Maine Antique Tractor Club to hold festival

Photo courtesy of Maine Antique Tractor Club

The Maine Antique Tractor Club has held an Antique Tractor Festival for the past 23 years and this year the event will be on Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24 at 351 Waterville Road, Norridgewock. Gate opens at 8:00 each day. Admission is $5.

The Maine Antique Tractor Club, founded in 1994 by a handful of tractor lovers, has grown to over 500 members. As a non-profit organization, it focuses on the preservation of information, documents and artifacts relating to the invention, development and use of farm tractors and the related implements and equipment used. Its mission is to teach present and future generations about the uses of these antique tractors, implements and equipment and show them at work.

The festival will have upwards of 150 antique farm tractors collected in one area, including Farmall, Allis Chalmers, Ford, Cockshutt, John Deere, Case, Oliver, and more. Pulling demonstrations in many weight classes, antique lawn and garden tractor demonstrations and the doodlebugs, known as the “poor man’s tractor” or “homemade” tractor are scheduled.

Antique equipment demonstrations such as that of the 1940’s rock crusher, a working blacksmith, a cedar shingle mill and a Windlass, are just some of the working attractions.

Jigsaw puzzles topic at Kennebec Historical Society

Jigsaw puzzles originated in Europe in the mid-1700’s in the form of “dissected maps” to teach geography to young children. American production began around 1815 for children’s puzzles, and almost one hundred years later for puzzles that would interest adults. During the early 1930’s there was a year-long craze for jigsaw puzzles. Large and small companies, including many in Maine, worked at that time to satisfy the huge demand for hand-cut wooden puzzles.

After World War II, die-cut cardboard puzzles replaced the more expensive wooden ones. Today only a handful of companies continue to make hand-cut wooden puzzles, one example being Elms Puzzles, of Harrison. Anne Williams, the presenter, will cover the earliest puzzles and some nineteenth century examples. Her discussion of post-1900 puzzles will focus on Maine puzzle makers.

The Kennebec Historical Society’s June Presentation is co-sponsored by the Maine State Library and free to the public (donations gladly accepted). The presentation will take place on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Maine State Library located at 230 State Street in Augusta.

China causeway bridge work to create considerable disruption in the area

Potential impacts on emergency services, local residents, commuters, visitors and people attending services and programs at China Baptist Church

by Mary Grow

Among items China selectmen discussed at their May 29 meeting was the planned replacement of the causeway bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin, a project they expect will create considerable temporary disruption in the area.

The work is scheduled for late September through mid-November, TIF (Tax Increment Finance) Committee member Tom Michaud told selectmen. It will involve building a coffer dam to divert the stream flowing into China Lake, taking out the existing bridge and replacing it with a larger, higher one.

Michaud said permits still need to be obtained. Bids were scheduled to go out the week of May 29. When Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux reminded Michaud that selectmen needed to approve bid specifications, they decided that engineer Joe McLean from Wright-Pierce would email them to the manager to share with the board. Selectmen pointed out there is limited space for large trucks to maneuver near the bridge. The next day, L’Heureux emailed a list of potential impacts on emergency services, local residents, commuters, visitors and people attending services and programs at China Baptist Church. He proposed extensive notice focused on area residents, including public informational meetings, electronic signs and notices to as many affected parties as people can think of.

Board Chairman Robert MacFarland added that people with boats in China Lake needed to be notified that access to the boat landing east of the bridge is likely to be disrupted as the contractor starts stockpiling materials.

Michaud said Mark McCluskey of A. E. Hodsdon engineers is doing preliminary design work on the second phase of the project, involving sidewalks, fishing platforms and similar changes along the lake. MacFarland asked for a cost estimate for McCluskey’s work.

Another project selectmen found eligible for TIF funds is expanding broadband service in China. Peter Hussey from Hussey Communications, in Winslow, proposed a study to see how much of the shoreline of “the long skinny part” of China Lake is covered by existing towers.

Selectmen unanimously authorized spending up to $3,000 from TIF funds earmarked for preliminary work on potential TIF projects. Resident Wayne Chadwick reminded them “There’s a lot more to this town than the lake.”

In other business, selectmen appointed Carlaine Bovio as member of the Comprehensive Planning Committee.

They unanimously authorized L’Heureux to order a new forklift for the transfer station, to be paid for when the new fiscal year starts in July.

