Gold medal winner at tourney

Syrus Washburn

Syrus Washburn, 11, of Canaan, a member of Huard’s Jiu-jitsu team, captured a gold medal at the Black Fly Kids Brazilian Jiu-jitsu tournament in Rangeley on June 26.
Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography

New Dimensions raises funds for Maine Children’s Cancer program

by Mark Huard

New Dimensions Federal Credit Union hosted their third annual car show at the Faith Evangelical Free Church at 250 Kennedy Memorial Drive on June 4. There were 20 different vehicle classes available, ranging from antiques to street rods. More than 110 people registered their vehicles at the show, surpassing more than double the participants from the first show. NDFCU staff volunteered at the event in order to sell food, merchandise, and facilitate the trophy ceremony and silent auction. With the help of local sponsors and community donations, the event raised $12,345.16. An additional $10,000 was donated by CO-OP Financial Services’ Miracle Match Program, bringing the total amount raised from the show to $22,345.16.

Members of the New Dimensions Federal Credit Union

Members of the New Dimensions Federal Credit Union, in Waterville, surround Sylvio Normandeau, front center, who recently met his lifetime goal of $500,000 raised towards Maine Children’s Cancer program.
Photo by Mark Hard, owner Central Maine Photography

All proceeds from the Cruisin’ for a Cure Car Show are donated to the Maine Children’s Cancer Program (MCCP) on behalf of local fundraising legend Sylvio Normandeau. Since the mid 1990s, Normandeau has been inspiring others with this dedication to the MCCP, all because he made a promise to his late wife that he was going to help kids in Maine with cancer. Since making that commitment to her, he has devoted years of his life to children and their families in our state in an effort to reach his personal fundraising goal of $500,000.

For several years during the summer months, Sylvio could be found at many area businesses as well as at Sam’s Club handing out hot dogs, where he would “give you a smile, a treat, and a thank you” in exchange for a small donation. He also helped facilitate and organize the annual MCCP Walk for the Waterville area for several years and continues to place spare change containers in central Maine businesses. His mantra of no donation is too small or too big has proved successful – at the close of 2015, Mr. Normandeau has raised just over $474,000 for his charity!

On July 6, New Dimensions FCU held an event at the Waterville branch to reveal the total amount raised for the MCCP. Normandeau was overjoyed when he learned that he reached his lifetime goal of $500,000.

Cottages at China Lake approved for 23 boat slips

The town of China has granted permission to Ken and Maureen Grady, owners of the Cottages at China Lake, to install 23 separate boat slips on their property on China Lake, in China.

The boat slips will be available to the owners of the condominium cottages. The docks are seasonal and will be removed for the winter after the vacation season ends.

The Gradys have spent the past two years renovating the existing cottages which were built in the 1930s and 1940s. The Cottages at China Lake and the Candlewood Inn were a favorite get-away for vacationers during that time. The cottages are all refurbished and offer modern conveniences such as dishwashers and microwave ovens, but retain their original rustic charm.

Of the 23 condominium units on the lake, 14 remain available.

The Gradys have undertaken numerous restoration projects in Maine and Massachusetts, and have brought their considerable experience and expertise to the China Lake cottages.

College programs wrap up successful year at KVCC

According to experts, within the next few years, a majority of jobs in Maine will require post-secondary education.  Yet, little more than half of the students who enroll in college end up staying long enough to earn a degree. Jobs for Maine’s Graduates (JMG) and Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) are excited about a new program aimed at trying to change that.  KVCC is one of seven colleges in Maine to offer the new JMG College Success Program; a program that provides students with the one-on-one academic and personal support needed to avoid dropping out of school.

“Having the JMG College Success Program here is great for the students”, says Karen Normandin, Vice President of KVCC. She says the school has had a TRIO program on campus since 1993, which serves students who are low-income, first-generation college students, or those with disabilities. She says, “JMG is a wonderful complement to TRIO.

What I love about these programs is that both understand the importance of connections and relationships.  This is where trust is fostered!”

JMG works with 5,500 young people, primarily middle schools and high school students, across the state, keeping them in school and providing them with the skills and guidance needed to be ready for college and careers. Two years ago, JMG leveraged its success with these students and launched the College Success Program; a comprehensive college preparation, bridging and retention program. The program serves students who were in a JMG program in middle school or high school, foster care youth, and those who dropped out of high school and eventually earned their GED.

