Parish outing, e-waste recycling huge success

St. John Regional Catholic School

In observance of the 10th anniversary of the creation of Corpus Christi Parish, which consists of the com-munities of Fairfield, Oakland, Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow, a Family Fun Day was held on September 17, at St. John Regional Catholic School, in Winslow. Nearly 400 parishioners and friends attended the all-free outing. Also, the previous day, according to pastor Rev. Dan Baillargeon, over 35,000 pounds of e-waste was collected at Notre Dame Church, in Waterville, raising approximately $1,600 for the Catholic Charities fight against poverty in Maine.

Photo by Roland D. Hallee

Kennebec County retirees continue to support the classroom

Kennebec Retired Educators Association (KREA) will award three $150 grants to educators in Kennebec County schools. The KREAtive grants supplement expenses incurred in student-centered, interdisciplinary projects and may be expended for materials used in the classroom, speakers’ fees, project development expenses, etc.

Grant description and applications are being disseminated to every principal of all elementary, middle, and high schools. The principals are then asked to make them available to their classroom teachers.

“Even though we are not actively teaching in the classroom anymore, for many of us that is where our hearts remain long after we retire,” says Rosanna Joseph of Waterville, chairperson of the innovative KREAtive Classroom Grant Committee and retired Winslow elementary teacher.

“We just want to give back to our schools and students in as many ways as possible,” says committee member Phil Gonyar of Waterville where he served as chairperson of the high school social studies department. Having also served as superintendent of schools in Bangor, Gonyar initiated the annual grant project in 2014.

Grant applications must be submitted by email to or be postmarked by October 30 to KREAtive Grant Committee, c/o George Davis, 12 Fieldstone Drive, Waterville, ME 04901. The deadline for submitting the grant application is October 31, 2017. The winning applicants will be notified by December 1, 2017 and will receive the grant money at that time.

KREA is comprised of retired educators from 54 schools in 31 cities and towns.

Saige Knight enrolled at St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University, in Canton, New York, has welcomed Saige Knight, of Oakland, as a member of the class of 2021. Knight attended Messalonskee High School.

GARDEN WORKS: ‘Tis the season for applesauce

As the cool nights awaken to crisp, breezy days, the smell of cooking applesauce fills the kitchen. That’s what this article is about, making applesauce! Many thanks to Roberta Bailey for teaching me how a while ago. I’ll share with you all a few hints if you’d like:

There’s no fancy recipe or anything. Simply use apples that are good enough on their own. I forgo adding sugar or spices, as I’m interested in the unique flavors of the fruits — especially if these flavors are particularly suit-able for sauce. (The sauce can always be doctored up later if need be.)

When I have a large quantity of apples, I tend to be particular and choose the ones that are ripe and in good shape; these are the ones that make superior sauce.

Of course, some varieties are better than others for sauce. An old tree in my backyard makes the best single-variety for canned applesauce I’ve ever tried. No one seems to know it’s name, and I call it “Dutton Gold.” While any old apple presumably could be used- the ones that cook up creamy, with the right balance of sweetness and tartness, and a hint of spice – are guaranteed to please. If you have access to the varieties Black Oxford, Cortland, Gravenstein, Northern Spy, Roxbury Russet, Sweet 16, Tolman Sweet, Wealthy or Wolf River, then by all means, make good use of them!

Drops are fine for sauce as long as they are washed well and used up quickly – preferably the day they are gathered. Some trees have the habit of dropping apples as they ripen, others drop because they are bad. I won’t pass up a good apple because of a bruise or wormhole, but I’ll make sure to inspect carefully and trim out any bad spots, staying clear of apple mold.

The advantages of tree-picked fruits are that they’re usually better than drops cosmetically and have a much wider window of storage and processing opportunities. If you’d like to make applesauce right away, then use tree-ripened (as opposed to storage) apples. Storage varieties improve their flavor while in storage, so if you prefer, you can make good apple-sauce from these in the off sea-son. Also, instead of going through the time and energy-intensive activities of canning a large amount of sauce, you could just take out a small amount of stored apples and cook up enough applesauce for a meal or two.

Depending on what’s on hand, I’ll make either a single variety or mixed sauce. I simply scrub and rinse the apples, slice them off the cores, and place them into a saucepan. To really jazz it up you can add elderberries, aronia, or other brightly-colored berries for visual appeal. I pour in just a sufficient amount of filtered water to keep them from scorching, then cook on medium until tender enough to run through a food mill or Foley. Usually I will run the pulp through a few times to really wring it out. Then I’ll heat it up again if needed and into the jars and water bath it goes for 20 minutes. That’s it!

