I’M JUST CURIOUS: Clever uses for household items

The humble bobby pin.

by Debbie Walker

Bobby pins! I remember them. They were at one time used to make pin-curls and French Twist hairdos. These days I occasionally use them to hold a wig in place. Uses for them now:

Bobby pins

Toothpaste tube – slide a bobby pin over the tube from the bottom, squeeze and pull it up the nozzle to get every last drop (or cut the tube and scrape it out).

Clothespins – use bobby pins to clip lingerie and swimwear you want to air dry.

Broken zipper – insert bobby pin through the eye of the slider and pull.

Mark tape – clip a bobby pin over the loose end of duct or packing tape, no more struggles to find the end (or just roll tape over on itself)

Rubber bands (we called them elastics, too) I always have a supply on hand especially since I read some of these tips.

Mark your page – Being an avid reader I have used rubber bands as my bookmarks. You can also use them to mark that last page you read, drop the book or a neat freak feel the need to close an open book if you have to leave it for a snack break. No problem your rubber band is there!

Hangers – blouses notoriously slide off hangers. Maddening! Wrap a rubber band around each end of the hanger. TaDa, they stay in place. Love this one!

Car visor – Wrap several rubber bands over your visor. They can hold tickets, cash, printed directions, even a pair of sun glasses.

Messy paint cans – Wrap a rubber band around the height of a can so it is stretched tight across the center of the opening. After you insert your brush slide it against the band, excess paint will fall back into the can, not the rim of the can, less mess.

Eraser – no eraser? Wrap a rubber band around the end of your pencil; erase away graphite off the pencil lead. (I tried it, works! (I would try this with the kids in class this fall but I can imagine the other uses they would find for it!)

Shaving Cream: It’s not just for shaving anymore!

Sunburn – too much sun, looking for a little relief, try menthol shaving cream (Dollar Tree $1.)

Swim goggles – to fog proof goggles, spray on generous amount of shaving cream on the inside of lenses, let sit for a minute, wipe clean with soft cloth.

Grandkids need a bath? Make it fun! Put some shave cream in several bowls; add a few drops of food coloring. You will be the grandparent who rocks the world!

With all the traveling going on now I thought I would pass a couple of these tips on:

Pot holder = a Do-it-Yourself curling iron cover to safely pack the hot tool in a travel bag.

Empty pill bottles = travel sewing kit. Drop a threaded needle, safety pins, and/or buttons inside the bottle for emergency repairs.

I am just curious how many of these ideas help you out or if you have ideas to pass on. I am always open to new ideas. So for questions or comments, find me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading and don’t forget The Town Line is online, complete with archives of columns!

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Scottish conductor, Sir Alexander Gibson

Peter Catesby Peter Cates


by Conrad Wilson; Mainstream Publishing, 1993, 159 pages.

Conrad Wilson

This biography has a special fascination because Alex and I were good friends during the early ‘80s – Alex being the late Scottish conductor, Sir Alexander Gibson (1926-1995), whose recordings, guest appearances and 25 years as music director of both the Scottish National Orchestra and the Scottish Opera brought him international fame. It was the kind of fame justly deserved through hard work, consistently high quality results, discipline, passion for music and good will towards those he worked with. He was both a great conductor, a fine human being and a gracious friend. And he practiced humility – qualities rare among ego-driven conductors.

I saw him conduct several concerts in Houston featuring works of Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Mozart, Liszt, Brahms, Elgar, Holst, Mahler, Berlioz, Saint-Saens and Szymanowski. And lots of Sibelius. He didn’t have the clearest beat but he and the players felt it together. I felt that every performance was conducted as if it would be his last, a quality surprisingly less frequent among other certain shining stars of the firmnament.

Sir Alexander Gibson

I own many of his records and CDs, all of them at least very good. Click his name on Amazon for numerous listings, each one highly recommended.

The book recounts his various successes with so many opera productions, especially Puccini; the many concerts featuring Sibelius, the names recounted earlier, and numerous world premieres; and his gifts as both organist and pianist during his early years. He was adept in managing emergencies during actual concerts and productions. Finally, no other conductor in history matches his length of service with an opera house and orchestra at the same time!

