Roland’s Trivia Question, Week of July 26, 2018
What is the most common pitch thrown by a baseball pitcher?
What is the most common pitch thrown by a baseball pitcher?
18-A MRSA sec. 3-801
The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice July 19, 2018.
If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.
2018-184 – Estate of KATRINA A. HUTCHINSON, late of Palmyra, Me deceased. Linda Morgan, 59 Karen Street, Palmyra, Me 04965 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-185 – Estate of ROBERT DOUGLAS THERRIEN, late of Solon, Me deceased. Rosemary Stegenga, 11 B Rose Lane, Oxford, MA 01540 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-186 – Estate of DOROTHEA E. LADD, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Peter Breingan, 18 Adams Street, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-187 – Estate of MAUREEN SWANTEK, late of Cambridge, Me deceased. Dominick Aloi, 2324 Rockwood Avenue, Baldwin, NY 11510 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-189 – Estate of LILLIAN F. JOHANNES, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Christine Stratton, 40 Pine Street, Madison, Me 04950 and Gail Wilcox, 3493 N Belfast Avenue, Augusta, Me 04330 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.
2018-190 – Estate of RICHARD L. NORTON, late of Harmony, Me deceased. Brandy Boutilier, 17 Cooley Road, Harmony, Me 04942 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-191 – Estate of ROBERT O. WEESE, late of Solon, Me deceased. Linda Jean Howard, 1184 South Solon Road, Solon, Me 04979 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-199 – Estate of DEAN F. CATES, late of Anson, Me deceased. Linda M. Cates, 628 Valley Road, Anson, Maine 04911 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-200 – Estate of MILDRED COOLEY SANBORN, late of Palmyra, Me deceased. Kimberly Tozier, 1040 Warren Hill Road, Palmyra, Maine 04965 and Philip Sanborn, 376 Beans Corner Road, Hartland, Maine 04943 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.
2018-201 – Estate of JOYCE B. SALLEY, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Steven H. Salley, 313 Somerset Avenue, Pittsfield, Maine 04967 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-203 – Estate of DENNIS A. OGDEN, late of Madison, Me deceased. Dennis J. Ogden and Adam F. Ogden, 11 Clifton Street, Madison, Me 04950 appointed Co-Personal Representatives.
2018-204 – Estate of RONALD E. MOULTON, SR., late of Bingham, Me deceased. Sherry L. Moulton 93 Howard Road, Moscow, Me 04920 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-206 – Estate of JAMES O. MESSER, late of Concord Township, Me deceased. Ellingford Leroy Messer, 2596 Kennebec River Road, Concord Township, Me 04920 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-208 – Estate of FRANCIS G. SMITH III, late of Norridgewock, Me deceased. Clara Jean Smith, PO Box 903, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-209 – Estate of KATHRYN H. SENNETT, late of Harmony, Me deceased. Gail E. Lamb, PO Box 99, Harmony, Me 04942 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-210 – Estate of MARJORIE E. MacPHERSON, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Scott K. MacPherson, 111 Pinelake Drive, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 appointed Personal Representative.
2018-212 – Estate of CAROL A. ADLER, late of Pittsfield, Me deceased. Candace Smith, 364 Ledge Road, North Yarmouth, Me 04097 appointed Personal Representative.
To be published on July 19, 2018 and July 26, 2018
Dated: July 16, 2018 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate
A while ago I had the chance to visit with a cousin I had not seen in probably 30 years. It was such an amazing visit. There were no uncomfortable silences. We fell right into the same comfort zone we had all those years ago but possibly a bit more mature.
Lorna and I went through grade school together. She reminded me of the time our teacher, Doris Cookson, took us home with her for an overnight. We were treated like princesses that night and we enjoyed reliving the memory together.
We did some high school together until my family moved and instead of five minutes away from each other we were 15 minutes apart. Neither of us had driver’s licenses at that point.
Lorna and Basil got married and I was a bridesmaid. A bit after that I got married and moved away and we lost touch, so that was about 1970. Yes, that was a lot of years ago, like about 48 years ago actually. We may have seen each other for a few minutes at a time over the years, both of us on the run doing something that couldn’t be held off.
Her daughters have grown up without my meeting them; she saw my daughter and grandkids at mom’s Celebration Party on the 14th. Her husband died and I divorced mine. Lorna lost her sister and I lost a brother. She lost her parents and I have now lost mine. She stayed in Burnham and I wound up in Florida for 30-plus years. Life has a way of going on.