“Dogs being dogs” is not the answer


by Carolyn Fuhrer

Recently, I was at an event where a dog who was walking with its owner was subject to a blindsided attack by another dog. Luckily, the owner saw it coming and pulled her dog away and luckily, too, the other dog was on a leash and the owner managed to hold onto it so no physical harm occurred. But what about the feelings of the dog who was attacked? No apology was offered and the excuse was “dogs will be dogs” and “he was just snarking.”

If you own and exhibit dogs at any level or just want to walk in the park, this type of behavior and attitude by the owner is not acceptable. Since when are owners not responsible for the behavior of their dogs?

Dogs do what we allow them to do and if we are aware that our dogs have issues with certain situations we, as responsible owners, should not put them in this situation. If we must move through an area where our dog cannot handle the environment, we must find a way to manage the situation and keep our dog under control, such as a head halter, no pull harness, etc. Dogs who lunge and go after other dogs should not be afforded opportunities for this kind of behavior and certainly owners should not excuse this behavior. If your dog is reactive, realize that you have a problem and get some help. A dog in this state of mind is not a happy dog. The greatest gift you can give your dog is the ability to be calm and exhibit self control and confidence in stressful situations, and if you are going to take your dog to public situations where there are other dogs, You are responsible for your dog’s behavior. Do not make excuses – “oh, he’s a rescue.” “He was abused.” “He doesn’t like black dogs,” etc. You are responsible to help your dog negotiate difficult situations by teaching your dog what behaviors are acceptable. Lunging after other dogs is not acceptable.

We, as responsible dog owners, must start to speak out about owners who are not responsible. Each year we lose more places that dogs are allowed because of incidents of aggression or threatening behavior towards humans or other dogs.

For the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test a dog must accept petting from a friendly stranger and must exhibit polite behavior when meeting a person with another dog.

Having these skills allows you to take your dog out in public and should be part of every dog’s education.

Dogs do what we allow them to do and we want them to trust us. Our dogs should not be subjected to dogs who are allowed to lunge at them or dogs who aggressively lunge when you pass by a crate or a car at a respectable distance, just as we should not feel unsafe walking down a street. Dogs have the right to feel secure when traveling with you under control. Dogs who lunge aggressively are not acting appropriately and it is time we address these behaviors and take responsibility for our dog’s behavior.

If your dog is not ready for a stimulating environment, you need to do more work – for your dog’s sake and out of respect for your fellow dog owners.

Carolyn Fuhrer has earned over 90 AKC titles with her Golden Retrievers, including 2 Champion Tracker titles. Carolyn is the owner of North Star Dog Training School in Somerville, Maine. She has been teaching people to understand their dogs for over 25 years. You can contact her with questions, suggestions and ideas for her col-umn by e-mailing

Board unanimously approves library move

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members have unanimously approved the first steps in the South China Library’s plan to open a new building in a new location.

Jean Dempster, president of the library Board of Trustees, explained the project at the board’s Sept. 12 meeting.

The library, currently located on a very small lot on Village Street opposite the South China church, will be moved to a 4.75-acre lot on Jones Road, sharing it with the 1815 Rufus Jones birth-place, one of several China buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.

Downhill from the Jones house, Dempster said, library trustees plan to create a new driveway and parking lot; put the former portable classroom acquired from the Town of China on a cement slab; build an addition on the portable building; and move part of the existing library building to the new site. Planning board members voted unanimously to waive a public hearing. Reviewing the town’s criteria for such a project, they found the application met them all and approved it after half an hour’s review.

Dempster said water will come from the existing drilled well and an appropriate septic system will be installed so the library will finally have plumbing. The new parking lot will accommodate 16 vehicles, including two handicapped spaces. The building will have a permit from the state fire marshal and will meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

She told board members the trustees hope to do the driveway and site preparation this fall; the slab might be postponed to spring, depending on workers’ availability and weather.

In the future, she said, trustees hope to revive the Jones house as a historic site.

A second applicant on the Sept. 12 planning board agenda did not attend the meeting, so the application was not reviewed. In the absence of Chairman Jim Wilkens, board members postponed decisions on the ordinance amendments and procedural issues they have been discussing.

Codes Officer Paul Mitnik said he received an exploratory phone call about possible construction of a Dollar General store at the intersection of Route 3 and Windsor Road, near the South China Hannaford. He emphasized there is no definite proposal.

The next China Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Sept. 26.

Selectmen reduce ballot questions to three

by Mary Grow

China selectmen cut the Nov. 7 local ballot from four questions to three at their Sept. 18 meeting, postponing the proposed Local Food Safety Ordinance to the March 2018 town business meet-ing.

Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux expects the state legislature will amend the state law on which the local ordinance is to be based. He therefore recommended waiting until the state law is final so the local ordinance will conform.

