SCORES & OUTDOORS: An uninvited and unwelcomed guest crashes party

Brown rat (left), Black rat (right)

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Last Saturday night, my wife and I hosted our annual after holiday party with our camping friends. Everyone invited attended, however, unfortunately one couple had to bow out due to illness.

During the evening, we had a party crasher in the form of an uninvited, unwelcomed guest. One of our guests calmly informed us that she had seen a “mouse” run across the kitchen floor. My wife and I have been living in this house for 46 years, and over that time, have encountered one mouse, which I inadvertently brought home from camp in some laundry.

My sighting revealed something different. This time, however, unbeknown to my wife and I, we seem to have an unwanted rat living in our basement, that decided to make an appearance at the height of festivities.

RATS! No, it’s not something you say when things don’t go your way. Instead, it describes, profoundly, what people think of this rodent that is perceived as a member of the underworld of the animal kingdom. They are scorned, feared and totally misunderstood. They are portrayed as evil and filthy little creatures that spread disease as they scamper through the sewers of major cities. Among unions, “rat” is a term for nonunion employers or breakers of union contracts.

Few animals elicit such strong and contradictory reactions as rats.

The Black Death is traditionally believed to have been caused by the micro-organism Yersinia pestis, carried by the tropical rat flea which preyed on black rats living in European cities during the epidemic outbreaks of the Middle Ages. These rats were used as transport hosts. Another disease linked to rats is the foot-and-mouth disease.

The reason I bring this up is because of something I saw recently. My wife showed a video to me on Facebook – I don’t do Facebook – showing this woman who had two pet rats she had trained to do some amazing things. That piqued my curiosity because I had heard rats are fairly intelligent.

The best known rat species are the black rat, which is considered to be one of the world’s worst invasive species, and the brown rat, which is what I saw that night. Male rats are known as bucks, females are does, and infant rats are called kittens or pups. A group of rats is referred to as a “mischief.”

The woman on the video had her rats trained to bring her a tissue when she sneezed, respond to flashcard commands, and even come when called, just to name a few that I remember.

Those who keep rats as pets know them as highly intelligent and social animals who clean themselves regularly and thrive on regular interaction.

Specifically-bred rats have been kept as pets at least since the late 19th century. Pet rats are typically variants of the species brown rat, but black rats and giant pouched rats are also known to be kept. Pet rats behave differently from their wild counterparts depending on how many generations they have been kept as pets. The more generations, the more domesticated it will be. Pet rats do not pose any more of a health risk than pets such as dogs and cats. Tamed rats are generally friendly and can be taught to perform selected behaviors.

Because of evident displays of their ability to learn, rats were investigated early to see whether they exhibit general intelligence, as expressed by the definition of a g factor as observed in larger, more complex animals. Early studies around 1930 found evidence both for and against such a g factor in rats.

A 2011 controlled study found that rats are actively prosocial. They demonstrate apparent behavior to other rats in experiments, including freeing them from cages. When presented with readily available chocolate chips, test rats would first free the caged rat, and then share the food. All female rats displayed this behavior, while only 30 percent of males did not.

Rat meat has become a dietary staple in some cultures. Among others, I personally observed rats being consumed in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.

Back to the pet rat. While most people cringe at the thought of having a rat for a pet, believe it or not, domestic rats make great pets. They are not aggressive, diseased and dirty animals, but in fact are very clean, fun-loving, sensitive, very social and affectionate. They genuinely enjoy interacting with people and should be handled daily. Rats are very intelligent and can be taught simple tricks, and will often learn their names. They can be litter box trained.

Whatever you do, don’t go down to the river to select a pet rat, but rather visit your local pet shop. When choosing your rat, choose one that does not appear skittish or does not squeal when picked up. Males tend to be calmer than females. Males usually enjoy being held for longer periods of time, especially when they get older.

If you get a pet rat, it is best if they are kept indoors rather than in a shed or garage, where they would get less attention. As mentioned before, rats are extremely clean animals and will constantly groom themselves – similar to cats. If you have more than one rat, they will groom each other.

The rat we saw that night was brown, and looked fairly well groomed. I’m wondering if it was a neighbor’s pet that got away?

So, now that we have seen a lighter side of rats, doesn’t it make you want to run right out to get one? Not me. This guy, or gal, decided to show itself on a night when there were over a dozen adults around. But it had better not get too comfortable. Its lease has an expiration date.

Now, as one of the guests noted, what will my wife and I do to top this year’s entertainment at next year’s party?

Roland’s trivia question of the week:

Of the four teams left in the NFL playoffs, which is the only one to never win a Super Bowl?

Answer can be found here.

Roland’s Trivia Question for Thursday, January 26, 2023

Trivia QuestionsOf the four teams left in the NFL playoffs, which is the only one to never win a Super Bowl?


Cincinnati Bengals.