They planned to advertise for bids for a roof over the north (basement) entrance to the old town house, with MacFarland to draw up specifications, and for quotes for a an Americans with Disabilities Act compliant bathroom in the former portable classroom between the town house and town office, with L’Heureux to prepare specifications.

They postponed action on bids for equipment and materials for summer road work, waiting for samples from bidders who want to supply sand.

They also postponed further discussion of the already-much-discussed fire pond on Neck Road, because they lacked a cost estimate for new design work. Michaud said the excavated clay had been spread, at no cost to the town, and the field it had occupied was planted to corn.

According to the town website, the next selectmen’s meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 11, in the town office.

June 12 voting will be in the portable classroom, with polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All registered voters may vote on the Regional School Unit #18 budget and on the state referendum question on ranked-choice voting. Registered voters enrolled in a political party may vote in the party primary.

SOLON & BEYOND: Benefit bean supper, and Solon Elementary School honor roll

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

There will be a benefit bean supper for Robert “Bobby” Dunphy on Saturday, June 9, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Northern Star Masonic Lodge across from Carrabec High School, in North Anson.

Students from the Solon Elementary eighth grade who will be graduating soon are Tyler Ames, Gavin Atwood, Delena Cabral, Michael Crane, Charlie Golden, Courtney Grunder, Zackary Hemond, Alexis Leidy, Ciara, Myers-Sleeper, Abigail Parent, Machaon Pierce, Allison Pinkham, Cailan Priest, Paige Reichert, Desmond Robinson, Gerald Rollins, Lawrence Soucie, Brooks Sousa, Carl Ward, Braden Wheeler, Ciarrah Whittemore and Nicholas Wildes.

Christy Jablon, of Embden, has been hired to be Solon’s Town Treasurer. This position is a hired one instead of elected. The town still needs a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector. For more information you may call the Solon Selectmen at 643-2541 or 643-2812.

The Solon Fire Dept. Auxiliary is selling summer calendar raffle for 2018 calendars through the month of June. Every ticket gives you 31 chances to win, every time your name is drawn, it goes back in for a chance to be drawn again…and again. All proceeds go to benefit the Solon Volunteer Fire Department. Funds collected are used for such things as additional training, safety equipment, fire prevention education, as well as community outreach programs.

The Solon Summer Kids Program, which offers a variety of activities, including free breakfast and lunch, to be held at Solon Elementary School from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Children will travel by bus to Embden Lake for swimming lessons during the week of July 23-27.

There is a pink form that you will have to fill out marking the dates your child will be attending. Please return the form to the school or town office ASAP. Any questions? Please call Laura Layman, 643-2593 or 399-1385, There will be no cost for this program.

Celebrate in Solon on July 4 with parade, fireworks and more! They would love to have entries such as music, floats, dancers, animals, antiques, businesses, and much more. If you would like to join us, pre-register with one of the following committee members today!! Alicia – 431-1506, Elizabeth – 399 – 6185, Blin – 399-4388, Leslie – 643-2842.

Schedule of events include: 9 – 1 a.m., registration and facepainting; 11 a.m.: parade! 6 – 9 p.m., food sale and fireworks at dusk!

For more information go to or find us on Facebook @solons4thofjulyparade.

Rebecea Philpot, director of the New Hope Women’s Shelter, in Solon, spoke at the morning service of the Bingham Congregational Church on Sunday, June 3. The remarkable story of the shelter ministry touched the hearts of those in attendance and a generous donation was given to the shelter. My many thanks to the minister of that church for sharing this news.

The town of Solon has a need to fill the following volunteer positions: planning board member, appeals board member, Coolidge Library Board of Trustees, Community Recreation Department, youth sports coodinator and Community Recreation Department youth sports coaches.

Please see the municipal clerk or selectmen for more information.

And so for Percy’s memoir:

God grant me Your eyes so I will see
All the earth’s beauty surrounding me.
God, give me Your lips and I’ll express Your love for all people with gentleness.
And Lord, let my hands be tender, like Yours,
So I will be one who renews and restores.
God, grant me these things and then I’ll share Compassion and mercy, praise and prayer! ”
All these,” the Lord said, “I already impart:
They’re found when you’re living from the heart.” (words by Pat Mitchell.)

Roger Files graduates from virtual school

Roger Files

Roger Files, of Palermo, will graduate this month, with honors, from the eighth grade at the Connections Academy, a virtual school, headquartered in Portland. Roger was one of 13 students to receive an award as “Most Improved Students.” He was invited this year to participate in a pilot program named “Ten Marks,” in language arts. He will attend high school in the fall, at the same school.

