Entries by Eric W. Austin

New community center opens in Vassalboro

by Eric W. Austin Looking at Rachel Kilbride, you wouldn’t think she’s the type to hear voices, but that’s exactly what prompted her to buy the St. Bridget Catholic Church, in Vassalboro, and turn it into a local community center. “I wasn’t planning to retire in Vassalboro,” Rachel told me. A Winslow native, she was […]

China dedicates bicentennial monument

by Eric W. Austin On June 9, Neil Farrington, chairman of the China Bicentennial Committee, along with selectmen Bob MacFarland, Irene Belanger and new town manager Dennis Heath and his wife Mary, together with a small crowd of local citizens, formally dedicated the China Bicentennial Monument to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of […]

Opiates in Central Maine: The Problem of Pain

by Eric W. Austin Her name? It’s not important. She lives right here in China and could easily be your next-door neighbor or relative. You’ve probably passed her going into the post office or exchanged neighborly smiles down at Hannaford. Maybe she goes to your church. In her early 60s, with long, graying hair pulled […]