OBITUARIES for Thursday, January 26, 2023


CLINTON – Craig L. Crommett, 74, of Clinton, passed away on Saturday, January 7, 2023. Craig was born in the winter of 1948 and grew up in Mt. Vernon, enjoying life on Echo Lake.

He joined the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era. After his honorable discharge he held many jobs before deciding on a career as a long-haul trucker. He traveled all the major routes from Maine to Florida to California. He could handle a big rig in any kind of weather conditions. Craig was a Master Maine Guide, guiding hunting and fishing trips and had an amazing sense of direction, deep in the woods or on old dirt roads.

Craig raised many hunting dogs, but his favorites were his Irish Jack Russell house pets. He coon hunted with a dear friend and together they made it to the World Coon Hunt. After Craig’s wife of 37 years, Ruth (Perkins) passed away he married Vicki (Hendsbee) who lost her husband of 37 years. Together they enjoyed motorcycling, four-wheeling, bowling on a league, golfing and Craig’s passion, bass fishing.

Craig was a member of the Somerset Bass Masters and fished numerable tournaments with some wonderful friends and co-anglers. His most memorable was the Toyota Bass Classic, in Tennessee.

Craig is survived by his wife, Vicki; his daughter Lisa Kiniklis (Will); his son Craig S Crommett (Amy); his step-son Adam Hendsbee (Rachel); granddaughters Hannah Crommett, Leigha Crommett and Elizabeth Crommett; his grandsons, Max Kiniklis and Theo Kiniklis; step-grandson Gunnar Hendsbee; sister Patricia Mason (Mike); sister-in-law Lynn Dolloff; a nephew, nieces and some cousins.

Craig was predeceased by his parents, his wife Ruthy, and his brother David.

As per his wishes there will be no funeral. His burial will be in the spring at Pine Grove Cemetery, in Belgrade.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan ME 04976.

In lieu of flowers, donations in his name may be made to the New Beginnings Church of God, Building Fund, 392 Main Street, Waterville, Maine 04901, for a new Youth Group Building.


WATERVILLE – Elaine W. Burton, 90, passed away on Sunday, January 8, 2023, at North­ern Light Con­tinuing Care, in Waterville. Elaine was born on Feb­ruary 20, 1932, in Waterville, to Everett Watson and Alys (Luce) Watson.

She graduated from Williams High, in Oakland, in 1950. During her high school years she was active in the orchestra and choral groups, and learned to play the piano. Some years later she gave piano lessons, in her home, to many local students. Following high school graduation she completed one year of nurses training in Portland, returning home in 1951 to marry Richard N. Burton and began raising their family.

Elaine was involved in leadership of the 4-H Club, in Sidney, she was a member of Eastern Star and on the advisory board for the International Order of Rainbow Girls. She tended large vegetable gardens, and as a result, produced jellies, jams, applesauce and many other goodies for family and friends. She also raised beautiful flower beds every summer with the Oakland Baptist Church and Alden’s Camps being the recipients of her stunning dahlia and gladiola arrangements for many years.

While her children were in school, Elaine completed three years of college and then became a substitute teacher for SAD #47 (RSU #18) which eventually led to her role as a Title I tutor at the James H. Bean School, in Sidney, for many years. During these years she continued to pursue her passion of music while singing in the choir at the Oakland Baptist Church and with the Colby Community Chorale under the direction of Paul Machlin.

In 1996 she retired and went on the trip of a lifetime to Australia and New Zealand with her sister Gail and brother-in-law Lester Smith, surviving a flood while there. She spent many summers traveling to Lexington Township in her camper where she enjoyed spending time around the campfire with her family and friends. She also made numerous trips to Florida with her daughter Melissa Finnimore and her family where she developed a love for all things Snow White.

In 1999, she was accompanied by her grandchildren Jacob, Jessica, Jonathan and other family members to ring in the new millennium at Disney World.

Elaine was an avid reader and belonged to a women’s book club for many years. An additional hobby was creating baby afghans. She started making these with the arrival of her first grandchild, Jonathan Finnimore, over 50 years ago. Around 300 babies have been wrapped in “Nana’s” love over the years as they were blessed by her baby afghans. She was also very passionate about feeding and caring for a wide assortment of birds who kept her entertained while they visited her many feeders. As a result of some of her travels, she became an avid collector of bells.

In 2017, Elaine became a member of Faith Evangelical Free Church, in Waterville. In September 2018 she was baptized in Snow Pond with her son Mark and daughter-in-law Nancy Burton. She attended many Bible studies with the Amazing Gray’s during the past five years. Her faith and love of the Lord was strong. Her favorite verse was Psalm 121:1-2 and favorite quote “The heart of the matter is the heart.”

Elaine was predeceased by her parents, her husband Richard, her son Matthew and daughter Maureen.

Elaine is survived by her daughter Melissa Finnimore and husband Karl; son Mark Burton and wife Nancy; four grandchildren, Jonathan Finnimore, Jason Finnimore, Jacob Burton and Jessica Marden and six great-grandchildren, Ethan, Andrew, Elijah, Adam, Fynn and Everett; her sister Gail Smith and husband Lester; as well as many nieces, and nephews.