I also remember him as a chain smoker but, by the ‘90s, he had quit.

In January 1995, he died from unexpected complications following surgery.

Habitat for Humanity ramps up community center in Palermo

Left to right: Connie Bellet, Carolle-Ann Mochernuk, Sandy Mathieson, Meg Klingelhofer. Friends and neighbors in the background: Bob Stephenson, Phil White Hawk, and Allen Webb. (Contributed photo)

Submitted by Connie Bellet

Habitat for Humanity usually helps families build homes, but in a pilot project begun last fall, Meg Klingelhofer got permission from the Waldo County Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors to try out a project that would benefit the entire community. The Palermo Community Center badly needed a new disability access ramp. Klingelhofer sent out a design engineer and an architect with disability ramp experience to design the project and prepare a materials list. This step was delayed because the Community Center was just installing a water line from their new well, very close to where the ramp was going in. Carpenter Sam Cantlin headed up the project and picked up the materials, which were paid for by a donation to the Community Center. Cantlin and several volunteers worked until winter closed in, and then finished the project on June 3rd.

By July 1, plantings and decorations were in place and the Palermo Community Center held a very festive grand opening of the access ramp, featuring a processional celebration song led by the Great ThunderChicken Drum and joined by Sandy Mathieson in her wheelchair, Meg Klingelhofer, Connie Bellet, president of the Living Communities Foundation, and special guest and donor Carolle-Ann Mochernuk. Also in the processional were the board of directors of the Living Communities Foundation, Palermo Food Pantry Volunteers, friends, and neighbors. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, guests toured the Community Garden, enjoyed snacks and cold lemonade, and relaxed in the grape arbor. “I’m so grateful to be able to come back to the Community Center,” commented Mathieson.” Now everyone with mobility issues or traveling with small children and strollers can access the Community Center with ease.

A commemorative plaque was also donated and installed by Dennis and Laura Sullivan, of Jefferson, which expressed appreciation for the donation of the ramp materials in the names of Paul Kueter and his widow, Ms. Mochernuk. The Kueters had a long and illustrious career playing four-handed piano concerts together, featuring everything from Rachmaninoff to Gershwin. Ms. Mochernuk still teaches and tours worldwide, even though she is in her early 80s.

Central Maine celebrates July 4th at Clinton festivities

Alex, left, and Wyatt Fotter pass out American flags at the July 4 parade, in Clinton, during the three-day Great American Celebration. (Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography)

China throws retirement party for town manager

Dan L’Heureux tries out his commemorative rocking chair, presented to him by Select Board Chairman MacFarland. (Photo by Eric Austin)

by Eric W. Austin

On June 30, a crowd of grateful citizens, from the town of China and surrounding areas, gathered in the portable building behind the town office to wish luck to Dan L’Heureux as he enters retirement after more than 22 years of service as China’s town manager.

Dennis Heath, China’s new town manager beginning July 1, got the festivities started, saying, “One of the things I learned in my career in the military is that it’s important to acknowledge the service that somebody gives to their state, to their community, to their country. And 22-1/2 years given of Dan’s life in service to the community of China is nothing to shake a stick at. I wanted to make sure we honored that today.”

Bob MacFarland, Chairman of the Select Board, then spoke. “I’ve known Dan for 10 years,” he said. “He’s a great person to work with; very conscientious. He’s fiscally intelligent, which has benefited all of us, and he’s been nothing but good for the town.”

Maine State Representative Tim Theriault, of China, then introduced Matt Pouliot, a state representative from Augusta who will be running for Roger Katz’s state senate seat this fall. Representative Pouliot began by saying, “A lot of the good work that’s done in the state of Maine is done by the town managers and the town select boards and the members of town committees. The best decisions are made at the local level and they require really good local leadership.”

