Sheepscot Lake Association’s first boat parade
/0 Comments/in Community, Palermo, Sheepscot Pond/by Website EditorGive Us Your Best Shot! Week of July 18, 2019
/0 Comments/in Give Us Your Best Shot!/by Website EditorTo submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at!
Legal Notices for Thursday, July 18, 2019
/0 Comments/in Legal Notices/by Website EditorSTATE OF MAINE
18-A MRSA sec. 3-801
The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice July 11, 2019
If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.
2019-179 – Estate of PATRICIA R. GEHRKE, late of Moscow, Me deceased. Robin S. Skidgell, 25 Donigan Road, Moscow, Me 04920 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-186 – Estate of JEAN J. MARCIA, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Susie L. MacDonald, 48 Bay Road, Bowdoinham, Me 04008 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-188 – Estate of ROSELINE P. ATKINSON, late of Athens, Me deceased. Cynthia J. Petley, PO Box 139, Anson, Me 04911 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-189 – Estate of JONATHAN A. OSGOOD, late of Mercer, Me deceased. Linda F. Weeks, 407 Lake View Drive, Smithfield, Me 04978 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-190 – Estate of WALTER L. DUPLISEA, late of Solon, Me deceased. George Duplisea, 17 Rose Lane, North Grafton, MA 01536 and Fred Duplisea, 23 Winona Way, Wayne, ME 04284 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.
2019-191 – Estate of LEONA M. HASELTINE, late of Oakton, VA, deceased. Susan D. Haseltine, 11605 Vale Road, Oakton, VA 22124 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-195 – Estate of RANDOLPH PAUL ZIMMER, late of Mercer, Me deceased. Patricia D. Wecht, 39 Broadway, Florham Park, NJ 07932 AND Cynthia Z. Stout, 14961 Triadelphia Road, Glenelg, MD 21737 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.
2019-196 – Estate of MARIE ANNETTE SMITH AKA MARIE ANNETTE ANN SMITH, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Lynn M. Parise, 320 E. River Road, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-200 – Estate of IRJA N. LEHTO, late of North Anson, Me deceased. Carol A. Lehto, PO Box 164, North Anson, Me 04958 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-204 – Estate of FRANCIS A. POMERLEAU JR., late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Michael L. Cote, Sr., PO Box 111, North Anson, Me 04958 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-206 – Estate of HARRY M. WILSON, II, late of Caratunk, Me deceased. Jenifer W. Dodge, PO Box 27 Caratunk, Me 04925 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-208 – Estate of THOMAS JOSEPH DUNNE IV, late of Mercer, Me deceased. Amanda J. Ducharme, 9 Lyons Street, Rochester, NH 03867 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-209 – Estate of JOYCE ANN MEDUGNO, late of Everett, MA deceased. Neil Medugno, 100 Harrison Avenue, Wakefield, MA 01880 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-214 – Estate to JAMES E. FARLEY, SR. late of Anson Me deceased. Mary E. Farley, PO Box 104, North Anson, Me 04958 appointed Personal Representative.
2019-215 – Estate of ROBERT O. YOUNG, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Joy A. Mase, 45 Mase Lane, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.
To be published on July 11 & July 18, 2019.
Dated: July 8, 2019
/s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate
Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates. These matters will be heard at 10 a.m. or as soon thereafter as they may be July 24, 2019. The requested appointments may be made on or after the hearing date if no sufficient objection be heard. This notice complies with the requirements of 18-A MRSA §3-403 and Probate Rule 4.
2019-133 – Estate of JILL M. FERRARA, adult of Norridgewock, Me. Petition for Change of Name (Adult) filed by Jill Maureen Ferrara, 25 Independence Drive, Norridgewock, Me 04957 requesting her name be changed to Jill Maureen Currier for reasons set forth therein.
2019-134 – Estate of SAMANTHA MAUREEN FERRARA, minor of Norridgewock, Me. Petition for Change of Name (Minor) filed by Jill Maureen Ferrara, 25 Independence Drive, Norridgewock, Me 04957 requesting that minor’s name be changed to Samantha Maureen Currier for reasons set forth therein.
2019-207 – Estate of OLIVIA GRACE BENSON, minor of Athens, Me. Petition for Change of Name (Minor) filed by Andrew B. & Alicia B. Benson, 25 Dore Hill Road, Athens, Me 04912 requesting minor’s name be changed to Eunjae Octavia Benson for reasons set forth therein.