In addition to local elections, China voters will decide at the polls whether to:

  • approve a statement requiring nonprofit organizations seeking town funds to provide financial statements;
  • expend up to $8,500 from sur-plus for a fire pond on Neck Road;
  • authorize selectmen to lease space on the town-owned com-munications tower behind the town office building; and
  • approve a Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 bond issue for building improvements and repairs.

Candidates for positions on the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and Budget Committee have until 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 23, to return signed nomination papers to the town office to get their names on the Nov. 7 ballot.

The selectmen’s Oct. 2 meeting will be preceded by two public hearings. The first, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the town office meeting room, will be on the three local ballot questions. The second, tentatively scheduled for 6:55 p.m. and expected to be brief, will be the annual public hearing on amendments to the General Assistance Ordinance.

RSU #18 officials will hold public hearings on the bond issue in four of the five member towns. China’s hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 23, at China Middle School.

Also likely to be on the China selectmen’s Oct. 2 agenda are a presentation from Transfer Station Committee Chairman Frank Soares on the committee’s five-year capital plan and two code enforcement issues.

In other business Sept. 18, selectmen unanimous approved the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee’s recommenda-tion to hire Wright-Pierce Engineering for preliminary work on a new causeway bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin and authorized L’Heureux to sign an agreement with the firm.

Selectman and TIF Committee member Irene Belanger said the committee authorized re-estab-lishing a temporary committee to look for a site for a China Lake public beach. Volunteers for that committee and for the China Bicentennial Committee should contact the town office.

Selectmen made two committee appointments, approving Jean Conway as secretary of the budget committee until November 2018 elections and Tom Rumpf as a member of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee. The latter group reviews applications for the revolving loan fund for town businesses set up by the TIF Committee.

Belanger announced two upcoming special waste disposal options for China residents. On Saturday, Oct. 21, Winslow holds its annual household hazardous waste disposal day at the Public Works Department on Halifax Street. Pre-registration is required through the China trans-fer station; information on acceptable waste will be avail-able there and at the town office.

On Saturday, Oct. 28, China will host Shredding on Site, from 8 a.m. to noon, at the public works garage just west of the transfer station and a drug take-back program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the transfer station.

L’Heureux reported representa-tives of The Town Line newspa-per inspected the old town house basement and found it potentially suitable for a relocated office. Selectmen and contractor Robert MacFarland discussed work still to be done to prepare the base-ment for renting.

Selectman Ronald Breton expressed his disappointment that no one from RSU #18 reported to the town on the recent water back-up that closed China Middle School for a few days, or on other school issues.

“We never hear from them,” he said of China’s RSU board representatives, Dawn Castner and Charles Clark.

After the selectmen’s meeting, board members reconvened in their capacity as assessors to act on recommendations from town assessor William Van Tuinen. The Oct. 2 meeting will probably be followed by another assessors’ meeting, as board members found they lacked information on one request for a change in valu-ation and want to hear from Van Tuinen and the property owner.

Town manager shares e-mail regarding RSU #18 bond issue

China Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux recently shared information by email with China selectmen and other interested parties on three issues: the proposed RSU (Regional School Unit) #18 bond issue to be voted on Nov. 7, China Lake water quality and post-2018 solid waste disposal.

RSU #18 Superintendent Carl Gartley sent L’Heureux a follow-up letter after he discussed the bond issue at the Aug. 21 selectmen’s meeting. The RSU is requesting approval to borrow almost $14 million for projects in Belgrade, China, Oakland and Sidney schools, including almost $4 million for a new athletic complex at Messalonskee High School, in Oakland. China schools would get about $2.46 million worth of work, the bulk at China Middle School.

At the Aug.21 meeting, not all China selectmen liked the idea of China taxpayers paying for work in other towns, nor did they approve of contributing to an athletic complex that few China students would use.

Gartley’s Sept. 14 letter says that since the RSU was formed, it has borrowed almost $1.3 million in revolving renovation funds. Of the total, almost $439,000, or more than one-third of the total, was spent in China. But under the RSU cost-sharing formula, China repaid only 19.5 percent of the loans, with the other towns picking up the rest.

China schools will receive 17.7 percent of the proposed new bond issue, a balance Gartley, who is a China resident and former China principal, called “very fair for our town.”

Cooperation and mutual support were “one of the reasons for consolidation,” Gartley said. He urged selectmen to think in terms of the RSU, not town by town.

He reminded them that after the state assigned low priority to funding the long-standing proposal to expand China Primary School and close the middle school, China residents decided to keep the middle school in repair instead of paying for a single school with town borrowing. The RSU and its predecessor, School Union #52, spent substantial sums on asbestos removal, floor and roof work, a new boiler, a new air handling system, a waterproof basement and other projects.

In Gartley’s opinion, the money already spent and proposed to be spent if voters approve on Nov. 7 is a benefit whatever happens. China Middle School will remain usable if the state does not agree to support a single school; should the state agree to help fund consolidation (an outcome not precluded by approval of the bond issue, Gartley said), the former middle school will be ready for its proposed alternative future as some kind of community center.

