Senior class presidents, Ada Dennison (in front, left) and Emma Wallace (back, right), opening the door for the first time with the key. (contributed photo)
The Ecology Learning Center, a public charter high school based in Unity, has announced a new fundraising campaign for the Clifford Arts & Student Center, which was gifted to the school in February. The campaign hopes to raise $150,000 by Sunday, June 30, supporting a “farm-to-cafeteria” program, in addition to covering capital and operating expenses. Every donation to our capital campaign will be doubled.
Gifted to the school on Valentine’s Day, the Clifford Arts & Student Center spans more than 8,000 square feet, featuring a theater that seats 200 people, ceramics studio with 12 pottery wheels and two kilns, classrooms, and office space. The new funds will allow the building to advance the Ecology Learning Center’s mission of deeply rooting students in Maine’s ecological and cultural landscapes, fostering authentic real-world learning while cultivating compassionate, resilient leaders who can engage in the challenges of today and tomorrow.
The Clifford Arts & Student Center is located at 42 Depot Street, in Unity. Interested donors can give money in the following ways:
Visit their website; send cash or check to “Ecology Learning Center” (230 Main Street in Unity);
Sponsor or attend a Community Program;
Donate an auction item and attend the live auction in the theater on Friday, April 26, at 5:30 p.m.
The Clifford Arts & Student Center hosted a grand re-opening last Sunday, March 10th, with The Al Corey Big Band playing music – showcasing the theme of “Some Enchanted Evening” – and the Ecology Learning Center’s student-chefs serving island fare, inspired by the South Pacific. The building was originally opened in December 2000 by Bert and Coral Clifford.