“These students are full of potential and they need us,” says Jessica Rodrigue, JMG’s College Success Specialist at KVCC.

“One of the most important and exciting elements of the program is getting into the high school classrooms as a way to connect with students and encourage them to further their education. Once they are enrolled here at KVCC, I’m here to guide them and to offer support and encouragement every step of the way, so they can stay in school, get a degree, and go on to do the amazing things they are capable of.”

Rodrigue works closely with the school’s TRIO director, collaborating on students they have in common to make sure the students’ needs are being met, but without duplicating services.

“From freshman year in high school straight through to college graduation, JMG’s College Success Program is there for these students”, says Craig Larrabee, President  & CEO of JMG. “And, by partnering with great programs like TRIO, we are confident we can make a difference.”

China Lake Association meeting focuses on alewives, LakeSmart progress

The 2016 annual China Lake Association meeting, held on July 23, was another great meeting, attended by over 70 people.  What a fantastic turnout….

Frank Rich­ards, of Vassalboro, was the guest speaker.  Frank is a retiree who has served as the president of the Webber Pond Association

Frank Richards

Webber Pond Association president Frank Richards gives presentation on alewive restoration at China Lake Association annual meeting.

since 2001, and he has dedicated many years toward the improvement of water quality on Webber Pond.  He is a steadfast supporter of the Alewife Restoration Initiative (ARI), and has written two books: A Guide to Wilderness Canoe Fishing and An Introduction to Ice Fishing.  Frank spoke to the assembly and provided a general education on lake water quality, with specifics on Webber Pond and the introduction of alewives and improved water quality experienced by that water body.  He eloquently energized the attendees and gave encouragement about the potential positive effects of the introduction of alewives into China Lake through the Alewife Restoration Initiative (ARI).  Both Nate Gray (Maine Department of Marine Resources) and Landis Hudson (Maine Rivers) also spoke on behalf of the ARI and answered questions raised by the audience.

Marie Michaud reported on the winners of the annual poster contest; prizes were awarded.  Elaine Philbrook, the newest China Lake Association board of directors member, assisted her in the presentation of awards.

Bob O’Connor Scott Pierz

Bob O’Connor, left, was presented with a gold watch by China Lake Association President Scott Pierz for his 25 years of volunteer service to the organization.

Bob O’Connor gave his annual loon count, reporting that the loon counters observed 38 adult loons and three chicks this year.  On behalf of the association, Bob was awarded with a gold watch for over 25 years of service, involvement, and dedication as the longest-standing association member and loon count coordinator.

Maggie Shannon, Maine Lakes Society’s LakeSmart director, spoke on the benefits of LakeSmart and presented a video on the LakeSmart Program.  She also recognized and applauded our local LakeSmart program coordinator Marie Michaud for Marie’s high-energy and commitment to LakeSmart.  Marie and her LakeSmart team have had a successful summer, and she reported on specific LakeSmart awards (including Ray and Joanne Kelsey’s recent award seen in The Town Line’s edition of July 21, 2016).  For a peek at the Maine Lakes Society’s great video please go to this link:

Also, Jim Hart, president of the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA), spoke about the CRLA’s Courtesy Boat Inspection and Youth Conservation Programs operating here in China and in the region.

Thanks go to all those who contributed to the annual newsletter, including Nate Gray (Maine Department of Marine Resources), Landis Hudson (Maine Rivers), Jennifer Irving (Sebasticook Regional Land Trust), Marie Michaud and Maggie Shannon (LakeSmart), Jim Hart (China Region Lakes Alliance), Matt Zetterman (Kennebec Water District), Bob O’Connor (Loon Count Coordinator), and especially Frank Richards (Webber Pond Association).  Appreciation also goes to Tim Axelson for his financial report and to Jamie Pitney for conducting the election of directors and the association’s officers.  Special thanks to Tom Michaud for all his help along the way….

China Lake Association

Approximately 70 lake association members attended the China Lake Association annual meeting on June 23.
Photos courtesy of Scott Pierz

The China Lake Association will continue to advocate for the Alewife Restoration Initiative; promote environmental education in our school system; and seek an increase to the association’s membership through awareness and involvement of the community and our constituents.  For additional info go to our website ( and check out our Facebook by typing: China Lake Association Facebook into your favorite browser.

Finally thanks also to the board of directors, RSU #18 for the venue at the China Primary School, the Green Bean Cafe for refreshments, the town of China for its support, along with all who attended and our general membership.