Roger enjoys swimming and karate.

He is the son of Rachel Files, and the grandson of Valerie Files, all of Palermo.

Obituaries, Week of June 7, 2018


WINSLOW/SACO – Frank P. Stankevitz, 76, of Saco, formerly of Winslow, passed away Thursday, May 10, 2018. He was born in Olympia, Washington, on December 25, 1941, a son of Frank and Evelyn (Coty) Stankevitz.

Frank was a 16-year veteran of the United States Coast Guard. After leaving the Coast Guard, he worked in the construction field designing and building many buildings in the Central Maine area. He was employed by the town of Winslow for 15 years as the Codes Enforcement Officer, finally retiring in 2014. After retirement, Frank moved to Saco to be closer to his son,Nic.

He was a craftsman and his hobbies included woodworking, gardening, photography and caring for his beloved wife Norma. He was a 3rd degree Knight of Columbus, Council 12941.

Frank was a devoted Catholic, loving husband and father. Through his teachings in life, his family has created wonderful memories that they will hold close to their hearts and cherish forever.

He is survived by his wife of 36 years Norma (Couture) Stankevitz; their son Nicholas Stankevitz and wife Robyn, of Saco, son Ryan Stankevitz, of Newport; four grandchildren, Keira, Jacob, Alyssa and Zoé; three sisters, Kathy, Pam, and Linda; and two brothers, Larry and David.

To view Frank’s memorial page or leave an online condolence, please visit


OAKLAND – Gwendeth Irene Manson-Colson passed away Tuesday, May 22, 2018, following a long illness. She was born October 10, 1941, in Mapleton.

She was predeceased by her father Stanley; mother Annis Pelkey; and sister Carlene Hunter.

She is survived by her husband Rick Colson, of Oakland; son Steven Gogan and wife Terry, of Shawmut; daughter Vicki Lee, of Clearwater, Florida; sons Kip Manson and wife Carolann, of Oakland; Scott Manson and wife Sandy, of Canaan; Todd Manson and wife Lisa, of Oakland; and many grandchildren; great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Waterville Humane Society.


EAST VASSALBORO – Paul “Rocky” Morneau, 63, passed away on Sunday, May 27, 2018, in East Vassalboro, after suffering cardiac arrest. He was born on February 11, 1955, in Waterville, to Leo Paul and Evelyn Duguay Morneau.

He graduated from Water­ville High School.

As a teenager and young man, Paul worked for his father’s lumber company, Mor­neau’s Lum­ber Mill, in East Vassal­boro. He later became involved in his father’s trout farm which they both loved immensely.

Paul will be remembered for his love of horses and music. He often talked about starting a horse therapy farm for children with special needs. He also enjoyed playing guitar which he often did at family gatherings and weddings. More recently, Paul was known for his gift of visions. Because of these visions, people sought him out for his counsel and guidance. It was Paul’s intent to express what he was able to see and feel in his gifted visions to others through explaining to them their past, how it affected their spirit in the present, and how to see a different path to healing their spirit in the future. Paul realized his intent through the publishing of the website Walking in Spirit with Rocky. Paul is recognized and remembered by many in their testimonials on this website.

His family and friends will remember him as a very loving, kind and giving man.

Paul is survived by Vivian Coughlin, his sister, of Winslow; and his two nephews, Keith Coughlin, of Woodstock, Georgia and Kevin Coughlin, of Boston, Massachusetts.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, June 9, 2018, at 11 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 26 Monument Street, in Winslow. Burial will follow in Village Cemetery, Cemetery Street, Vassalboro. Please visit to share condolences, memories and tributes with his family.

In lieu of flowers, the family kindly request that a memorial donation in Paul’s name be made to either St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, or the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


ALBION – Beverly L. Fowler, 83, a longtime resident of Albion, passed away on Wednesday, May 30, 2018. Beverly was born in Unity on January 26, 1935.

As a young woman, Beverly attended school in Unity. Beverly was a loving wife and mother, was a gifted artist, and loved playing piano with her children.

Beverly was predeceased by her husband of 43 years, Stephen Fowler.

She is survived by her three children: Anthony Fowler and wife, Stacey, Terri Fowler, and Nancy LaBrecque and husband, Ronald; several grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren; and her sister, Shirley Chadwick.

