Week of September 12, 2019
Sew for a Cause group gears back up for winter sessions
In talented hands, fabric and thread can help improve lives of many individuals, both locally and in a distant continent. This is the motivation of a group called Sew for a Cause, established by Rachel Kilbride. Sew for a Cause reconvened after their short summer break to work on projects on September 5, at the St. Bridget Center, in Vassalboro. Future sewing sessions will be September 19 and October 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m… [696 words] by Jeanne Marquis
Litter pick up volunteers recognized by selectmen
The volunteers for the litter pick up effort in China, “Second Saturdays,” were officially thanked at the selectboard meeting last week, including (click to see full list)! Thanks also to the China Town Office, the China Transfer Station and The Town Line newspaper for their help and support!
Your Local News
Selectmen approve local referendum questions
CHINA — China selectmen dealt with a wide variety of issues at their Sept. 3 meeting, including approving local referendum questions for Nov. 5 voting and reviewing recommendations from town committees and organizations…
Comprehensive Planning Committee continues work on revised plan
CHINA — Three members of China’s Comprehensive Plan Committee continued work on a revised plan for 2020 at an Aug. 28 meeting, focusing on housing and historic resources…
China local ballot shows one contest, four vacancies
CHINA — China selectmen dealt with a wide variety of issues at their Sept. 3 meeting, including approving local referendum questions for Nov. 5 voting and reviewing recommendations from town committees and organizations…
Selectmen, serving as assessors, set tax rate at 16.30 mils
CHINA — China selectmen in their capacity as the town’s Board of Assessors agreed unanimously on the 2019-2020 tax rate, which is $16.30 for each $1,000 of valuation, 50 cents per $1,000 higher than the previous year’s ($15.80 per $1,000)…
Legal questions arise from revised medical marijuana application
CHINA — Three China Planning Board members spent an hour and a half Aug. 27 discussing Clifford Glinko’s revised application for a medical marijuana operation in a commercial building on Route 3 in South China…
Proper disposal of American flags
At the Sept. 3 China selectmen’s meeting, board member Irene Belanger reported that staff at the new Coastal Resources trash disposal and recycling facility were dismayed to find American flags in the trash. They retrieved them and put them on display, Belanger said…
Selectmen hear Growth Council representatives
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro selectmen hosted representatives of the Central Maine Growth Council (CMGC) at their Sept. 5 meeting to hear about potential advantages of CMGC help with town projects…
New playground opens at Vassalboro Community School
VASSALBORO — The pre-kindergarten (preK) students at Vassalboro Community School (VCS) now have their own playground sized for four-year-olds, thanks to the Southern Kennebec Regional Development Corporation’s Head Start program…
Selectmen sell two no longer used vehicles
WINDSOR — Town Manager Theresa Haskell received a Certificate of Service from the Maine Town, City and County Management Association for her 10 years of service…
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2nd annual Cpl. Cole 5k and half marathon held for charity
by Mark Huard — The 2nd annual Corporal Cole 5K and Half-Marathon took place at the Mill Stream Elementary School, in Norridgewock, on August 19, and was a huge success…
Vaping may put you at greater risk to contract the flu
by Nancy Bostrom — If you think vaping is bad for your heart and your lungs, a new study shows it can also up your chances of getting the flu, especially if you are a woman…
Grace Academy receives school supplies from BHBT
CHINA — Grace Academy Learning Center recently received a donation of school supplies to the Play And Learn (PAL) after school program from Bar Harbor Bank & Trust…
KHS September program presents story of trains
AUGUSTA — The Kennebec Historical Society September Presentation is free to the public. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, at 6:30 p.m., at the Hope Baptist Church, in Manchester…
Winslow receives $36,572 to assist fire department
WINSLOW — The Winslow Fire Department will receive $36,572 from FEMA for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG). This grant will be used for Advanced Emergency Medical Technician training…
Grantees announced for downtown Waterville’s facade work
WATERVILLE — Central Maine Growth Council (CMGC) is proud to announce the successful grantees of its Façade and Building Improvement Grant Program (FBIGP) in downtown Waterville…
Practice makes perfect
VASSALBORO — Lukas Blais, 6, of Vassalboro, trained with Nunchucks at the Huard’s Martial Arts boot camp in August (photo)…
LETTERS – Litterers: Help us out. Don’t flatten cans!
from Richard Dillenbeck (China) — The Litter-free China! volunteers would like to request help from the folks who throw aluminum beer and soda cans from their cars. Don’t go to the trouble of flattening before discarding because we turn in cans to the Transfer Station and flattened cans are apparently not redeemable…
LETTERS – Any veteran can join the Legion
from Roger J. Paradis (Gardiner) — Veterans, grab your DD214 (or equivalent), and join the American Legion! Take advantage of the abundant resources, community services and the camaraderie of our members…
Erskine Bus Schedule – Fall 2019
Erskine fall bus schedules for Chelsea, Whitefield, Jefferson and Palermo…
Students named to the University of Vermont dean’s list
Three area students were named to the dean’s list at the University of Vermont, in Burlington, Vermont. Kayla Christopher, of Oakland, Natalie Palmer, of Augusta, and Kaitlyn Sutter, of Palermo…
Nichols College student Alyssa Smith inducted into honor societies
Nichols College, in Dudley, Massachusetts, recognized Alyssa Smith, of Winslow, on April 30, 2019, with the induction into the college’s and national honor societies. The seniors graduated at the college’s May 11 commencement at the DCU Center, in Worcester, Massachusetts…
Students named to dean’s list at Bates College
The following students have been named to the dean’s list at Bates College, in Lewiston, for the winter semester ending in April 2019: Emma Foss, of Solon, and Mackenzie Winslow, of Winslow…
AUGUSTA: NATURE CLUB celebrating 100th anniversary, Wed., Sept. 25, 11:30 a.m., at Capital Area Technical Center, 40 PIerce Dr. Presenter will be Danielle D’auria of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, on the subject about the Great Blue Heron Migration… (…and many other local events!)
SOUTH CHINA — Seth R. LaBreck, 35, of South China, passed away Sunday, September 1, 2019… and remembering 9 others.
Common Ground – Round 9: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, October 4, 2019
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy Boutique in Waterville! Email your answer to townline@fairpoint.net or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer.
Previous winner: John Hall, Sidney.
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | We received a visitor at camp last week. A member of the Maine Forest Service appeared to pass on some information to us about the threat of invasive insects, and to educate us on what to look for…
by Peter Cates | One of the most gifted conductors to have emerged in the last century, William Steinberg (1899-1978), led the Pittsburgh Symphony from 1952 to 1976 , until he resigned because of heart problems…
by Debbie Walker | How many words have you made up over the years? When no other word would do when dealing with your children, did you make one up? My friend, Nana Dee (of the Wandering Nanas), has made up a word. Dee has an amazing wit plus quite the collection of southern sayings…
by Dan Beaulieu | When running your own business, no matter what size, it is important to find ways to make your business stand out. This is especially true when your business involves working at your customers’ homes…
If you do business with a national retailer or bank, chances are you’ve had your identity compromised at one time or another. These large scale cyber attacks have unfortunately become commonplace, but it’s important to know that criminals are trying just as hard to hack you as they are big corporations…
(NAPSI)—The school year can be a hectic time for the families of America’s estimated 57 million schoolkids—but it’s also a good time for parents to bring their children to the doctor to get tested for asthma…