There will be a private graveside service for the family at a later date this spring.

Arrangements are under the care of Wheeler Funeral Home, where condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the website at

Donations in Elaine’s name may be made to MaineGeneral Hospice at 35 Medical Center Parkway, Augusta, Maine 04330-8067, or to National Kidney Foundation, 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016.


OAKLAND – Doris Luce Phillips, 98, of Oakland, passed away on Monday, January 9, 2023. Doris was born on June 10, 1924, to Olivia and Clyde Luce, in Oakland.

She graduated from Oakland schools. She met Basil Phillips and they wed on June 29, 1946. They went on to have one daughter, Nancy Phillips LaCombe. When Doris had Nancy, she decided to dedicate her life to being a fantastic and wonderful mother, as well as grandmother. She also took care of her two grandchildren and even great-grandson when he was born. She also took care of many relatives and their children as well throughout the years.

Doris also sold Avon for many years and prided herself on being one of the oldest to do so. She also enjoyed Eastern Star meetings later in life. Doris was passionate about shopping, traveling until she wasn’t able to, making her beloved bracelets for friends and family, and watching the New England Patriots. She was always ready for her weekly shopping trips, going out to eat and, of course, getting her scratch tickets. Most anyone who met her, would instantly call her “Gram.” She lived a full life and had fun doing so. We will miss her greatly.

Doris was predeceased by her husband, Basil Phillips, four brothers, one sister and one grandson-in-law Tavis Caron.

She is survived by her daughter Nancy Phillips LaCombe, son-in-law Milton LaCombe; granddaughters Sarah LaCombe (Gabe Martin) and Nicole LaCombe; great -grandson Matthew Martin; one brother Floyd Luce (Cookie Luce); one sister Mary Luce (Cameron and Alexis); sisters-in-law, Clarita Luce and Gloria Luce; and many nieces and nephews.

Arrangements are in the care of Wheeler Funeral Home, 26 Church Street, Oakland, where condolences, memories, and photos may be shared with the family on the obituary page of the website at


ALBION – Beverly Lynne Sawyer Kelley, 82, better known as “Gram”, passed away on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. Beverly was born on March 17, 1940, the daughter of the late Norman Sawyer and Phyllis (York) Pratt.

Gram learned how to farm at a young age, developing a deep love for animals that would continue through her entire life. She graduated from Penacook High School and spent her summers at the fairs, where she would meet the love of her life, David Kelley, and they married on March 18, 1961.

She was a hairdresser for nearly 50 years at Penny’s Hairstyles and “Personali-Tease”, in Waterville. Gram had an enormous heart for her community and welcomed anyone, never turning a stranger away. Her work day did not begin or end at the salon. You would often hear her say, “Every day is a great day” and “work isn’t a bad word.”

Gram was a regular in her local church, 4-H Club, and Maine fair circuit, with much love for her huge “fair family”. You could always find her watching her grandchildren doing whatever they loved, whatever they were doing, wherever they were. She really hated to miss one event. She worked 34 years alongside her family in the New Hampshire Building at Eastern State Exposition in Springfield, Massachusetts. If you know Gram, you know her love for basketball. Gram was a parent, coach, and huge fan of her Lawrence Bulldogs, in Fairfield; never missing a game!

Beverly was a faithful friend, sister, aunt, amazing mother, and most of all “Gram” to everyone that had the honor of knowing her. Her service to children, the less fortunate, and her entire community was remarkable. This world would be a better place if everyone had a little Gram in them. Turn your ear to the heavens and you will hear God saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant, welcome home.”

Gram was predeceased by her husband, David Kelley, daughter-in-law, Mary Kelley, great grandson Noah Blye, brothers-in-law, George Sweatt and Dean Kelley; and nephew, Scott Sweatt.

She is survived by her six children, Lynne Blye (Bruce), Karey Kelley, Kristen Wescott (Scott), Keith Kelley (Debbie), Kern Kelley (Michaela), and Katrina Dumont (Rick); 13 grandchildren, Katie Gerow (Dustin), Ricky Blye (Hattie), Jesse Kelley (Meg), Kelley Wescott (Lucas Paradis), Kolby and Karlee Wescott, Kaiden and Kasen Kelley, Derick Dumont (Raeghan Moody), Lexie, Lizie and Drake Dumont; great grandchildren, Chandler and Colton Gerow, and Bowen and Brock Blye; her sisters Penny Sweatt and Willie Grenier (Mike), nephews Daren and Brian Sweatt (Belinda), Jared Grenier (Samantha); nieces Jennifer Buck (Jason) and Ariel Grenier; and many great-nieces and -nephews.