Pouliot then presented Dan with a Certificate of Legislative Sentiment for his more than two decades of service to the town of China. Reading from the certificate, Mr. Pouliot said, “Be it known to all that we, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, join in recognizing Daniel J. L’Heureux, of Waterville, on his retirement as China town manager after 22 years of service. We extend to Mr. L’Heureux our appreciation for his public service and offer him our congratulations on his retirement. And be it ordered that this official expression of sentiment be set forthwith on behalf of the 128th legislature and the people of the State of Maine. Signed by the President of the Senate, Mike Thibodeau, and the Speaker of the House, Sara Gideon. Sponsored by Representative Tim Theriault, Senator [Scott] Cyrway, Representative Tom Longstaff, and Representative Colleen Madigan.”

Theriault then presented Dan with a ceremonial flag. Reading, he said, “This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the state capitol on June 28, in honor of Dan L’Heureux, of Waterville, on his retirement as town manager of China.” He then added, “I want you to remember us when you fly this at your home. Remember that the town of China really appreciates you.”

Retiring China Town Manager Dan L’Heureux, left, and new town manager Dennis Heath during retirement party. (Photo by Eric Austin)

Select board member, Neil Farrington, also said a few words. “I’ve had about 14 years on the board,” he said. “Dan has kept me honest, and when I get on my hifalutin dream ideas, he brings me back to reality … He’s the type of person you can go to with any idea you have, and he’ll listen to you and understand you, and sometimes reject you — but that’s a part of being in a manager’s position. He’s always been there, whether it’s professional or personal. I consider him a close friend, and we’re going to miss him here at the town office.”

Irene Belanger, a China select board member, then stepped forward to present Dan with a Spirit of America award. She said, “I am on the state board for the Spirit of America. Spirit of America honors volunteers. Although he’s had a paid position, Dan has also done a lot that’s over and above what he actually needed to do. On behalf of the Town of China, we have given you the Spirit of America award. It’s in recognition of your outstanding service spirit, and the timeless hours given for the benefit of the community. We congratulate you on the great things you have accomplished.”

Joann Austin, a South China resident who retired from the Select Board last year after more than 25 years of service, then addressed the group. “In all the years I’ve worked with him,” she said, “I’ve been astonished at, and thankful, for his ability to take stuff that comes into the town office — and it’s all different kinds of energy that comes in, some happy, some not — and he doesn’t take it personally, and he tries very hard to find a way to solve it.”

MacFarland then presented Dan with a locally made, wooden rocking chair as a memento of his time as China town manager. On the back of the chair is a plaque which reads: “Dan L’Heureux. Town manager, January 15, 1996 to June 30, 2018. In grateful appreciation for your dedicated service to the Town of China and with wishes for your lasting enjoyment of your retirement.”

Finally, Dan L’Heureux came to the front. He said, “I’m always mindful that ceremonies like this say as much about the energy within a community, and those people who are hosting it, as it does about the person they’re recognizing. So, I thank you very much. When I looked for employment in the past and decided whether I would stay for a long time, it depended on four criteria. One was that I had my family’s support, and that I did have. A second one was that I liked what I do. The vocation of a town manager is ever-expanding, ever-changing, and ever-challenging. And the third was that I hoped I would like the people that I worked with and they would like me. And the fourth was that I liked the people that I worked for, and that’s all of you. And you have been terrific to me. I’m very thankful and I think this community has tremendous fiber, and I will eternally miss … a lot of you.”

There was much laughter at this last, and someone from the crowd shouted, “Are you gonna run for mayor now?”

The speeches were followed by hors d’oeuvres prepared by the town office staff, cake, and a great deal of socializing.

Representative Matt Pouliot, of Augusta, presents Dan L’Heureux with a Certificate of Legislative Sentiment. Representative Tim Theriault, of China, stands on the right.

Dan L’Heureux’s retirement cake.

Loon warning banners available

Sheepscot Lake Association President, Gary Miller, left, and Secretary, Jean Ristaino deliver a loon caution banner to Sheepscot resident Holly Bryant for the nest in their cove. (Contributed photo)

by Carolyn Viens

Each year we celebrate the return of the loons to Sheepscot Lake.  The Sheepscot loon population has rebounded over the years and with continued protection should continue to flourish. It is important that we all be alert to our loons especially during nesting season, which is currently underway. Loons usually lay one or two eggs in late May or June, and incubation of eggs generally lasts 26-28 days. If the eggs are lost, the pair may renest, often in the same general location. Loon chicks covered in brown-black down appear on the water in late June or July.  We will be conducting the official Audubon loon count on Sheepscot Lake in late July to determine our current loon population.

