ferlito, who previously served Waterville Creates in an interim capacity since May 2023, joins as communications coordinator. Jackie will oversee social media channels, e-newsletters, and other communications. Waterville Creates also welcomes Chris Melville as the new director of marketing and communications. Chris will manage marketing, advertising, media and public relations, and internal and external communications.

After Six Years: Library move partially complete

So. China library interior

by Bob Bennett

On Saturday morning, January 6, 2024, The South China Public Library opened its new building, at 27 Jones Road, to borrowers for the first time. While not the conclusion of this lengthy and often frustrating project, this occasion marked the the most significant event yet in the continuing attempt to bring this effort to fruition.

It has been at least six years since the library’s board of directors made the decision to seek a new location for the facility. This move was fueled by several requirements including more space, modern restroom facilities and easier building access among others. We wanted to remain close to our long-time location in South China village and after much searching and debating about varying properties, we were able to purchase land on the Jones Road. The site was laid out adjacent to the historic Jones House. We purchased a used portable classroom from the Town of China for one dollar with the intention of it being our children’s area and construction was begun.

Finances were a significant factor in all of this process and through fundraising projects, wonderful monetary gifts, and the dividing and sale of part the property we have finally reached the point where completion is in sight. Yes, there have been further issues. The portable had a mold problem but has been completely cleaned up and renovations are continuing. COVID and its aftermath created a huge barrier, and recent holiday fundraising has faced problems as well. But, we are committed to bringing this effort to fruition and we sincerely hope that those of you in our community who have generously supported us will continue to do so. We foresee a total opening to the public to take place later this year and look forward to welcoming everyone into our new home. For the time being, we will be open during our recent, regular hours- 10 a.m. to noon and 1- 3 p.m., on Wednesdays, and 10 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. These will hopefully expand as well. We have been a huge factor in our neighborhood, and the town of China as an entirety, for decades and that will continue.

In conclusion, as with many great human endeavors, the new South China Public Library has dealt with a number of ups and downs. We will soon be celebrating our final opening and that will ultimately be our completion!

So. China Library opens at new location

The South China Library re-opened on Saturday, January 6, 2024, at its new location, at 27 Jones Rd. For now, hours will remain as they have been: Saturday, 10 a.m. – noon; Wednesday, 10 a.m. – noon, and 1 – 3 p.m. Children and adults will share space in the newly-constructed section, as work continues on the portable classroom.

So. China library

PHOTO: Sunset at Monument Park

Janice Clowes, president of the Vassalboro Historical Society, captured the silhouette of the monument in the park, next to the historical society building.

A Christmas tradition

As a result of the devastating storm that swept through central Maine on December 18, 2023, which knocked out power and internet service, the following story could not be published at that time. Here is the annual Christmas tradition from an area family:

by Janet Cole

One mid-1980s Christmas we got our youngsters a Commodore 64. Wanting them to socialize with our dinner guests, this gift wasn’t put under the tree until everyone had left (and our kids had fallen asleep.)

The next morning, our three rush into our bedroom announcing a “mystery gift” under the tree. It was received with such delight that it became our tradition.

One gift, for the whole family, appears under the tree on December 26. It’s been as simple as a board game and as elaborate as a ping pong set with ribbons leading to a ping pong table in the basement.

Happy Holidays…however you celebrate!

A heart warming Christmas story

The log chair fashioned by a line crew from Michigan, following the devastating storm of December 18, 2023. (contributed photo)

by Carol Thibodeau
Submitted December 21, 2023

Carol Thibodeau related a story to The Town Line that is a great example of how people help people in times of hardship.

She writes:

We are on Rocky Road, in South China, where we have been stuck without power for four days now, and until yesterday, we were trapped here by a giant tree across our driveway.

Yesterday a crew showed up to cut up the tree. Yay! …they were a crew of three guys who had driven 23 hours straight from Michigan, to help CMP with the storm devastation. Despite only three hours of sleep, these guys were friendly and upbeat and went right to work and got that mammoth tree cleared.

My seven-year-old grandson, Reid, was there with me and we watched them clear the tree. Reid told me he wanted to make a chair out of one of the chunks of wood, for his mom and dad for Xmas. I mentioned this to one of the crew guys. While the other two were finishing up, he decided to make Reid that chair, and went to work with his chainsaw. While we watched, he made the best little chair, which will carry this story forever. Not to be outdone, his buddy had to carve us a message on a huge log. I’ll keep that log forever too!

