LETTERS: Sad day at Country Manor
To the editor:
It is with a sad heart, tear in my eye and a lump in my throat that must let people know how heart breaking it is with the closing of what was one of the best nursing homes, or assisting living facilities around. That, of course, is Country Manor Nursing Home, in Coopers Mills. Words cannot describe the loving care given to its patients. I can attest to it as my beloved wife Diane was a patient there for the last two years. Over those years I never saw such devotion to their tasks as everybody at Country Manor. From top to bottom they made, at least for me, every day that I visited was like visiting old friends, which over the years they became. As I hugged and kissed my wife goodbye today on her journey to another facility, I am pleased to hear that some from Country Manor will be going where she is going. I could list everybody I knew but would take up too much space and want this letter to be published or at least hope so. I hope and pray as Governor Janet Mills releases that $146 million, she allocates some for nursing homes. Perhaps if she had done so earlier the labor shortages that is causing all these closings wouldn’t have happened.
I will close by reminding everybody that a medal should be given to everyone at Country Manor for all they did to keep COVID out of their facility. I’m sure God has a special spot for all you caregivers in heaven. Goodbye to you and God bless all of you.
I must add that for two years I visited my wife at Country Manor every day, and I feel like I am losing a family, also. I was 25 minutes away from Country Manor, in Coopers Mills. Now I must travel to Winthrop, which is 60 minutes away.
Frank Slason