A Celebration of life will be held on Sunday, January 29, at 2 p.m., at China Baptist Church, 36 Causeway Road, China, Maine, 04358, with an ice-cream social to follow.
Fond memories may be shared at

Arrangements are under the care and direction of Veilleux and Redington Funeral Home 8 Elm St. Waterville ME 04901.

In lieu of flowers please make a donation to a charity of your choice that benefits children or animals in need.


WINSLOW – Jeannette B. Bourgoin, 95, passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 12, 2023, while a resident of Northern Light Continuing Care Lake­wood, following a period of declining health. She was born August 7, 1927, in Waterville, the daughter of John and Josephine Veilleux.

On July 4, 1947, Jeannette married Roland W. Bourgoin, her lifelong partner for 67 years until his passing in 2014. Jeannette and Roland raised a family that included three sons and a daughter. Family meant a lot to both of them.

She was first and foremost a homemaker although she did have occasional part time jobs as the years permitted. They included the American Heart Association and the Cystic Fibrosis Association. She also loved doing crafts for family and friends.

Upon retirement, Roland and Jeannette relocated to Wichita Falls, Texas, where they bought a house, made many new friends and got to spend more time with their children and their families who lived there. However, after a couple of years, they decided they really needed to be where their roots were and so returned to Maine.

In addition to her parents, Jeannette was predeceased by her husband, her daughter Jean (Bourgoin) Dierig and her youngest sibling, Lee Veilleux.

Immediate family survivors include sons John and wife Elaine, of Wichita Falls, Texas, Wayne and wife Carmen, of Winslow, Lee and wife Cheryl, of Wichita Falls; son-in-law Greg Dierig, also of Wichita Falls; grandchildren Aimee Bourgoin, of Waterville, Scott Bourgoin and wife Dawn Madore-Bourgoin, of Saco, Mark Bourgoin, of Waterville, Margo Bean-Garrett, of Danielsville, Georgia, Brandon Dolley and wife Alisha, of Wichita Falls, Texas, Cory Bourgoin and Ryan Bourgoin, both of Wichita Falls, Texas; great-grandchildren include Madeline, Isaac, Liam and Sonny Garrett, of Danielsville, Georgia, Noah Bourgoin, of Waterville, Cohen Bourgoin, of Wichita Falls, Texas, and Korbyn Dolley also of Wichita Falls, Texas; brothers Roland Veilleux, of Skowhegan, Lucian Veilleux and wife Glennis, of Waterville; and her sister, Vernette (Veilleux) Dechaine and husband Roland, of Pittsfield; as well as many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.

In accordance with Jeannette’s wishes, there will be no visiting hours.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at Notre Dame Catholic Church, on Silver Street, in Waterville, on Saturday, January 21.

Interment was subsequently held at the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery, in Augusta.

Arrangements are under the care of Veilleux and Redington Funeral Home, please visit to share your condolences and memories with Jeannette’s family.


WINSLOW – Joseph Giarad, 87, unexpectedly passed away on Thursday, January 12, 2023, while vacationing in Florida with his wife Sylvia. Born Edward Joseph Girard on May 19, 1935, to Cyril Girard and Eleanor Denis, he was raised by his grandparents Octave and Mary-Anne Girard.

He grew up in Winslow and attended St. John the Baptist Catholic School and graduated from Winslow high school in 1952. He then attended Thomas College, in Waterville, and graduated in 1954.

After graduating from Thomas College he enlisted in the U.S Army and served at Fort Dix, New Jersey, until his honorable discharge in 1956. Joe then served in the Maine National Guard.

In 1956 he married Sylvia Brochu and was happily married for 34 years until her passing in 1990. They had three children together.

After his time in the army he went to work at Waterville Savings Bank in 1957 and became their first branch manager in Pittsfield in 1971. While in Pittsfield he was an active member of the Kiwanis and the Knights of Columbus, he also became a proud member of the muzzle loaders of Maine. In 1991 he married Eleanor MacDonald and spent 15 years together until her passing in 2006. In 2010 he married Sylvia Taylor, of Albion.

Since a young age he enjoyed hunting, fly fishing, canoeing, and archery. A man of many talents, these are just a few of the hobbies he enjoyed very much; woodworking, leather crafts, and making his own bows and arrows. Later in life he still enjoyed archery and was a member of Traditional Archers of Maine, going out to dinner with his family and spending time with family and friends. Always an active man enjoyed going out dancing weekly with his wife Sylvia. To most she went by Tobey.

He was predeceased by his brother Lawrence Girard in 2017 and a granddaughter Maranatha King in 2019.

He is survived by his wife Sylvia of 13 years; sons Peter Girard, of Winslow, Paul and wife Mary Girard, of Pittsfield; a daughter Lisa and husband Paul Turcotte, of Oakland; granddaughter Penny-lane King, of Bangor; granddaughter Stephanie Plante and partner Nate, of Bangor; grandsons Jacob Plante and partner Sandy, of Waterville, Joseph Girard, of Pittsfield; great grandchildren, Jasmine Roy, of Connecticut, Jacoby and Sophie, of Waterville; sister Gloria and husband Clifford Herbert; and several nieces and nephews.