As you enjoy the lake, please do not approach the nests as it will frighten the nesting parents away. Boat slowly when in the nest’s vicinity to eliminate wakes which can flood or destroy a nest and please remain quiet so as not to spook the parents and any chicks. Also, should you plan to enjoy the July 4th holiday with fireworks, please do so as far from a nest as possible. Disturbing nesting loons can cause them to abandon their nest; leaving eggs or chicks exposed to the elements and predators. These precautionary steps will help ensure our loon population continues to flourish.

Should you have a nest near you, The Sheepscot Lake Association has banners you can borrow to notify folks of a nest close by. Please contact Carolyn Viens at carolynviens@hotmail.com should you like to borrow a banner.

Winslow Police announce promotions, new appointments

Left to right, Det. Alex Jones, Captain Haley Fleming, Ofc. Matt Buck, Chief Shawn O’Leary, Sgt. Brad Hubert, Ofc. Cameron Huggins. (Photo by Heidi Stewart)

by Mark Huard

The Winslow Police Department recently announced promotions and new additions:

  • Sergeant Haley Fleming was promoted to Captain
  • Detective Brad Hubert was promoted to Patrol Sergeant
  • Officer Alex Jones has been assigned to the Criminal Investigations as a Detective
  • Officer Matthew Buck came from Clinton Police Department where he was a Reserve Police Officer. He will be attending the Maine Criminal Justice Academy this coming August for 18 weeks
  • Officer Cameron Huggins came from the Waterville Police Department where he was their School Resource Officer.

LakeSmart on China Lake now ready for inspections

LakeSmart crews at work!

Sponsored by the China Lake Association, the China LakeSmart volunteers have already started the 2018 season by visiting lakefront property owners who have requested a visit. We hope you will join our effort to protect China Lake from the effects of harmful storm water runoff. A volunteer visit lasts about one hour. In that time we will be able to provide you with ideas tailored to your property to promote a healthy lake.

The China Region Lake Alliance will assist to get the work completed with manpower provided by the Youth Conservation Corp. Project funds are available through the Kennebec Water District and the Town of China. The China LakeSmart Program is focused on educating the public about protecting China Lake and acknowledging the involvement of participants, recognizing them with a LakeSmart award. The volunteer visit is free!

To schedule your free visit, contact the China Lake Association‘s China LakeSmart team leader, Marie Michaud at ChinaLakeSmart@gmail.com or call (207) 242-0240.

It’s time to order the peaches

It’s time to order freshly-picked, tree ripened peaches once again! The Living Communities Foundation is offering large, freestone peaches from northern New Jersey that will be delivered to the Palermo Community Center on August 10th and 17th only. A 38 lb. box costs only $37.00, and a half box is $23.00. These beauties freeze and can very well–if you and your friends can resist gobbling them up! Supplies are very limited this year, so it’s best to order early.

Place your order by calling Connie at 993-2294 or e-mail her at pwhitehawk@fairpoint.net. Be sure to supply your name and phone number(s), so you can be called when the peaches arrive. Checks should be made out to LCF and mailed to: Connie Bellet, P.O. Box 151, Palermo, ME 04354. If you get together with friends and family and order four or more boxes, the price will be discounted!

Proceeds from this sale will benefit the Palermo Food Pantry and the Palermo Community Center. Your support is highly appreciated!

Obituaries, Week of July 12, 2018


CLINTON – Carleen Miller, 81, passed away Wednesday, June 27, 2018, at home. She was born December 4, 1936, in Winslow, the daughter of Herman Bragg and Pauline Prentiss Thompson. She was raised by her grandfather, Roy Prentiss until the age of ten.

She then went to live with her mom and stepfather, Edward Thompson. She attended the Winslow schools and had to terminate her education to care for her mother as a result of a car accident. She met Lee Miller in 1954. Along came six children, she always said that “she had wanted twelve, but after her first six darlings, that was enough!”