Dated: July 11, 2019
/s/ Victoria Hatch
Registrar of Probate
50 years later: The Town Line staff and volunteer contributors recall July 20, 1969
/0 Comments/in 30 Years Ago, Community/by Website Editor
Neil Armstrong’s reflection is seen in Buzz Aldrin’s face mask as the two became the first two men to walk on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969.
by Dan Cassidy
INside the OUTside columnist
On Sunday Evening, July 20, I was working in the Composing Room as a Linotype Operator at the Morning Sentinel. I persuaded the foreman to let me bring in a small TV set with rabbit ears to watch the spacecraft landing.
We were all amazed to watch Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin set foot and plant the American Flag on the Moon surface.
I am still amazed and when there is a full Moon, I always wonder if the American Flag is still waving?
by Gerald Day
Volunteer contributor
Where was I on July 20, 1969? Somewhere between Virginia Beach and Augusta, Maine. I was working for Army recruiting at the Norfolk recruiting office and I received my orders to go back to Vietnam for my second tour of duty. With 30 days to get there, clear post then get home and leave by military flight to ‘Nam, I had to many things to clear, which meant going to Richmond and back. While my station commander did that for me, I worked on everything else. Getting my mobile home ready and transportation set up with my station commander’s held, we did it only one day; unheard of in the Army.
To save money I figured I’d make my own tow hitch to haul my car back to Maine, I tested it near my home, and in about 200 feet it broke loose, which meant it had to go to the body shop. So much for saving money. I then left for Maine with our truck loaded and a trailer to haul items we would need right away. Two weeks later I flew back to pick up the car and was told that some mouldings needed to be put on. They told me it would take about eight hours. I told them to put them in the car and I would take care of it. Did it in 15 minutes once I returned home. I left for Vietnam on July 31.
Once I arrived in ‘Nam, everybody was talking about it (the moon landing). They were surprised I hadn’t heard, as I hadn’t seen any TV or listened to any news in weeks. Since I had personal issues to take of, I let the rest of the world take care of itself.
by Mary Grow
Free lance contributor
On July 20, 1969, my mother and I were living in the China Village house. My father was in Thayer Hospital after a stroke; he was to die a week later. Mother and I visited the hospital, spent time with Louise Tracey, Peg Darlow and Peg’s son Paul (friends who lived on Neck Road) and worked in the flower garden. Louise lent us a television set and we watched Aldrin and Armstrong walk on the moon from mid-evening until 2 a.m.
The Red Sox beat the Baltimore Orioles that day, too. According to Wikipedia, the Sox went on to finish third in the newly-created American League East with an 87-75 record. Baltimore won the division (the Detroit Tigers were second) and defeated the Minnesota Twins to win the American League, then lost the World Series to the New York Mets.
by Roland D. Hallee
managing editor
On July 20, 1969, as a sergeant in the U.S. Army, I was stationed in Southeast Asia, part of a six-member, elite CIA-supported, top secret, special operations unit. Our mission was to observe the troop movements of the North Vietnamese and report back to headquarters, where plans were then formulated for air strikes on the enemy convoys. We were working out of Vientienne, Laos, operating along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, with occasional ventures into western and northwestern Vietnam. Spending lots of time in the field, it was sometimes weeks before we could get caught up on current events.
I had read of the impending moon landing, but lost track of time, not realizing what was taking place on this particular evening. Having been given a couple days of R&R (rest and relaxation), I was strolling down a street in Vientienne when I passed a shop selling outdated black and white television sets. As a way to entice people to consider purchasing a set, they had them lined up in the storefront window, with all of them turned on. A crowd had gathered in front of the store, so I went to see what was so riveting on the TV sets. That is when I saw U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the surface of the moon.
A little sense of pride rushed through me at the time, proud to be an American. We not only beat the Russians to the moon, but fulfilled the dream of the late President John F. Kennedy to put a man on the moon during the decade of the 1960s.
by Emily Cates
Garden Works columnist
Since I wasn’t around in 1969, I thought I’d ask my dad. He said:
“So, as I recall, I was at home in Wrentham Massachusetts, on summer break after my freshman year at Yale University. I was a great fan of the Apollo program, having dreamt about being a space traveler ever since reading Tom Swift novels during my preteen years.
“I was glued to the television set for hours that day, and especially sitting on the edge of my seat as Neil Armstrong guided the lunar lander the last several hundred feet with barely a few pounds of rocket fuel left. I watched every second of live video from the moon and upon return to earth that I could.
“The last time I can recall in my life being so glued to the television set was during the coverage of the Kennedy assassination only 5-1/2 years earlier.
“How ironic in hindsight! President Kennedy had been such an inspirational leader for space exploration and the Apollo landing has to be regarded as a crowning achievement in his legacy.
