EVENTS: Vassalboro community supper returns to the grange

Holly Weidner, far right, demonstrates how to make DIY cleaning products at the Vassalboro Grange, in June 2022. (contributed photo)

by Gillian Lalime

For many years grangers in Vassalboro celebrated fall’s bounty with a harvest supper featuring food items such as a pig roast, international foods, homemade bread, and seasonal pies. Since the start of 2020 in-person programming has been limited and in some cases, completely ceased. This October the East Vassalboro grange once again opens its doors and will host a Fall harvest supper. The menu will use all locally sourced ingredients, from wheat and apples to dairy, vegetables and meat all grown or raised on nearby farms.

 This year’s supper is especially important since the Grange is in great need of replenishing their funds. Unable to run programming for two years, the financial reserves which go to maintaining building costs such as insurance, electricity, and water are at an all-time low. The Harvest Dinner is organized by a core group of grange members who will be harvesting, gleaning, processing, cooking, and baking foods for the next month.  The Vassalboro grange is using the event to re-ignite a programming based in agriculture, rural-living, and self-sufficiency, which goes along with their mission and values for fostering a vibrant rural community and economy in central Maine.

Historically the grange was a hub for multi-generational gathering and agricultural education in addition to a community center offering dances, workshops, and events like plays and local meals. Back in June there was a Strawberry Social with a talk given by longtime grange member Holly Weidner on how to make “zero waste” or plastic-free cleaning products such as laundry soap, dish detergent, and personal care body products. Attendees snacked on homemade biscuits topped with strawberries from Full Fork Farm and whipped cream from Two Loons Farm (both in China) while Holly demonstrated alternatives to purchasing soaps that normally come in plastic containers. Recipes for folks to do the same at home were handed out at the end.

Continuing in the spirit of knowledge sharing and hands-on community gathering, leading up to the Harvest Supper will be a day of making applesauce and sauerkraut made with fruit from Lemuix’s Orchard in Vassalboro and cabbages gleaned from local gardens and farms like Mistybrook in Albion.  There will be an afternoon of cider-pressing on the front lawn and a Saturday of folding savory dumplings.  All food prepped in these sessions will be served during the dinner on October 22nd, an occasion that celebrates the bounty we are surrounded by this time of year. Events are open to all ages and abilities!

For anyone interested in participating please see the Grange’s October Event Calendar below. All take place at the East Vassalboro Grange Hall: 357 Main Street E. Vassalboro, ME 04935. Anyone wanting to learn more about the grange, crush their apples into cider, and meet new neighbors are encouraged to come!

Sunday, October 2: 5 pm: Philosopher’s Table. Discussion topic: Land Ethic and the expansion of an ethical community to include parts of the ecosystem.

Thursday, October 6th: 2-6 pm: Sauerkraut & applesauce making. Please bring your own sharp knife, cutting board, and a large mixing bowl if you have these items!

Saturday, October 8th: 9 am – 5 pm: Dumpling making day. We especially need hands for this day, even if you can only come for a few hours.

Sunday, October 16: 2 pm: Grange monthly community event –– Cider pressing! Bring your apples and containers to fill with cider.

Saturday, October 22: 6 pm:  Harvest Dinner is served! Tickets are $20/person. Pre-ordering is required.

Saturday, October 29: 6:30-10 pm: Fifth Saturday Contra Dance with a potluck and pumpkin carving.

EVENTS: Senior dinner rescheduled to Sept. 26

Palermo Christian Church (photo from the church’s Facebook page)

The Palermo Christian Church’s Senior Community Dinner has been rescheduled to Monday, September 26, at noon.

EVENTS: Bingo in Madison

American Legion Bingo is an every Sunday event at the American Legion Hall, 20 S. Maple Street, Madison. Doors open at noon; Games start at 2 p.m. Kitchen is open with refreshments FMI: Call Gina at 696-4946.

EVENTS: Work Health – Waterville to hold open house Sept. 15

Work Health-Waterville, occupational health, will hold an open house on Thursday, September 15, 2022, from 3 – 5 p.m. at their location at 246 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Suite 202, in Waterville.

Their most frequently requested occupational health services include testing services in audiometry, breath alcohol, urine drug collection and pulmonary function test; respirator fit testing, immigration physicals, return to work evaluations, fitness for duty evaluations, on-site ergonomic evaluations, on-site medical/nursing services, assessment and treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses, physical exams (including DOT, pre-employment and specialty, and independent medical exams.

They can also customize programs to meet your needs.

The public is invited.

For more information:, 1-844-975-4584.

EVENTS: KVCOG to hold hazardous waste collection day

The Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) will be offering Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days for the following locations:

On Saturday, October 1, from 9 a.m. – noon, the towns of Skowhegan, Canaan and Madison will be collecting at the Skowhegan Transfer Station. All residents have to sign up by calling their individual town office.

