Brian Bielanski to perform at St. George Café in July
Bryan Bielanski, singer-songwriter, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is touring the United States in 2022 to promote his new music release and will perform on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, in Warren, at Saint George River Cafe.
Imagine Nirvana and the Beatles had a kid together who became an acoustic rock singer-songwriter: that’s Bryan Bielanski! Although he is inspired by some of the rock greats like Tom Petty and REM, he has a distinct musical style and lyrics that make you think deep thoughts and feel like you’re really alive! This critically acclaimed globetrotting singer-songwriter has been touring the US and the world for the last 10 years.
During that time, Bryan Bielanski has performed in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Austria, Belgium, California, Canada, China, Colorado, Connecticut, Costa Rica, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Italy, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Luxembourg, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Netherlands, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Poland, Russia, South Carolina, South Dakota, Switzerland, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, United Kingdom, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Bryan Bielanski is full of fun energy and catchy songs and he is ready to entertain you!
“Bryan’s Super Happy Fun Time II is a catchy, bouncy, musical journey for the senses.” – Teresa Robinson (New Mexico Entertainment Magazine, Albuquerque, New Mexico)
“Road warrior Bryan Bielanski takes happy songs, positive vibes from city to city.” Kyle Peveto (Baton Rouge Advocate daily periodical, Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
“On his website, Bielanski describes his music as : ‘If The Beatles and Nirvana had a kid together.’ That’s a pretty bold statement, but by the end of the 73-plus minutes (Bryan’s Super Happy Fun Time I run time), the listener has been given ample proof that the description is actually very accurate.” – Johnny Vinyl (Go! Eastern Oregon Magazine, La Grande, Oregon)
“Bryan has so much passion in his music. The songs sound really great” Scott Litt – Producer (REM, Nirvana)
“Catchy… the vocal melodies and guitar solos are sweetly delivered with an honest sense of urgency.” Gordon Lamb (Flagpole Magazine, Athens, Georgia)
“…intelligent and musically coherent power pop with soul.” Woody Mitchell (Charlotte Observer daily periodical, Charlotte, North Carolina)
“East Coast singer-songwriter packs more hooks than a tackle box!” Erika Boling (Metrospirit Magazine, Augusta, Georgia)