Carleen was better known for always being on the road and years ago when CB-ing was the fad, her call name was “Roadrunner.” Ma would do anything for anybody. She babysat children in the neighborhood for years. She worked at Fort Halifax Poultry in the past to make extra money in the winter for fuel and Christmas. When they closed, she went to the Wash Tub III at Elm Plaza. Later on, she worked as a Personal Care Worker at The House in Shawmut, being with her “ladies” as she called the clients. They too called her Ma. She was so loved by everyone.

In 1985, the love of her life, Lee, passed away. In 1992, she started seeing a kind neighbor she had known over the years, John Bragg. Then more family was added and more road adventures continued. She traveled to Georgia, Texas, and even went to Las Vegas. On the first day of every deer hunting season, she would get up at 2:30 a.m., to prepare a hunter’s breakfast for her sons and dear friends right up to this past November.

Carleen is survived by daughter, Brenda Blair and husband Michael, of Clinton; sons, Jeffrey and companion Laure, of China, Wayne ad wife Jill, of Winslow, and Kenneth, of China; step-children, Scott Bragg and wife Patty, of Texas, Michael Bragg and wife Sue, Kathy Hawkins, of Texas, Terri McPherson and husband Conrad, of China, and Cheryl Csengery and husband Joe, of Vassalboro; 23 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; brother, Grover Bragg, of Palermo; sister-in-law, Diane Bragg, of Oakland; many nieces, nephews and cousins; and her love of 26 years, John “Grampa John” Bragg, of Winslow.

She was predeceased by her parents, husband, Lee; two sons, Stephen and Bruce; and brother, Mavel Bragg.

A graveside service will be held Monday, July 16, 2018 at 12:00 noon at Maplewood Cemetery in Fairfield. A party will follow at the Winslow VFW at 175 Veteran Drive, Winslow.

In lieu of flowers, friends wishing may make donations in Carleen’s memory to Maine General Hospice, PO Box 828, Waterville, ME 04901.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 04976.


WINSLOW – John D. Whitman 36, of Winslow, died unexpectedly in his home on the morning of Wednesday, June 27, 2018. He was born on December 19, 1981, in Waterville.

He spent the majority of his life in Maine and Florida. He did, however, work in several other states while he was traveling as a young adult. He had friends that were like family in many of those states.

John went through a lot more as a child than any person should have to, and as a result he started out a little rough around the edges. He overcame this adversity with the help of several amazing families though, and through it all he became an amazing man. One thing that helped him stay grounded was baseball. John loved it so much and did so well in grade school and high school that he went on to play college ball. He could have gone pro with some of the greats, but he decided to stay around his home and family to pursue other options instead. Two of his proudest accomplishments were coming in fourth at the Babe Ruth World Series, in Washington, and when he pitched a one-hitter in his junior year of high school at Erskine Academy, in South China.

That love of sports never disappeared though. John could often be heard educating people about pretty much every team and every scandal in the history of sports. He was a very passionate man that stood by his convictions, but he was also compassionate; he was always willing to help out a friend in need.

He is survived by his wife Michael Whitman and step-son Robbie Conlogue, of Winslow, his adoptive parents Nancy Philbrick and Norm Cunningham, of Palermo, his father John Whitman Sr. and stepmother Marie Whitman, of Pittsfield, his sister Lisa and her husband Josh Lappierre, of Palmyra, his brother David and nephew Jet Whitman, of Pittsfield, and hundreds of friends and extended family.

He would be very disappointed if Dale and Linda Nunn, of Skowhegan, and Shirley Hall, of Palermo, weren’t listed as family as well.

John is predeceased by his sister Sarah Whitman, originally from Pittsfield, and Shirley’s husband Bruce Hall, formerly of Palermo.


WINSLOW – Dorothy Nicholas passed away at home in Winslow on Monday, July 2, 2018, following a short illness. She was born in Fairfield on March 19, 1936, the daughter of Roland and Laura (Mithee) Ronco.

She attended Lawrence High School, in Fairfield. Dorothy was employed as a housekeeper/nanny to Jeff and Kathy Corey and their children until her retirement.

