LETTERS: High prescription costs affect the whole family
To the editor:
When it comes to prescription drugs, we can all agree that rising prices have become a critical issue. Some Mainers are going without their required prescriptions as they can no longer afford them. Others are cutting pills in half or going without daily necessities like decent food to keep up with the costs. It is time to help assure Maine families that they will be able to pay for necessary prescription drugs.
So why isn’t Congress fighting to do just that? The White House and Congress released their “Build Back Better” framework for a $1.75 trillion social spending bill. This bill does not including anything to address the high cost of prescription drugs.
This is the moment when Congress could include a provision to allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. But this provision isn’t in the bill!
If you are reading this letter then I hope you will pick up the phone and call Congressman Golden and tell him Mainers need lower Rx prices.
High costs like this affect the whole family. Soaring drug costs mean that some people aren’t able to stay healthy or eat properly. It shouldn’t be this way!
Let’s advocate for what’s right. It’s time for Medicare to be able to negotiate for lower drug costs so we can afford the medications we need. Congress is debating the bill framework right now. Please call today. There is no time to lose!
Paul Armstrong