CLINTON – Dana P. Chesley, 75, passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 12, 2023. He was born on Oct­ober 20, 1947, in Clinton, the son of Kenneth and Jeanette Chesley.

He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and spending time with family around a campfire and grill. Before the passing of his brothers, you would find them playing a competitive game of cribbage. The past 11 years Dana spent his time working at Clinton Variety in Bottle Redemption. He was very well known and liked by the community.

Dana was predeceased by his parents and in-laws Cecil and Maude Lee, brothers, Kenneth, David, and Harvey, as well as son, Michael Killam II, and one grandson.

He is survived by his wife, Linda Chesley; daughters Cyndie and her husband Durwood Dugans, Jill and her husband Tim Dojnia, Lynn and her husband Aaron Chapman; and sons Jason Chesley, and Calvin Killam and his wife Penny; nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.

No funeral or burial is planned at this time. A celebration of life was held on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at the Town and Country Trail Riders Snowmobile Club, 35 Clubhouse Rd, Clinton, Maine.

Arrangements are in the care of Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield where memories may be shared, and an online register book signed by visiting


WATERVILLE – Esther Virginia Whiteman Hill passed away on Friday, January 13, 2023. Esther was born in Lonaconing, Maryland.

Esther was the wife of the late Rev. George Paul Hill.

After high school she attended Zion Bible College, in Providence, Rhode Island, where she met her future husband, Paul. Together they ministered in New York, Connecticut, Missouri and Maine. Their last pastorate was in Readfield.

Esther is survived by three sons and their families, George Hill and his wife Sabrina of Duncan, South Carolina, and their children Alisha and her husband Robbie, and their children Ian and William and grandson Austin and his wife Dominique and their children Creighton and Annabelle; James Hill and his wife Susan and their daughter Claire of Greer, South Carolina, David Hill and his wife Penny, of Sidney, and their daughters, Candice and Jamie and granddaughter Malarie; brother Glenn Whiteman and his wife Nellie and brother Stan Whiteman.

Esther was predeceased by great-grandson Dylan.

Esther will be taken to Connecticut to be laid to rest with her husband.

Arrangements are under the care and direction of Veilleux and Redington Funeral Home 8 Elm St., Waterville.

Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Hill family.


WATERVILLE – Lucille Winslow, 95, passed away on Monday, January 16, 2023, of natural causes, at Lakewood Continuing Care, in Waterville.

Lucille was the only child of Albert J. and Egline Quirion.

She was raised and attended public schools in Winslow, becoming lead drum majorette in high school as well as prom queen. She was a member of the class of 1946.

It was in high school that she met Jim Winslow. They were married in 1946.

Lucille was ever active. She was a master seamstress and knitter. She enjoyed cooking, especially at the holidays. Her appetizer biscuits with bleu cheese barely made it out of the oven before the family started in on them. She worked at Butlers Department Store, in Waterville. Later, Lucille worked at Northeast Laboratories, in Winslow, for over 30 years, becoming head of Quality Control. Lu enjoyed attending all three grandchildren’s events over the years. She adored being their Nana.

Lucille was predeceased by her parents, Albert J. and Egline Quirion; her husband Jimmy Winslow; her daughter-in-law Betty Winslow; and her grandson, Chris Winslow.

She leaves behind, to continue her legacy: Rosemary J. Winslow, of Waterville, and her wife Jody Rich, Dana Winslow, of Hallowell, Brian Winslow, of Ware, Massachusetts, and Kelly Winslow, of Winslow, his wife Jennifer, and their two adult children Mackenzie and Cameron.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St. John the Baptist Church, 16 Monument St., in Winslow, on Tuesday, January 31, at 10 a.m. Interment will be at St. Francis Cemetery, in Waterville, held later in the spring.

Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Winslow family.

Arrangements are under the care and direction of Veilleux and Redington Funeral Home Waterville, Maine.

In lieu of flowers, Lucille asked that donations be made to the Humane Society Waterville Area, 100 Webb Rd., in Waterville, Maine 04901.


WINDSOR—Darlene E. Marquette, 62, passed away on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at MaineGeneral Medical Center, following a long illness. She was born on September 14, 1960, a daughter of Albert Maskell and Doreen (Lord) Perkins.

Darlene grew up in both New Hampshire and Maine, and loved being a mother to her sons, Mark, Tim, and James. She later settled in Windsor and worked at Country Manor, in Coopers Mills, as a cook for many years. In September of 2006, she was married to Daniel Marquette.

Darlene was an animal lover: her fur babies included Izzy, Annie, Rosa, Brody, and May. She enjoyed having dogs, cats, birds and even horses to care for throughout the years. Above all, she loved spending time with family, particularly her grandchildren. She will be remembered as strong-willed, generous, and undoubtedly, one of a kind.