“And yet, the very same weekend that Apollo 11 landed on the moon was at the same time a terrible stain on the Kennedy family legacy, since younger brother Edward ended up driving his car off the side of the bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, in Cape Cod, and killing his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne.”
by Eric W. Austin
The Town Line webmaster, columnist and investigative reporter
Being of the generation born after the moon landing and an avid connoisseur of conspiracy theories, I first delved into this important event with the idea that the whole thing had been mocked up by Stanley Kubrick and Richard Nixon. Like most conspiracy theories, however, it fell apart under further scrutiny, and I was left only with my admiration for the courageous men and women who made it possible. It was an achievement that fueled the imaginations of millions of people from around the world, and I can only hope to be around for mankind’s next giant step, Mars. Onward ho, my fellow Americans. To Mars and beyond!
Free concert set for Windsor Veterans Memorial fundraiser
/0 Comments/in Community, Windsor/by Website EditorThe Windsor Veterans’ Memorial Committee will be holding a fundraiser concert at the Windsor Town Hall on July 25, at 7:00 p.m. Donations will be requested in lieu of a ticket charge. The themed concert will feature the Downeast Brass Band putting on an “informance.” The performance will spotlight music from the 60’s and include stories, taking concert goers behind the scenes of their favorite songs and artists.
Downeast Brass Band founder Dwight Tibbetts said, “The narrative will discuss the top ten songs from each year and will explain why the music is the way that it is.” Refreshments will be provided by the Windsor Ladies Aide and be served after the hour and a half of entertainment.
The Veterans’ Memorial Committee will also be offering concrete and granite pavers to be purchased by the public as an additional way to help support the monument. Information on the pavers will be available the night of the concert or at the Windsor town office.
The Windsor Veterans’ Memorial will be located on Ridge and Reed roads and incorporate the existing monument. Original cost estimates for the project were over $45,000. Since 2017, over $14,500 have been raised through Veteran’s Beano games at the Windsor Fair, flower sales, pie auctions, public supers, other concerts and private donations. The citizens of Windsor also voted to give the Memorial $19,000 from the last two budgets. In addition, J.C.Stone Inc. from Jefferson has also donated 2 stone benches for the site. However, the committee still needs to raise over $11,000 to complete the project.
Once completed, the memorial will list the names of Windsor residents who have served our nation. For more information on the concert, please contact Windsor Cemetery Sexton Joyce Perry at 445-2998 or
I’M JUST CURIOUS – Caution: Sugar Free Candy
/0 Comments/in I’m Just Curious/by Debbie Walker
by Debbie Walker
This may be a subject most people would rather not think about much less talk about, if they have any awareness about it. Sugar free candies are not totally free of punishment.
If anyone could eat a whole bag of Oreo cookies (and probably some have done such) there is a price to pay. We all know this. Even though we are in the USA there is a price of pounds (not to be confused with the English pound values at $1.25). Ours is actual weight gain.
When we purchase sugar free anything, we may believe we are doing something good for our bodies and to some degree it probably is (I won’t get into that debate here). It does allow some folks a treat they wouldn’t be able to have otherwise. I am sure they are grateful for that little freedom.
Have you ever purchased a sugar free candy and read all the print on the bag? I believe that’s something few people would do. I don’t think I ever did before my dad had a mishap with some chocolate.
Dad was a diabetic and I guess mom was trying to help him stay sugar free when she bought him a small bag of sugar free chocolates.
Mom had read the bag and knew about the “caution.” She also knew dad would not read it, so she tried to explain it to dad. Dad being “dad,” he wasn’t hearing much of it. He was already eating a piece and I guess he liked it.
I will get back to this shortly. I first want to tell you how this got brought back to my mind.
I don’t know how the subject came up but my son-in-law, Todd, asked if I had ever seen Amazon’s reviews on the Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears. He continued by reading a couple of them to me. As I continue let’s leave it this way. People bought them, ate a few too many and had ‘stories’ to tell, just not for folks with weak stomachs.
So… Dad ate his candy, all of it, despite the caution mom tried to give him. Let’s just say he wasn’t able to make it the 30 feet to the bathroom in time to be of help to him! Lesson Learned!
I’m just curious if you will remember you have now been cautioned.
I am finishing this up with some cute sayings I saw on little posters at the Slippery Rock Strawberry Festival last month. Hope they give you a chuckle:
‘If it scares you it might be a good thing to try.’
‘I don’t care about my Prince Charming. Where are the forest animals that clean?’
‘I’ll call it a smartphone the day I yell “where’s my phone?” and it yells “Down here! In the couch cushions!”
‘Some days my life feels like trying to stand on a hammock!’
‘Not only did I fall off the diet wagon, I dragged it into the woods, set it on fire and used the insurance money to buy cupcakes’
‘Welcome to adulthood, I hope you like ibuprofen’
‘I’ve put myself in timeout until I can play nice with others. This may take a while.’