She is survived by two sons, Robert N. Nicholas, of Benton, John Nicholas and former spouse Janet, of Winslow; three daughters, Laura Hayward and husband Jeff, of Fairfield, Judy Pooler and husband Edgar “Skip,” of Fairfield and Wendy Rhodes and husband Steve, of Winslow; four grandsons, Anthony Nicholas, Justin Meserve, Jordan Nicholas and Joseph Nicholas; two granddaughters, Allison Knight and husband Matheux and Jasmine Nicholas; four step-grandsons, Jeremy Trask, Justin Trask, Roger Green and wife Ashley and Dillyn Green; three great-grandchildren, Miranda Meserve, Cameron Meserve and Jude Nicholas; two step great-grandchildren, Jeremy Trask Jr. and Lillian Trask; three brothers, Lawrence Ronco, Ralph Ronco and wife Gerri, Carl Ronco and wife Roberta; her brother and sister-in law, Norman and Farolyn Nicholas; and several nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by her former husband and longtime companion, Robert A. Nicholas, and her daughter in law, Darlene Nicholas.

In lieu of flowers, friends wishing may make donations in Dorothy’s memory to Maine General Hospice, PO Box 858, Waterville, ME 04901.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 04976.


BENTON – Reginald L. Trahan, 85, passed away Tuesday, July 3, 2018, in Waterville. He was born January 25, 1933, in Waterville, the son of Alfred and Emerentienne (Dupuis) Trahan.

He was employed at Wyandotte-Worsted Woolen Mill before entering the U.S. Army in March 1953. He served as a corporal until his honorable discharge in 1955. He continued working at Wyandotte for many years as well as Carlton Woolen, then became a custodian at Colby College, retiring in 1997. Reginald enjoyed fishing with family and friends frequently as well as playing cribbage with his wife almost daily as long as he could win. He was a devoted husband and father.

Reginald is survived by his wife of 53 years, Barbara P. (Shirley) Trahan, of Benton; daughter, Jill of Biddeford; son James and wife Tammy, of Connecticut; 10 grandchildren; brothers, Norman and Don; sisters, Shirley and Rita.

Memorial donations may be made to the American Lung Association of Maine, 122 State Street, Augusta, ME 04330 or Maine General Hospice, PO Box 828, Waterville, ME 04901.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 04976.


Dewey T. Baker passed away peacefully on Saturday, June 9, 2018, following a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was born in 1946 to his mother Dorothy Baker and father Robert Baker, of Windsor.

Dewey grew up in Windsor and married his high school sweetheart, Judy.  They were married for 50 years.

Dewey was industrious as a young man, plowing snow while in high school, joining the Air National Guard, then working at the Augusta Iron Works while working in the woods, before starting Cousins Saw Mill, in Windsor, with his cousins.  He worked very diligently in the woods the better part of his life and loved every minute of it.  He woke up before the sun rose ready and eager to go to work.  His customers at the saw mill were often friends and family and he enjoyed when they stopped by the saw shop.  Dewey was a generous man, who loved to be warm by the wood stove. He was known to give away firewood as he wanted others to be warm as well. He was also very active outside of work.  He enjoyed running, playing tennis, racketball, basketball and water skiing.  He was quite a jokester having a nickname for just about everyone.

Dewey was very social, and he got pleasure from family get togethers, especially hosting the 4th of July gatherings on China Lake, which were always a great day.  You knew where Dewey was by the sound of his distinct laugh and that welcoming, infectious smile. He drove his boat and shared it, so every adult and child had the opportunity to ride, ski and tube to their hearts content.  Dewey himself looked forward to the holiday treats, especially the chocolate candy and homemade ice cream.

Dewey is survived by his wife Judy; his daughter Lisa Baker Glidden and her husband Avery Glidden and their five children; Brooke and her partner Travis Noyes, Nicole and her partner Cole Hayes, Abigail and her partner Josh Bailey, Brock and Boe; his son, Robbie Baker and his two sons; Alec and Isaac Baker.

A celebration of Dewey’s life will be scheduled for a later date.


There will be a celebration of life for GRACE BRONN, who passed away on August 23, 2017, to be held on Saturday, July 21, at 1 p.m., at Palermo Christian Church, 322 Branch Mills Road, in Palermo.