New food pantry opens in Winslow

A new food pantry has opened at the Winslow Congregational Church, on Lithgow St. (photo courtesy of Bruce Bottiglierie)
by Dave Carew
A new food pantry, Winslow Community Cupboard, is launching operations at Winslow Congregational Church, 12 Lithgow Street, Winslow, to assist those struggling with food-insecurity during these extremely difficult times, and beyond. The new food pantry is a partnership with Good Shepherd Food Bank.
Food will be available at Winslow Community Cupboard the second and fourth Thursday of each month, from noon to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Each individual seeking assistance must register with the food pantry. To ensure proper social-distancing during pick-up, food will be distributed car-side.
“We decided to open Winslow Community Cupboard to serve families who have had ongoing food- insecurity issues, as well as those who are new to this, having recently lost a job or having been forced to stop working as a ‘non-essential business’ owner or worker,” said Anna Quattrucci, assistant operations manager of Winslow Community Cupboard.
Scott Taylor, a member of Winslow Congregational Church involved with the launch of the food pantry, said the “Cupboard” is directly linked to the mission of the church. “We serve God by serving our neighbors in Winslow. Just as we believe Jesus is with us in the midst of our struggles and difficulties, we try to be with our neighbors in theirs.”
While Winslow Community Cupboard is now being launched in an official sense, the food pantry has been less formally open at various times during the past week, as formal operations were being ramped up. During that time, the food pantry served over 130 people needing assistance. Predictably, the food pantry has received solid support from businesses and individuals in Winslow.
“We are extremely appreciative of area businesses and residents who have supported us with monetary donations, food donations, and much-needed freezers and refrigerators,” said Ms. Quattrucci.
Organizations or individuals wishing to support the new food pantry may send much-appreciated checks to Winslow Community Cupboard / 12 Lithgow Street, Winslow ME 04901 or donate online at:
For more information, please call Winslow Congregational Church at (207) 872-2544 or send email to