An online guestbook may be signed and memories shared at


WINSLOW – Roger Sammis Titus, 92, passed away Friday, June 1, 2018, at Gray Birch Living Center, in Augusta. He was born April 25, 1926, in Huntington, New York, the son of Samuel J. and Ella E. (Green) Titus.

He graduated from Oyster Bay High School in 1944 and continued his education at Parsons’ School of Design, graduating in 1949. On February 9, 1952, he married the former Jennie Warren at the First Congregational UC Church. He was a veteran who proudly served his country in the U.S. Army from September 1944 ​until his honorable discharge​ in June 1946.

Roger and his wife Jennie owned and operated Titus Interior Decorators, in ​R​idgefield, Connecticut, from 1952 to 1954, and thenTitus Interior Decorators, in Waterville, where Roger continued working until well into his 80s. He was a member of the Waterville Community Garden Club, Ballroom Dance Club, Evening Sandwich Program (30 years), Heart of Maine Squares, ​Silver Sneakers, ​Waterville First Congregational UCC, and Masons.

Roger enjoyed making stained glass items, gardening, dancing, exercise classes, ​and actively pursued these hobbies through the age of 91. His joy of gardening and tending to indoor plants continued throughout the remaining days of his life while living and being cared for at Gray Birch.

He is survived by his son, Lauchlin Titus and wife Linda, of Vassalboro; his daughter, Elizabeth Bridges and husband Arthur, of Morrill; grandson, Miah Titus, of Orono; granddaughter, Morgan Rau and husband Tory, ​of Vassalboro; two great-granddaughters, Evelyn Titus, of Old Town/Orono and Sovie Rau, of Vassalboro; two great-grandsons, Noah Rau and Finn Rau, both of Vassalboro; sister-in-law, Pauline Titus, of Alaska.

He was predeceased by his wife, Jennie (Warren) Titus; two brothers, Durrell Titus and wife Lynn, and Gerald Titus.

A Celebration of Life will be held ​ on June 16, 2018, at 1 p.m., ​at ​the First Congregational UCC, 7 Eustis Parkway, Waterville, ME 04901.

While Roger never felt that there could be too many flowers, he would also wish that friends would make donations in his memory to the First Congregational UCC, Waterville.

Arrangements under the direction and care of Dan & Scott’s Cremation & Funeral Service, 445 Waterville Road, Skowhegan, ME 04976.


RONALD H. POULIN, 69, of West Gardiner, passed away on Saturday, May 19, 2018, at Maine Medical Center, in Portland. Locally, he is survived by daughter Molly Suttie and husband Kristian, of Fairfield; granddaughter, Elsie Suttie, of Fairfield; sisters-in-law, Dale Gordon, of Winslow, Norine Kelley and partner Gary Walker, of Albion, and Jeanne Kelley, of Belgrade.

LUC-LIN D. LAVIGNE, 79, of Augusta, passed away on Saturday, May 26, 2018, following a brief illness. Locally, she is survived by a daughter, Monique Lavigne and companion Jason, of Windsor, and a brother, Normand Lavigne and wife Claire, of Vassalboro.

JAMES A. ROWELL JR., 94, of Norridgewock, recently passed away. Locally, he is survived by two of his children, Jesse Munroe and his husband Shawn, of Vassalboro, and Jessford Rowell and fiancée Amy Pellerin, of Winslow.

Vassalboro selectmen agree to give sanitary district TIF funds

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen spent part of their May 31 meeting talking about money for the Vassalboro Sanitary District’s sewer extension to Winslow.

Three VSD board members attended the meeting to ask for money from Vassalboro’s TIF (Tax Increment Finance) fund. They wanted the entire amount on hand; after a public hearing on the request, selectmen voted unanimously to give them $91,628.92, leaving $20,000 in the TIF fund.

The TIF gets its money from taxes paid on the Summit natural gas pipeline that runs through town. Town Manager Mary Sabins said Summit pays about $100,000 a year, an amount that will gradually decrease as the pipeline depreciates.

So far selectmen have approved TIF funds for the sewer connection and for the Alewife Restoration Project.

They reminded VSD Chairman Ray Breton and Treasurer Rebecca Goodrich that TIF money has to be spent on the sewer expansion, as an economic development project, not on VSD’s day-to-day operations.

Breton and Sabins said the project also was awarded a $975,000 state Community Development Block Grant. Sabins said the grant requires two things from the town, which administers it:

• A public hearing, which selectmen scheduled for Thursday evening, June 28; and
• An advisory committee, primarily to answer questions from residents if there are any. Selectmen unanimously appointed Breton, Goodrich and their own board Chairman Lauchlin Titus.