News about China Lake came from the minutes of a recent Kennebec Water District trustees’ meeting, at which the trustees learned that water quality in the lake has been exceptionally good this summer. July Secchi disk readings, which measure water transparency (and thus the absence of algae) were the best since 1982, the minutes said.

There were small algae blooms along parts of the shoreline, but overall, the minutes said, KWD Director of Water Quality Matt Zetterman was pleased. He hopes the improvement indicates that the work done to keep phosphorus out of the lake and the annual fall drawdown started in 2014 are beginning to have effects.

On a related matter, Town Manager L’Heureux told selectmen the planned removal of dams on Outlet Stream to allow alewives to migrate into China Lake will not affect KWD’s or Vassalboro’s ability to control the China Lake water level as required by the state. The state directive includes the fall drawdown.

L’Heureux forwarded additional good news about the Fiberight facility that is scheduled to take China’s solid waste beginning in April 2018, from Greg Lounder, head of the Municipal Review Committee overseeing the project on behalf of Maine towns.

Two recent communications from Lounder report that the site is cleared and concrete was to be poured beginning Sept. 18; funding is obtained, allowing Fiberight to start ordering the proposed building and recycling system; the entrance road, water and sewer are done; and initial steel deliveries are to start in October.

Lounder said Fiberight is “working closely” with state and town officials to make sure it stays in compliance with its permits. The company is using local contractors as much as possible, and the “vast majority” of the equipment is US-made, he said.

Obituaries, Week of September 21, 2017


AUGUSTA––Robert Theodore Greenlaw, 86, of Fairfield, passed away on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, at the Togus Springs Unit, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, in Togus. Bob was born on August 29, 1931, in Belfast, the fourth of eight children to Byron and Edith (Philbrook) Greenlaw.

He was a Korean War veteran, having enlisted in the Air Force at 17 and serving his country from 1948-1952.

Bob received his GED in the service, attended the Boston School of Art for a short time, and then worked in farm equipment sales in the family business at J. E. McCormick & Sons, in Waterville, where he honed his knowledge of backroads and farms in Central Maine until his retirement.

Bob was involved with the Masonic Order and Indian Guides, and served on the school board at the time that S.A.D.#49 was created. He had a love of learning that he passed on to his children, and he supported his first wife Ruth in building West Street School in their backyard. He loved to travel, whether by cruise ship or RV, and visited England, Nicaragua, Russia and most of the U.S. until his health declined.

Bob was predeceased by his parents, Byron and Edith; his Gram Philbrook; his brother Byron Jr; his sisters Elmore and baby Joyce; and his first wife, Ruth Wood Greenlaw.

He is survived by his daughter Evelyn Greenlaw and husband Paul Gauvreau, and sons Dana and wife Cindy, Robert T., and Steve and wife Sherrie; by his four grandchildren, Sarah (and Jesse) Bolduc, Adam (and Ariel) Greenlaw, and Jessica and Johanna Gauvreau; as well as by his three great-grandsons, Zephyr and Keelan Bolduc and Robert A. Greenlaw; his sisters Ada Curtis, Shirley Johndro, and Helen Burns; his brother Donny Greenlaw; his former second wife, Edna Boivin Greenlaw, and her extended family.

Memorial donations may be made to the VA Center at Togus to support the services that they provide to those in need who served their country.


SULTAN, WASHINGTON –Grace Etta Bronn, 93, formerly of Palermo, passed away on We d n e s d a y, August 23, in Allensburg, Washington, one day after her 93rd birth-day. She was born on August 23, 1924, and was the widow of the late Raymond Bronn I.

When Grace lived in Palermo she was an active supporter of Erskine Academy when her chil-dren were active in sports. She was also active in the Palermo Christian Church where she was the organist for Sunday morning services. She loved watching tel-evision, knitting, crocheting, and camping trips. Everything she made, such as mittens, hats, scarves, slippers, wool socks, quilts, afghans and many baby outfits she gave to family or to anyone she thought might like them.

She is survived by her daughters, Doris Dill, of Liberty, Christie Merrick, of Sultan, Washington, Flora Mae (Allan) Richardson, of Bridgton, sons Everett Bronn and wife Suzanne, of Renton, Washington, and Bertrand Bronn and wife Ruthie, of Scarborough; daughters-in-law Marie Bronn, of Chelsea, Helen Bronn, of East Vassalboro, and Miralla Bronn, of Spring, Texas; over 80 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren.

She was predeceased by daughter Erdine Fletcher, and sons Raymond Bronn II and Samuel Bronn.

Messages may be sent to Christie online at

Memorial donations may be made to the Palermo Christian Church, 322 Branch Mills Rd., Palermo, Maine 04354.