Then these three heroes marched off to rescue the next people, munching on the peanut brittle I gave them and just as upbeat as ever.

I’ve been wondering if maybe that guy has a kid at home in Michigan, when he decided to make the chair for Reid. I don’t know, but I think Reid will always remember it.

Reid made a card…..and I’m going to make cushions for the chair – LOL, and he’s excited to give it to my daughter and her husband for Xmas.

We are still stuck without power and there is a leaning pole and downed lines still, at the top of our driveway, but this gave us such a Xmas boost, and warmed our hearts.

EVENTS: UMaine Extension offers backyard maple sugaring workshop February 3

University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer an in-person maple syrup production workshop for beginners and enthusiasts interested in making it in their own backyard from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Feb. 3.

Participants in the hands-on “Backyard Maple Sugaring” program will first meet from 9 – 11:30 a.m., at Standish Town Hall, 175 Northeast Road; and then finish from 12:30 – 3 p.m., at Dunn Family Maple, 419 Chicopee Road, Buxton. Snow date is February 17.

During the workshop, participants will learn how to identify and tap trees; collect and boil sap; and filter, grade and can syrup. Participants will also learn the logistics of installing and maintaining a sap collection system that uses tubing. The workshop will be led by UMaine Extension maple industry educator Jason Lilley; Richard Morrill, owner of Nash Valley Farm in Windham; and Scott Dunn, owner of Dunn Family Maple.

Registration is required, as space is limited. The workshop fee is $18 per person and includes the textbook “Backyard Sugarin’: A Complete How-To Guide” by Rink Mann. Visit the program webpage to register. This program is sponsored and co-taught by the Southern Maine Maple Sugarmakers Association.

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Jason Lilley, 207.781.6099;

Honor Maine Teachers – nominations open for Maine Teacher of the Year

The Teacher of the Year journey starts with your nomination. Nominate someone from your town, county, or region today at

The Maine Department of Education (DOE) and Educate Maine announced that nominations are now open for the 2024 County Teachers of the Year and 2025 State Teacher of the Year. Maine’s County and State Teachers of the Year serve as advocates for teachers, students, and public education in Maine.

“Maine is home to amazing teachers who educate, inspire, innovate, nurture, and go above and beyond each and every day for their students, schools, and communities,” said Maine Education Commissioner Pender Makin.

Nominations can be made through a form on the Maine Teacher of the Year Website now through 5:00 pm on January 31, 2021. Nominations will be accepted from students, parents, caregivers, community members, school administrators, colleagues, college faculty members, and associations/organizations (self-nominations, and nominations from family members are not accepted).


Hold the appropriate professional certification for their teaching position;

Be a certified, in good standing, PK-12 teacher in a state-accredited public school, including a career and technical education and adult education center, a public charter school, or a publicly supported secondary school (a private school that enrolls 60 percent or more publicly funded students, sometimes referred to as “town academies”);

Be actively teaching students at least fifty percent of the workday at the time of nomination and during their year of recognition.
Maintain their teaching position and remain in the county for which they are selected throughout the year of recognition.

Have a minimum of five years of teaching – three of which are in Maine.

Beyond serving as advocates for education, Maine’s County and State Teachers serve as advisors to the Maine DOE and state-level education stakeholders across Maine. Additionally, County and State Teachers of the Year join a cohort of teacher leaders who actively work together for the betterment of education in Maine. They also receive ongoing professional learning and participate in many state and county leadership opportunities.

The 2024 County Teachers of the Year will be announced in May. The 2025 Maine Teacher of the Year will be selected from the 16 county honorees. Through a selection process designed by educators, the field will be narrowed to semi-finalists and then state finalists before the Maine Teacher of the Year is announced by Maine’s Education Commissioner at a school assembly in the fall. Each year, State and County Teachers of the Year are honored at the annual Teacher of the Year Gala also held in the fall.

The Maine Teacher of the Year program is committed to a nomination and selection process that ensures people of all backgrounds are represented. Educate Maine and the Maine Department of Education champion that commitment by encouraging the nomination of educators from all culturally diverse experiences and backgrounds.

For more information about the Maine Teacher of the Year program, visit the Maine Teacher of the Year website. Help us promote the Teacher of the Year Program by using the promotional materials on our website! Our goal is to expand and diversify our nomination pool!