She is survived by her husband, Daniel Marquette; her sons, Mark Chambers and his wife Lauri, Tim Chambers and his wife Jaimie, James Longmire and his partner Kelsey Libold; and step-son Andre Marquette; grandchildren, Benjamin, Megan, Matthew, Jacob, Tim, Alex, Chevvey, Damien, Aaleah, Brianna, Allie and Gunner; siblings, Tina Nadeau, Regina Adjutant, Bob Maskell, Tony Maskell, Donald Perkins, Rebecca Post, and Diane Marston; and many nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by her parents, and a sister, Jolene Maskell-Stevens.

A graveside service will be held on Friday, May 19, 2023, at 1 p.m., at the John C. Shirley Cemetery, on Berry Rd., in New Durham, New Hampshire.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Plummer Funeral Home, 983 Ridge Rd., Windsor, Maine.

Condolences, stories and photos may be shared by visiting


SIDNEY – Sean William Kiernan, 51, passed away unexpectedly of natural causes on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. He was born on November 5, 1971, a son of Edward and Judith (Haberern) Kiernan.

Sean grew up in Massachusetts and as a teenager moved to Maine with his family and graduated from Gardiner Area High School, in the class of 1989. Following graduation, he attended college at Northeastern University, in Boston, Massachusetts. Sean worked in the food and beverage industry for most of his career and spent five years working for Mainehealth.

On September 27, 2003, he married Kathleen Logan. Together, they raised two sons, Aidan and Connor, who were his pride and joy. Sean attended all of their sporting events and supported all of their endeavors. He enjoyed fishing, boating, cooking and was an avid reader. Sean will be remembered for his infectious laugh and his love for his family.

He is survived by his wife, Kathleen Kiernan, of Sidney; his sons, Aidan Kiernan and Connor Kiernan, of Sidney; his parents, Edward and Judith Kiernan, of Massachusetts; his siblings, Tammy Kiernan, of Connecticut, and Christopher Kiernan, of Massachusetts; his mother- and father-in-law, Joyce and William M. Logan; sister-in-law, Erin Murphy and her husband Jim, and brother-in-law, William P. Logan and his wife Jamie; nephews, Patrick Murphy and Bill Logan; and niece, Kathryn Murphy; aunts and uncles, William Kiernan and his wife Barbara, of Connecticut, Richard Kiernan and his wife Debbie ,of South Carolina, Richard Haberern and his wife Nora, of Colorado, Michelle Nelson and her husband James, of Oregon, and Mary Logan, of Augusta.

A funeral service was held on Wednesday, January 25, at Pummer Funeral Home, 16 Pleasant St., Augusta, Maine, 04330. Interment will take place in the spring.

Condolences, stories, or photos may be shared by visiting

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Sean’s name may be made to: Kick Drugs Out of Maine, C/O United Martial Arts Academies, 141 Riverside Dr., Augusta, ME 04330 which helps support scholarships for children in need; or RSU #18, C/O Abby Violet, 41 Heath St., Oakland, ME 04963, where a scholarship will be awarded to a Messalonskee High School student who is overcoming an educational or life challenge.


WATERVILLE – Sister Claire Labbee, 88, formerly known as Sr. Thérèse d’Avila, died on Friday, January 20, 2023, at Mount Joseph, Waterville, following a brief illness. She was in her 68th year as a Sister of St. Joseph of Lyon.

Claire was born on August 27, 1934, in Jay, the daughter of Donat and Emelda Samson Labbee and the youngest of seven children. She attended St. Rose of Lima school in Chisholm and the Academy of St. Joseph in South Berwick, graduating in 1952. She earned a BA in Math and Science from Lamennais College, in Alfred, in 1962 and later, a master’s degree in Education from Boston College in 1975.

She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon in 1953 and made her first vows on August 15, 1955. Sister Claire taught at Holy Family School, Lewiston, Sacred Heart School, Auburn, the Academy of St. Joseph, South Berwick, and Mount Merici School, Waterville. After receiving her master’s degree, she served as Religious Education Coordinator at St. Louis Parish, Auburn. She was in leadership from 1977-1987 as Provincial of the Sisters in Maine and on the Provincial Team from 1993-1999 and again from 2005-2011. Certified in Clinical Pastoral Education from Andover Newton Theological School, she then ministered as a chaplain at St. Mary’s Hospital, in Lewiston, and Mount St. Joseph Nursing Home, in Waterville. There, she founded the Mission and Pastoral Care Department. She retired from the Mount in 2007. In her retirement she visited and prayed with other residents as well as staff at the Mount and was the primary author of a book of one-page biographies of every Sister of St. Joseph who has served in Maine over their 115 year history.

Sr. Claire was generous in her appreciation of those around her and unafraid to speak out if she believed something was wrong. She always advocated for the employees wherever she worked and sought to include the workers’ voice in any decisions.