Even when I came back to Burnham it still took us some time to get reunited and reunited we are. We take every chance we get to visit. Lately we have been able to visit on Saturday mornings, have tea and we enjoy every visit.
It is one thing when you are related but the neat thing is when you really “like” each other, even as adults.
My reason for writing this in a column, aside from honoring Lorna and our wonderful reunited friendship, is to pass on to you what we have learned.
Possibly we all have someone we were close to at one time in our lives and then for whatever reason that relationship fell by the wayside. Life can certainly get in the way as it did with us. I am not saying each one would flow as smoothly as ours has but you don’t know if you don’t try.
If you have family or friends you have lost touch with over the years, think about reuniting. It may prove to be a very touching experience. Don’t wait for that proverbial family reunion at a funeral; it may be the wrong person dying. That would be so wrong.
I am just curious if you will try reuniting. It starts with a “hello.” Contact me with questions and comments at . I love hearing from you! Don’t forget we are online too; we even have archives for past columns and such. Thanks for reading!
Zubin Mehta, New York Philharmonic with soloists. Teldec cassette.
George Gershwin
Zubin Mehta, now in his 82nd year, has achieved fame via his directorships of the Los Angeles, New York and Israel Philharmonics, Bavarian State Opera, etc., and a truckload of recordings. The above is a decently performed program of the great Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess selections, sung with feeling by Roberta Alexander and Gregg Baker; and the ever captivating American in Paris and Cuban Overture. His recordings have been a mixture of great, good, average and poor but his best ones have a very exciting, inspired and exactingly precise musicality that wears well.
Along with this album, I recommend his Beethoven Piano Concerto cycle with Ashkenazy and Brahms 1st Symphony, both with the Vienna Philharmonic; the L.A. Beethoven 7th Symphony; and Puccini Turandot and both Toscas.
7th Symphony
Francesco d’Avalos, Philharmonia Orchestra; ASV CD.
Anton Bruckner
Francesco d’Avalos
Anton Bruckner, 1824-1896, composed music as his means of worshiping and praising God – only that! The Symphonies, Masses, etc., could be lengthy but their spans of uplifting, heavenly beauty seal his deserved status of greatness.
The 7th Symphony moved the Waltz King, Johann Strauss Jr., to declare it one of the finest musical experiences of his own lifetime. The above recording of Francesco d’Avalos can be easily added to a sizable but distinguished catalog that includes Karajan, Haitink, Chailly, Ormandy Giulini and others.
starring Dick Van Dyke, Bob Newhart, etc.; 1971, two hours.
Dick Van Dyke
Bob Newhart
A comedy about what happens when a midwest village of the worst chain smokers agree to quit smoking for a month in order to win $25 million. I fell off the couch!
Palermo Community Center (Photo by Connie Bellet)
What do beer cans, water bottles, and old tires have in common? Not much, unless you are renegade architect Michael Reynolds, in which case they are the materials of choice for producing thermal mass and energy-independent housing. For over 30 years, New Mexico-based Reynolds and his “green” disciples have devoted their time and energy to advancing the art of “earthship biotecture” by building self-sufficient, off-the-grid communities where design and function converge in eco-harmony. Shot over three years in four countries, “Garbage Warrior” is a timely portrait of a determined visionary, a hero of the 21st century.
This video will be shown at the Palermo Community Center on Turner Ridge Rd. on Friday, July 27, following a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. Bring a dish to share with thoughtful and creative neighbors. There is no charge, but donations to the Community Center and Food Pantry are highly appreciated. For more information and directions, call Connie at 993-2294 or e-mail
Sweet, juicy freestone peaches from northern New Jersey will be on their way soon to the Palermo Community Center, so be sure to place your order now! Shipping costs have gone up, so this is the last time you’ll be able to get a 38 lb. box for only $37 or a half box for $23. These big, sweet, juicy beauties are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, so call Connie right away at 993-2294 to order yours, and please leave your phone number. Orders are also accepted online at . Please specify which date you want them. We now have more openings for August 10. Order deadline is Tuesday, July 31. If you can’t make that deadline, the deadline for the August 17 shipment is August 10.
Proceeds benefit the Palermo Food Pantry and the Palermo Community Center.
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club has been very busy this summer. They met on July 13, 14, and 15, for a meeting and fun weekend at the Evergreen Campground, in Solon.
