Albion Lions seek gifts
The Albion Lions Club is actively seeking gifts from the community in support of its 26th annual Christmas Giving Tree project. To date this year we have identified need from 19 families with 51 children. Our Christmas Giving trees with attached ornaments have been placed at the Corner Store, the Town Office, the Post Office lobby, Yeaton’s, Amulets Country Market, and the Central Maine Pharmacy, all in Albion.
Albion Lions are asking for your help make Christmas more joyous this year by selecting an ornament from a tree in one of these locations. Each ornament will provide a school age child or pre-schooler with essential items of clothing, footwear, hygiene items, or a toy.
After you take an ornament and purchase the gift, please return it with the ornament attached, to the place where you picked it up before December 18. Monetary contributions may be selected from the tree or checks may be made out to the Albion Lions and sent P.O. Box 25, Albion, ME 04910.
If you have questions or need clarifications, please call Cindy Drake at 437-2445.