FAIRFIELD––Lloyd Beaulieu, 69, formerly of Chicopee, Massachusetts, passed away at home Wednesday, August 23, 2017, following a long battle with cancer. Lloyd was born on May 1, 1948, in Fort Kent, to Romeo Beaulieu and Albina (Bea) Myers.

He attended Chicopee Vocational School where he practiced his chosen trade in machine shop. After graduation he made aircraft parts for the U.S. Military and Space Program, working for companies including: IBM, Universal and Lucent Technologies. He went on to own his own machine shop, Lloyds Precision Inc. (LPI), in Westfield, Massachusetts, which he started with one surface grinder that he ran from his basement.

Lloyd sold his business and moved to Fairfield, in 2005 with Edith Enman. Together they built and ran Skyriders Disc Golf Course.

Lloyd enjoyed music and landscaping, continuously planting and tending to his gardens. He was in awe of the beauty and majesty of eagles. His greatest joy was his family which included his dogs. Upon entering Lloyd’s home you will see a plaque saying “Love One Another.” It could be said this was Lloyd’s creed. He treated all people with respect and kindness.

He was predeceased by his father, Romeo Beaulieu and his brother Gary Beaulieu.

He is survived by his wife, Edith Enman; his mother Albina (Bea) Myers; brothers Dell Beaulieu, Ivan Beaulieu and their families; and his extended step family.


WINSLOW––Dennis L. Castonguay, 80, of Winslow, passed away on Monday, September 4, 2017, at Lakewood Continuing Care Center, in Waterville. Dennis was born April 30, 1937, in Howland, the only child of Hillarie and Corinne (McLaughlin) Castonguay.

In 1953 the family moved to Winslow where Dennis met the former Geraldine Theriault, from Fort Kent; they celebrated 55 years of marriage and raised five children.

Dennis operated heavy equipment for many years; his employment career included, W.T. Gardner & Sons Logging Co., in Millinocket, Precision Paving, in Hamden, also for Richard Clourier. Dennis was known as Puff Wheat on the CB radio.

In his earlier years, Dennis’s biggest enjoyment was spending time and making memories with family and friends; from camping to ice fishing, and snowmobiling with his best friends, Bruce and Linda Waldron, as well as his loving family, he also had great pride in watching his children at the snowmobile races and truck pulls.

Dennis was predeceased by his wife, Geraldine Castonguay; and his parents, Hiliare and Corinne Castonguay.

He is survived by his daughters, Tina and her husband, Dave Quirion, Donna and her husband, Jimmy Michaud; sons Kevin and wife Stacy Castonguay, Darren and wife Kim Castonguay, and Darrell and wife Joyce Castonguay; nine grandchildren, Nichole, Chelsea, Miranda, Riley, Thomas, Danielle, Justin, Dan and Jonathan; and ll great-grandchildren, Sierra, Aaron, Eliot, Liam, Jonathan, Eli, Natalie, Noelle, Gunner, Bostyn, as well as a special little baby girl.

A Celebration on Life will be held on October 14, 2017, at the VFW in Waterville, from 11 a..m.–4 p.m.

Memorial donations may be made to Humane Society Waterville Area, 100 Webb Rd., Waterville ME 04901, in honor of his forever friend Baily.


ALBION––Jonathan Edward William Spaulding, 39, passed away unexpectedly following a long battle with health issues on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. He was born on July 23, 1978, in Waterville, the son of Laura Strohman (Rood), of Albion, and Edward Spaulding, of Winslow.

He attended Lawrence High School.

Jonathan enjoyed many years as a foreman and drywall installer. He loved fishing, hunting, racing, boating, motorcycling, four wheeling and snowmobiling, but most of all he loved spending time with his two children, Karleigh, 7, and Jase, 4. Family was most important to Jon. He was the type of man who was there for anyone in need, and wouldn’t hesitate to give you the shirt off his back. He will be sadly missed by many.

He was predeceased by baby Jon Spaulding Jr., of Albion; his brother Russell Gonzales, of Texas; grandfather, Earnest Rood, of Albion; grandmother, Mary F. Strohman, of Ossipee, New Hampshire; uncle Donny Bolduc, of Albion; grandmother, Jane Spaulding, of Waterville; and uncles Roy Spaulding and Timmy Spaulding, both of Waterville.

Jonathan is survived by his mother and stepfather Laura and Joe Strohman, of Albion; his father and stepmother Edward and Jody Spaulding, of Wachepregue, Virginia and Winslow; his children, Karleigh and Jase; their mother Denielle and her children, Brooke, Audri, Alexsander, Grant, Madyson; their grandchildren Harper and Jaxton; his grandmother Rosalie Rood, of Albion; his grandfather Edward Spaulding, of Waterville; his brother Eric Spaulding and companion Kelly Croom, of Waterville; his sister Virginia Spaulding, of Windham; his brother Chris Spaulding and wife Lorrie, of South Portland; and many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

An online guestbook may be signed and memories shared at

Memorial donations may be made to a trust in his children’s names, c/o Laura Strohman, P.O. Box 52, Albion ME 04910.