The members worked on projects, record sheets and educational exhibit for Skowhegan State Fair. Bike riding, playing games, swimming, and plenty of food was enjoyed by all. Some time in the future Kate Stevens is planning to take the club rafting from Solon to the boat landing in North Anson.
On Saturday, July 21, the club catered the luncheon for the annual Solon High School Alumni.
On Tuesday, July 24, the members will be bringing in their exhibits for the Bangor Fair.
The next meeting will be on Monday. August 20. At the meeting they will be tagging their exhibits for the fair in Dover Foxcroft.
The following is from the Somerset Woods Trustees: On June 11 the voters of the town of Madison authorized the selectmen and the Madison Library Board of Directors to convey this 41-acre parcel in East Madison, known as Jacob’s Pines, to SWT. Conserving this parcel is an important step towards protecting the watershed of Wesserunsett Lake. They expect to open a trail on the land once suitable access for the public is arranged.
Received the following e-mail from Angela Stockwell at the Margaret Chase Smith Library: Dear Readers; Summer is fast passing but we’re busy, as indicated by this latest newsletter. Fake news proved to be a provocative topic for the Maine Town Meeting. Leadership Excellence Awards were presented to Naval and Military Academy recipients. The essay contest winner was presented her $1,000 first place prize. Received an e-mail from Rebecca Philpot, executive director of the New Hope Shelter, in Solon. I don’t have room for all of it, but will print the update on the shelter.
“We have been so blessed over the past 8-1/2 years that the shelter has been open. We have gone from an emergency shelter to more of a program-based shelter over the years. After the first year we formed a board of directors. We went from an all-volunteer staff to one with four part-time employees and myself in addition to a few other women who regularly give of their time to keep things operational. They are a phenomenal group of women! The group of women and their children living here care so much for one another. Most of them have a great desire to see life changes for their future through the changing power of Christ. The groups offered here at the shelter in addition to the morning devotions and afternoon Bible studies have been instrumental in helping give our women the tools needed to move forward and develop healthier relationships, good boundaries, ongoing sobriety, parenting skills and more!
“You have all had a part in the ongoing ministry of the shelter. So many of you pray for us regularly. Many churches and individuals financially give monthly. Many others regularly donate paper goods, food, and household supplies. Every one of you has had a huge part in the ministry! Thank you! Your prayers and giving have made the difference in 411 women and 102 children! This is an amazing ministry the Lord has placed here in tiny Solon, Maine.”
For more information about the above you can contact them ( or
Now for Percy’s memoir. It is one that he used back in 2006, entitled “The Gift of Hope:” Hope is a beautiful answer to many difficult questions. Hope only asks that you believe. Hope only wants you to receive. Hope is “hanging in there” until help arrives. Whenever a day doesn’t go as planned, hope is there as a comforting guide to help you understand. Hope is a quiet, personal place where you can always take shelter. Hope is the warm and welcomed knowledge that beautiful possibilities exist. Hope is all these special things, and —in simply knowing this— When it seems like hope is all you’ve got…you still have got a lot. (words by Douglas Pagels.)
Sunday August 19, communities will join together to support the family of Somerset County Sheriff’s Deputy Cpl. Eugene Cole, who was killed in the line of duty in April, to pound the pavement in a 5K or half-marathon road race. The half-marathon starts at 7:00 am with the 5K following at 8:00. Both races will start and finish at the Mill Stream Elementary School, 26 Mercer Road, Norridgewock Maine.
The course will include a few hills, country roads with shade trees, scenic views, and inspiration along the way. Every single day Law Enforcement Officers face an uphill battle as they serve to protect our communities. These hills signify that uphill battle and the realization that it’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it.
Runners, walkers, strollers, and well-behaved dogs are welcome to join the 5K race. While the half-marathon is open to runners both elite and novice.
Corporal Cole’s call number was 1312. The half marathon will be exactly 13.12 miles in respect of Corporal Coles call number. For all of those that have ever thought they wanted to run a half- marathon, this is the one! This race will be filled with encouragement and motivation throughout the course route. Every mile will be marked at 1.12 miles again incorporating Corporal Coles call number. Signs with words like, husband, son, dad, friend, 1312, will be displayed along the route to remind us of Corporal Cole and of the loved ones he still impacts. Quotes from Mrs. Cole will be incorporated throughout the course encouraging runners to dig deep and hold their heads high. Mill Stream Elementary School has been working on art projects which will be displayed along the route.