She was predeceased by her parents, her sister Evelina Caron, and her brothers Rosaire, Emile, Fernand, and Leo.

She is survived by the Sisters of St. Joseph, with whom she shared life and ministry; her brother Rene, with whom she spoke by phone every evening; and many beloved nieces, nephews, their spouses, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; along with many friends and former coworkers with whom she stayed in touch.

Her funeral Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, January 25, at Notre Dame Church, in Waterville.

Arrangements are under the direction and care of Gallant Funeral Home, 10 Elm Street, Waterville. An online guestbook may be signed, condolences and memories shared at

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations for the mission of the sisters may be made to the Sisters of Saint Joseph and mailed to 80 Garland, Road, Winslow ME 04901.


SIDNEY – Ernest Daniel White, 79, of Sidney, passed away Friday morning, January 20, 2023, at his residence, following an illness. He was born in Waterville, on March 24, 1943, the son of Mary and Ernest White.

He graduated from Waterville High School and worked at the Waterville Morning Sentinel for 37 years. He was a lifelong member of the Waterville Elks Lodge #905. Following retirement, he worked odd jobs which kept him busy, active, and fit. He was a volunteer at the Sidney Food Bank.

Ernie was an avid outdoors enthusiast who enjoyed hiking, fishing, and hunting. In his later years, he relished his wintertime in Florida.

Ernie adored his family and spent as much time with them as possible. His unique sense of humor and kindness made him a gift to all who knew him.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Joyce White, who passed away 30 years ago.

He is survived by his son, Dan White and wife Erica, of Jefferson; daughter, Margo White and husband Andrew, of Rockport, Massachusetts; his longtime partner, Deanna Bard, of Sidney; grandchildren, Olivia Howe, Sam Howe, Basel White, and Ava White; his siblings, Herbie White, Daphney Fletcher, Jo McGuire, and Maryanne White.

Friends and family may call on Friday, January 27, from 4 – 7 p.m., at Gallant Funeral Home, 10 Elm Street, Waterville, Maine. The celebration of life will be held on Saturday, January 28, at Gallant Funeral Home, at 11 a.m.

Arrangements are under the direction and care of Gallant Funeral Home.

An online guestbook may be signed, condolences and memories shared at

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his memory to the Sidney Food Bank.

Emma Elwell enrolls at York College of Pennsylvania

Nearly 750 first-year and transfer students arrived at York College of Pennsylvania, in York, Pennsylvania, for the opening of the Fall 2022 semester.

Among them is Emma Elwell, of Whitefield, who plans to study nursing.

Local students on Springfield College dean’s list

William Banks, of Jefferson, and Kyle Ingraham, of Unity, were named to the dean’s list at Springfield College, in Springfield, Massachusetts, for academic excellence for the 2022 fall semester. Banks has a primary major of physical education, and Ingraham in sport management.

Windsor clerk resigns; select board hears road report

by The Town Line staff

Windsor Town Manager Theresa Haskell (photo by Sandra Isaac)

At an abbreviated meeting of the Windsor Select Board on December 27, 2022, it was reported by Town Manager Theresa Haskell that she had received a letter of resignation from Kyoko Roderick. Following an executive session, the select board voted unanimously to accept the resignation. After thanking her for her 4-1/2 years of dedication to the town of Windsor, they unanimously approved a motion to pay Roderick her banked PTO time of 52-1/4 hours.

Once that was completed, the board approved in a 4-0-1 vote, with Ronald Brann abstaining for personal reasons, a motion to initiate a temporary stipend in the amount of $750 per week to Haskell to cover the position.

The select board and town manager, with much discussion, will be looking at reviewing all expectations for all job descriptions.

At the select boards January 3, 2023, meeting, the board heard a report from Keith Hall, road supervisor, that the Hunts Meadow Road tree trimming has now been completed, with an additional tree at the corner of the Hunts Meadow and Doyle roads taken down. The culvert at the end of the Barton Road and Route 105 is filled and plugged, with water running across the road. DOT has been contacted.

Also, the Weeks Mills Road brush cutting at the Serenity Springs Trailer Park to the Barton Road has begun.

In other business, Haskell reported the monthly figures at the transfer station. The month of December was up from last year $1,418.05 but the number is still down ($1,726.79) compared to the total last year at this time.

Haskell also reported receiving a check from Mark Scribner for $25,000 for the NETCo Inc. scholarship for Windsor residents for the 2023-2024 school year. Scribner was thanked by the board and town manager for his generous donations over the years for this scholarship.

China Village VFD working on grant for new pumper

China Village VFD fire chief, Joel Nelson. (photo by Eric W. Austin)

by Mary Grow

After the China select board’s Jan. 17 meeting, town manager Rebecca Hapgood reported that most of their decisions, as assessors and as select board members, involved individual property tax issues. Topics of town-wide importance were a potential new fire engine, on which no action was taken, and a committee appointment.