WINSLOW––Donald J. Pomerleau, 64, of Winslow, died Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at the Alfond Center for Health at MaineGeneral Medical Center, Augusta, following a prolonged illness. He was born in Waterville on April 6, 1953, the son of Harold J. and Adeline M. (Vigue) Pomerleau.

He was educated in local schools.

Don enjoyed camping and motorcycle rides with his partner, Pam Beane; and he was much loved by Pam’s children and grandchildren.

He was predeceased by his parents; his brother David and twin brother, Ronald.

Don is survived by his partner of 20 years, Pam Beane; his brother Joseph; sister Ann; five nephews; and several cousins.

An online guestbook may be signed and condolences expressed at


WINSLOW––William J. Annis, 76, of Winslow, passed away Sunday, September 10, 2017, following an eight month long battle with lung cancer. Bill was born on December 14, 1940, in Boston, Massachusetts.

He was married in 1960, then in the early 1970s they moved to Maine to raise their family and worked in the woolen mills. After the children were all grown they moved back to Massachusetts where Bill worked in the paper factory until his retirement. Bill worked very hard to provide for his family. After retirement they moved back to Maine to be closer to their children and grandchildren.

Bill was an avid New England Patriots fan. Everyone knew not to bother him during a game, especially when they were losing.

Bill was predeceased by his parents Robert W. Annis and Gladys Perkins Annis; a brother Robert Annis; and a son-in-law, Daniel Hood; Jane Cormier, who was like a daughter-in-law to him.

He leaves behind his wife of 57 years, Jane M. Raffaelle Annis; a soon William D. Annis and a daughter Lisa Annis Hood, all of Winslow; grandchildren Jennifer Hood and her three sons, Daniel R. Hood and his wife Cori and their two sons, all of Waterville, Dylan Hood and his son and daughter, of Madison, Derek Hood, of Richmond, David Annis and his wife Lori and their son and daughter, of Worcester, Massachusetts, Jason Annis, of Waterville, and Matthew Annis, of Shawmut; brother John Annis and his wife Linda, from Orlando Florida., Donald Annis and his wife Robin, of Waltham. Massachusetts; a sister-in-law Marie (Tita) Annis, of Corpus Christi, Texas; sisters Joyce Hawkins and her husband Bill, of Billerica, massachusetts, and Mary Jasset and her husband Richard, of Newton, Massachusetts; brother-in-law Edward Raffaelle and his wife Judy, of Bellingham, Massachusetts; and many nieces and nephews.

A celebration of life will be held at the VFW in Fairfield, Saturday, September 30, at 2 p.m.


WINDSOR––Aaron R. White-Sevigny, 25, died unexpectedly on Sunday, September 10, 2017, the result of a motorcycle accident. He was born in Augusta on August 12, 1992, a son of Roy C. T. and Jennifer Y. (White) Sevigny. Aaron attended Cony High School, in Augusta, and had been employed at White’s Auto for several years.

Aaron was a help to the community, from being a volunteer firefighter for Somerville to bringing food for the homelesss. He died doing one of those good deeds; he was riding his motorcycle with a bag of toys on his back for the less fortunate children.

Aaron was an avid sports fanatic and outdoorsman. He not only spent time playing football and disc golf with his friends, but watching the Bruins, the Red Sox, and having his own fantasy football team. As well as hunting, fishing, and dirtbiking, he also really enjoyed lots of time with his dad. They built and raced cars together.

Aaron had many friends that were like family, he was very loyal towards them. Anyone could give him a call and he would be right there to help.

He was predeceased by his paternal grandmother, Naomi R. (Welch) Sevigny and his maternal grandmother, Jean E. (McGlashing) White.

Aaron is survived by his fiancée, Heather L.(Sutter) Sevigny, of Windsor; his son, Lucas B. White-Sevigny, of Winsor; his parents, Roy C. T. and Jennifer Y. (White) Sevigny, of Windsor; his brother Ryan A. Sevigny, of Windsor; his sister Santasia B. Sevigny, of Windsor; paternal grandfather Carl W. Sevigny, of Windsor, maternal grandfather Lewis E. White, of Augusta; as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins.

Condolences, stories and photos may be shared through the funeral home website at

Those who desire may donate to help defray funeral expenses at


VASSALBORO––Paula Rosemary (Dolley) Leathers, 68, a lifelong Vassalboro resident, passed away on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, just shy of her 69th birthday. Paula was born in Waterville September 17, 1948, the second child of Mildred Gray and Frank Dolley Sr.