Leaving no stone unturned the best of the best have been secured for this day with Back 40 Events providing timing, chipped bibs, live announcements, and Central Maine Photography supplying race day photos with Mark Huard at
Every element of this race involves support from the community, a local artist has created four awards for the first male and female lw enforcement officer across the finish of each race. While another artist is working on additional awards with supplies donated by Staples Gun Shop. Amber Lambkee is donating organic granola, Drink Maine Milk will provide chocolate milk to all runners, Gifford’s has donated ice cream and Road ID is giving every participant a $10 gift card. RFGH and Hights are just a few of the race sponsors. Race Day T-Shirts are being designed by law enforcement officer’s at the Somerset Sheriff’s Department and can be purchased on the race registration page: White T-Shirts are $15 while Blue T-Shirts are $100.
Race Committee includes J.P. Kennedy, Theresa Howard, Everett Flannery III, Samantha Delorie, Brandy Mills-Cain, and Jessica and Zoey Gleason.
In closing and in the words of Mrs. Cole “His shoes may never be filled, but his footsteps can be followed.” We will cap this race at 1,000 participants, register now to begin following Corporal Eugene Cole’s footsteps and lead your team and community in showing support to the Cole family and L.E.O.’s long after the bagpipes stop playing. All proceeds go to the Corporal Cole Memorial Scholarship Fund. Volunteers are needed and can e-mail Jess at
Facebook: Corporal Cole Memorial 5K & Half Marathon
Group photo of the teams from Dexter, Lawrence, of Fairfield, Maine Central Institute, of Pittsfield, Messalonskee, of Oakland, Mt. Blue, of Farmington, Nokomis, of Newport, Skowhegan, Winslow and Winthrop. Photo by Cheyenne Paron, Central Maine Photography staff
On July 21, field hockey teams from Skowhegan, Messalonskee, Mt. Blue, Nokomis, Winslow, Dexter, MCI, Lawrence, and Winthrop, in Central Maine, participated in the 8th Annual Battle For Breast Cancer Tournament at Thomas College, in Waterville. Now in its eighth year, more than $163,600 has been raised since 2011 for the beneficiary, the Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center, a program of Franklin Memorial Hospital, in Farmington. Diagnostic breast imaging, biopsies, lab services, surgical consultations, and post-surgical garments are just some of the examples of how the money has been used.
“One hundred percent of the money raised is used to support those with breast cancer living in Central Maine,” said organizer Paula Doughty. “And new this year are platinum through bronze sponsorship opportunities with special recognition in the event’s program and during the opening ceremony.”
This year’s event was another huge success and all of the teams together helped raise $34,126.85, the most yet in a single year.
A breakdown of the last seven years:
2011 – $16,655
2012 – $20,858
2013 – $25,936
2014 – $18,831
2015 – $25,105
2016 – $23,666
2017 – $32,563.
Image Credit:
China selectmen spent much of their July 23 meeting discussing the Tax Increment Finance Committee’s causeway project, which consists of replacing the bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin and, as phase two, improving the boat landing and access to the lake.
Additional parking is a prerequisite for state improvements to the boat landing. Selectmen approved committee members’ plans to have a state Department of Environmental Protection staff member inspect Susan Bailey’s property to assess its suitability for parking, to ask other nearby landowners if they are interested in selling and to discuss an easement for use of part of the China Baptist Church parking area.
The Bailey property is on the market for $120,000.
In other business, new Town Manager Dennis Heath presented several proposals, none ready for immediate action.
He and transfer station employees are discussing ways to have the facility open five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, without additional expense. The Transfer Station Committee was expected to continue the discussion at its July 25 meeting.
Heath and veteran road employee Gary Cummings talked about a long-term road repaving plan, which Heath said could create an eight-year cycle. That issue he intends to discuss next with China’s Road Committee.
A third issue, on which Heath said he spent most of his first three weeks in office, was town finances. The manager had a summary of revenue and expenses beginning in fiscal year 2015 which, among other things, illustrated the difference between accounting on a cash basis, as done by the town office system, and on an accrual basis, as used by the auditors.
Heath’s preliminary conclusion is that the annual tax rate has been slightly higher than necessary to cover annual expenses, resulting in a healthy surplus.
The China website says the next China selectmen’s meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6.