PHOTOS: Scouts at Camp Bomazeen

Tristan Morton, of Augusta, Pack #603, and his mother. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Tyler Fisher, of Oakland Cub Scout Pack #454, spent time at the archery range getting ready in case zombies attack. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

Eric Handley, Scoutmaster of Troop #401, in Sidney, was the largest lawn gnome in the world and welcomed people at the registration table for Haunted Woods. (photos courtesy of Chuck Mahaleris)

PHOTOS: Opening day for Waterville youth football

The Spirit Squad members, Joslynn Allen, left, and Ava Frost, cheer on the team at Reed Field. (photos by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

It was opening day for Waterville Youth Football on October 10.

Players take the field cheered on by some older Purple Panthers and coaches. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

From left to right, Tatum, Salvatore and Leo lead their team onto the field. (photos by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

PHOTOS: Waterville 5/6 grades football 2021

Members of the Waterville Youth Football 5/6 grades team are, front, from left to right, Zaiden Thoopsamoot, Reid Morrison, Charlie Ferris, Isaac Gilman, Mason Pelletier, Oliver LeVan and Brekin Mathieu. Second row, Blake Kenyon, Aiden Troxell, Jameson Dow, Gideon McGee, Wyatt Jones, Cameron McInnis and Evan Veilleux. Back row, coaches Jonathan Kenyon, Chad Gilman, Craig McInnis, Matt Morrison and Tom Ferris. Absent from photo Caden LaPlante, Logan Cimino and Vincent Farrand. (photo by Miss Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Members of the Waterville Youth Football spirit squad are, front row, from left to right, Laney Gilman, Ava Frost, Madelyn Morrison, Janaya George, and Rayne Vallier. Second row, Maci Peters, Ava Paradis-Bard, Peyton Grip, Naomi McGee, Joslynn Allen, Jaelynn McInnis and Ryder Perkins. Back, Coach Crystal Cullen. (photo by Miss Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, October 7, 2021

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at!

SOARING HIGH: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed this immature eagle flying high in the sky.

GUARDING THE FOOD: Pat Clark, of Palermo, captured this Baltimore Oriole standing guard at a suet feeder.

CHECKING THINGS OUT: Jayne Winters, of South China, snapped this deer in her backyard.

PHOTOS: Young gridiron warriors

Waterville Youth Football grades 1/2 members, front row, left to right, Noah Cyrus, Noella Mathieu, Mason Sheets, Jayden Bradley and Vito Isgro. Middle, Jaxon Troxell, Kayson Glidden, Ben Veilleux, Isaac Chase and Hudson Farrand. Back, Coach Dennis Troxell, Coach Nick Isgro and Coach Matt Veilleux. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

Waterville Youth Football grades 3/4 members, front row, left to right, Tatum Vaughan, Mikeeridan Sheets, Blake Masse, Peyton Ross, Sal Isgro and Connor Jones. Second row, Coach Matt Vaughan, Jace Spaulding, Tucker Thoopsamoot, Donovan Saint Martin, Leo Norris-Rossignol, Judah Young, Malahki Klaiber and Coach Devin Rossignol. Back, Coach Trafton Gilbert. Absent from photo, Jackson Farrand and Coach Jeremy Jones. (photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography)

PHOTO: Opening day of soccer season

Winslow U13 travel soccer team member Bode Carlson during opening day on August 29, in Winslow. Winslow defeated Dirigo, 8-1. (photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine Photography staff)

FISHY PHOTO: First fish a whopper!

Lincoln, right, age 3, visiting China Lake in July, from Louisiana, caught his first fish with a little help from daddy. Domenic, left, age 3, was very interested in what his brother caught! The bass was 17 inches long and weighed between 2 -3 pounds. Parents are Bernard Boudet and Katharine Simon. The twins are the great-grandchildren of the late Irma W. Simon, of South China.

PHOTO: New rankings

Huard’s Martial Arts students earned new rankings on July 17. Front row, from left to right, new yellow belts, Koen Oakes, Ryder Ross, Asher Stone, Dasan Keen and Jonah Gold. Back row, new yellow belts Jeb Keen, Kallan Oakes, Adrianna Lombardi and Anthony Lombardi, and orange belts Lukas Blais and Preston Schneider, and blue belt Lane Irish. (photo by Mark Huard)

PHOTO: New brown belts

These Huard’s Martial Arts students earned their advanced brown belt ranks on Saturday July 17. From left to right, Ethan Joseph, Dominic Joseph, Isabella Citro, Patience Goulette and Landon Nunn. (photo by Mark Huard)

Give Us Your Best Shot! for Thursday, August 5, 2021

To submit a photo for this section, please visit our contact page or email us at!

SIX-POINTER: Tina Richard, of Clinton, photographed this 6-point buck recently during one of her nature walks.


FRIGID DAY: Jayne Winters, of South China, captured this female cardinal last winter, sitting in a pine tree.

BUCK MOON: Mark Huard, of Winslow, snapped this “buck” moon at the end of July.