VSD officials’ plan is to create a connection between the sewers in East and North Vassalboro and Winslow, so that Vassalboro’s sewage will go to the Waterville treatment plant and the town’s aging sand filter beds can be closed down. Total cost is estimated at more than $7 million, Breton said.

In other business, Codes Enforcement Officer Richard Dolby reported on numerous issues, especially properties that qualify as unlicensed junkyards. Most of the property-owners had at least started to clean up, some under threat of court dates, and several had made good progress, he said.

He reported on a failed septic system in a mobile home park. Selectmen unanimously approved a formal notice to the park’s owner.

They also approved Sabins’ proposed notices to a North Vassalboro resident who failed to pay back taxes to reclaim his duplex, and to his tenants, who do not need to move out but should plan to pay rent to a new owner. The property will be offered for sale, with bids due at the town office by 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 27.

Public Works Foreman Eugene Field talked with selectmen about paving, the sagging fence at the Three Mile Pond boat landing, a potentially expensive culvert replacement and chainsaws. Selectmen approved his seeking expert advice on the culvert and unanimously authorized replacing one of the chainsaws he bought after the 1998 ice storm.

The next regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, June 14.

Vassalboro tax rate raised at town meeting

Selectman Rob Browne, left, presents the 2018 Spirit of America Award to Steve Polley for his volunteer efforts for the Town Recreation Department and his involvement with the local Scouts Troop, in addition to community projects and fundraisers. The award was presented at the annual town meeting on Monday, June 4, at the Vassalboro Community School. Steve’s wife Hillary and family were present as Steve accepted the award. (Contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

At Vassalboro’s annual town meeting June 4, voters raised their tax rate by 90 cents for each $1,000 of valuation – plus a fraction of a cent more – by siding consistently with the board of selectmen and school board over the more fiscally conservative budget committee and by giving the Family Violence Project more than either the selectmen or the budgeteers recommended.

As the meeting started, Town Manager Mary Sabins said if voters accepted all budget committee recommendations, the tax increase for 2018-19 would be about 31 cents per $1,000. If they accepted all competing recommendations, they would see a 90-cent per $1,000 increase.

On the articles with differing recommendations from two boards:

  • Voters approved $445,805 for town administration, rejecting the budget committee’s recommendation to save $500 by postponing new town office software (Art. 5).
  • They took $37,500 for the capital reserve fund from taxation instead of from the town’s surplus as the budget committee recommended, agreeing with selectmen it was prudent to maintain a healthy savings balance (Art. 7).
  • They approved a public works budget totaling $485,053, allowing $3,000 more for future fuel costs than the budget committee proposed (Art. 8).
  • They rejected the budget committee’s proposal to cut $50,000 from the school budget, specifically from administration at Vassalboro Community School, although the differing recommendations did generate the school budget discussion that Budget Committee members hoped for (Art. 48). When Moderator Richard Thompson reached Art. 34, a list of 11 social service and similar agencies asking for town funds, Holly Weidner urged funding the Family Violence Project at the $4,925 requested, instead of the $2,250 recommended by the selectmen and the budget committee.

Weidner presented statistics showing that domestic violence is a growing problem in Vassalboro. Budget committee member William Browne said the recommendations on that and some of the other agencies were based on flat funding. On a vote of 52 to 34, the higher figure was approved.

Budget committee member Peggy Shaffer and retiring member Elizabeth Reuthe asked for thoughts about long-term approaches to changing school funding, before rising education costs make Vassalboro unlivable.

Shaffer pointed out that school costs are increasing faster than state aid for education, creating an ever-larger local tax burden. Most expenditures are required by law or otherwise fixed, leaving the budget committee few options. She and others also faulted administrators in the now-dissolved AOS (Alternative Organizational Structure) #92 for a confusing budget format and delays in getting figures to the budget committee.

Reuthe said that by allowing students their choice of high schools, Vassalboro offers a benefit, but an expensive one. Special education is another cost driver, she and school board member Jolene Gamage said: especially, as more babies are born to drug-addicted mothers, more youngsters will need special attention to succeed in school.

Except for the questions involving differing expenditure recommendations, voters approved the rest of the town meeting warrant with little or no discussion. For example, the proposed generator at Vassalboro Community School and the revised Building Permit Ordinance were approved without discussion.

