Dance group chooses new officers

The Central Maine Square Dance Club of Waterville held its annual meeting on June 24. The evening started with a shortened square dance workshop and and the meeting starting around 7:45 p.m. An election of officers for the coming year took place and the following people were elected: Al Mather, of Palermo, president; Jeff Howes, of Pittsfield, vice presi-dent; Karen Cunningham, of Pittsfield, secretary; and Claude Francke and Diane Weinstein, both of Waterville, treasurers.

The fall workshops will begin for the club on September 13 and a new beginner class will start on September 20. As usual the club will allow two free lessons for beginners on the 20th and 27th.

Central Maine Square Dance Club of Waterville

The new officers of the Central Maine Square Dance Club are, from left to right, Claude Francke, Al Mather, Jeff Howes, Karen Cunningham, and Becky Potter. Contributed photo

Bridging ceremony held for scout troop

During a Bridging ceremony recently, Girl Scouts of Troop #1557, in Waterville, seven junior Girl Scouts received their bronze awards. Also, the troop welcomes three girls into the Cadette level.

Girl Scouts of Troop #1557, in Waterville

Photo by Alex Blomerth, Central Maine Photography staff