On Saturday, October 1, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., the towns of Pittsfield and Palmyra will be collecting at the Pittsfield Transfer Station. All residents have to sign up by calling their individual town office.

On Saturday, October 15, from 8 a.m. – noon, the communities of Winslow, Waterville, Belgrade and Oakland and will be collecting at the Winslow Transfer Station. All residents have to sign up by calling their individual municipal office.

According to Jessie L. Cyr, Community and Economic Development Specialist with Kennebec Valley Council of Governments, “we are all municipalities and nonprofit but these events directly benefit the people within our county and we feel it is a necessity to find the funding to hold these collection events.”

He continued, saying that many chemicals commonly used around the home are hazardous – either alone or when combined with other chemicals, and need to be disposed of by professionals trained to handle hazardous materials. Improper disposal of these materials can disrupt the function of sewage treatment plants or private septic systems, contaminate ground water, and harm animals and residents. Difficult to recycle -or dispose of- items can also become harmful if left unmonitored, items like electronic waste, paint, old fuels, mercury thermostats, etc. We also have local law enforcement officials on hand that day that will be collecting and properly disposing of any pharmaceuticals that residents want to bring in.

EVENTS: Spectrum Generations to hold chef’s challenge

Spectrum Generations will host the 10th annual Celebrity Chef Challenge fundraiser on Monday, September 19, at the Augusta Elks, 397 Civic Center Dr., in Augusta, at 5 p.m. The event will feature three local chefs who will prepare signature dishes based on the Meals on Wheels guidelines and standards. This year’s featured chefs include Ben Ramsdell, Culinary Coordinator & Chef Educator from MaineGeneral’s Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Center, in Augusta, Shaun Killeen, head chef from The White Duck Brew Pub, in Winthrop, and Edward McGregor, head chef from The Front Room, in Portland.

Their signature dishes will be enjoyed and voted on by attendees and reviewed by a panel of judges, including Heidi Parent, previous contestant on Hell’s Kitchen, and Monica Castellanos, owner of Maine Local Market, in Hallowell.

The three courses prepared by the chefs will be served to attendees by local celebrities, including Matt and Lizzy from the morning show on 92 Moose. The event will be emceed by Connor Clement, talented TV host (MaineLife Media) and sports reporter (ESPN). The winning dish will be incorporated into Spectrum Generations’ Meals on Wheels program.

Attending guests will also enjoy a reception with appetizers and entertainment will be provided by The Pam Tyler Trio. Lori Dumont, from The Parsonage House, in Vassalboro, will be providing two of her most famous desserts. Cash bar and silent auction will also be available throughout the evening. Tickets are $75 and are required for this fundraising event. All proceeds will support the programs and services of Spectrum Generations including Meals on Wheels, which utilizes staff and volunteers to prepare and deliver approximately 5,500 meals each week to 1,100 homebound older adults and adults with disabilities in communities throughout Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset, and Waldo counties, and the towns of Brunswick and Harpswell, in Cumberland County.

To purchase tickets, visit For more information about Spectrum Generations’ Meals on Wheels program, visit

EVENTS: Lincoln County Democrats announce return of harvest dinner

The Lindseys have imbued the spacious interior of Le Barn with Maine rustic charm while adding contemporary amenities. (contributed photos)

The Lincoln County Democratic Committee (LCDC) is pleased to announce the return of the Harvest Dinner to its annual calendar. The popular event will be hosted Sunday, October 2 from 4 – 6 p.m., at Le Barn, a huge, restored, gambrel-roofed event facility located in the rolling farmland of Jefferson.

“We’re thrilled that Jim and Marie Lindsey have loaned us the use of this remarkable building that they have so lovingly restored,” said Valarie Johnson, organizer of the event. “I’m looking forward to seeing all our friends and neighbors in this new, larger space where we can all spread out a little.”

A simple meal of hearty chowders, soups, and stews that will include vegan options is supplied by LCDC volunteers and accompanied by bread and apple cider. The meal is served by candidates and elected officials, and the event concludes with plenty of desserts – think apple and pumpkin pies. And with a price of $20 per person or $50 to be listed as a host, it’s a bargain!” He urged fellow Democrats to, “Come on out and show your support of your candidates!” in this final fundraising effort for the year.

Le Barn is located at 132 Waldoboro Rd. in Jefferson. The Harvest Dinner is hosted by the LCDC and is open to the public. Details about how to make reservations or be listed as a host can be accessed at The deadline for reservations is Wednesday, September 28. For more information about this event, please contact Valarie Johnson at 207-549-3358.

Greater Neck Road Neighborhood Association annual yard sale slated

by Jeanne Marquis

The Greater Neck Road Neighborhood Association will host their annual yard sale on Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Baptist Church parking lot. The association voted again this year to donate 100 percent of the proceeds to the Town of China’s fuel assistance fund.