Rick Denico Jr., Douglas Phillips and Richard Phippen were re-elected to the budget committee, Denico and Phillips for two years and Phippen for one year, to finish Eddie Scholz’s term after Scholz resigned. New budget committee members are Peter Allen, Barbara Redmond and Richard Suga. Voters also:

  • Recognized Steve Polley, winner of this year’s Spirit of America award for volunteerism;
  • Recognized Town Clerk Cathy Coyne for 20 years of service to Vassalboro;
  • Recognized retiring Vassalboro Community School Principal Dianna Gram for 24 years of service at the school; and
  • Heard short presentations from state Senate candidate John Glowa, House District 80 candidate Stephen Ball and District 80 incumbent Richard Bradstreet.

The annual town meeting continues at 8 a.m. Tuesday, June 12, in the town office meeting room, with polls open until 8 p.m. for voters to re-approve or reject the school budget approved June 4 and elect two local officials. John Melrose and Gamage are unopposed for re-election to the board of selectmen and the school board, respectively.

Two generations of small business success in central Maine

Winslow McDonald’s first general manager, Jim Sevey, left, sits in the new dining room with two generations of Ortins, from left to right, Mike and Lana, and Lorraine and Bob. Photo by Eric Austin

by Eric W. Austin

It’s hard to find anything more American than McDonald’s, or more emblematic of the American spirit than the family business. The recent remodel of the McDonald’s, in Winslow, represents both these traditions and it’s a story more than 30 years in the making.

In 1986, Bob Ortins moved his family to central Maine. After years working for the McDonald’s corporation, starting in 1971, an opportunity had opened up to buy four McDonald’s restaurants in the Pine Tree State. The move proved to be a huge success, and at their peak, the Ortins family owned nine restaurants across central Maine.

Around this same time, another small business was also starting to make a local name for itself. Although founded in 1974 by David Poulin, of Brunswick, Poulin Construction earned state-wide fame in 1984 for their classy conversion of the historic Gore House into a McDonald’s restaurant, in Freeport. This early success led to an on-going relationship with the McDonald’s corporation and eventually to a partnership with Bob Ortins, who, in the fall of 1987, hired Poulin Construction to build a new McDonald’s restaurant on the China Road, in Winslow.

In 2014, Brent Poulin bought the construction business from his father. And Bob Ortins’ son Mike, after working with his father for more than 30 years in every conceivable position, from cashier to general manager, took over full control of the business with his wife, Lana, in 2016.

Now, more than 30 years after that first building project, these two families have come back together for a renovation of the original restaurant as part of McDonald’s “Experience of the Future” initiative.

“It’s about building a better McDonald’s,” Mike tells me as we sit outside in the shade, watching workers from Poulin Construction put the finishing touches on the remodel.

The Winslow McDonald’s sports a new, “rustic” aesthetic to the new dining room.

The renovations will feature a number of cool new updates and modern conveniences. Along with a sleeker, more contemporary look to the interior, the location will now showcase high-definition, digital menu boards inside and out. The remodeled restaurant will also feature two self-service kiosks – enabling customers to order from a touchscreen menu without standing in line – and table-location technology, allowing employees to deliver food directly to a customer’s table.

McDon­ald’s has also recently implemented a new “always fresh, never frozen” policy for all their quarter-pound burgers, which owner Mike Ortins says makes them taste “even better than before.”

Another feature, which has been available for some time, is the ability to make one’s order via McDonald’s new mobile app. However, the renovations will add to this convenience by designating two parking spots on the east side of the restaurant specifically for “curbside ordering.” Park here, submit your order via the mobile app, and a few minutes later your food will be brought directly to the car!

The Ortins have succeeded because of a deep commitment to their employees and the communities in which they live. Offering tuition assistance of up to $3,000 a year, many employees start working part-time as they go to school. Jim Sevey, the first general manager of the McDonald’s location in Winslow when it was opened in 1987, is now a company supervisor and will be on hand at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 16.

Mike Ortins firmly believes in supporting the local community and has sponsored a number of fundraisers over the years, such as McPuzzle Night in support of autism awareness. He plans to continue that tradition. At the grand re-opening of the Winslow’s McDonald’s on Saturday, June 16, 20 percent of all purchases between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. will be donated, along with a check for $1,000, to the Winslow Parks and Recreation Department.

The renovations of the McDonald’s in Winslow are done, and it’s looking great.

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