China Village volunteer fire department chief Joel Nelson told board members his department is working on a grant to help buy a new pumper truck, to replace a 32-year-old one.

Nelson noted that the 2021 town report showed the department’s reserve fund had more than $112,000 as of May 2021. He said the new truck would probably cost more than $550,000, based on a May 2022 quote.

Hapgood said select board members appointed James Hsiang a member of the Transfer Station Committee.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m., half an hour earlier than usual for a joint meeting with budget committee.

China’s Thurston Park group to ask for TIF funds

Thurston Park in the winter (photo from Thurston Park Facebook page)

by Mary Grow

Four members of China’s Thurston Park Committee spent most of their Jan. 19 meeting talking about money, both the 2023-24 budget and the long-term future of the almost 400-acre public park in northeastern China.

As in past years, committee members intend to ask for money from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund, as well as from the 2023-24 municipal budget.

Committee chairman Jeanette Smith said the proposed TIF request totals $44,000. Minutes of the committee’s November 2022 meeting show that planned expenditures include buying a utility vehicle that would be used to move equipment and supplies (like gravel); preparing a new trail; and building kiosks, installing more cameras and preparing trail maps.

The TIF Committee meeting scheduled for January to review requests was canceled due to members’ illnesses. The calendar on the town website shows the next TIF meeting scheduled for 6 p.m.. Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the portable building behind the town office.

Funds requested from the China municipal budget would cover work on the entrance road from Albion and supplies.

The park has more than five miles of trails that need maintenance. Several have been or are being built or improved as Eagle Scout projects. Committee members talked about damage from storms that have taken down trees and washed out trails.

Committee members are investigating grants that might be available for work in the park. Smith is concerned about funding sources when China’s TIF ends in 26 years. In reply to a suggestion to research other towns’ park financing, she said few if any other Maine towns support so large a natural area.

Another suggestion was to try to find out how many people, from China and from out of town, use Thurston Park, as an indicator of its value to townspeople and local businesses. The cameras in place and to be installed will help, committee members said. They doubted enough visitors would sign a logbook to make it informative.

Thurston Park has multiple listings on the worldwide web; it is included on the sites called and

Despite the Dec. 23 damage, on Jan. 23 Smith said the park is open for winter use, though she urged caution.

Parking is at the top of the Yorktown Road hill on the left, or in the new winter parking area at the bottom of the hill, also on the left, Smith said.

Residents interested in joining the Thurston Park Committee are invited to contact the town office or to email

The next Thurston Park Committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 16, in the portable building.

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, January 26, 2023

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at!

PURPLE SKY: Ashley Wills, of Palermo, photographed this purple sunset last summer.

HMM GOOD!: Lindy Sklover, of Vassalboro, snapped this bee feasting on nectar last summer.

KISSING COUSINS: Emily Poulin, of South China, captured these two gold finches at her feeders.

Town of Fairfield to host public workshop on park development

Mill Island Park

As part of a planning process to re-envision Fairfield’s waterfront and downtown assets, the Town of Fairfield’s Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC) is inviting the public to participate in a community input and planning workshop to provide feedback on the redevelopment of Mill Island Park. The Park, which features remnants of the historical United Boxboard and Paper Company at the northern tip of Mill Island, offers expansive views of the Kennebec River.

“Mill Island Park’s unique geography, combined with its rich history as a manufacturing and industrial site, highlights the Town of Fairfield’s recreational, historical, and educational assets, in addition to its expansive waterfront,” elaborates Fairfield Town Manager Michelle Flewelling. “Inviting the community to participate in the workshop will allow the Economic and Community Development Committee to create redevelopment initiatives geared towards improving access to the waterfront while highlighting Fairfield’s growing and proximal downtown.”

Mill Island Park is owned and maintained by the Town of Fairfield, where recent beautification has included removing brush and restoring access and view corridors of the Kennebec River from the western and eastern waterfronts of Mill Island Park. A survey recently conducted by FECDC examined six areas throughout the Island Park, dubbed “zones”, to determine where improvements and redevelopment should be prioritized by the municipality.

Garvan Donegan

“Inviting the community to provide critical perspectives into a planning process is a fundamental aspect of community planning and economic development initiatives, leading to more comprehensive and innovative ideas that celebrate a municipality’s unique assets,” states Central Maine Growth Council Director of Planning, Innovation, and Economic Development Garvan Donegan. “FECDC’s role in shaping the future of Fairfield’s waterfront development echoes a sentiment of municipal pride while actively planning improvement initiatives to shape the Town’s short- and long-term strategies for growth.”

Scheduled for Tuesday, January 31 at 6:30 p.m., the public input session will take place at the Fairfield Community Center Gymnasium, located at 61 Water Street, in Fairfield; a snow date for the event is scheduled at the gymnasium for Wednesday, February 1, at 6:30 p.m. Residents and interested parties are invited to provide feedback, recommend improvements, and engage with committee members and town staff.