Sheri Wilkens remarked, “With skyrocketing prices of fuel, our members are worried about China citizens struggling to stay warm and we want to do our part to help.”

According to the US Energy Information Administration, prices are trending down from the April spike in crude oil. Yet for many factors, changes in retail prices lag behind commodity trends so we may still feel higher fuel costs this winter.

Wilkens reported the association’s donations for the town of China’s fuel assistance fund went to people who never expected to need help. Becky Hapgood, China town manager, wrote in her thank you note to the association, “We were able to help one senior who came in to see me after receiving the assistance to express his appreciation … and said no one had helped him in his life.” Last year, two local families were helped towards their fuel costs.

The Greater Neck Road Neighborhood Association has a long held tradition of looking out for neighbors and giving back to the town in various ways. During the early days of Covid when there were nationwide anxieties about food supply issues, Tom and Marie Michaud along with other neighbors with vegetable gardens planted extra produce to donate to the China Food Pantry.

Jim Wilkens will accept donated, clean and lightly used, items between now and Friday, September 2, at 712 Neck Road. Or, you may bring your clean yard sale items directly to the China Baptist Church parking lot on Saturday morning between 7 – 8 a.m. Volunteer opportunities are also available to cover two-hour sales shifts or help with clean up. Contact Sheri Wilkens for more details, 968-3777.

EVENTS: Share the Road with Carol

Dr. Carol Eckert, shown here at Androscoggin Riverlands State Park, in Turner, was tragically killed in a bicycling accident in Windsor last October. (contributed photo)

The sixth annual Share the Road with Carol memorial bike ride will take place on Sunday, September 18. Share the Road with Carol is an all ages commemorative bike ride in Windsor and Whitefield. The ride, which has 12-mile and 27-mile options, starts and ends at the Windsor Town Office.

This annual ride honors the memory of Carol Eckert, M.D. Carol was tragically killed as a result of a bike accident that occurred in Windsor on October 10, 2016. Biking was Carol’s passion and we invite everyone who feels the same to join us in remembrance of a life well pedaled and to further the cause of bicycle safety in Maine.

The registration fee is $20 for adults, and $10 for any person under 15 years of age accompanied by a parent or guardian. Register online ( or at the event from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. (pre-registration is encouraged). Then current CDC guidelines relative to COVID-19 will be followed and participants are asked to wear face coverings inside the Windsor Town Office.

There will be one rest stop on the 27-mile ride. Please join us after the ride at the Windsor Town Hall for fellowship, remembrances and light snacks.

Whether you knew Carol or not, this ride is a wonderful opportunity to explore the lovely rolling hills along the border of the Kennebec and Lincoln counties.

Like us on Facebook!

2022 Vassalboro Days schedule of events – Friday, September 9 & Saturday, September 10

Vassalboro Days 2022

Friday September 9 & Saturday September 10

Friday, Sept 9, 7-10 PM

Concert by the Root Notes at the Mill in the North! BYO chairs!

Saturday, Sept. 10

FREE BUS RIDES to and from the Mill, the Town Office, United Methodist Church, the Historical Society, with turn around at the LIBRARY from 10-3.
Simply wait at one of the stops, wait may be up to 15 minutes and wave the driver down!

United Methodist Church Breakfast and Silent Auction 8-10 at the church.

United Methodist Church remote Car Event from 11-1 at the church.

Ducky Derby tickets available 10-1:00 at the VBA Booth or from Ray Breton, before that day 877-2005!

Freddie’s Cruise-In at the Town Office from 9-2 for the Vassalboro Scholarship Fund!
Rain date Sunday!

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fried Chicken & Fries by the Masonic Lodge 10-3 (Bernie 314-3076 to order)

Many Vendors and Crafters Saturday & Sunday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on the lawn and inside the Mill. (Samantha 314-4940)

Flea Market from 9-3 in die parking lot, across street from Maine Savings FCU (416-4346)

Maine Bike Coalition Rodeo 10-12 (kids bikes available, adults BYO) at Rec Fields (This event has been cancelled.)

Face Painting 11:30-1:30 at the Mill.

Giant Bubbles, Sensory Pools for Little People, and various duck fun from 10-3 at die Mill.

Vassalboro Library will have a book sale and food sale at the Library at 930 Bog Road on September 9 from 11-6 and Saturday from 10-4. The library will also have a table in the North on Saturday during Vassalboro Days. Books arc by donation and you may also buy baked goods made with love by patrons.

Vassalboro Historical Society 9-3 at the Blacksmith Shop, the Harness Shop, and the Musewn. 327 & 360 Main St both Sat. and Sunday.

Maine Apple Days Sat. and Sunday at Lemieux’s Orchard 8-6 daily.

Vassalboro Recreation Department will have a table at die Mill so that you can meet director Karen Hatch

Vassalboro Ministry Association will have a table as well for the fuel fund!




Color Me Too Fun run has been cancelled. Sorry!