‘Google Earth gives you the opportunity to see anywhere in the world…so what do you do? You look at your own house!’
I’m just curious what silly sayings you have heard. Contact me at Thanks for reading!! Enjoy the sunshine!
/0 Comments/in Review Potpourri/by Peter Cates
by Peter Cates
The Desert Song
Mario Lanza, Judith Raskin etc.; RCA Victor LSC-2440, LP, recorded 1959.
Mario Lanza (1921-1959) was one of the finest tenors who ever lived, when it came to beauty, tone, powerful one-on-one communication and love of singing. I have a number of his recordings covering opera arias, popular songs from the ‘40s and ‘50s, Broadway show tunes, Christmas carols etc.; but I have most often enjoyed his singing of the two operettas, Rudolf Friml’s The Vagabond King and Sigmund Romberg’s The Desert Song, both of them taped shortly before his sudden death from a blood clot on October 7, 1959, and with the late soprano, Judith Raskin (1928-1984).
Sigmund Romberg’s operetta was based upon the book by Oscar Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach, and Frank Mandel. Its first performance in New York was November 30, 1926, at the Casino Theater on Broadway and 39th Street, after successes in Wilmington, Delaware, and Boston.
Lanza and Raskin’s duets in the title song and One Good Boy Gone Wrong resonate with the great duet recordings of Nicolai Gedda and Mireille Freni in La Boheme, Jussi Bjoreling and Victoria de los Angeles in Madame Butterfly, Angela Gheorghiu and Jonas Kaufmann in the Tosca Love Duet, Sarah Vaughan and Billy Eckstine’s Passing Strangers, Frank and Nancy Sinatra’s Something Stupid, Frank Sinatra and Dinah Shore’s My Romance and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and Maria Stader’s in Mozart’s Magic Flute, The solos of Lanza’s One Alone and Raskin’s Romance are some of many reasons life is worth living.
Selections from the album can be heard on YouTube.
Before his death, he was approached by RCA Italiana to record a few operas. Unfortunately, fate intervened. His widow, Betty, died of a drug overdose in early 1960. three of their four children since then; two sons, Marc and Damon, from heart issues, and a daughter, Colleen, after being hit by a driver while crossing the street and dying two weeks later in a coma.
SCORES & OUTDOORS: Invasive insects already in Maine; Free presentation on invasive forest pests set
/0 Comments/in Scores & Outdoors/by Roland D. Hallee
Emerald ash borer is now found in the St. John Valley and in York County. Beetle larvae feed under tree bark, pupae overwinter in the wood and the tiny adults emerge in spring leaving D-shaped exit holes. (Photo courtesy Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry)
by Roland D. Hallee
There are invasive pests making their way into Maine, and it is important that we learn more about them. One of them, the Emerald Ash Borer, has already been spotted in Vassalboro.
This week, I will turn my column over to Hildy Ellis, of the Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District, who will be holding an informational program on these insects that are raising havoc on our forests.
by Hildy Ellis
Invasive forest pests like emerald ash borer (EAB), hemlock woolly adelgid are already having devastating impacts on Maine’s forests; browntail moth is affecting human health as well as tree health; Asian longhorned beetle, with a large host range could be the next invader on the horizon! On Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m. – noon, Hildy Ellis, of Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) will present a program about these invaders at Merryspring Nature Center, in Camden, as part of their Saturday workshop series.
Using slides and an outdoor tree ID walk, this workshop will help landowners and users, as well as landscape and forestry professionals, learn to
- identify current and potential invasive forest pests and their host species,
- understand the threats to our forests and woodlands posed by these pests,
- limit their spread, and
- how to report suspected pest sightings or damage to trees that may be a result of pest infestations
All participants will receive an information packet with fact sheets about the major pest species, a list of host trees that the species may be found on, how to make decisions about treatment, current quarantine information for EAB in Maine, and other relevant information. The following recertification credits are pending for this program: Professional CFE credits by the Society of American Foresters. Category 1-CF: 2.0; and Pesticide Applicator credits by the Board of Pesticides Control: 2.0.
Knox- Lincoln SWCD, a member of the Maine Association of Conservation Districts, is presenting Invasive Forest Pest Outreach Programs through a grant from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Materials are funded in part by a Cooperative Agreement from the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. More information about invasive forest pests in Maine may be found at
FMI and to RSVP for this free workshop, visit, contact Julie at 596-2040 or
Roland’s trivia question of the week:
Who was the first manager of the Texas Rangers in 1972?
Roland’s trivia question for Thursday, July 18, 2019
/0 Comments/in Trivia Question/by Website EditorWho was the first manager of the Texas Rangers in 1972?
Ted Williams
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