Have a great summer and I hope to see you next year….

Submitted by Scott Pierz,  President China Lake Association

Dry conditions continue to plague central Maine lakes

by Roland D. Hallee

Dry conditions throughout the state have brought on low water levels in central Maine lakes.

Webber Pond, in Vassalboro, has experienced water levels twice as low as is normal for this time of year. The water remains four inches below the spillway at the dam off the Webber Pond Road, when normally, it is kept at two inches during summer months.

Similar conditions exist on China Lake, according to lake association president Scott Pierz. He deferred to Matt Zetterman, of the Kennebec Water District, which monitors water quality on China Lake and maintains the water levels based on the Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s lake level order. It is all part of KWD’s mission of improving water quality for China Lake.

Zetterman said that China Lake is experiencing a similar situation as Webber Pond.

“We started the year with a low amount of snowfall which led to a low volume of spring runoff,” he said. Continuing, Zetterman emphasized, “we had planned for it so we actually started the summer with a surplus of water in the lake.

“Fast forward to today, and we’re now an inch or so below our summer target, and without rain, the lake will continue to drop.”

Zetterman went on to point out the lake experienced a similar situation last summer and ended up six inches below the target by Labor Day.

Zetterman concluded with, “As much as rain ruins plans for the summer time, we desperately could use the rain to help build up the lake level.”

Poster contest winners announced

winners of the 2016 China Lake Association’s annual poster contest

The winners of the 2016 China Lake Association’s annual poster contest were announced at the membership meeting on July 23. They are, from left to right, Lauren Tyler, Alexis Rancourt, Reiana Gonzalez, Madison Lully, Emily Clark, Alonzo Michaud and Cameron Speck.
Photo courtesy of Scott Pierz

Bingham, Mayfield and Kingsbury become wind power sites

page6pict3by Dan Cassidy

Part Two and Conclusion

Electricity headed south

John Lamontagne, Senior Director of Communications for SunEdison, said  there are three Massachusetts utilities that have contracted to receive the energy from the project, National Grid, Unitil and Eversource.

“The approximate cost of the project is about $420 million to develop and build the project,” he said.  “There are a number of financial organizations who have financed the project.”

SunEdison conducts extensive environmental studies when citing a wind project, according to Lamontagne.  “We conducted bird and bat studies to ensure the project is not in the migration path of any bird and bat species.  We continue monitoring of the project after it is operational to ensure the impacts to wildlife are minimal.  Certainly, there are some impacts to birds and bats, but we want to be sure they are kept at an absolute minimum.”page6pict1

Turbines at the project are routinely maintained and inspected by an on-site crew.  Turbines go through quarterly reviews and annual inspections to ensure they’re kept in good working order as much as possible.  “In addition, the turbines are monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at our Renewable Energy Operations Centers in California and Boston,” Lamontagne said.

The project has seen about 300 full time jobs created since the site construction started.  “Once the project is completed, Bingham and surrounding communities will receive millions in tax revenues,” he said.  “Although the energy goes to out-of-state utilities, the county should see a windfall in terms of revenues to pay for goods and services.”

Lamontagne said that when the Mars Hill project was built in 2007, folks saw their taxes drop 25 percent, once the project went on-line.  When the project was completed in Oakfield last year, folks in that community are seeing a massive benefit in their tax bills.  “Bottom line, communities see benefits in terms of jobs and economic benefits when the project is built.”

Locals chime in

Many local residents have been keeping in touch with the wind tower project.  They have seen, towers, wind blades, of about 185 feet long and a lot of other pieces heavy equipment go by on the streets, headed to the job sites.


One of the towers on its side so electronics can be placed inside. The tower stands approximately 100 meters, (330 feet). Photos by Dan Cassidy

“We are totally impressed,” Steve Steward, first selectman of Bingham said.  “It is quite a big project.  When it’s all completed, the cost of the project will be over $400 million,” he said.

The tax savings in Bingham should be affected next year, according to Steward. There are 11 towers located in Bingham that will be about $4,000 per tower.  “The other towers are located in Mayfield, an unorganized territory and Kingsbury.”

The Town of Bingham negotiated $8,000 per tower that they would pay.  “There was no ceiling, $4,000 was the minimum they have to pay for tax relief, so we accepted $8,000, and I was happy with that.”

The construction is going smoothly, and most residents are comfortable with that.  A note of interest is that the 56 wind towers being erected are not visible from Route 201.