She graduated from Winslow High School in 1966, then continued onto nursing school and worked as a registered nurse at MaineGeneral Medical Center, at Thayer Hospital, in Waterville, for 33 years.

Paula raised two children, Bonnie and Joey, with her husband of 50 years, David. Paula loved her family, both biological and surrogate family. She loved hosting the annual family and friends’ barbecue every July for over 25 years. She had a love of books puzzles and crafting. She had endless love and generosity to give to everyone.

She was predeceased by her parents; her brothers Frank (Butch) Dolley Jr., Floyd Dolley, and Douglass Dolley.

Paula is survived by her husband David; daughter Bonnie and Fred Boucher, son Joey and Amanda Leathers; sisters Dorothy Gilley, Virginia Sandon, Franca Biforked, brother Jerry Dolley; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Memorial donations may be made to Humane Society Waterville Area, 100 Webb Rd., Waterville ME 04901.


NONA N. BURK, 86, of Winthrop, passed away on Wednesday, August 30, 2017, at MaineGeneral Medical Center, in Augusta. Locally, she is survived by a daughter Tedda Henry and husband Rick, and grandson Mitch Henry, all of Augusta.

GLORIA GAYNE, 87, of Waterville, passed away on Sunday, September 3, 2017. Locally, she is survived by sons Doug Gayne, of Augusta, and Scott Gayne and wife Terri, of Winslow; and a cousin, Faylene Holt, of Fairfield.

RICHARD J. DUPLESSIS, 93, of Augusta, passed away on Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at the Veterans Administration Medical and Regional Offices, at Togus, following a courageous battle with cancer. Locally, he is survived by sisters Rita Valliere, of Augusta, and Christine Gay and husband Harvard, of Vassalboro; grandsons, Michael Bumford, of Windsor, Scott Bumford and wife Kim, of Oakland, and Jonathan Bumfored and fiancée Jen, of Augusta.

SHIRLEY J. HILTON, 88, of Norridgewock, passed away on Friday, September 8, 2017, at her home. Locally, she is survived by her children, Tom Hilton and partner Carol Axtell, of Oakland, JHim Hilton and wife Liz, of Norridgewock, and Judy Tuttle and husband George, of Benton.


MICHAEL W. HARRINGTON, 68, of Augusta, passed away on Thursday, August 31, 2017, following a long illness. He was born on September 5, 1948, in Waterville, the son of William and Marjorie Lashus Harrington. He graduated from Waterville High School, class of 1966. Locally, he is survived by his mother, Marjorie Harrington, and a sister Kathy Cote, both of Waterville.

MOFGA to Host 41st Annual Common Ground Country Fair

On September 22, 23 & 24, the 41st annual Common Ground Country Fair will take place at the home of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) in Unity, Maine. Some 60,000 people take part in this event, which celebrates rural and sustainable living in Maine. The Fair is unique because there are no midway carnivals, fast food or games of chance. What it does offer is pure fun and entertainment in an educational context.

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“Vendors, demonstrators, entertainers and exhibitors feature traditional skills, talent, local organic food, and made-in-Maine crafts,” said Fair Director April Boucher. “Common Ground has some of the most delicious food of any fair in Maine. MOFGA places a great deal of emphasis on educating people about available alternatives for living healthfully, happily and comfortably in the Northeast.”

Each day, there are hundreds of talks, demonstrations and exhibits focusing on healthy and environmentally sound living. The Fair’s activities are spread out over 40+ acres of well-tended land adorned by beautiful perennial gardens, walkways, and orchards.

The success and continued growth of the Fair is attributable to generous donations and the tremendous loyalty of MOFGA’s remarkable volunteer community. If you’ve never had the opportunity to attend this local event, this is the year to do so. Here are just a few exciting reasons to attend the Fair:

Each day at 11 a.m. on the Common there will be a keynote address. On Friday, long-time MOFGA farmer Jill Agnew, of Willow Pond Farm in Sabattus, will deliver a talk entitled “Community” Supported Agriculture – Looking Back, Looking Forward, A 40-Year Story. She will talk about what visions lie ahead to maintain a positive impact in the community and how basic human values are supported, taught and nurtured – all in the context of agriculture, the panorama people can see, smell, experience and eat. On Saturday, Sherri Mitchell, attorney, teacher, spiritual activist, and director of the Land Peace Foundation, will speak about Standing on Indigenous Rights – the need for developing unity with indigenous rights movements, centering on our shared connection to the Earth and our interdependence with one another and the entire structure of life. And on Sunday, Jonathan Rosenthal, executive director of the New Economy Coalition, and co-founder of Equal Exchange, will discuss the interconnectedness of our many different struggles for justice. He will highlight solutions that fundamentally transform our economy, culture, and politics, while looking at the connection between local work and systemic transformation.

MOFGA’s Public Policy Committee will host an important Teach-in on Saturday at 1 p.m. on the Spotlight Stage. The Teach-in, entitled Making America Green Again: A Workshop In Resistance, will feature three environmental policy experts who will describe threats to state and federal policies, and ways to fight back. Emmie Theberge, federal project director at the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), will explain key environmental issues at the state and federal levels. Senator Shenna Bellows (D-Manchester) will speak about how to run for office at the state and federal levels. Beth Ahearn, political director at Maine Conservation Voters, will coach about how to make your voice heard – i.e., how best to contact state and federal legislators, and how to present testimony and lobby in person. Nancy Ross, former executive director of MOFGA, will moderate the Teach-in. Nancy is professor emerita of environmental policy at Unity College and adjunct faculty in political science at Southern Maine Community College. A Q&A session will follow the presentations.

Other speakers and demonstrators offer numerous informative presentations and workshops on topics such as seed saving, composting, growing grains, organic gardening, farm marketing, cooking with local and seasonal foods, medicinal and culinary herbs, working with animal fiber, raising livestock, energy efficiency, conservation, toxics and other environmental concerns, social and political initiatives, working with stone, traditional and practical Maine folk arts, Maine Native American culture, low impact forestry skills, Maine’s media sources, ecological design and building, and practices for healthy living. See the Fair’s detailed schedule of events.

One of the most beautiful fair venues is MOFGA’s Exhibition Hall — a post and beam structure designed and raised in 1998 by five Maine-based timber frame companies. The Hall showcases thousands of garden entries organically raised throughout the state. The vibrant colors and great diversity inspire fairgoers to try their hands at growing countless varieties of fruits, vegetables, grains, flowers, nuts, herbs and flowers. Eggs, honey, home-made beverages, baked goods, dried foods, and, of course, canned foods are on display. Amateur craftspeople and artists also submit wonderful items for display.

Throughout the Fair weekend, there are livestock shows, contests and demonstrations featuring draft horses and ponies, dairy cattle and oxen, donkeys and mules, goats and sheep, poultry, rabbits, llamas and alpacas, and pigs. Sheep Dog demonstrations happen three times a day.

Dozens of Maine’s entertainers will perform in the Amphitheater, on the Spotlight Stage, and as rovers around the fairgrounds.

The Fair’s festive Children’s Area is a mini-Fair unto itself. There are countless activities (all free) for kids to participate in joyfully, and there is a stage with great entertainment for families. A children’s garden parade winds around The Common twice daily. All are welcome to don garden costumes and march.

And, of course, there are countless opportunities to purchase Maine-grown produce and other beautifully crafted, Maine-made goods. Two large and brilliant farmers’ markets offer an abundance of Maine’s organic produce. The Agricultural Products and Farm & Homestead areas feature goods and services from Maine’s farming and gardening community. The Crafts tents showcase exquisite creations from Maine’s finest artists and craftspeople. The Energy & Shelter Area presents environmentally friendly materials and systems for Maine homes. The Maine Fiber Farms tent highlights beautiful crafts and practical items made from farm animal fiber. The Maine Indian Basketmakers Association area offers superb creations of basketry, jewelry and other crafts of the Wabanaki, as well as educational talks, traditional dances and music. And the Youth Enterprise Zone, which happens on Friday and Sunday, presents the skill, innovation and creativity of Maine’s young entrepreneurs. This celebration of rural living offers something for everyone, in a traditionally festive atmosphere.

“The Common Ground Country Fair blends the best of traditional with the best of modern-day living in Maine, and shows Fairgoers how they can incorporate sustainable living practices into their own daily routines,” said Boucher.

Volunteers are needed during Fair set-up (through September 21), during the Fair itself (September 22, 23 & 24), and for a focused Fair clean-up effort on October 14. Volunteers who work a 4-hour shift receive an organic cotton Fair t-shirt illustrated with this year’s artwork, a hearty meal from the Fair’s Common Kitchen, and free admission to the Fair. Online pre-registration for volunteers will run through September 19. After pre-registration, anyone wishing to volunteer should come to the fairgrounds where coordinators will assign shifts as needed. Fair organizers especially need help during the clean-up after the Fair. Clean-up volunteers wishing to receive free admission to the Fair should check in at the Volunteer Registration Tent.

The Fair goes on rain or shine. MOFGA’s Common Ground Education Center is on the Crosby Brook Road in Unity. Gates open at 9 a.m. daily.

MOFGA offers free admission to the Fair for its members. Join MOFGA online. Tickets at the gate are $15 for general admission and $10 for elders.

For more information about the Common Ground Country Fair, call 207-568-4142 or visit