Stanley Redmond, a local long time resident and a wood harvesting Land Agent has seen a lot of heavy equipment go right by his door on Route 201 over the last several months.  “How great it is to see science so advanced today and to watch all the people involved in installing these wind towers and see how professional they are doing their great work,” he said.

“The operation of installing these giants is something entirely different than what we thought it would be,” he said.  “Everyone involved are in great hopes these wind towers will prove to be very helpful for many reasons and will be accepted with open arms by all.  It will be interesting to see the decrease cost of purchasing power from these giant wind towers once they start turning the blades.  The engineer and all the associates should receive our thanks for such a remarkable job.”

Example tower sights

Lamontagne compared the Oakfield Wind towers in Piscataquis County, as an example, “that town will receive $26 million in tax benefits and community benefit payments over the next 20 years. “As a result, folks in that community have seen their tax bills dramatically reduced.”

“Full-time Oakfield residents now receive tax breaks and an annual check for about $2,000 per year, a benefit that will be in place for 20 years,” he said.

Albion Neighborhood News, Week of July 21, 2016

by Mary Lee Rounds

Summer…Picnics, ants, swimming at the old swimming hole, pool, lake or ocean and seeing friends who have been in warmer weather all winter. You give them back their “in case of an emergency” key and go on with your life.

Recently, we took a cruise to Bermuda. I had four months to prepare for it, thought I was ready, then discovered the day was upon me.  Carefully throwing things into my suitcase as well as taking all the shoes  I would need, my feet hurt a lot,  I change shoes  frequently and off we went.  Standing at the ship, preparing to get on I reached for my non-existent passport.  (Being one to follow instructions, I had made a photocopy of it and left the  original in the copier. They won’t recognize a copy, so why bother?)  The very nice lady asked me if I had my birth certificate.  How many of you have your birth certificate on your person in case you forget your passport?  Unfortunately, I didn’t, and she could not let me on board the ship.  Three people were standing there looking at me, I told my husband to go as the money was already spent and I would go to my  cousins on “The Cape.” The answer was no. Then the woman said if you had been born anywhere in Massachusetts you could go over about two blocks and get your birth certificate and I can let you on.  My answer:  How about 1944 Boston???  She told me where to get the taxi, called ahead to vital statistics, let me right on when I got back and walked me through all of the security lines, saying “this is the one who forgot her passport.”  Imagine the surprise of my traveling group who I met on their way to the rooms at the elevator.  The rest of the trip was quite uneventful and enjoyable.

Mrs. Crosby’s house between the Besse Building and Post Office has been purchased by Laura and Joe Strohman. It was becoming quite the  eye sore in town. Now the lawn and field have been cut, renovations are occurring inside with as many original style wood, doors, etc., as possible.   Many other improvements have been planned. Hats off to the Strohman’s. Rumor has it there are other changes on the way to Main Street, hopefully making it a more inviting place for people to recognize it as a town they might like to reside in.

Johnny’s has turned those fields on the flat into gardens. They are a wonderful business and keeping the area very clean.  Roads are getting patched which makes for a much better ride. Even the state is hot topping the road to Belfast.

Hopefully, I have caught up from the last 2 weeks.

Have a wonderful rest of July.

Fishing derby scheduled in Belgrade

On Sunday July 17, in the Belgrade Lakes Region, bait your hook, cast your line and you might reel in not only fish, but Cash Awards as well! In this fishing derby, each class of species offers cash prizes ranging from $75-$250 per category for a total of $2500. Derby organizers are also offering $500.00 for a grand slam catch. In the children’s section, trophies will be awarded for the first three places in each category.

Lakes included in this derby include Salmon Lake, McGrath Pond, East Pond, North Pond, Great Pond, Long Pond and Messalonskee Lake. The weigh-in station will be at Memorial Hall, on Church St., in Oakland from 10 a.m. – noon and 3 – 5 p.m. Sunday, July 17. Fishing is from 5 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Proceeds from the Derby will benefit Water Quality and Invasive Species issues in our Watershed. Additionally, Friends of Messalonskee  was awarded a Maine Land Conservation Grant from the  Maine Community Foundation to also help protect Messalonskee Lake. Entry forms can be found at the Oakland, Sidney and Belgrade town offices and at various local stores. You can also visit or to register or call 207-465-8333. Derby Rules are posted on our website as well as all of our other events.